牛津译林版(2020) 必修第三册 Unit 1 Nature in the Balance导学案(无答案)

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牛津译林版(2020) 必修第三册 Unit 1 Nature in the Balance导学案(无答案)


B3 Unit 1 News that Matters:
Pollution in Norgate
Part1: 词族关联(根据汉语和词性写出单词)
1. _________n. 应用, 运用; 申请→__________ v.申请→__________ n. 申请人
2. __________ n.组织;安排;条理→__________ v.组织→__________ n.组织者
→__________ adj.有条理的;有组织的
3. __________adv.绝对地,完全地;极其→__________ adj.完全的;全部的;绝对的
4. __________ n. 形象;图像;意象 →__________ v.想象;设想;猜想→__________ n.想象;想象力:创造力
5. __________adv. 完全地,全部地,完整地→__________ adj. 整个的; 全部的
6. __________ n. 利润,收益; 好处→__________ vi. &vt. 获益,得到好处→__________adj.有益的;利润的
7. _______n.辩护;防守→_________adj. 防御的;保护的→__________ adv. 申辩;防守地→__________ v.防御;保卫→__________ n.防守队员;后卫;保护人;防御者
8. __________ adj.经济的,经济上的;可赚钱的→__________ n.经济学→__________ n. 经济; 节约→__________ n. 经济学家; 经济专家
9. _______n.官员,要员adj.公务的;正式的,官方的→_________adv.正式地;官方地公开地
10. __________ n.贫穷,贫困;贫乏→__________ adj. 贫困的
11. _________vt. 污染;毒死,毒害(n.)毒物,毒药→__________ adj. 有毒的→__________中毒
12. __________ n.化学制品adj.化学的→__________ n.药剂师;化学家→__________ n.化学
13. __________ n.结果,后果;重要性→→in consequence=as a consequence of因此;结果→__________ adj随之发生的;作为结果的→__________ adv.因此;所以
do harm _______… =be _______ to… 对…造成伤害
________the alarm发出警报 _______the earthquake在地震中幸免于难
cut ____砍倒;削减,缩小(尺寸\ 数量或数目) a wide _______ of..各种各样的…
______ with充满,到处都是(活的或动的东西)
play a _________role/part in...在…中起着重要的作用,在……中扮演重要角色
maintain the ______ balance of...保持…的微妙平衡
_______length在长度上 close to ___________近乎灭绝
apply sth ______sth. 把…应用于…..apply to sb ___sth 向某人申请某事
apply oneself to sth/_______ sth 专门致志于某事
_____ turn相应地,转而 ______ down使分解
breathe life______...给……带来起色,注入活力
for one thing..., for_____ (thing)….首先……,再者…
build ______(使)逐渐增加,(使)扩大
_____ in 吸收;欺骗 ; 使上当 ; 理解 ; 领会
leave ___省略;遗漏;排除;忽视 come up _____想出,..; 想到…
call _______ (公开)要求;需要
keep/lose _____ of 了解...动态,与...失去联系
make every _______ to do sth.竭尽全力做某事
keep _______ from..远离… far ______远离…远非…
What ______ "要是……将会怎么样/如果……怎么办”
clean _______打扫(或清除)干净 ________ up (for sth.)报名(参加课程)
divide... _______..将……分成…… _______ to mind突然记起(或想到)
have the greatest impact_______.. 对……有最大的影响 …;
on the_______在增加,在上涨
achieve a ______ (between...and...)实现(……和…之间 的)平衡
take _______ to do sth.采取行动做某事(= take______ to do sth.)
be of great _______ (= be greatly _________)非常重要
call _____ sb. to do sth.号召某人做某事
protest ________sth.反对/抗议某事物
________ huge profits from… 从…获得巨额利润
be senior/junior ______...比……年长/年幼;比 职位高/低__________
in _______ of..为…作解释或辩护______ sb in doing sth. 和某人一起做某事
give _____ to使发生(或存在)________ to do sth. 自愿做某事
1.The TV host invites three guests (James Smith,Vincent Brown, and Julie Archer) to News that Matters to discuss the question _____________we should choose the economy or the environment. The three have different opinions as follows.
2.James Smith, a local resident , protests ____________heavy industry.
3. In his hometown the air used to be fresh, the grass green, and the water clear, ____________ things became entirely different after heavy industry factories ___________ (move) in.
4.The river is dirty and smelly. The sky isn't blue. He has even got a cough that he can't get rid of. For health and_________ (safe) reasons alone, he thinks heavy industry has to go.
5.However, Vincent Brown, a senior manager, doesn't agree with Smith's opinion.
6.In _________(defend) of factories, he says they are responsible businessmen and ___________ they have taken a lot of measures ___________ (reduce) pollution in the production process ____________ the fact that production costs are raised. Besides, they have created many jobs for local residents and helped the city's economy grow.
7.Julie Archer ,an environmental protection expert, says that there are indeed _________(conflict) between environmental protection and economic growth.
8.However, if people try to work hand in hand with factories and the government, a balance between the environment and development can _________ (achieve). Everyone can help by following the golden rule: reduce, reuse and recycle.
9.The fortunes of our environment and our economy are10. _________ (separate).
10.It is our duty to protect our environment while ________(aim) for economic development.
1. With an area of around 6 million square kilometres, the Amazon rainforest is ______________________________________________________________________. (P2)亚马孙雨林面积约600万平方公里,相当于中国面积的一半以上。
In front of me was another stream, which was ________________________ the one I had crossed before.
2. I wish ____________________________________. (P6)我希望我们也能够做一些有帮助的事情。
Parents wish ____________________________ on smartphones.
3. When we build farms or factories, we destroy animal habitats and leave many animals ______________________, or no food to eat. (P8) 当我们建农场或工厂时,我们破坏了动物的栖息地,使许多动物没有地方可以住,没有食物可以吃。
________________________, she often feels lonely.
4. As the human population continues to grow, __________________________________. (P8)随着人口的持续增长,我们对动物的影响也在不断增加。
The girls had a broad smile on their faces, __________________________________.
5. ____________________________________ James Smith, a local resident; Vincent Brown, senior manager of a local factory; and Julie Archer, chief of the Norgate Environmental Protection Committee. (P11)今晚和我们一起在演播室的还有当地居民詹姆斯·史密斯、当地一家工厂的高级经理文森特·布朗和诺盖特环保委员会的负责人朱莉·阿彻。
________________________ Ms. Smith, a psychological consultant, and all senior 3 students.


