牛津译林版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Reading (2)导学案(有答案)

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牛津译林版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Reading (2)导学案(有答案)


1. Learn and use the chunks like:
words: republic; deadly; survival; province; broad; intend; herb; experiment; trial; limited; household; container; postpone; sufficient; data; error; wisdom; beneficial; conduct; illustrate
phrases: refer to; speed up; pay off; through trial and error; draw on
sentence patterns:
Tu Youyou has become the first female scientist of the People's Republic of China to receive a Nobel Prize, awarded for her contribution to the fight against malaria, one of the deadliest diseases in human history.
She completed further training courses in traditional Chinese medicine, acquiring a broad knowledge of both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.
When they failed to produce any promising results, Tu referred to the ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine again.
They worked day and night and their health began to suffer because of the poor conditions, but they never gave up.
The trials on patients were likely to be postponed because they did not have sufficient safety data.
In her Nobel Lecture, she encouraged scientists to further explore the treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine and raise it to a higher level.
Perhaps the next generation of scientists, drawing on the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, will indeed discover more medicines beneficial to global health care.
2. Write a short article according to the hints, using the chunks that have been learnt.
Review the text of “Chinese scientist wins 2015 Nobel Prize” by retelling it in your own words. You may begin like this:
The text is mainly about …, which …
From the text, we may learn that …
Ⅰ. Read the words in the word bank and figure out the meanings of them.
Word bank: 名词:republic; survival; province; herb; container; data; error; wisdom 动词:intend; postpone; illustrate 形容词:limited; sufficient; beneficial 多种词性:deadly; broad; experiment; trial; household; conduct
Ⅱ. Match the words on the left with the explanations on the right.
(  ) 1. survival    A. not very great in amount or extent
(  ) 2. data      B. the state of continuing to live or exist, often despite difficulty or danger
(  ) 3. limited    C. enough for a particular purpose; as much as you need
(  ) 4. postpone    D. facts or information, especially when examined and used to find out things or to make decisions
(  ) 5. sufficient    E. to arrange for an event, etc. to take place at a later time or date
(  ) 6. wisdom     F. a box, bottle, etc. in which sth can be stored or transported
(  ) 7. illustrate   G. the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have
(  ) 8. container   H. to make the meaning of sth clearer by using examples, pictures, etc.
(  ) 9. intend     I. causing or likely to cause death
(  )10. deadly     J. to have a plan, result or purpose in your mind when you do sth
Ⅲ. Find the following expressions from the text according to the Chinese below.
1. 博学,获得广博的知识
2. ……的疗法
3. 产生有希望的结果
4. 在低温下
5. 临床试验
6. 志愿做某事
7. 凭借;利用;动用
8. 对……有好处
9. 在某人身上试验某物
10. 有足够的安全数据
Ⅳ. Complete Part B on P47 of the textbook and finish the exercises below.
1. 单句语法填空。
(1) With the help of a lot of people, our plan paid _______.
(2) An animal's sense of smell is still crucial to its _______ (survive).
(3) It was not my _______ (intend) that she should suffer.
(4) She made no _______ (refer) to her illness but only to her future plans.
(5) They may only have a _______ (limit) amount of time to get their points across.
(6) I think this is really_______ (sufficient) clear and let's not spend any more time on this issue.
(7) This book shares some of our experience during our_______ (explore).
(8) There are three ways of heat transfer: _______ (conduct), radiation and convection.
(9) Walking is extremely_______ (benefit) to your body shaping.
(10) A news broadcast was accurate and reliable but _______ (dead) dull.
2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
(1) Light clothes are _______ (effect) in keeping cool in warm weather.
(2) Only ten _______ later and the longest _______was over 5 years.(survive)
(3) All the patients' _______ improved and symptoms(症状) _______ .(appear)
(4) Because of his _______, Tom and his fellow _______ to complete the job.(fail)
(5) He decided to postpone _______ (buy) the house because his mother was ill, which cost him a lot of money.
Ⅴ. Build your sentences through paraphrase and imitation.
1. Thanks to her discovery of qinghaosu, malaria patients all over the world now have had a greatly increased chance of survival.
[Paraphrase] ______________________________________________________________________
[Imitation] ______________________________________________________________________
2. When they failed to produce any promising results, Tu referred to the ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine again.
[Paraphrase] ______________________________________________________________________
[Imitation] ______________________________________________________________________
3. Tu and her team managed to find solutions to the problem.
[Paraphrase] ______________________________________________________________________
[Imitation] ______________________________________________________________________
4. They worked day and night and their health began to suffer because of the poor conditions, but they never gave up.
[Paraphrase] ______________________________________________________________________
[Imitation] ______________________________________________________________________
5. The trials on patients were likely to be postponed because they did not have sufficient safety data.
[Paraphrase] ______________________________________________________________________
[Imitation] ______________________________________________________________________
6. The efforts of Tu and her team finally paid off.
[Paraphrase] ______________________________________________________________________
[Imitation] ______________________________________________________________________
7. Perhaps the next generation of scientists, drawing on the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, will indeed discover more medicines beneficial to global health care.
[Paraphrase] ______________________________________________________________________
[Imitation] ______________________________________________________________________
Ⅰ. 用本课词汇替换下列句子中的画线部分。
1. Because__of our hard work, we can complete the task on time. _______
2. He gained a wide knowledge of Western cultures at that time. _______
3. They encouraged us to get over whatever difficulty we met. _______
4. Everything was __delayed__ because of lack of money. _______
5. Do you have enough evidence to prove your design _______
6. It is hoped that the readers will kindly point out our faults._______
7. After three hours' long march, they got there __finally._______
8. Certainly, schools will have plenty of material to take__advantage__of.
9. They really suffered a lot during the experiments. _______
10. The invention is__good__for human lives in many ways. _______
Ⅱ. 从方框中选择恰当的短语填空。
a cure for; speed up; pay off; thanks to; die of; refer to; because of; give up; make good use of; manage to
1. First of all, if we work hard, we can _______ our talents.
2. I promised not to _______ the matter again.
3. _______ the angle at which he stood, he could just see the sunset.
4. The game was postponed _______ the rain.
5. I need to _______ all my debts before I leave the country.
6. I _______ smoking on my doctor's advice.
7. Personally speaking, I'd rather _______ thirst than drink champagne(香槟酒).
8. The grapes will soon be ripe. Let's _______our preparations for the grape harvest.
9. We will _______ accomplish the task in time even though it is difficult.
10. It is possible that in the course of time _______ cancer will be found.
Ⅰ. 单句语境填词,注意词的词性和词形。
1. This is a good _______ (家用的) soap.
2. The arrangement of light industry in the _______ (省份) needs adjustment.
3. She took a _______ (开阔的) view of the duties of being a teacher.
4. These reasons are not _______ (充足的) to justify the ban.
5. This article is_______ (选录) from his new book.
6. He didn't recognize this kind of medical_______ (药草).
7. To _______ (说明) my point, let me tell you a story.
8. We had the machine on _______ (试用) for a week.
9. Food will last longer if kept in an airtight _______ (容器).
10. Scientists have collected more _______ (数据) than expected.
Ⅱ. 完形填空。
(2022肇庆高一下期末)We had just completed a lesson on community heroes. I had asked my kindergarten class to __1__ about their favorite hero. Each child was busy __2__ colorful masterpieces.
However, one little boy was having difficulty with the __3__. Cameron was on the autism spectrum(自闭症), but that didn't __4__ to us. We all loved him. I sat and watched as Austin __5__ Cameron. Austin was Cameron's deskmate and he had a __6__ way of interacting with Cameron. He helped Cameron __7__ his hero. Within a few minutes, Cameron began drawing blue lines on his paper.
Finally, it was time for everybody to __8__ their hero pictures. I listened as each child __9__ stood up and described their heroes.
When Austin stood up to share his picture, he __10__ me by holding up a picture of Cameron. He said Cameron was his hero because he had a __11__ that made it really difficult to learn, but he was like Superman and did a(n) __12__ job.
__13__ those words, Cameron suddenly stood up, and put his arms up in the air as if he were going to take off and fly. He __14__ shouted out, “I'm Superman!” The entire class stood up and began striking Superman poses, too. We were all laughing as though we had truly discovered the secret of __15__ superheroes.
(  ) 1. A. care B. paint C. complain D. dream
(  ) 2. A. showing B. selecting C. creating D. judging
(  ) 3. A. demonstration B. option C. appointment D. task
(  ) 4. A. matter B. appeal C. contribute D. apply
(  ) 5. A. argued with B. worked with C. tended to D. turned to
(  ) 6. A. wonderful B. different C. wrong D. normal
(  ) 7. A. award B. cheer C. admire D. determine
(  ) 8. A. decorate B. maintain C. introduce D. collect
(  ) 9. A. proudly B. nervously C. hesitantly D. flexibly
(  )10. A. responded B. surprised C. rejected D. amused
(  )11. A. desire B. tendency C. passion D. sickness
(  )12. A. excellent B. terrible C. important D. appropriate
(  )13. A. Ignoring B. Remembering C. Hearing D. Using
(  )14. A. angrily B. instantly C. excitedly D. sadly
(  )15. A. fighting B. becoming C. evaluating D. teaching
Ⅲ. 语法填空。
(2022武汉新高考联合体高一下期末改编)On Jan. 23, 2020, the day before Chinese Lunar New Year's Eve, La Rinascente Department Store in Milan of Italy displayed something special to welcome the Year of the Rat. It was the work of a young Chinese 1. _______ (design), Chen Zuer. Chen's artworks combine elements of both the East and the West, drawing attention from 2. _______ (passer by) with a clear sense of oriental elegance, but also daring, western expressiveness.
Chen says that it was really stressful when she first 3. _______ (meet) staff members from the department store to propose her ideas for displaying her work in shop windows. “They seemed very strict, 4. _______ nobody smiled,” she recalls. “I kept telling myself just to show them the real me.” When 5. _______ (ask) about her opinion of Chinese culture, she said “it can be 6. _______ (true) magnificent like the Palace Museum, but it can also be 7. _______ simple as what I drew as a Chinese girl”.
After her presentation, she won the opportunity 8. _______ (exhibit) her work. Though the exhibition lasted only 10 days due 9. _______ the COVID 19 pandemic, it turned out to be 10. _______ great success. The young Chinese artist, now back in China after having studying in France for about a decade, has been content to look back on the exhibition as a breakthrough.
Ⅳ. 翻译下列句子,然后增加适当的过渡词语,把它们连成一篇小短文。
1. 屠呦呦成为首位获得诺贝尔奖的中国女科学家,她获奖是因为她在抗击疟疾中做出了贡献。(fight against)
2. 1969年,屠呦呦担任了一个课题组的组长,计划找到疟疾的治疗方法。(a cure for)
3. 在1 600多年前的一篇关于用冷水准备青蒿提取物的文章的启发下,她成功获得可以治疗老鼠疟疾的青蒿提取物。(succeed in)
4. 临床试验可能会推迟,因为他们没有足够的安全数据。(be likely to)
5. 为了加快这一过程并确保其安全性,屠呦呦及其团队自愿先在自己身上试验青蒿提取物。(speed up; volunteer)
6. 屠呦呦及其团队的努力终于得到了回报。(pay off)
7. 在1972年11月,他们通过反复试验成功地发现了青蒿提取物中最有效的部分青蒿素。(through trial and error)
8. 屠呦呦鼓励科学家们进一步探索传统中医药这座宝库,并将中医药事业提升至更高的水平。(further; raise)
Step Ⅰ:
The text is mainly about the description of Tu Youyou, the first female scientist of the People's Republic of China to receive a Nobel Prize, and her discovery of qinghaosu, which has made malaria patients all over the world have a greatly increased chance of survival.
From the text, we may learn that we should be persevering when in trouble. Only in this way can we achieve success finally.
Step Ⅱ:
Ⅰ. 略
Ⅱ. 1—5 BDAEC 6—10 GHFJI
Ⅲ. 1. acquire a broad knowledge 2. a cure for …
3. produce some promising results 4. at a low temperature 5. the trials on patients
6. volunteer to do sth 7. draw on 8. be beneficial to … 9. test sth on sb 10. have sufficient safety data
Ⅳ. 1. (1) off (2) survival (3) intention
(4) reference (5) limited (6) sufficiently
(7) exploration (8) conduction (9) beneficial
(10) deadly
2. (1) effective (2) survived; survivor
(3) appearance; disappeared (4) failure; failed
(5) buying
Ⅴ. 1. [Paraphrase] Because she discovered qinghaosu, more and more malaria patients all over the world now have survived.
[Imitation] Thanks to recent research, effective treatments are available.
2. [Paraphrase] When they couldn't get any good results, Tu turned to the ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine again.
[Imitation] We all refer to him as a very promising young man.
3. [Paraphrase] Tu and her team succeeded in finding solutions to the problem.
[Imitation] We managed to get to the airport in time.
4. [Paraphrase] They worked all the time and suffered bad health because of the poor conditions, but they never gave up.
[Imitation] Dozens of doctors and nurses have been working day and night for weeks.
5. [Paraphrase] It was probable that the trials on patients would be put off because they did not have enough safety data.
[Imitation] Unemployment is likely to go on rising this year.
6. [Paraphrase] Tu and her team's efforts made them successful at last.
[Imitation] My ten months of hard work finally paid off.
7. [Paraphrase] Perhaps scientists in the future will make use of the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine and truly discover more medicines good for health care in the world.
[Imitation] As an actor, he often draws on his own life experiences.
Step Ⅲ:
Ⅰ. 1. Thanks to 2. acquired 3. inspired
4. postponed 5. sufficient 6. errors
7. eventually 8. draw on 9. indeed
10. is beneficial to
Ⅱ. 1. make good use of 2. refer to 3. Thanks to
4. because of 5. pay off 6. gave up 7. die of
8. speed up 9. manage to 10. a cure for
Step Ⅳ:
Ⅰ. 1. household 2. province 3. broad 4. sufficient
5. extracted 6. herb 7. illustrate 8. trial
9. container 10. data
Ⅱ. 1—5 BCDAB 6—10 ADCAB 11—15 DACCB
1. B 句意:我让幼儿园的学生们画出他们最喜欢的英雄。care关心;paint绘画;complain抱怨;dream梦想。根据下文“__2__ colorful masterpieces”可知,作者布置的是绘画任务。故选B。
2. C 句意:每个孩子都在忙着创作多彩的杰作。showing展示;selecting选择;creating创造;judging判断。根据下文“colorful masterpieces”可知,此处指创作杰作。故选C。
3. D 句意:然而,一个小男孩在这项任务中遇到了困难。demonstration演示;option选择;appointment约会;task任务。根据上文“asked my kindergarten class to __1__”可知,此处指作者布置的绘画任务。故选D。
4. A 句意:卡梅伦患有自闭症,但这对我们来说不重要。matter要紧;appeal吸引;contribute捐赠;apply应用。根据下文“We all loved him.”以及上文“but”可知,虽然卡梅伦患有自闭症,但这对作者和他的同学来说都不重要。故选A。
5. B 句意:我坐在那里看着奥斯丁和卡梅伦一起创作。argued with争论;worked with一起创作;tended to趋向;turned to求助于。根据下文“Austin was Cameron's deskmate”可知,奥斯丁和卡梅伦一起创作。故选B。
6. A 句意:奥斯丁是卡梅伦的同桌,他与卡梅伦的互动方式非常棒。wonderful极好的;different不同的;wrong错误的;normal正常的。根据下文“Within a few minutes, Cameron began drawing blue lines on his paper.”可知,奥斯丁与卡梅伦的互动方式非常棒,一直耐心引导卡梅伦。故选A。
7. D 句意:他帮助卡梅伦确定了他心目中的英雄。award奖励;cheer欢呼;admire钦佩;determine决定。根据下文“Within a few minutes, Cameron began drawing blue lines on his paper.”可知,奥斯丁帮助卡梅伦确定了他心目中的英雄。故选D。
8. C 句意:最后,是每个人介绍他们的英雄图画的时候了。decorate装饰;maintain保持;introduce介绍;collect收集。根据下文“described their heroes”可知,此处指介绍英雄。故选C。
9. A 句意:我听着每个孩子自豪地站起来描述他们心目中的英雄。proudly自豪地;nervously紧张地;hesitantly犹豫地;flexibly灵活地。根据下文“stood up and described their heroes”可知,每个孩子自豪地站起来描述他们心目中的英雄。故选A。
10. B 句意:当奥斯丁站起来分享他的图画时,他举起了一张卡梅伦的图片,这让我很惊讶。responded回答;surprised使惊讶;rejected拒绝;amused娱乐。根据下文“me by holding up a picture of Cameron”可知,奥斯丁拿着卡梅伦的照片,卡梅伦是他的英雄,这让作者惊讶。故选B。
11. D 句意:他说卡梅伦是他的英雄,因为他得了一种病,这让他很难学习,但他就像超人一样,做得非常出色。desire欲望;tendency趋势;passion激情;sickness疾病。根据上文“Cameron was on the autism spectrum(自闭症)”可知,卡梅伦得了一种病。故选D。
12. A 句意见上题解析。excellent出色的;terrible糟糕的;important重要的;appropriate合适的。根据上文“he was like Superman”可知,卡梅伦就像超人一样,做得非常出色。故选A。
13. C 句意:听到这些话,卡梅伦突然站了起来,双手举在空中,好像要飞起来似的。Ignoring忽视;Remembering记得;Hearing听见;Using使用。根据下文“those words”可知,此处指卡梅伦听到奥斯丁说的话。故选C。
14. C 句意:他兴奋地喊道:“我是超人!” angrily愤怒地;instantly立即;excitedly激动地;sadly悲伤地。根据下文“shouted out, ‘I'm Superman!’”可知,卡梅伦很激动。故选C。
15. B 句意:我们都笑了,好像我们真的发现了成为超级英雄的秘密。fighting战斗;becoming成为;evaluating评估;teaching教。根据下文“superheroes”可知,此处指成为超级英雄。故选B。
Ⅲ. 1. designer 2. passers by 3. met 4. and
5. asked 6. truly 7. as 8. to exhibit
9. to 10. a
1. designer 考查名词。句意:这是一位年轻的中国设计师陈祖儿的作品。根据不定冠词a可知,空处用单数名词。故填designer。
2. passers by 考查名词复数。句意:陈祖儿的作品融合了东西方的元素,以明显的东方优雅感以及大胆的西方表达吸引了路人的注意。此处指“不止一个路人”,用名词passer by的复数形式作宾语,表泛指。故填passers by。
3. met 考查时态。句意:陈祖儿说,当她第一次见到百货公司的员工,提出在橱窗里展示作品的想法时,压力真的很大。根据系动词was可知,从句谓语动词meet也用一般过去时。故填met。
4. and 考查连词。句意:她回忆道:“他们看起来很严肃,没有人笑。”They seemed very strict和nobody smiled是并列关系,用并列连词and。故填and。
5. asked 考查状语从句的省略。句意:当被问及她对中国文化的看法时,她说“它可以像故宫博物院一样非常宏伟,但也可以像我作为一个中国女孩画的一样简单”。 此处是When引导的时间状语从句的省略句,从句主语she与从句谓语动词ask是被动关系,从句谓语用be done形式;从句主语与主句主语一致且从句含有be动词,常省略从句的主语和be动词。故填asked。
6. truly 考查副词。句意见上题解析。副词作状语,修饰形容词magnificent。故填truly。
7. as 考查固定搭配。句意见第5小题解析。as+形容词或副词原级+as,意为“和……一样”。故填as。
8. to exhibit 考查动词不定式。句意:展示结束后,她赢得了展示自己作品的机会。opportunity to do sth意为“做某事的机会”,空处用动词不定式作后置定语。故填to exhibit。
9. to 考查固定搭配。句意:尽管由于新冠疫情,展览只持续了10天,但结果非常成功。固定搭配due to意为“由于”。故填to。
10. a 考查冠词。句意见上题解析。success意为“成功的人或事物”,是可数名词,此处泛指“一次巨大的成功”,great以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词a。故填a。
Ⅳ. 1. Tu Youyou has become the first female scientist of the People's Republic of China to receive a Nobel Prize, awarded for her contribution to the fight against malaria.
2. In 1969 Tu became head of a team that intended to find a cure for malaria.
3. Inspired by an over 1,600 year old text about preparing qinghao extract with cold water, she succeeded in making qinghao extract that could treat malaria in mice.
4. The trials on patients were likely to be postponed because they did not have sufficient safety data.
5. To speed up the process and ensure its safety, Tu and her team volunteered to test qinghao extract on themselves first.
6. The efforts of Tu and her team finally paid off.
7. In November 1972, through trial and error, they successfully discovered qinghaosu—the most effective part of the qinghao extract.
8. Tu encouraged scientists to further explore the treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine and raise it to a higher level.
Tu Youyou has become the first female scientist of the People's Republic of China to receive a Nobel Prize, awarded for her contribution to the fight against malaria. In 1969 Tu became head of a team that intended to find a cure for malaria. Inspired by an over 1,600 year old text about preparing qinghao extract with cold water, she succeeded in making qinghao extract that could treat malaria in mice. However, the trials on patients were likely to be postponed because they did not have sufficient safety data. To speed up the process and ensure its safety, Tu and her team volunteered to test qinghao extract on themselves first. The efforts of Tu and her team finally paid off. In November 1972, through trial and error, they successfully discovered qinghaosu—the most effective part of the qinghao extract. Tu encouraged scientists to further explore the treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine and raise it to a higher level.


