牛津译林版(2019)必修第三册Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Integrated skills 导学案

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牛津译林版(2019)必修第三册Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Integrated skills 导学案


1. Listen and catch key information of the talk about the school Science Festival;
2. Work out the meanings of some important expressions;
3. Make a plan for the school Science Festival.
Ⅰ. Learn about the talk about the school Science Festival and understand the features of the festival.
Ⅱ. Read the school news report about last year's Science Festival and finish the task in Part B on P51.
Ⅲ. Learn to make a plan for the school Science Festival.
文 体 常 识
一、 文体特点
活动计划类文章(a plan for an activity)是介绍相关活动安排的应用文,是高考英语应用文主要考查的形式之一。一般要求考生说明活动内容和时间、地点安排即可。具体来说,介绍活动计划类文章包括以下内容:
1. 活动的时间、地点、参加的人员及活动主题。
2. 活动主要内容及代表性的活动。一般来说,给人印象最深刻的往往是有代表性的活动,应详细介绍、突出重点。
3. 收获或感想。不同的活动给人的感受是不一样的:有的活动能够增进友谊,有的活动使人轻松愉快,有的活动令人增长见识,有的活动可以催人奋进……写出真情实感,才能感染读者。
4. 活动建议。有时候也可以对活动提出一些可行性建议,以使活动得到更好的效果或满足建议者的需求。
二、 常用句式
1. Now let me tell you what we have arranged for you.
2. The following are our preliminary arrangements for your review and comments.
3. Students from both countries will hold a discussion in the morning.
4. Classes meet four hours a day, five days a week—Monday through Friday.
5. Please feed back whether you're satisfied with this schedule, and we will make some changes if necessary.
6. If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help.
7. I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time and enjoy each other's company.
8. Due to the bad weather, the sports meeting will be put off to next week.
9. The library is now open, and you can go there and borrow the books you enjoy.
10. We'll show them around the library before the basketball match is held on the playground at 11:00 a.m.
11. You have to attend all the courses, which means you cannot just pick out those you like most.
12. And at the end of the lecture, you can ask Mr Smith for help if you have some questions about English learning.
13. We're required to meet at the school gate at 8:00 in the morning.
14. About half past eleven we'll say goodbye to each other in front of the museum.
15. First, you are not allowed to move around during the performance.
三、 常用模板
Dear________ ,
I'm delighted to tell you the details of ________ to be held by ________ next week in the ____________ building/hall.
The ________, including several themes like________ , features ________________. Not only can visitors enjoy a variety of ________, such as ________, but they can also experience ____________.
The activity is of great significance. Therefore, I sincerely invite you to participate in it.
And I bet you will have an unforgettable experience.
实 践 演 练
假定你是李华,加拿大一所学校将于今年暑假组织学生来你校访问。其间,Andy Smith将借住你家。请你代表全家写信给Andy,欢迎他的到来,并告知有关事宜。信的要点如下:
1. 上午:学校活动;
2. 下午:游览市区;
3. 晚上:看电视,玩游戏,聊天。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。
Dear Andy,
I am glad to learn that ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
谋  篇
Paragraph 1:点明主题,表明写作意图(表示欢迎)
Paragraph 2:具体安排(是什么,怎么做,为什么)
(1) 说明计划的内容(是什么)
(2) 写明具体的过程安排(怎么做)
(3) 这些安排的益处(为什么)
Paragraph 3:总结全文,期待见面
Ⅰ. 单句语法填空。
1. Unfortunately, due ________ unforeseen circumstances, this year's show has been cancelled.
2. I'm now looking forward to________ (go) back to work as soon as possible.
3. The details of the plan are still being worked ________.
4. This sample will help to catch the attention ________ your potential employer.
5. It was obvious that much of what they recorded was far ________ the truth.
6. I'm sorry I'm late; I overslept because my alarm clock didn't go________ .
7. The art festival in our school turned out________ (amaze) fun.
8. A wide range of students showed their________ (create) talent at the festival.
9. In the workshop, scientists talked about ________ life can exist on other planets.
10. The festival allowed students ________ (bring) out the best of themselves.
Ⅱ. 根据语境用适当的介词或副词填空。
1. The subject came ________ during a pre dinner drink with our guests.
2. I didn't go in for poetry seriously, but now I'm beginning to take an interest ________it.
3. The officer refused to let his men take part ________ the operation.
4. My advice to anyone who finds anything on a bus is to hand it ________ to the police.
5. They listened to the story ________ great interest.
6. There is always something you can do to get a taste ________ what a future profession is like.
7. Are there any creatures living ________ outer space
8. What will the cities of the future look________
9. He'll give a lecture ________ the use of solar energy.
10. We should be active ________ public activities.
Ⅲ. 从方框中选择恰当的短语填空。
with a bang; show off; go off; look like; come up; be active in
1. A few minutes later the bomb________ , destroying the vehicle.
2. My living room ________ a bedroom.
3. They have a tendency to________ , dramatizing(夸大) almost everything.
4. The school year started off ________ when I was named class president.
5. As a young man, he ________ politics in his spare time.
6. I was delayed—something ________ at home.
Ⅳ. 完成句子。
1. 随着水从窗子漫进来,灯全部熄灭了。
As the water came in from the windows, all the lights __________________________.
2. 实际上他很喜欢自己的新发型,决定要炫耀一番。
He actually enjoys his new hairstyle and has decided to __________________________.
3. 受伤的工人现在正在医院接受良好的照料。
The workers are now ______________________________________ in the hospital.
4. 昨晚应邀参加你宴会的那些所谓的客人是谁呀?
Who were the so called guests ____________________________________ last night
5. 他昨天直到早上8:00才来。
____________________________ 8:00 a.m. yesterday that he came.
Ⅰ. 单句语境填词,注意词的词性和词形。
1. There are four________ (突出的) candidates.
2. He remained the most popular________ (政治家) in France.
3. It was an ________ (事件) that would transform my life.
4. The chairman of the company presented the________ (年度的) report.
5. She develops the ________ (主题) more fully in her later books.
6. They ________ (装饰) the room with flowers and balloons.
7. Birmingham is hosting this year's trade ________ (商品展销会).
8. Her life had always run ________ (平稳地) before.
Ⅱ. 阅读理解。
(2022深圳高一下期末)Knowing how to read, write and talk in one language is enough for many people. They prefer to focus their energy on other things that improve their lives. Scientists, however, continue to confirm that bilingualism, the ability to speak two languages fluently, has more benefits than many realize.
First, it's good for a child's brain. Learning a second language improves their academic achievements. Many studies have shown that children who learn a foreign language get better grades at school. Bilingual children also display a better facility in their native language. Their grammar, vocabulary and spelling skills are stronger than those of single language speakers. Children who learn a second language become expert problem solvers and creative thinkers. That's because their brains are constantly working to sort out which language to speak and when. Studies further show that bilingual teens are better at multitasking.
Multilingual parents understand the benefits of learning more than one language. Ben Mazor of Montreal speaks English, French and Hebrew. He says, “Kids' brains are like a sponge(海绵). They absorb everything. It comes to them so easily while they're young. So why not give them the chance to learn another language?”
A number of studies show that bilingualism is valuable to the brain later in life. Scottish researchers did a study using data from 835 native English speakers, who took an IQ test at the age of 11. They were tested again in their 70s. Researchers then compared the tests. Those who spoke two or more languages had obviously better cognitive(认知的) abilities. Dr. Thomas Baka, co author of the study, concluded, “Our results suggest a protective effect of bilingualism against age related cognitive decline.”
So, who would refuse the benefits of learning a second language
(  ) 1. What does the underlined word “facility” in Paragraph 2 mean
A. Ability. B. Interest. C. Taste. D. Method.
(  ) 2. According to Paragraph 3, what may parents like Ben Mazor do
A. Learn foreign languages by themselves.
B. Spend more money on home schooling.
C. Involve kids in foreign language courses.
D. Help kids absorb knowledge like a sponge.
(  ) 3. What has the Scottish researchers proved about bilingualism
A. It extends one's life. B. It improves test scores.
C. It cures brain disorders. D. It slows mental ageing.
(  ) 4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A. Learning Betters Human Brain
B. Bilingualism Shows Great Advantages
C. Language Opens a New World to Kids
D. Bilingualism Leads to Academic Success
Ⅲ. 七选五。
(2022襄阳高一下期末)Everyone makes countless choices every day. __1__ For instance, when hunger strikes, you can reach for a nutritious snack good for your health, or junk food which may contribute to fatness. Then how do you make choices If you're interested in living a richer, fuller life, there is a foundation which you can base all your decisions on, so that you can make life better not only for yourself, but also for those around you. __2__ Imagine if every parent, mate, friend, teacher, businessman, and politician truly did their best to choose what's best for all in every decision they made, we would certainly live in a more caring, supportive world.
“But how do I know what is really best?” you might ask. The answer is simple. It doesn't matter. __3__ What matters is that whatever decision you make, you should choose with a sincere desire for what's best for all. Even if it later turns out that you have made a bad choice, there's no need for guilt(愧疚). With a clear heart, you may stay clear and open. __4__ Probably next time you'll achieve a satisfactory outcome.
However, choosing what's best does not mean you have to always sacrifice(牺牲) yourself for others. It's typical of a mother to sacrifice for her kids. However, an overly tired mother may get annoyed easily. __5__ Yet in the long run, it can help her to be a better mother to her children. So as you move through each day of your lives, remember to take account of yourselves as you choose what's best.
A. This may make you feel guilty about your choice.
B. A working mother can't balance career and family.
C. This foundation is to choose based on what's best.
D. Some rest for this mother might seem not selfless.
E. This then allows you to more easily learn from your mistakes.
F. And every choice you make, however big or small, affects you in some way.
G. What matters is not the choice you make, but the intention behind your choice.
1. ________  2. ________  3. ________  4. ________  5. ________
Ⅳ. 写作。
1. 鼓励他多锻炼;
2. 提出锻炼的具体建议。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。
Dear Leo,
Li Hua
Ⅴ. 自我拓展提升。
Step Ⅰ: 略
Step Ⅱ:
I__am__glad__to__learn__that you are coming to China and will stay at my home. My parents and I are very pleased to have you stay with us.
Now let me tell you what we have arranged for you. The school will organize a lot of things for you to do in the morning, and in the afternoon, I'll show you around and take you to some places of interest. We'll mostly stay at home in the evening watching TV, playing games, and chatting.
I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time and enjoy each other's company. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon.
Step Ⅲ:
Ⅰ. 1. to 2. going 3. out 4. of 5. from 6. off
7. amazing 8. creative 9. whether 10. to bring
Ⅱ. 1. up 2. in 3. in 4. in 5. with 6. of
7. in 8. like 9. on 10. in
Ⅲ. 1. went off 2. looks like 3. show off 4. with a bang 5. was active in 6. came up
Ⅳ. 1. went off 2. show it off 3. injured; being taken good care of 4. invited to your party
5. It was not until
Step Ⅳ:
Ⅰ. 1. standout 2. politician 3. event 4. annual
5. theme 6. decorated 7. fair 8. smoothly
Ⅱ. 1—4 ACDB
1. A 词义猜测题。根据画线词下文“Their grammar, vocabulary and spelling skills are stronger than those of single language speakers.”可知,会双语的孩子在语法、词汇和拼写能力方面比说单一语言的人更强。由此可推知,画线词所在句意为:双语儿童在使用母语方面也表现出更好的能力,facility意为“能力”。故选A。
2. C 推理判断题。根据第三段中“Multilingual parents understand the benefits of learning more than one language.”及“So why not give them the chance to learn another language?”可推知,像Ben Mazor这样会说多种语言的家长明白多语的好处,他们可能会让孩子参加外语课程。故选C。
3. D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Dr. Thomas Baka, co author of the study, concluded, ‘Our results suggest a protective effect of bilingualism against age related cognitive decline.’”可知,苏格兰研究者证明,说双语能减缓精神衰老。故选D。
4. B 标题归纳题。根据全文内容,尤其是第一段中“Scientists, however, continue to confirm that bilingualism, the ability to speak two languages fluently, has more benefits than many realize.”可知,科学家们继续证实,双语能力,即流利地说两种语言的能力,比许多人意识到的好处更多。由此可推知,本文主要讲述研究表明双语能力有很多好处,故B项“双语能力有很多好处”是最佳标题。故选B。
Ⅲ. 1—5 FCGED
1. F 根据下文“For instance, when hunger strikes, you can reach for a nutritious snack good for your health, or junk food which may contribute to fatness.”可知,当饥饿袭来时,人们可以选择对健康有益的营养小吃,或可能导致肥胖的垃圾食品。由此可推知,此处在讲做出的每种选择的影响,所以F项“你所做的每一个选择,无论大小,都会在某种程度上影响你。”符合语境。故选F。
2. C 根据上文“If you're interested in living a richer, fuller life, there is a foundation which you can base all your decisions on, so that you can make life better not only for yourself, but also for those around you.”可知,如果想过更丰富、更充实的生活,有一个基础可以让自己做所有的决定,这样不仅可以让自己的生活更好,也可以让周围的人生活得更好。由此可知,此处是在讲做选择时,应该基于什么基础来做选择,所以C项“这个基础是基于最好的选择。”是对上文做总结,符合语境,其中foundations是同词复现。故选C。
3. G 根据上文“It doesn't matter.”以及下文“What matters is that whatever decision you make, you should choose with a sincere desire for what's best for all.”可知,G项“重要的不是你所做的选择,而是你选择背后的意图。”与上文构成转折关系,与下文是同构复现,其中matter是同词复现。故选G。
4. E 根据上文“With a clear heart, you may stay clear and open.”以及下文“Probably next time you'll achieve a satisfactory outcome.”可知,两句间应是一个过渡句,说明上文的做法所起的作用,所以E项“这样你就能更容易地从错误中吸取教训。”中的This指代的是上句的保持清醒和开放,more easily learn from your mistakes和下句相呼应,符合语境。故选E。
5. D 根据上文“However, an overly tired mother may get annoyed easily.”可知,一个过度疲劳的母亲可能很容易生气;再根据下文“Yet in the long run, it can help her to be a better mother to her children.”可知,从长远来看,这可以帮助她成为一个对她的孩子来说更好的母亲。由此可推知,两句间需要一个过渡句来说明这位母亲的行为怎么样,所以D项“这位母亲的休息看起来似乎并不无私。”中的rest与上句的tired相呼应,本句又与下文构成转折关系,符合语境。故选D。
Ⅳ. One possible version:
I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well recently. But the doctor is right—you do need to exercise more. I have some suggestions that you might find helpful.
Try to do small amounts of exercise whenever you can. For example, try taking the stairs up to your flat instead of the lift. When you study for a long time, remember to take regular breaks. Get out of your chair and move around a bit: take a walk or practise some dance moves.
I'm sure you'll soon be feeling happier and healthier.
Ⅴ. 略


