牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Nature in the balance Integrated skills课件(共23张PPT)

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牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Nature in the balance Integrated skills课件(共23张PPT)


Book 3 Unit 1
Nature in the balance
Integrated skills
Calling for the protection of animals
Learning objectives
By the end of this section, you are expected to:
1. learn about how human activities have caused harm to animals;
2. be aware of the importance of animals and come up with ways to protect animals;
3. write an article for the school newspaper calling for everyone to protect animals.
Step1 Lead-in
What do you think of when seeing the pictures
It’s very cruel of humans to kill animals to make profits.
Human activities are causing great harm to animals.
According to the tittle, what do you think the passage will talk about
Step2 Reading
Human activities cause
increasing harm to animals
Human activities that cause increasing harm to animals
The harm that human activities do to the animals
The animals that suffering from human activities
The consequences of human activities causing increasing harm to animals
Ways to protect the animals from harmful human activities.
Step 2 Reading
Human activities cause
increasing harm to animals
Reading--figure out the structure and main idea of each paragraph
para 1
para 2
para 3
Human activities have brought many animals close to extinction.
Hunting and fishing have directly influenced the world’s animal populations.
Human activities that have indirect effects on animals can be just as harmful.
1.What are the three main reasons why people hunt animals
Reading part A--Questions
2.How do human activities have effects on animals indirectly
Step 2 Reading
1.What are the three main reasons why people hunt animals
Some people hunt animals for food; some people hunt animals for fashion; some hunt animals just for fun.
Reading part A--Questions
Hunting and fishing have directly influenced the world's animal populations.Some people hunt animals for food: whale meat is eaten in some parts of the world. Some people hunt animals for fashion: animal skin is used to make coats and bags. Still others hunt animals just for fun: deer are tracked and shot by people who enjoy the excitement of the sport.
Step 2 Reading
Human activities that have indirect effects on animals can be just as harmful. When we build farms or factories, we destroy animal habitats and leave many animals with nohere to live, or no food to eat. We can also put animals in danger without ever entering their habitats. Air,water,noise and light pollution can all have a deep and damaging influence quite far from their source. Partly due to pollution caused by ship traffic and other human activities, the dolphin population has dropped greatly. As the human population continues to grow, so does the effect we have on animals.
Reading part A--Questions
2.How do human activities have effects on animals indirectly
When farms and factories are built, human activities put animals in danger by destroying their habitats and their food sources. What’s more, the populations of some animals have dropped greatly because of the pollution caused by human activities.
Step 2 Reading
Step3 Retell the key points of the news report.
Human activities have brought many animals close to extinction.
Thesis statement:
Impacts on animals due to human activities
Due to building farms or factories, animals’ habitats or food sources are destroyed.
Air, water, noise and light pollution can all have an impact on animals.
For food
For fashion
For fun
Before watching
Read the questions in part B1 on page 9, and make some reasonable predictions about the answers.
Focus on key words
Do not try to catch every word. Instead, listen for key words and phrases. You should focus on getting the main idea, not on single words or grammar.
Step4 Watch the video
Step4 Watch the video
What happened to several whale species in the last century
2. What can protected areas ensure
3. What causes the loss of animal habitats in the Amazon rainforest
4. What will we be better able to do if we learn more about how
human activities harm the environment
Video Part B 1
Watch the video and answer the questions in part B1 on page 9.
They were hunted near to extinction.
They can ensure water and food supplies are safe.
People cutting down trees.
We will be better able to change our behaviour.
Watch the video again and complete the notes in part B2 on page 9.
They make our world more (1) ________________.
They provide (2) ____________________ for us.
They play a role in (3) ______________________ of our ecosystem.
beautiful and lively
food and medicine
maintaining the balance
Importance of animals
Video Part B 2

Watch the video again and complete the notes in part B2 on page 9.
Make hunting endangered animals (4) ________________________.
Protect (5) _________________.
Create well-planned and well managed
protected areas.
Take small actions, like (6) _______________.
Make people understand the problems faced by animals.
against the law
animal habitats
using less paper
Ways to protect animals
Video Part B 2

Today I want to talk about protecting animals. We often forget how important animals are to our world. They make our world more beautiful and lively. They provide food and medicine for us.They play a role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem. It's therefore our duty to protect animals.
The best way to protect animals is to do what many countries did with whales years ago. When several whale species were hunted near to extinction in the last century, many countries made killing whales against the law. If we make it against the law to hunt endangered animals, populations of these animals will have time to recover.
We must also try to protect animal habitats. Creating protected areas is an effective way to protect animal habitats. Well-planned and well-managed protected areas can ensure that water and food supplies are safe, and can reduce the impact of human activities.There are also things we can do to help protect animal habitats, and even a small action can make a big difference. For example, using less paper may not seem like it would save the animals in the Amazon rainforest. Yet since the loss of animal habitats is partly caused by people cutting down trees in the rainforest, to a certain degree, reducing the need for paper helps protect animal habitats from destruction.
Finally, making people understand the problems facing animals also helps. The more we learn about how human activities harm the environment, the better we'll be able to change our behaviour--before it's too late!
Video script
State the purpose of the writing
Specify the importance of protecting animals
Introduce ways to protect animals
Call for action of all people to protect animals
Review some useful expressions learned while watching the video.
1. Significance of animal protection
to make our world more beautiful and lively
to provide food and medicine for us
to play a role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem
2. Ways to protect animals
to make hunting endangered animals against the law
to protect animal habitats
to make people understand the problems faced by animals
Part C
Think further about animal protection.
Use the following questions and expressions to help you.
Why should we protect animals
How are animals harmed by human activities
What action should be taken to protect animals
Step5 Thinking
State the importance of protecting animals
Explain how human activities harm animals
Come up with ways to protect animals
Part C
Useful expressions about animal protection.
Wild animals are in danger/at risk when we ...
We can take care of/protect animals with these measures.
Protecting animal habitats is of great importance because ...
We can take measures to/make efforts to ...
We should call on people to ...
Write an article for the school newspaper calling for everyone to protect animals. Use your ideas from part C and the information in parts A and B to help you.
Step6 Writing task
Your ideas are more likely to be persuasive if you can present them in a clear and concise manner.
Write an outline for your writing
Collect more useful expressions
Planning your writing
Tips Learning about the structure
When you write an article to call for the protection of animals, you can follow the structure below:> State the importance of protecting animals.> Explain how human activities harm animals.> Come up with ways to protect animals.
Learning about the language> It is a good idea to give examples when you explain how human activities harm animals. You can use the following expressions: for example, for instance, take the example of, etc.> You can also use powerful and emotive words and phrases to make a strong impact on the reader.
Animals are very important to our world, and we must work together to protect them. Some of them bring us joy. Some provide us with food and clothes. Still others have led us to key advances in science and technology. Last but not least, animals help maintain the balance of our ecosystem. Unfortunately, many species are endangered because of us.
Human activities have done much harm to animals. Some human activities, such as hunting and fishing, directly cause populations of many animals to fall. Other human activities have an indirect impact on animals. For example, the destruction of the Amazon rainforest has led to the loss of animal habitats.
We must try to do whatever we can to protect animals. By reducing our use of wood and paper, we can save not only trees, but animals living in the forests. Likewise, we should try to reduce the amount of beef that we eat, because many trees in the Amazon are cut down to make room for cattle farming. But above all, we should spread awareness about the importance of animals and their need for protection.
Help protect animals!
Step7 Language focus
1. 人类活动对动物的危害越来越大。
2. 突然记起或想到
3. 对...有最大的影响
4. 人类的活动使许多动物濒临灭绝。
5. 灭绝
6. 对动物数量有间接影响
7. 为了好玩
8. 享受运动的刺激
9. 对动物有间接影响的人类活动也同样有害。
10. 破坏动物的栖息地
11. 这使得许多动物无处生存,或者没有食物吃
12. 我们也可以不进入动物的栖息地就把它们置于危险之中。
13. 在远离源头的地方产生了深刻的破坏性影响
14. 部分原因是
15. 随着人类人口的不断增长,我们对动物的影响也在不断增加。
1. Human activities cause increasing harm to animals.
2. spring to mind
3. have the greatest impact on
4. Human activities have brought many animals close to extinction.
5. go extinct
6. have an indirect impact / indrect effects on animal populations / impact indirectly on / indirectly influence...
7. for fun
8. enjoy the excitement of the sport
9. Human activities that have indirect effects on animals can be just as harmful.
10. destroy animal habitats
11. leave many animals with nowhere to live, or no food to eat
12. We can also put animals in danger without ever entering their habitats.
13. have a deep and damaging influence quite far from their source
14. partly due to
15. As the human population continues to grow, so does the effect we have on animals.


