牛津译林版(2019)必修三U1 Nature in the balance Extended reading 课件(共27张PPT)

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牛津译林版(2019)必修三U1 Nature in the balance Extended reading 课件(共27张PPT)


Unit 1 Nature in the balance
Extended reading
What advantages does economic development bring to us
advanced technology
convenient life
more job opportunities
better healthcare...
the greater gap between the rich and poor
environmental pollution....
However, every coin has two sides.
News that Matters:
pollution in Norgate
Unit 1 Nature in the balance
Fast reading
Scan the transcript to find out the main idea of this TV show transcript and the identity of each guests.
Name Identity
Main idea:
A local resident
Senior manager of a local factory
Chief of the Norgate Environment Protection Committee
James Smith
Vincent Brown
Julie Archer
Environmental protection or economic development Who is responsible for the pollution in Norgate
L.9-14. Find out the attitude of James Smith.
For health and safety reasons alone, heavy industry has to go.
Before heavy industry factories moved in Now (Things became ________________.)
The air was __________, the grass _______ and the water _________. The river is __________and__________.
The smog in the air has _________the sky __________________ and given him a _________that he can’t___________.
a smoky grey
get rid of
totally different
water pollution
air pollution
health problems
What other pullution do you know about in our daily life
noise pollution
soil pollution
radiation/pesticide pollution...
What would be the result if the heavy industry went in Norgate
The pollution would be reduced and the environment would be improved.
Many people would lose the jobs and the local economy would decline(下降).
L.17-27. Summarize Brown’s attitude.
1. However, I’d like to point out that we also try to
control the amount of pollution we produce.
2. We’ve been taking various measures to reduce pollution
even though they raise production costs.
3. I’d also like to draw your attention to the economic benefits factories have brought to Norgate.
4. We created many jobs for local residents and helped the city's economy grow.
We boost(促进) the local economy and also attach great important to reducing pollution.
What do you think of the businessmen like Brown in the text
They are more environmentally-responsible because they use many ways like new technologies to reduce pollution despite higher costs.
They are more socially-responsible because they make profits and also contribute to the local economy such as more job offers to the local residents.
L.32-45. Find out the attitude of Julie Archer.
We’ve made environmental policies for businesses to observe, like strict clean-up requirements.
We also work hand in hand with other branches of goverments to ensure that development strategies are followed in an environmentally friendly way.
Fighting pollution has to be a community-wide effort. For exapmle,...
We have to achieve a balance between environmental protection and economic development.
Joint efforts should be made among government, factories and individuals.
Everyone can help by following the golden rule: reduce, reuse and recycle.
How to achieve a balance between environmental protection and economic development accoding to Archer
As students, what exactly can we do to follow the golden rule: reduce, reuse and recycle
Reduce: save energy by taking the bus or the subway, or using the bike-sharing system; turn off the lights when you leave the room; turn off the tap when you don’t use it so as to save water; refuse disposable goods; reduce the use of plastic or paper bags; ...
Reuse: reuse the bags you get from presents; gather the water from the shower while waiting for it to get warm (water flowers; mop the floor); turn old clothes into dusters; ...
Recycle: learn to sort the garbage; recycle paper, plastics, glass and metals; ...
How to follow the rules of Three “R” as a student
Read L.46-53. Find out the attitude of the host.
It’s our duty to protect the environment while we aim for economic development. It’s our duty to leave a better, cleaner and healthier planet to our children (sustainable development可持续发展). It’s our duty to build a human community with a shared future (人类命运共同体).
The fortunes of our environment and our economy are inseparable.
Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.
—President Xi
Green development
Do you think things will change significantly in the future?Why or why not
1. What are the functions of the host’s words Give examples.
2. Why did the host invite the guests to speak in such a order
Introduce the topic and the guests;
Invite the guests to talk;
Summarize the guest’s opinion;
Make a conclusion.
Smith/Brown --- state the consequence and causes
Archer---state the control/solutions of pollution
3 “C” structure
China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) has launched a new "blue sky" protection campaign in Changsha to reduce air pollution. As a student, write a proposal to a blue sky.
Language Points
1. Joining us in the studio tonight are James Smith, a local resident; ... (Lines 2-4)
Standing in front of the classroom is our head teacher.
Buried in the sands was an ancient village.
2. Mr Smith protested against heavy industry. (Line 15)
protest v. (about/aganist/at sth) (公开)反对;抵抗;坚决地表示,申辩
There's no use _________(protest). I won't change my mind.
Students walked to the streets to protest ________ the decision.
She has always protested her ____________. (innocent)
n. 抗议 (书,行动),反对
The announcement raised _________________________.
She accepted the charge(指控)__________________.
a storm of protest
without protest
3. In defense of the factories, however, I'd like to point out... (Lines19-20)
in defense of “为...辩护”
请根据句意补充合适的短语,用in+n.+of 的形式
Many countries are _________ vaccine against COVID-19.
___________ natural resources, this country is one of the poor countries in Europe.
__________ great effort, we failed to carry our plan through at last.
__________ fire, open this door.
The object of great interest at the temple was a large marble tower built ___________________ Buddha.
in need of
In terms of
In spite of
In case of
in honor/memory of
We show our deepest respect for many soldiers who died _____________ the country .
Send it to whoever is _____________ sales.
If you gave up __________ competition, you would never be successful.
While listening, you can nod your head to show you are ___________ the idea.
In such urgent situation, physicians' assistants are being used ___________ doctors.
in defense of
in charge of
in face of
in favor of
in place of
4. With pollution levels on the rise, the Norgate Environmental Protecton Committee... (Lines 28-29)
with 的复合结构是一种很有用的表达方式,经常用在句中表状态或者说明背景情况,常做伴随、方式、条件、原因状语。
The man was walking in the street, with a book _______________. (在腋下)
With this problem _________ (解决了), the vaccine is now in regular production.
He felt more uneasy with all the classmates _____________(盯着他看).
under his armpit
staring at him
So in the afternoon, with nothing ________(可做), I went to a bookstore.
Now that we've discussed the problem , are people happy with the decision________(take)?
With the production _____________(增长了60%), the company has had another excellent year.
The day was bright, __________________________(微风吹拂).
_____________________ (心存梦想), he went to Hollywood.
to do
up by 60%
with a fresh breeze blowing
With a dream in heart
5. We also work hand in hand with other branches of ...
(Line 36)
类似于hand in hand 的短语
以眼还眼 以牙还牙
heart to heart
shoulder to shoulder
face to face
back to back
mouth to mouth
an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth
step by step
6. The fortunes of our environment and our economy are inseparable ... (Lines 49-50)
in + separat(e) + able 不可分离的,休戚与共的


