牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Nature in the balance Extended reading课件 (24张ppt,内镶嵌视频素材)

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牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Nature in the balance Extended reading课件 (24张ppt,内镶嵌视频素材)


Book3Unit1 Extended Reading
News that Matters:
pollution in Norgate
Can you describe the most impressive scene from the video
Would you like to live the life described by the video in the future
chemical pollution
Have you heard of any news about pollution recently
Please share what you know with the rest of the class.
Reading: Summarize the main viewpoints of the host and three guests.
Points of view
James Smith
Vincent Brown
Julie Archer
James Smith’s point of view:
Norgate has become seriously polluted over the past 20 years.
Factories have caused water and air pollution and endangered public health.
Heavy industry should be moved out of Norgate.
Vincent Brown’s point of view:
Factory managers care deeply about the environment and the community.
Factories have taken various measures to reduce pollution, even though these measures raise their production costs.
Factories have helped Norgate’s economy and created job opportunities for local residents.
Julie Archer’s point of view:
The Norgate Environmental Protection Committee not only plays a major role in controlling pollution, but also has a duty to promote economic growth.
Different branches of government work together to ensure that development strategies can be followed in an environmentally friendly way.
Everyone should do their part to protect the environment.
Host’s point of view:
Norgate’s fast development has brought increased pollution and greatly damaged the environment.
The fortunes of our environment and our economy are inseparable.
We should build a better future and a cleaner world for our children.
Why everyone has a different point of view on the Norgate’s pollution
Because each person’s identity position represents different interests.
Reading: Find the supporting details of the views of the three guests.
Points of view Supporting details
James Smith Factories have caused water and air pollution and endangered public health. The river is dirty and smelly.
(1) ________________________
(2) ________________________
The smog in the air has
coloured the sky a smoky grey.
It’s also given him a cough that he can’t get rid of.
Points of view Supporting details
Vincent Brown Factories try to control the amount of pollution they produce. (3) ______________________
Factories have brought economic benefits to Norgate. (4) ______________________
Various measures have been taken, including the use of new technologies.
They’ve created many jobs for local residents and helped the city’s economy grow.
Points of view Supporting details
Julie Archer The Norgate Environmental Protection Committee plays a major role in controlling pollution, but also has a duty to promote economic growth.
(5) __________________________
They’ve made environmental policies for businesses to observe, like strict clean-up requirements.
They have to achieve a balance between environmental protection and economic development.
Points of view Supporting details
Julie Archer Different branches of government work together to ensure that development strategies can be followed in an environmentally friendly way. (6) __________________________
They work hand in hand with other branches of government.
Points of view Supporting details
Julie Archer Everyone should do their part to protect the environment.
(8) For example, save energy by__________________________________________________
reduce, reuse and
taking the bus or the subway, or using the bike-sharing system.
Introduce the topic Our topic today is pollution in Norgate.
Introduce the guests
Invite the guest to talk
Summarize the guest’s opinion
Please read the host’s words and explore their functions by filling the following table.
Introduce the guests:
Joining us in the studio tonight are James Smith, a local resident; Vincent Brown, senior manager of a local factory; and Julie Archer, chief of the Norgate Environmental Protection Committee.
Invite the guest to talk:
Mr Smith, you’ve lived in this city for over 20 years. How would you describe the effects of pollution over that time
Mr Brown, would you like to respond
Mrs Archer, what are your thoughts on how to deal with pollution
Summarize the guest’s opinion:
Mr Smith protested against heavy industry.
A former UN official once said, “saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth … these are one and the same fight.” The fortunes of our environment and our economy are inseparable. It’s our duty to protect the environment while we aim for economic development. It’s our duty to leave a better, cleaner and healthier planet to our children. It’s our duty to build a human community with a shared future.
How can we protect our environment in our daily life
1. Use fewer plastic products to limit ocean pollution. Resuable water bottles, food containers, and shopping bags help reduce the amount of plastic used that eventually ends up in the ocean.
2. Choose safe and sustainable food to better the environment. This might mean buying local produce from the farmer’s market, growing your own vegetables, buying responsibly caught fish, reducing your intake of red meat, and cooking at home rather than dining out.
3. Reduce energy consumption and cut carbon when you can. Simple actions include using energy efficient light bulbs, and walking or biking instead of driving a car.
4. Pass emissions testing for your car. Stay up to date with emissions tests for your car if they are required by your state. Emissions inspections make sure your car is in good shape and help reduce its carbon footprint.
The school environmental protection club wants to warn people of various pollution. As a member of the club, you want to arouse people’s environmental protection awareness by designing a poster. Please share your poster with us.
Protect the environment by everyone!
Thank You


