牛津译林版(2019)必修第三册Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Grammar and usage 导学案(含答案)

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牛津译林版(2019)必修第三册Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Grammar and usage 导学案(含答案)


1. Learn and understand verb ed forms as attributives, adverbials and object complements;
2. Figure out the meanings of some important expressions.
Ⅰ. Summarize the main idea of the passage in Part A on P48 with about 30 words.
Ⅱ. Complete the exercises in Parts A & B on P48—49.
Ⅰ. 单句语境填词,注意词的词性和词形。
1. She was_________ (围着) by the tools of her trade.
2. Record profits in the retail market _________ (表明) a boom in the economy.
3. She was involved in a serious car _________ (事故) last week.
4. It remains to be seen if the show will find_________ (喜爱) with an audience.
5. Susan is a very _________ (聪明的) woman who knows her own mind.
6. The surgeon placed a_________ (金属) band around the kneecap to help it knit back together.
7. See the dark clouds I'm sure a _________ (雷雨) is coming.
8. In_________ (理论), these machines should last for ten years or more.
9. Please examine the insulation of the _________ (电的) wires in my house.
10. Go out and buy a pair of glasses, and_________ (把……记在账上) it to us.
Ⅱ. 从方框中选择恰当的短语填空。
by accident; catch the attention of; far from; work out; go through
1. We should _________ these papers together.
2. She discovered the problem _________.
3. A good advertisement should stand out and _________ people who are watching TV.
4. He was _________ being satisfied with the way the things were done.
5. Things just didn't _________ as planned.
Ⅲ. 完成句子。
1. 湖边树木环绕,很多游客在这里拍照。
The lake __________________________ trees and many visitors take photos here.
2. 约翰,请坐在我能看见你的地方。
John, please sit ____________________________________.
3. 这台手术是由一位来自北京的专家负责做的。
The operation was ________________________ an expert from Beijing.
4. 正如报道的那样,两国之间的会谈进行得很顺利。
____________________________, talks between the two countries are going smoothly.
5. 如果我们没有做充分的准备,这次会议是不会这么成功的。
__________________________________________, the conference wouldn't have been so successful.
Ⅳ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
1. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain ________ (seat) as the plane was making a landing.
2. Even if ________ (invite), I won't go.
3. With the homework ________ (finish), he was allowed to watch the football match.
4. Though________ (wound) badly, the fighter continued to fire at the enemy.
5. If________ (paint) green, the door might look more beautiful.
6. The girl is still fast asleep, with her head ________ (bury) deep in arms.
7. ________ (absorb) in an interesting story, he didn't notice me passing by.
8. The new technology, if ________ (apply) to farming, will help increase the grain output.
9. When I came in, I saw Mike lying in bed, ________ (lose) in thought.
10. The speaker raised his voice but still couldn't make himself ________ (hear).
Ⅰ. 单句语法填空。
1. I always dream of having a house ________ by trees, flowers and grass. If I can live in such beautiful ________, I must feel happy every day. As we know, the ________things can always have an effect on our mood.(surround)
2. I'm not going there again—they charged me $10________ a cup of coffee!
3. You were charged ________ ignoring your duty. Who accused you ________ such a crime
4. If they________ (consider) everything, they would not have made such a mistake.
5. ________ is hoped, Mary has won first prize.
6. There was a very naughty boy in the nursery and a teacher who was generally very confident with the children was asked to take charge ________ him.
7. I am ________ favour of your suggestion that we should spend more time on this project.
8. He attached his horse ________ a tree.
Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
1. The trees ________ (blow) down in the storm have been removed.
2. ________ (devote) to his research work, the professor cared little about any other things.
3. ________ (leave) alone in the large house, the little boy had to learn to survive by himself.
4. He appeared ________ (shock) at the news.
5. After the heavy rain, many cats got________ (catch) in the mud.
6. Before he came to London, he had never heard a single English word________ (speak).
7. The days are ________ (go) when we were looked down upon.
8. ________ (impress) with the beautiful scenery, he decided to stay another two days.
Ⅲ. 阅读理解。
Your family may love to travel. However, you may worry about the environmental effect of doing so. It is time to take an eco friendlier trip. We have discovered four destinations for you.
Explore the kid friendly city of Vienna, Austria. Here, you can find plenty of bike share stations for getting around. The city has a large number of playgrounds and some fantastic museums for children. In the city, there are many hostels run by local people. There is always one that suits your family's taste.
Volcan Tenorio Area
When you think about taking your kids to Costa Rica, you normally focus on viewing its amazing wildlife. But what about turning to the human activities?One way to do so is to stay on a farm. Kids can take a hand in looking after animals and learning about traditional farming methods.
Khao Sok National Park
In this park, you can show your children a different side of Thailand. Use a local guide to introduce you to the interesting plants and animals. Stay at one of the locally owned cottages. You can even spend a night in a raft house on Cheow Lan Lake, which runs without electricity.
Countryside of Fiji
Leave luxury hotels behind and head to a village homestay in Fiji. Your kids will learn all about Fijian culture. Your money will go directly to the community. With older children you can join in both sea conservation and community projects, with the help of a reliable organization.
(  ) 1. Which place will attract people fond of cycling
A. Vienna. B. Volcan Tenorio Area.
C. Khao Sok National Park. D. Countryside of Fiji.
(  ) 2. What is special about the raft houses in Khao Sok National Park
A. They are close to nature. B. They are surrounded by trees.
C. They are operated by local people. D. They are independent of electricity.
(  ) 3. What do these four trips have in common
A. They favour older children. B. They offer green transportation.
C. They help protect the environment. D. They provide farming homestays.
Jacky Hunt Broersma, who lost one leg to cancer, is seeking to break a world record by completing 102 marathon runs. She set her goal in mid January. And since then, she has been running the distance of a marathon. Most of the time, she averages just over five hours to complete a run. If she keeps successfully completing marathon runs every day, she will reach her goal by April 28.
Until five years ago, she was not very active. But then she looked into running and decided to give it a try. The sport ended up being quite costly. Currently, she runs on an artificial leg made of a strong, light material known as carbon fiber. The material, which is designed specially for running, costs about $10,000.
But Jacky says her investment has been well worth it. The biggest struggle used to be that she had to admit part of her body was gone. “Running really changed my life,” she said. “It helped me accept myself as an amputee(截肢者). It gave me a sense of freedom. I fell in love with the process of pushing my body further just to see what I could do.”
However, she has faced both physical and mental difficulties during her record breaking attempt. On one recent day, Jacky said she felt like giving up at 24 kilometers and began to cry. “I had a total emotional breakdown. I was like, ‘I just can't do this.’” she said.
Jacky is documenting her progress online and has also gained a large social media following. As she nears the end of her goal, Jacky is hoping to inspire a single thought in others. She tells people, “You're stronger than you think and you're able to do so much more.”
(  ) 4. What is Jacky's goal according to Paragraph 1
A. To defeat a deadly disease. B. To break her 5 hour record.
C. To be a professional runner. D. To finish 102 marathon runs.
(  ) 5. What may Jacky think of her running
A. Difficult but rewarding. B. Interesting but challenging.
C. Enjoyable and eye opening. D. Stressful and time consuming.
(  ) 6. Why does Jacky record her running online
A. To prove her ability. B. To encourage others.
C. To gain wider attention. D. To increase her confidence.
(  ) 7. Which of the following best describes Jacky's experience
A. Health is the key to happiness. B. Actions speak louder than words.
C. Chance favours the prepared mind. D. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
Ⅳ. 语法填空。
(2022襄阳高一下期末)“I'm old in age, but young in mind. The zoo is my lifetime's happiness.” Despite 1. ________ (variety) difficulties, for 33 years, 2. ________82 year old Chinese man called Luo Yingjiu has been running by himself a small zoo in Enshi, Hubei Province.
At the one man Fenghuang Mountain Zoo, Luo serves 3. ________ director, cleaner, breeder, vet and conductor. Most of the animals of the zoo are old and weak, many of 4. ________ were saved by Luo. The zoo's lion, tiger and python passed away years ago, 5. ________ (leave) only a bear, some peacocks, a troop of monkeys, 6. ________ about 20 dogs.
A ticket only costs 10 yuan per person, and it's free for children. But the zoo's appeal to locals is fading. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the number of visitors 7. ________ (drop) to just several people a day.
While the world changes 8. ________ (gradual), the zoo remains much the same, and so does Luo's love for the animals. “Many people tell me to rest at this old age, but my wish is 9. ________ (maintain) the zoo with all my heart until my last day. Since I've shouldered the 10. ________ (responsible), I shall never quit halfway,” says the former soldier in the local dialect.
Ⅴ. 自我拓展提升。
Step Ⅰ: 略
Step Ⅱ:
Ⅰ. The text is mainly about Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin, which has saved millions of lives since its mass production in the 1940s. Also, it tells us a truth: Fortune favours the prepared mind.
Ⅱ. A Exploring the rules
Verb ed forms as attributives something produced by the mould the prepared mind
Verb ed forms as adverbials Surprised by this
Verb ed forms as object complements get its mass production started
Working out the rules
(1) passive (2) relative clause
B Applying the rules
Answer key to Exercise B1:
1. The scientist highly praised won an award.
2. The experiment mentioned in your article is interesting.
3. Treated with the new medicine, the patients soon recovered.
4. The scientist found the equipment in the laboratory destroyed.
5. Once finished, this report will be very useful for future research.
Answer key to Exercise B2:
(1) interesting (2) Knowing (3) tied
(4) Conducted (5) accepted (6) arguing
Step Ⅲ:
Ⅰ. 1. surrounded 2. indicate 3. accident 4. favour
5. intelligent 6. metal 7. thunderstorm
8. theory 9. electric 10. charge
Ⅱ. 1. go through 2. by accident 3. catch the attention of 4. far from 5. work out
Ⅲ. 1. is surrounded with/by 2. where I can see you 3. in the charge of 4. As is reported 5. If we hadn't made full preparations
Ⅳ. 1. seated 2. invited 3. finished 4. wounded
5. painted 6. buried 7. Absorbed 8. applied
9. lost 10. heard
Step Ⅳ:
Ⅰ. 1. surrounded; surroundings; surrounding
2. for 3. with; of 4. had considered
5. As 6. of 7. in 8. to
Ⅱ. 1. blown 2. Devoted 3. Left 4. shocked
5. caught 6. spoken 7. gone 8. Impressed
Ⅲ. 1—5 ADCDA 6—7 BD
1. A 细节理解题。根据Vienna部分中“Here, you can find plenty of bike share stations for getting around.”可知,Vienna会吸引喜欢骑自行车的人。故选A。
2. D 细节理解题。根据Khao Sok National Park部分中“You can even spend a night in a raft house on Cheow Lan Lake, which runs without electricity.”可知,Khao Sok National Park的木筏屋没有电。故选D。
3. C 推理判断题。根据第一段中“It is time to take an eco friendlier trip. We have discovered four destinations for you.”可推知,这四个目的地有助于保护环境。故选C。
4. D 细节理解题。根据第一段中“Jacky Hunt Broersma, who lost one leg to cancer, is seeking to break a world record by completing 102 marathon runs.”可知,Jacky的目标是完成102次马拉松。故选D。
5. A 推理判断题。根据第三段中“It helped me accept myself as an amputee(截肢者). It gave me a sense of freedom. I fell in love with the process of pushing my body further just to see what I could do.”及第四段中“I had a total emotional breakdown. I was like, ‘I just can't do this.’”可知,Jacky觉得自己做不到,但是跑步可以给她带来好的感受,所以跑步是困难但是值得的。故选A。
6. B 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“As she nears the end of her goal, Jacky is hoping to inspire a single thought in others. She tells people, ‘You're stronger than you think and you're able to do so much more.’”可知,随着Jacky的目标接近尾声,她希望能激发别人的想法。她告诉人们:“你比你想象得更强大,你能做得更多。”由此可推知,Jacky在网上记录她的跑步是为了鼓励他人。故选B。
7. D 推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,Jacky作为截肢者,通过自己的努力,即将完成跑102次马拉松的目标,所以“有志者事竟成”最能够描述她的经历。故选D。
Ⅳ. 1. various 2. an 3. as 4. which 5. leaving
6. and 7. has dropped 8. gradually 9. to maintain 10. responsibility
1. various 考查形容词。句意:尽管困难重重,33年来,82岁的中国老人罗应玖一直独自经营着湖北恩施的一家小动物园。分析句子结构可知,空后是名词difficulties,所以空处应该用形容词修饰名词。故填various。
2. an 考查冠词。句意见上题解析。分析句子句意可知,此处表示的是“一个82岁的中国老人”,所以此处应用不定冠词,82是元音音素开头,应用an。故填an。
3. as 考查介词。句意:在凤凰山一个人的动物园,罗(应玖)担任园长、清洁工、饲养员、兽医和售票员。分析句子结构可知,此处是固定动词短语serve as,意为“充当”。故填as。
4. which 考查定语从句连接词。句意:动物园里的大多数动物都是又老又弱的,其中很多都是罗(应玖)救的。分析句子结构可知,空处引导的是非限制性定语从句,先行词是上文中的animals,为物,所以应用which引导。故填which。
5. leaving 考查非谓语动词。句意:动物园里的狮子、老虎和蟒蛇几年前就去世了,只剩下一只熊、一些孔雀、一群猴子和大约20只狗。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词passed away,所以leave应该用非谓语形式,它的逻辑主语是动物园,和leave之间是主动关系,应用现在分词作伴随状语。故填leaving。
6. and 考查连词。句意见上题解析。分析句子结构可知,空前是bear,peacocks,monkeys,空后是dogs,此处表示四种动物并列,所以,应用并列连词。故填and。
7. has dropped 考查动词时态。句意:自疫情暴发以来,游客数量已经下降到每天只有几人。分析句子结构可知,本句缺少谓语动词,所以drop作谓语;再根据标志词Since可知,此处应用现在完成时;主语the number of visitors表示“游客的数量”,应作整体看,为单数,所以谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故填has dropped。
8. gradually 考查副词。句意:虽然世界在逐渐变化,但动物园和罗(应玖)对动物的爱都没有改变。分析句子结构可知,空处修饰空前的动词changes,所以应该用副词形式。故填gradually。
9. to maintain 考查非谓语动词。句意:很多人告诉我晚年可以休息了,但我的愿望是全心全意地维护动物园,直到我生命的最后一天。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词is,所以maintain应用非谓语形式;再根据句意可知,此处应用不定式作表语。故填to maintain。
10. responsibility 考查名词。句意:既然我已经承担了责任,我绝不会半途而废。分析句子结构可知,空前是定冠词the,所以空处应用名词。故填responsibility。
Ⅴ. 略


