
  1. 二一教育资源



1. Where does the woman live
A. On the mountain.
B. Near the school.
C. By the police station.
2. What do the speakers have to decide
A. Where to get a pizza.
B. How many pizzas to order.
C. What kind of pizza to choose.
3. When will the speakers meet
A.At 6:20.
B.At 6:10.
C.At 5:40.
4. What does the woman imply
A. The man should read more books.
B. The man should have cleaned up earlier.
C. The man should sweep the floor immediately.
5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Fellow workers.
B. Roommates.
C. Husband and wife.
6. Where did the conversation take place
A. In a cafeteria.
B In a police station.
C. In a car.
7. What happened to the speakers
A. They lost their way.
B. They had an accident.
C. They were stuck in traffic.
8. What does the man find the hardest in learning French
C. Grammar.
9. Which word is female
10. What is the woman trying to do
A. Comfort the man.
B. Persuade the man.
C. Inspire the man.
11. What does the man want to know more about
C. Recent events.
12. Where are the fires happening
A. In New York.
B. In Los Angeles.
C. In Katowice.
13. What report will come last on TV
A. The weather report.
B. The sports news.
C. The local news.
14. Who is Macy
A. Ed’s mother.
B. Ed’s teacher.
C. Ed’s friend.
15. How does Ed usually go to the kindergarten
A.By car.
B.By bus.
C.On foot.
16 What does Ed enjoy at the kindergarten
A. Singing songs.
B. Telling stories.
C. Playing with others.
17. What do the teachers say about Ed
A. He’s clever.
B.He’s quiet.
C. He’s brave.
18. Why is it important that passengers are healthy
A. They have to walk in wet and dirty fields.
B. They have to climb in and out of the basket.
C. They have to walk all the way back to the airfield.
19. What does the speaker remind passengers to do
A. Not bring children under 12.
B. Wear outdoor clothes and boots.
C. Rearrange the flight when it is windy.
20. When is the airfield closed
A. In March.
B. In October.
C. In November.
Montreal has a unique culture with its mixture of French and English. If you want to visit one of the best cities in North America, this is the place for you.
The French
Most places in Canada are English-speaking, but Montreal is different. It is a city run by the French and for the French. If you want to work there, you have to speak French. The French and the English generally stay apart from each other. Most of the English can’t speak French and don’t want to learn; most of the French don’t like to speak English. However, it is this “conflict” of cultures that makes Montreal interesting.
The best and unique Canadian food comes from the French. For example, you can find “poutine” - a tasty quick snack. This French invention is my personal favorite, although I must warn you that it isn’t for everyone. The best way to experience poutine is to go north of Montreal to one of the ski resorts. Spend all day skiing. Then, when your body aches all over, go to a mountain bar with friends and have a hot chocolate and a plate of poutine. You will understand why it’s the best food in the world.
Music & Cinema
Montreal is also great for music. There’s a famous jazz festival in the summer. You need a pass for most of the shows, which are usually performed outdoors during the day and night. But wherever you are in Montreal, you can hear the music while you are walking in the streets.
1. Where is this text probably taken from
A. A travel plan.
B. A travel brochure.
C. An encyclopedia.
D. A travel journal.
2. When will you enjoy poutine the most
A. After a day-long sightseeing.
B. After a tiring skiing experience.
C. When your body aches all over.
D. When you have a hot chocolate.
3. What is necessary if you intend to makea living in Montreal
A. Mastering skiing skills.
B. Favoring different cultures.
C. Understanding jazz music.
D. Communicating in French.
【答案】1. B 2. B 3. D
推理判断题。根据第一段“Montreal has a unique culture, with its mixture of French and English. If you want to visit one of the best cities in North America, this is the place for you.(蒙特利尔有着独特的文化,它融合了法语和英语。如果你想参观北美最好的城市之一,这是你的地方。)”以及文章黑体字“The French”,“Food”和“Music & Cinema”可知,文章取自于一本旅游手册。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第三段的第三、四句“The best way to experience poutine is to go north of Montreal to one of the ski resorts. Spend all day skiing. Then, when your body aches all over, go to a mountain bar with friends and have a hot chocolate and a plate of poutine. (品尝poutine最好的方法是去蒙特利尔北部的一个滑雪胜地。整天滑雪。然后,当你全身疼痛时,和朋友一起去山上的酒吧,喝一杯热巧克力和一盘poutine。)”可知,你最享受poutine的时间是在一次疲惫的滑雪经历之后。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第二段的第二、三句“It is a city run by the French and for the French. If you want to work there, you have to speak French. (这是一座由法国人管理、为法国人服务的城市。如果你想在那里工作,你必须会说法语。)” 可知,想要在蒙特利尔谋生,就必须学会用法语交流。故选D项。
The white rhinoceros (犀牛) is near-threatened due to massive illegal hunting; the mountain gorilla (大猩猩) is classed as endangered due to great habitat destruction. If no action is taken, these amazing creatures will undoubtedly be extinct before the end of the century. But scientists are working hard to stop this with some pretty cool drone tech (无人机技术).
One of the biggest dangers to endangered animals in the modern day comes from illegal hunting, which claims the lives of hundreds of white rhinos every year. While regular patrols (巡逻队) can drive hunters away from certain areas, hunters are often well-armed and unafraid to fire upon those hoping to protect the rhinos. This is where drones come in. If researchers work in these areas, there would be a real danger of coming into contact with the hunters. By having drones collect data, movement patterns and numbers of animals, researchers can get away from such dangers.
Drones can also be sent into the skies above difficult-to-reach areas to get data that would otherwise be tough to collect. For example, mountain gorillas are usually found in deep jungle, and organising an exploration can be expensive and demanding. Researchers can send drones over the forest to gather data about the habitat of the animals, and even take high quality images. This information can be priceless when it comes to an on-foot exploration, as researchers can get up-to-date information. In this situation, human-led surveys will still offer better results, but drones can play a huge part.
The downside presently is the cost, which can run into tens, if not thousands, of dollars. However, drone tech is still becoming a more favorable choice in the fight against wildlife extinction.
4. What does the underlined word “claims”mean in Paragraph 2
A. Ends. B. Saves. C. Changes. D. Shortens.
5. How can the drone tech contribute to wildlife protection
A. It can gather useful information.
B. It can process important data.
C. It can drive away illegal hunters.
D. It can replace human-led surveys.
6. What might be the author’s attitude towards the drone tech
A. Critical. B. Concerned. C. Doubtful. D. Positive.
7. What is the passage mainly about
A. An application of drone tech.
B. An introduction to drone tech.
C. The terrible situation of wildlife.
D. The importance of wildlife protection.
【答案】4. A 5. A 6. D 7. A
词句猜测题。根据第二段划线单词前的句子“One of the biggest dangers to endangered animals in the modern day comes from illegal hunting(现代濒危动物面临的最大威胁之一来自非法狩猎)”及划线单词后面的“the lives of hundreds of white rhinos(数百头白犀牛的生命)”可知,捕猎导致白犀牛的死亡,即结束他们的生命。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Drones can also be sent into the skies above difficult-to-reach areas to get data that would otherwise be tough to collect. (无人机还可以被派到难以到达的地区上空,以获取原本难以收集的数据。)”可知,无人机是通过收集数据来帮助保护野生动物的。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“However, drone tech is still becoming a more favorable choice in the fight against wildlife extinction.(然而,无人机技术仍然成为对抗野生动物灭绝的一个更有利的选择。)”可知,作者对无人机技术的态度是支持的。故选D项。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段的第二、三句“If no action is taken, these amazing creatures will undoubtedly be extinct before the end of the century. But scientists are working hard to stop this with some pretty cool drone tech.(如果不采取行动,这些神奇的生物无疑将在本世纪末灭绝。但科学家们正在努力用一些非常酷的无人机技术来阻止这种情况)”可知,文章主要介绍了无人机技术应用于野生动物的保护。故选A项。
During the COP27 climate conference (会议) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, an important deal on “loss and damage” was reached. This was a big step forward because at COP26 conference in Glasgow, Scotland, there were no talks on loss and damage at all. The plan is that richer countries will pay money into a special fund that will be used to help poor countries.
Loss and damage means the damaging impact of climate change on developing countries. For nearly 30 years poorer countries have been asking richer countries for money to help to protect communities from the effects of climate change. Richer countries have produced the most greenhouse gases, but poorer countries are often the worst affected by extreme weather conditions because they are less well equipped to face extreme climate events.
Brazil’s newly elected President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva made a speech about preserving the largest rainforest on Earth, the Amazon. During the last 50 years, more than 17% of the Amazon rainforest has been destroyed to make way for farms and towns. However, in his speech, Lula promised that there would be zero deforestation (伐树) in the Amazon by 2030. The conference didn’t just focus on world leaders. It brought together more than 45,000 people to discuss how climate change is affecting their lives. Climate refugees (难民) also had their voices heard. Tshilombo from the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya said, “Refugees don’t only flee because of war or conflict. It’s also about drought, the effects of climate change.”
Some countries weren’t happy with the overall outcome of COP27 because decisions weren’t made on cutting the use of fossil fuels, such as coal, gas and oil, etc. The UK Government’s Alok Sharma said, “I’m incredibly disappointed.”
However, this deal was a great achievement for developing countries. Sherry Rehman, the climate minister for Pakistan, said, “I am confident we have tuned a comer in how we work together to achieve climate goals.”
8. What is a successful outcome of the COP27 climate conference
A. The deal on loss and damage.
B. The deal on using fossil fuels.
C. The deal on rainforest preservation.
D. The deal on helping climate refugees.
9. What has made it difficult for developing countries to fight against climate change
A. More greenhouse gases.
B. Massive deforestation.
C. Shortage of money and supplies.
D. Terrible weather conditions.
10. What can we infer from Paragraph 3
A. Climate change is influencing people’s lives.
B. 17% of the Amazon rainforest was destroyed.
C. Many factors lead to the appearance of refugees.
D. There will be less deforestation in the Amazon by 2030.
11. What would Sherry Rehman probably agree with
A. Never put off till tomorrow.
B. Many hands make light work.
C. Knowledge starts with practice.
D. No way is impossible to courage.
【答案】8. A 9. C 10. C 11. B
细节理解题。根据第一段中“During the COP27 climate conference (会议) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, an important deal on ‘loss and damage’ was reached. This was a big step forward because at COP26 conference in Glasgow, Scotland, there were no talks on loss and damage at all.(在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行的COP27气候大会上,就“损失和损害”达成了一项重要协议。这是向前迈出的一大步,因为在苏格兰格拉斯哥举行的COP26会议上,根本没有关于损失和损害的讨论)”可知,COP27气候大会的成果是关于损失和损害的协议。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第二段中“Loss and damage means the damaging impact of climate change on developing countries. For nearly 30 years, poorer countries have been asking richer countries for money to help to protect communities from the effects of climate change.(损失和损害是指气候变化对发展中国家的破坏性影响。近30年来,较贫穷的国家一直要求较富裕的国家提供资金,帮助保护社区免受气候变化的影响)”可知,较贫穷的发展中国家需要较富裕的国家提供资金来保护社区免受气候变化的影响,说明是资金和物资短缺让发展中国家难以应对气候变化。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“Climate refugees (难民) also had their voices heard. Tshilombo from the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya said, “Refugees don’t only flee because of war or conflict. It’s also about drought, the effects of climate change.”(气候难民的声音也被听到了。肯尼亚卡库马难民营的奇伦博说:“难民不仅仅是因为战争或冲突而逃离。还有干旱,气候变化的影响”)”可推知,许多因素导致难民的出现。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中Sherry Rehman的话“I am confident we have tuned a comer in how we work together to achieve climate goals.(我相信,在如何共同努力实现气候目标方面,我们已经取得了进展)”可知,Sherry Rehman认为通过共同努力,在实现气候目标方面已经取得了进展。由此推知Sherry Rehman会赞同“Many hands make light work.(众人拾柴火焰高 )”这一说法。故选B项。
When living or travelling internationally, we notice the differences between cultures before seeing the similarities. At first, some differences are easy to spot. Over time, however, there are some curious similarities between how people in the UK and China communicate. Indeed, international residents in both countries often complain about having to read what local people really mean, because it often differs from what is said.
In the UK, outsiders often get confused when they realise that a person making rude comments was actually showing love. In situations like this, context is everything. Likewise, in China, outsiders must infer most meaning from context and from what is not said, rather than from what is. Otherwise, misunderstandings happen.
The UK and China contexts share further cultural features, which greatly influence how people communicate, including the cultural trait (特点) of non-conflict. The British will do everything to avoid conflict. They wil probably tell the waiter it was lovely even when served with poor quality food. This cultural trait can cause major misunderstandings. For example, a British business partner who is deeply unhappy with your proposal will probably say “there are just a couple of small concerns,” rather than telling you that the entire proposal is unsatisfactory.
Chinese communication shows a very similar conflict prevention. Often challenges, errors, mistakes, or problems remain completely taboos (禁忌) as topics of discussion, even though everyone knows of their existence. Instead, people talk about working towards further goals or objectives, rather than directly admit that the current situation is far from satisfactory. Likewise, Chinese people like to keep a sense of harmony within all environments, and so avoid open criticism of each other. This is very similar to the way that a British person might tell you a colleague “is very confident” rather than that they are rude. In this sense, the British and Chinese can appreciate each other for harmony.
12. What does the author suggest in Paragraph 2
A. Polite comments are encouraged.
B. Learning what is not said is difficult.
C. Context is important in communication.
D. Misunderstandings often happen among outsiders.
13. What will the British and the Chinese probably both agree with
A. Talking over taboos in discussions.
B. Preventing misunderstandings in work.
C. Avoiding discussing one’s mistakes in public.
D. Making use of cultural traits in communication.
14. How does the author develop this passage
A. By using figures.
B. By making comparison.
C. By listing reasons.
D. By making classifications.
15. Which is the most suitable title for the passage
A. Cultural Context
B. Conflict Prevention
C. Cultural Differences
D. Communication Puzzles
【答案】12. C 13. C 14. B 15. D
细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“In situations like this, context is everything. (在这种情况下,语境决定一切。)”可知,在交流中语境是非常重要的。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第四段第一句“Chinese communication shows a very similar conflict prevention. ( 中国的沟通也表现出非常相似的冲突预防。)”可知,中国人和英国人一致的观点是避免在公共场合讨论自己的错误。故选C项。
推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是第一段第三句“Over time, however, there are some curious similarities between how people in the UK and China communicate. (然而,随着时间的推移,英国人和中国人的交流方式有一些奇怪的相似之处。)”可知,作者通过比较中国人和英国人交流的方式来论证自己的观点,即作比较。故选B项。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段最后一句“Indeed, international residents in both countries often complain about having to read what local people really mean, because it often differs from what is said.(事实上,居住在这两个国家的国际居民经常抱怨,他们必须理解当地人的真正意思,因为他们说的话往往不同。)”和第二段最后一句“ Otherwise, misunderstandings happen.(否则,误解就会发生。)”可知,本文讲了在中英两国中容易出现交流上的误解。D项“Communication Puzzles(沟通难题)”作为标题,可以概括全文主旨。故选D项。
The colder months are a time of year when many of us tend to overeat or comfort eat. There are several reasons why we are drawn to more food in the winter. ___16___ Here are four small but important steps we can take to manage our weight.
Eat and drink healthily.
Easier said than done, right The first rule of making it easier is not to fully stop intake. In fact, refusing everything can be extremely harmful. As soon as something becomes of limits, we will want it more. ___17___ The second rule is to use fresh, in-season fruits and vegetable to cook home-made dishes.
Stay active.
Physical activity keeps us warm! Simple 15- to 30-minute daily exercises, such as walking and yoga, will be enough and can be completed in the comfort and warmth of our home. Why not do a house-cleaning workout to get ready for visitors Remember to put some music on. ___18___
Relaxation is helpful to fight seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD or the “winter blues”. This condition leads to weight gain. Some ways to relax are listening to our favorite tunes, reading a book with an upbeat theme, painting, and gardening. What activities do we find relaxing ___19___
Get enough sleep.
___20___ It can also upset levels c of hormones (激素) for appetite (胃口). Therefore, focus on getting seven to nine hours of sleep a night. As scientists have observed, getting enough sleep contributes to weight loss. What better time to curl up under a quilt than winter
A. It helps to achieve a healthy weight.
B. Loss of sleep means more time to feel hungry.
C. We will soon forget we are actually working out.
D. Why not make the most of the food that winter offers
E. Pick some we like and add them into our usual practice.
F. Whatever the cause, however, it can lead to unwanted weight gain.
G. Therefore, choose treats wisely, keep the intake small, and enjoy every bite.
【答案】16. F 17. G 18. C 19. E 20. B
下文“Here are four small but important steps we can take to manage our weight.(下面是我们可以采取的控制体重的四个小而重要的步骤)”提出控制体重,说明设空处会提出与体重相关的话题。F项“Whatever the cause, however, it can lead to unwanted weight gain.(然而,不管是什么原因,它都会导致不必要的体重增加)”中说到“unwanted weight gain”,引出下文内容,同时句中“the cause”照应上文中“There are several reasons”,上下文语意连贯。故选F项。
根据小标题“Eat and drink healthily.(健康饮食)”可知,本段内容与健康饮食有关。上文“In fact, refusing everything can be extremely harmful. As soon as something becomes of limits, we will want it more.(事实上,拒绝一切都是极其有害的。一旦限制某样东西,我们就会想要更多)”提出不能拒绝或限制某种食物,G项“Therefore, choose treats wisely, keep the intake small, and enjoy every bite.(因此,明智地选择食物,少吃,享受每一口)”给出正确对待美食的方法:少吃,享受每一口,同时照应本段主题。故选G项。
上文“Why not do a house-cleaning workout to get ready for visitors Remember to put some music on.(为什么不打扫一下房间,为访客做好准备呢?记得放点音乐)”提出打扫一下房间,同时播放点音乐,C项“We will soon forget we are actually working out.(我们很快就会忘记我们实际上是在锻炼)”指出这样做的结果,会让你忘记是在锻炼,上下文语意连贯。故选C项。
上文“What activities do we find relaxing (什么活动能让我们放松?)”提出问题,找出能让自己放松的活动,E项“Pick some we like and add them into our usual practice.(选择一些我们喜欢的,并加入到我们的日常实践中)”承接上文,找出让自己放松的活动后,把自己喜欢的活动加入到我们的日常实践中去,句中“Pick some”与上文“activities”相照应,上下文语意连贯。故选E项。
根据小标题“Get enough sleep.(有充足睡眠)”可知,本段建议要有充足的睡眠。B项“Loss of sleep means more time to feel hungry.(睡眠不足意味着更容易感到饥饿)”与下文“It can also upset levels c of hormones (激素) for appetite (胃口). (它还会扰乱食欲荷尔蒙水平)”构成并列关系,解释了要有充足的睡眠的原因,照应主题。故选B项。
As a very shy writer, I wasn’t sure which frightened me more: never getting books published or having to promote myself at book signings. I wasn’t just a little shy; I was ___21___ speaking to strangers. Several friends suggested I join a speech club, but I wasn’t ready to challenge myself.
I remembered an editor ___22___ me my first contract (合同) for a novel. I was over the moon when I ___23___ my friend Barb, a high school teacher. “That’s wonderful!” she said after I’d shared my ___24___. “You should speak to my class and share your writing experience.”
“Oh, no,” I said, feeling my cheeks turn red. “I ___25___ the invitation, but I’m nowhere near ready to ___26___.”
When I drove home, however, I couldn’t help thinking: wasn’t it a perfect chance Barb offered ___27___ to deal with my fear Just then, a song came on the radio. “What if you jump And just close your eyes ” Nichole Nordeman sang. Encouraged, I ___28___ Barb and said yes.
In the following week, ___29___ kept me company. I lost count of how many times I had to ___30___ the urge (冲动) to call and cancel.
The day of the lecture finally arrived. Barb was warm and ___31___ as always, and her students were engaged and excited. I read some contents of my work, discussed my creative ___32___, and invited questions. It turned out I had a ___33___ time.
___34___ this experience, I’m no longer a fearful writer. It all began with a simple’___35___ and a single jump.
21. A. addicted to B. fond of C. terrified of D. curious about
22. A. paid B. served C. awarded D. offered
23. A. listened to B. ran into C. turned to D. watched over
24. A. novel B. news C. contract D. comment
25. A. dislike B. refuse C. accept D. appreciate
26. A. deliver a speech B. write a novel C. sign a book D. provide a chance
27. A. gradually B. finally C. exactly D. uniquely
28. A. invited B. impressed C. forgave D. contacted
29. A. relief B. excitement C. anxiety D. disappointment
30. A. have B. fight C. reduce D. satisfy
31. A. outstanding B. hardworking C. interesting D. welcoming
32. A. process B. behaviour C. personality D. experiment
33. A. limited B. difficult C. pleasant D. terrible
34. A. Thanks to B. Instead of C. Apart from D. As for
35. A. slide B. song C. sentence D. suggestion
【答案】21. C 22. D 23. B 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. B
考查形容词短语辨析。句意:我害怕和陌生人说话。A. addicted to 沉溺于;B. fond of喜欢;C. terrified of害怕;D. curious about好奇。根据前俄文“As a very shy writer, I wasn’t sure which frightened me more: never getting books published or having to promote myself at book signings. (作为一个非常害羞的作家,我不知道哪一个更让我害怕:从未出版过书,还是不得不在签售会上推销自己。)”和“I wasn’t just a little shy(我不只是有点害羞)”可知,我还害怕和陌生人讲话。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我记得有个编辑给了我第一份小说合同。A. paid支付;B. served服务;C. awarded授予;D. offered提供。根据后文“my first contract (合同) for a novel”可知,编辑给我提供了出版小说的合同。故选D项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:当我遇到我的高中老师朋友巴布时,我欣喜若狂。A. listened to听;B. ran into撞上,遇见;C. turned to转向,求助;D. watched over监视,照顾。根据后文“You should speak to my class and share your writing experience.(你应该在我的课堂上发言,分享你的写作经验。)”可知,我遇到一位老师朋友,他请我给她的学生做演讲。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:太棒了!我告诉她我的消息后,她说。A. novel小说;B. news新闻,消息;C. contract合同;D. comment评论。根据前文““That’s wonderful!”(那太好了了!)”可知,我和朋友分享了我的好消息。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“谢谢你的邀请,但我还没准备好发表演讲。”A. dislike不喜欢;B. refuse拒绝;C. accept接受;D. appreciate感激。根据后文“but I’m nowhere near ready(但我还没准备好)”可知,我很感激朋友的邀请。故选D项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:“谢谢你的邀请,但我还没准备好发表演讲。”A. deliver a speech发表演讲;B. write a novel写一本小说;C. sign a book在书上签名;D. provide a chance提供一个机会。根据前文“You should speak to my class and share your writing experience.(你应该在我的课堂上发言,分享你的写作经验。)”可知,朋友邀请我去她的班里做演讲。故选A项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,当我开车回家时,我不禁想:这难道不是巴布提供的一个完美的机会来应对我的恐惧吗?A. gradually逐渐地;B. finally最终;C. exactly(用于强调)恰好,完全,的确地;D. uniquely独特地。根据语境可知,朋友提供的正(恰好)是让我克服羞怯和恐惧的完美机会。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:受到鼓舞,我联系了巴布 ,答应了。A. invited邀请;B. impressed留下印象,打动;C. forgave原谅;D. contacted联系。根据前文“ Encouraged”和后文“and said yes”可知,我鼓起勇气,联系Barb答应她去做演讲。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:接下来的一周,焦虑一直陪伴着我。A. relief宽慰,减轻;B. excitement兴奋;C. anxiety焦虑;D. disappointment失望。根据“ the urge to call and cancel(想打电话取消约会的冲动)”可知,那几周我一直很焦虑。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我数不清有多少次我不得不克制住打电话取消约会的冲动。A. have有;B. fight与……做斗争,努力抑制(情感);C. reduce减少;D. satisfy使满足。根据前文“I lost count of how many times(我都记不清有多少次了)”和后文“ the urge to call and cancel(想打电话取消约会的冲动)”可知,我一直与打电话取消演讲的冲动作斗争。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:讲座的日子终于到了。巴布一如既往地热情好客,她的学生们都很投入,很兴奋。A. outstanding杰出的;B. hardworking努力的;C. interesting有趣的;D. welcoming热情款待的,热情的。根据前文“Barb was warm(Barb是友好的)”后文“as always(像往常一样)”可知,Barb就像上次邀请我来做演讲一样的热情。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我阅读了一些我的作品内容,讨论了我的创作过程,并邀请提问。A. process过程;B. behaviour行为;C. personality个性;D. experiment实验。根据前俄文“discussed my creative”可知,我在班里和同学们分享了我的创作过程。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:结果这是一段令人愉快的时光。A. limited有限的;B. difficult困难的;C. pleasant令人愉快的;D. terrible糟糕的。根据后文“I’m no longer a fearful writer.( 我不再是一个胆怯的作家。)”可知,这次演讲以及和学生们的互动非常成功,令人愉快。故选C项。
考查介词短语辨析。句意:多亏了这次经历,我不再是一个害怕写作的人了。A. Thanks to幸亏;B. Instead of而不是;C. Apart from除了;D. As for至于。根据后文“I’m no longer a fearful writer.( 我不再是一个胆怯的作家。)”可知,我变得不再胆怯,多亏了这次经历。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这一切都始于一首简单的歌曲和一个跳跃。A. slide滑梯,幻灯片,跌落;B. song歌曲;C. sentence句子;D. suggestion建议。根据前文““What if you jump And just close your eyes ””和后文“and a single jump”,可知,我的改变完全是因为那首简单的首歌。故选B项。
With the ___36___ (economy) development, how to balance progress and the protection of cultural heritage can be a big challenge. Great solutions, ___37___, tend to arise from the challenges.
In the 1950s, in order to control the flooding and to get electricity from the flow of the Nile River, the Egyptian government made a proposal ___38___ (build) a new dam across the Nile. It would cause the water levels to rise high enough to flood a number of ancient temples, ___39___ were among Egypt’s cultural heritage. Therefore, the government turned ___40___ the United Nations for help.
Later, an international committee ___41___ (establish) to help Egypt to find a solution. Finally, they made a decision that all cultural relics should be removed. With the international effort, the government ___42___ (successful) moved the temples and other cultural sites to a new ___43___ (locate) on higher ground.
The project was considered a greatly successful example by UNESCO to prevent world heritage from ___44___ (disappear). More importantly, its success shows that if a problem seems too challenging for a single nation, the global community can make ___45___ big difference.
【答案】36. economic
37. however
38. to build
39. which 40. to
41. was established
42. successfully
43. location
44. disappearing
45. a
考查形容词。句意:随着经济的发展,如何在进步和文化遗产保护之间取得平衡是一个很大的挑战。根据空前空后的名词“development”以及语境可知,空处用形容词修饰名词。with the economic development是常用表达,意为“随着经济的发展”。故填economic。
考查副词。句意:然而,伟大的解决方案往往来自挑战。根据空前 “solutions”和空后“arise from the challenges”可知,本句与上一句语意转折,用副词however“然而”。故填however。
考查非谓语动词。句意:在20世纪50年代,为了控制洪水并从尼罗河的水流中获得电力,埃及政府提出了一个横跨尼罗河的新大坝的建议。分析句子可知,本句有谓语made,故填非谓语动词, “a proposal to do sth.”是固定用法,意为“做某事的建议”,故用不定式作后置定语。故填to build。
考查定语从句。句意:这将导致水位上升到足以淹没埃及文化遗产之一的一些古老寺庙。分析句子可知,空处引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a number of ancient temples,从句缺主语,先行词指物,该从句由关系代词which引导。故填which。
考查介词。句意:因此,政府向联合国求助。结合句意,考查短语turn to sb. for help“向某人求助”。故填to。
考查谓语动词时态语态。句意:后来,为了帮助埃及找到解决办法,一个国际委员被成立了。分析句子可知,本句缺谓语,结合语境,动作发生在过去,且establish与主语 an international committee之间是被动关系,因此谓语时态采用一般过去时的被动语态,主谓保持一致。故填was established。
考查名词。句意:在国际社会的努力下,政府成功地将寺庙和其他文化遗址搬到了更高的地方。根据空前“a new”可知,空处填名词单数location“地点,位置”。故填location。
考查非谓语动词。句意:该项目被联合国教科文组织认为是防止世界遗产消失的一个非常成功的例子。结合句意可知,考查短语prevent … from doing sth.“阻止……做某事”,故填动名词作宾语。故填disappearing。
考查冠词。句意:更重要的是,它的成功表明,如果一个问题似乎对一个国家来说太具有挑战性,国际社会可以发挥巨大作用。结合句意可知,考查短语make a difference“有影响,起作用”。故填a。
46. 假定你是李华,上周你校组织开展了“运动健康周”活动。请你为校英语报写一篇报道,内容包括:
Sports and Fitness Week
by Li Hua, School English Newspaper
【答案】Sports and Fitness Week
To raise our awareness of the importance of fitness, a “Sports and Fitness Week” was organized in our school last week, in which all the students took an active part.
Some girls, who normally have no interest in any sports, played skip rope and had great fun. Some students practiced dancing, boosting their confidence at the same time. What was most exciting was the football match, before which players made full preparations.
All the participants benefited a lot from the activity, both physically and mentally. They all expressed a firm belief that they would continue working out regularly to build up their body.
重要性: importance→ importance
参加:take part in → participate in/ join in
增长(信心):boost → improve
强身健体:build up one’s body →strengthen one’s body
原句:Some girls, who normally have no interest in any sports, played skip rope and have great fun.
拓展句:Some girls, less interested in sports, played skip rope and had great fun.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Some students practiced dancing, boosting their confidence at the same time. (运用了非谓语动词作状语)
【高分句型2】What was most exciting was the football match, before which players made full preparations.(运用了what引导主语从句以及介词+关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Kindness of Strangers
We depend upon a community where helping others is highly thought of. This helps form a web that holds us together in times of need.
Years ago, I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready when my fourteen-year-old daughter, Cassandra, called me from her room. “Mom, can you help me get downstairs ” She had lung disease and depended on oxygen twenty-four hours a day, so it was impossible for her to move up and down the stairs without help. I turned down the stove and ran upstairs to her room. Cassandra let out a sigh and closed her eyes. “Mom, I wish it wasn’t so hard for me to climb the stairs.”
“I know, honey. We’ll try to work something out.”
A month earlier, a company introduced an electric stairlift (座椅电梯) to us. It sounded wonderful. It would greatly improve my daughter’s life. Unluckily, we couldn’t afford it along with the medical bills although John, my husband, even took two jobs to support the family.
I asked the local organization for help once again. They had lent us a wheelchair and a shower chair; maybe they could help with a stairlift, too. I held my breath while the phone rang. “Do you have a stairlift I could borrow ” But they hadn’t.
A few weeks later, we bought a shower chair. Then we could return the borrowed one. I loaded it into my car and drove to the organization. As I got close to the gate of its building, I saw something looking like metal rails, and one of them had a chair attached.
I thought I was seeing things. I parked my car and got out to confirm it was real. I touched the cool metal of the rails and the soft cushion of the attached seat. There was even a remote control taped to a rail. It was a stairlift! I ran in to ask about it. A volunteer told me that someone left it here during the night. He added that a note was left on the stairlift, saying “For anyone who may need it.”
“Can I take it away today ” I asked hopefully.
After John fixed the stairlift on our stairs, we shouted at Cassandra to try it out!
【答案】“Can I take it away today ” I asked hopefully. “Of course, I mean if you really need it.” the volunteer replied. “Yes, yes. You know my daughter’s condition doesn’t allow her to move up and down stairs freely, which causes us great trouble. We really need this.” I said eagerly. After filling in an application and going through some other simple procedures, the stairlift was loaded in my car and waiting to go home. I was so excited that almost forgot to ask about who the donator was. The volunteer said, “Strangers.”, smiling.
After John fixed the stairlift on our stairs, we shouted at Cassandra to try it out! With a big smile on her face, Cassandra sat on the chair and switched it on. Slowly but steadily, the stairlift slid down, landing on the first floor safe and sound. Cassandra was more than happy, so did John and I. “Thanks mom and dad.” “It is the strangers who we are supposed to give our gratitude to, my dear.” I knelt down to hold her hands, “I don’t know who send this gift to us, but I’m sure they are really kind strangers”. “Yes, mon. I will never forget!”.
①由第一段首句内容“‘我今天可以拿走吗 ’我满怀希望地问。”可知,第一段可描写作者申请电动座椅电梯。
②对……大喊:shout at/yell at
③打开它:switch it on/trun it on
①抱有希望地:hopefully/with hope
【点睛】[高分句型1] You know my daughter’s condition doesn’t allow her to move up and down stairs freely, which causes us great trouble.(运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] Slowly but steadily, the stairlift slid down, landing on the first floor safe and sound.(运用了现在分词短语作结果状语)
[高分句型3]It is the strangers who we are supposed to give our gratitude to, my dear.(运用了强调句型)
听力答案:1-5BCBBA 6-10 CACBA 11-15 CBAAC 16-20 CABBC宁波市2022-2023学年第一学期期末考试
1. Where does the woman live
A. On the mountain.
B. Near the school.
C. By the police station.
2. What do the speakers have to decide
A. Where to get a pizza.
B. How many pizzas to order.
C. What kind of pizza to choose.
3 When will the speakers meet
A.At 6:20.
B.At 6:10.
C.At 5:40.
4. What does the woman imply
A. The man should read more books.
B. The man should have cleaned up earlier.
C. The man should sweep the floor immediately.
5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Fellow workers.
B. Roommates.
C. Husband and wife.
6. Where did the conversation take place
A. In a cafeteria.
B. In a police station.
C. In a car.
7. What happened to the speakers
A. They lost their way.
B. They had an accident.
C. They were stuck in traffic.
8. What does the man find the hardest in learning French
C. Grammar.
9. Which word is female
10. What is the woman trying to do
A. Comfort the man.
B. Persuade the man.
C. Inspire the man.
11. What does the man want to know more about
C. Recent events.
12. Where are the fires happening
A. In New York.
B. In Los Angeles.
C. In Katowice.
13. What report will come last on TV
A. The weather report.
B. The sports news.
C. The local news.
14. Who is Macy
A. Ed’s mother.
B. Ed’s teacher.
C. Ed’s friend.
15. How does Ed usually go to the kindergarten
A.By car.
B.By bus.
C.On foot.
16. What does Ed enjoy at the kindergarten
A. Singing songs.
B. Telling stories.
C. Playing with others.
17. What do the teachers say about Ed
A. He’s clever.
B.He’s quiet.
C. He’s brave.
18. Why is it important that passengers are healthy
A. They have to walk in wet and dirty fields.
B. They have to climb in and out of the basket.
C. They have to walk all the way back to the airfield.
19. What does the speaker remind passengers to do
A. Not bring children under 12.
B. Wear outdoor clothes and boots.
C. Rearrange the flight when it is windy.
20. When is the airfield closed
A. In March.
B. In October.
C. In November.
Montreal has a unique culture, with its mixture of French and English. If you want to visit one of the best cities in North America, this is the place for you.
The French
Most places in Canada are English-speaking but Montreal is different. It is a city run by the French and for the French. If you want to work there, you have to speak French. The French and the English generally stay apart from each other. Most of the English can’t speak French and don’t want to learn; most of the French don’t like to speak English. However, it is this “conflict” of cultures that makes Montreal interesting.
The best and unique Canadian food comes from the French. For example, you can find “poutine” - a tasty quick snack. This French invention is my personal favorite, although I must warn you that it isn’t for everyone. The best way to experience poutine is to go north of Montreal to one of the ski resorts. Spend all day skiing. Then, when your body aches all over, go to a mountain bar with friends and have a hot chocolate and a plate of poutine. You will understand why it’s the best food in the world.
Music & Cinema
Montreal is also great for music. There’s a famous jazz festival in the summer. You need a pass for most of the shows which are usually performed outdoors during the day and night. But wherever you are in Montreal, you can hear the music while you are walking in the streets.
1. Where is this text probably taken from
A. A travel plan.
B. A travel brochure.
C. An encyclopedia.
D. A travel journal.
2. When will you enjoy poutine the most
A. After a day-long sightseeing.
B. After a tiring skiing experience.
C. When your body aches all over.
D. When you have a hot chocolate.
3. What is necessary if you intend to makea living in Montreal
A. Mastering skiing skills.
B. Favoring different cultures.
C. Understanding jazz music.
D. Communicating in French.
The white rhinoceros (犀牛) is near-threatened due to massive illegal hunting; the mountain gorilla (大猩猩) is classed as endangered due to great habitat destruction. If no action is taken, these amazing creatures will undoubtedly be extinct before the end of the century. But scientists are working hard to stop this with some pretty cool drone tech (无人机技术).
One of the biggest dangers to endangered animals in the modern day comes from illegal hunting, which claims the lives of hundreds of white rhinos every year. While regular patrols (巡逻队) can drive hunters away from certain areas, hunters are often well-armed and unafraid to fire upon those hoping to protect the rhinos. This is where drones come in. If researchers work in these areas, there would be a real danger of coming into contact with the hunters. By having drones collect data, movement patterns and numbers of animals, researchers can get away from such dangers.
Drones can also be sent into the skies above difficult-to-reach areas to get data that would otherwise be tough to collect. For example, mountain gorillas are usually found in deep jungle, and organising an exploration can be expensive and demanding. Researchers can send drones over the forest to gather data about the habitat of the animals, and even take high quality images. This information can be priceless when it comes to an on-foot exploration, as researchers can get up-to-date information. In this situation, human-led surveys will still offer better results, but drones can play a huge part.
The downside presently is the cost, which can run into tens, if not thousands, of dollars. However, drone tech is still becoming a more favorable choice in the fight against wildlife extinction.
4. What does the underlined word “claims”mean in Paragraph 2
A. Ends. B. Saves. C. Changes. D. Shortens.
5. How can the drone tech contribute to wildlife protection
A. It can gather useful information.
B. It can process important data.
C. It can drive away illegal hunters.
D. It can replace human-led surveys.
6. What might be the author’s attitude towards the drone tech
A. Critical. B. Concerned. C. Doubtful. D. Positive.
7. What is the passage mainly about
A. An application of drone tech.
B. An introduction to drone tech.
C. The terrible situation of wildlife.
D The importance of wildlife protection.
During the COP27 climate conference (会议) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, an important deal on “loss and damage” was reached. This was a big step forward because at COP26 conference in Glasgow, Scotland, there were no talks on loss and damage at all. The plan is that richer countries will pay money into a special fund that will be used to help poor countries.
Loss and damage means the damaging impact of climate change on developing countries. For nearly 30 years, poorer countries have been asking richer countries for money to help to protect communities from the effects of climate change. Richer countries have produced the most greenhouse gases, but poorer countries are often the worst affected by extreme weather conditions because they are less well equipped to face extreme climate events.
Brazil’s newly elected President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva made a speech about preserving the largest rainforest on Earth, the Amazon. During the last 50 years, more than 17% of the Amazon rainforest has been destroyed to make way for farms and towns. However, in his speech, Lula promised that there would be zero deforestation (伐树) in the Amazon by 2030. The conference didn’t just focus on world leaders. It brought together more than 45,000 people to discuss how climate change is affecting their lives. Climate refugees (难民) also had their voices heard. Tshilombo from the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya said, “Refugees don’t only flee because of war or conflict. It’s also about drought, the effects of climate change.”
Some countries weren’t happy with the overall outcome of COP27 because decisions weren’t made on cutting the use of fossil fuels, such as coal, gas and oil, etc. The UK Government’s Alok Sharma said, “I’m incredibly disappointed.”
However, this deal was a great achievement for developing countries. Sherry Rehman, the climate minister for Pakistan, said, “I am confident we have tuned a comer in how we work together to achieve climate goals.”
8. What is a successful outcome of the COP27 climate conference
A. The deal on loss and damage.
B. The deal on using fossil fuels.
C. The deal on rainforest preservation.
D. The deal on helping climate refugees.
9. What has made it difficult for developing countries to fight against climate change
A. More greenhouse gases.
B. Massive deforestation.
C. Shortage of money and supplies.
D. Terrible weather conditions.
10. What can we infer from Paragraph 3
A. Climate change is influencing people’s lives.
B. 17% of the Amazon rainforest was destroyed.
C. Many factors lead to the appearance of refugees.
D. There will be less deforestation in the Amazon by 2030.
11. What would Sherry Rehman probably agree with
A. Never put off till tomorrow.
B. Many hands make light work.
C. Knowledge starts with practice.
D. No way is impossible to courage.
When living or travelling internationally, we notice the differences between cultures before seeing the similarities. At first, some differences are easy to spot. Over time, however, there are some curious similarities between how people in the UK and China communicate. Indeed, international residents in both countries often complain about having to read what local people really mean, because it often differs from what is said.
In the UK, outsiders often get confused when they realise that a person making rude comments was actually showing love. In situations like this, context is everything. Likewise, in China, outsiders must infer most meaning from context and from what is not said, rather than from what is. Otherwise, misunderstandings happen.
The UK and China contexts share further cultural features, which greatly influence how people communicate, including the cultural trait (特点) of non-conflict. The British will do everything to avoid conflict. They wil probably tell the waiter it was lovely even when served with poor quality food. This cultural trait can cause major misunderstandings. For example, a British business partner who is deeply unhappy with your proposal will probably say “there are just a couple of small concerns,” rather than telling you that the entire proposal is unsatisfactory.
Chinese communication shows a very similar conflict prevention. Often challenges, errors, mistakes, or problems remain completely taboos (禁忌) as topics of discussion, even though everyone knows of their existence. Instead, people talk about working towards further goals or objectives, rather than directly admit that the current situation is far from satisfactory. Likewise, Chinese people like to keep a sense of harmony within all environments, and so avoid open criticism of each other. This is very similar to the way that a British person might tell you a colleague “is very confident” rather than that they are rude. In this sense, the British and Chinese can appreciate each other for harmony.
12. What does the author suggest in Paragraph 2
A. Polite comments are encouraged.
B. Learning what is not said is difficult.
C. Context is important in communication.
D. Misunderstandings often happen among outsiders.
13. What will the British and the Chinese probably both agree with
A. Talking over taboos in discussions.
B. Preventing misunderstandings in work.
C. Avoiding discussing one’s mistakes in public.
D. Making use of cultural traits in communication.
14. How does the author develop this passage
A. By using figures.
B. By making comparison.
C. By listing reasons.
D. By making classifications.
15. Which is the most suitable title for the passage
A. Cultural Context
B. Conflict Prevention
C. Cultural Differences
D. Communication Puzzles
The colder months are a time of year when many of us tend to overeat or comfort eat. There are several reasons why we are drawn to more food in the winter. ___16___ Here are four small but important steps we can take to manage our weight.
Eat and drink healthily.
Easier said than done, right The first rule of making it easier is not to fully stop intake. In fact, refusing everything can be extremely harmful. As soon as something becomes of limits, we will want it more. ___17___ The second rule is to use fresh, in-season fruits and vegetable to cook home-made dishes.
Stay active.
Physical activity keeps us warm! Simple 15- to 30-minute daily exercises, such as walking and yoga, will be enough and can be completed in the comfort and warmth of our home. Why not do a house-cleaning workout to get ready for visitors Remember to put some music on. ___18___
Relaxation is helpful to fight seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD or the “winter blues”. This condition leads to weight gain. Some ways to relax are listening to our favorite tunes, reading a book with an upbeat theme, painting, and gardening. What activities do we find relaxing ___19___
Get enough sleep.
___20___ It can also upset levels c of hormones (激素) for appetite (胃口). Therefore, focus on getting seven to nine hours of sleep a night. As scientists have observed, getting enough sleep contributes to weight loss. What better time to curl up under a quilt than winter
A. It helps to achieve a healthy weight.
B. Loss of sleep means more time to feel hungry.
C. We will soon forget we are actually working out.
D. Why not make the most of the food that winter offers
E. Pick some we like and add them into our usual practice.
F. Whatever the cause, however, it can lead to unwanted weight gain.
G. Therefore, choose treats wisely, keep the intake small, and enjoy every bite.
As a very shy writer, I wasn’t sure which frightened me more: never getting books published or having to promote myself at book signings. I wasn’t just a little shy; I was ___21___ speaking to strangers. Several friends suggested I join a speech club, but I wasn’t ready to challenge myself.
I remembered an editor ___22___ me my first contract (合同) for a novel. I was over the moon when I ___23___ my friend Barb, a high school teacher. “That’s wonderful!” she said after I’d shared my ___24___. “You should speak to my class and share your writing experience.”
“Oh, no,” I said, feeling my cheeks turn red. “I ___25___ the invitation, but I’m nowhere near ready to ___26___.”
When I drove home, however, I couldn’t help thinking: wasn’t it a perfect chance Barb offered ___27___ to deal with my fear Just then, a song came on the radio. “What if you jump And just close your eyes ” Nichole Nordeman sang. Encouraged, I ___28___ Barb and said yes.
In the following week, ___29___ kept me company. I lost count of how many times I had to ___30___ the urge (冲动) to call and cancel.
The day of the lecture finally arrived. Barb was warm and ___31___ as always, and her students were engaged and excited. I read some contents of my work, discussed my creative ___32___, and invited questions. It turned out I had a ___33___ time.
___34___ this experience, I’m no longer a fearful writer. It all began with a simple’___35___ and a single jump.
21. A. addicted to B. fond of C. terrified of D. curious about
22. A. paid B. served C. awarded D. offered
23. A. listened to B. ran into C. turned to D. watched over
24. A. novel B. news C. contract D. comment
25. A. dislike B. refuse C. accept D. appreciate
26. A. deliver a speech B. write a novel C. sign a book D. provide a chance
27. A. gradually B. finally C. exactly D. uniquely
28. A. invited B. impressed C. forgave D. contacted
29. A. relief B. excitement C. anxiety D. disappointment
30. A. have B. fight C. reduce D. satisfy
31. A. outstanding B. hardworking C. interesting D. welcoming
32. A. process B. behaviour C. personality D. experiment
33. A. limited B. difficult C. pleasant D. terrible
34. A. Thanks to B. Instead of C. Apart from D. As for
35. A. slide B. song C. sentence D. suggestion
With the ___36___ (economy) development, how to balance progress and the protection of cultural heritage can be a big challenge. Great solutions, ___37___, tend to arise from the challenges.
In the 1950s, in order to control the flooding and to get electricity from the flow of the Nile River, the Egyptian government made a proposal ___38___ (build) a new dam across the Nile. It would cause the water levels to rise high enough to flood a number of ancient temples, ___39___ were among Egypt’s cultural heritage. Therefore, the government turned ___40___ the United Nations for help.
Later, an international committee ___41___ (establish) to help Egypt to find a solution. Finally, they made a decision that all cultural relics should be removed. With the international effort, the government ___42___ (successful) moved the temples and other cultural sites to a new ___43___ (locate) on higher ground.
The project was considered a greatly successful example by UNESCO to prevent world heritage from ___44___ (disappear). More importantly, its success shows that if a problem seems too challenging for a single nation, the global community can make ___45___ big difference.
46. 假定你是李华,上周你校组织开展了“运动健康周”活动。请你为校英语报写一篇报道,内容包括:
Sports and Fitness Week
by Li Hua, School English Newspaper
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Kindness of Strangers
We depend upon a community where helping others is highly thought of. This helps form a web that holds us together in times of need.
Years ago, I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready when my fourteen-year-old daughter, Cassandra, called me from her room. “Mom, can you help me get downstairs ” She had lung disease and depended on oxygen twenty-four hours a day, so it was impossible for her to move up and down the stairs without help. I turned down the stove and ran upstairs to her room. Cassandra let out a sigh and closed her eyes. “Mom, I wish it wasn’t so hard for me to climb the stairs.”
“I know, honey. We’ll try to work something out.”
A month earlier, a company introduced an electric stairlift (座椅电梯) to us. It sounded wonderful. It would greatly improve my daughter’s life. Unluckily, we couldn’t afford it along with the medical bills although John, my husband, even took two jobs to support the family.
I asked the local organization for help once again. They had lent us a wheelchair and a shower chair; maybe they could help with a stairlift, too. I held my breath while the phone rang. “Do you have a stairlift I could borrow ” But they hadn’t.
A few weeks later, we bought a shower chair. Then we could return the borrowed one. I loaded it into my car and drove to the organization. As I got close to the gate of its building, I saw something looking like metal rails, and one of them had a chair attached.
I thought I was seeing things. I parked my car and got out to confirm it was real. I touched the cool metal of the rails and the soft cushion of the attached seat. There was even a remote control taped to a rail. It was a stairlift! I ran in to ask about it. A volunteer told me that someone left it here during the night. He added that a note was left on the stairlift, saying “For anyone who may need it.”
“Can I take it away today ” I asked hopefully.
After John fixed the stairlift on our stairs, we shouted at Cassandra to try it out!
听力答案:1-5BCBBA 6-10 CACBA 11-15 CBAAC 16-20 CABBC


