人教版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 3 Environmental Protection Reading and Thinking 课件(共26张PPT,内镶嵌2视频素材)

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人教版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 3 Environmental Protection Reading and Thinking 课件(共26张PPT,内镶嵌2视频素材)


Unit 3 Environmental Protection
Period 3
Reading and Thinking
After this class, you will:
l. To learn more about different environmental issues.
2. To analyse the cause and effects of global warming.
3. To draw a diagram describing how the greenhouse effect works.
Learning Objectives
What’s the environmental problem in the video
What other consequences may global warming bring about
starved to death
What might be the story behind it
What is the graph about
What information can you get from it
The story may be that the polar bear suffered from the increasing global temperature.
shows how much the temperature has risen above what it would usually be at a base level.
1. What's the type of this text
2. What's its purpose
3. In which part of a newspaper or magazine may we find this passage
1. What's the type of this text
A. Essay 论文 B. Biography 传记
C. Exposition. 说明文 D. Argumentation. 议论文
2. What's its purpose
To inform readers to deal with climate change
To persuade readers to focus on limited resources
3. In which part of a newspaper or magazine may we find this passage
A. Entertainment B. Economy
C. Education D. Environment
1. What happened to the polar bear in the photo Why did the writer write about it
2. Why is the “natural” greenhouse effect important and necessary
3. What are the consequences of high greenhouse gas emissions
4. Why did the author mention the climate scientists’ warning
5. What is the author’s purpose of writing this text
Reading for details
1. The polar bear in the photo died of starvation. The writer wrote about it because it showed one of the effects of rising temperatures due to climate change.
2. The “natural” greenhouse effect is important because it warms the Earth’s surface and keeps it habitable.
3. High greenhouse gas emissions lead to more heat energy being trapped in the atmosphere and rising temperatures.
4. Because the writer wanted to warn us of how urgent it was for us to take appropriate actions.
5. To arouse our awareness of the problem and encourage us to take appropriate measures to deal with global warming.
Reading for details
Para 1-2
Para 3
Para 4
Para 5
The evidence of dramatic climate change that had an impact on Earth's ecology.
The cause of the increase in the global average surface temperature.
The consequences of the rise in temperature.
The solutions to reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Reading for structure
Part 1: Problem
The ________ is getting warmer and warmer.
Evidence 1: ________________________________________
Evidence 2: ______________
Evidence 3: ___________________
a warming ocean and atmosphere
melting ice
rising sea levels
climate change
food-seeking travel
lack of food
low sea-ice level
The following reasons account for the death of the polar bear, with one influencing another. Read paragraph 2 and put them in a correct logical order.
What is the root cause
Part 2: Cause and effect
Heat from the sun enters the atmosphere and warms the Earth’s surface.
Keeping Earth’s warm and habitable.
People produce huge amounts of extra greenhouse gases.
Function/A big problem:
Causing Earth’s surface temperature to rise quickly.
Part 3: Cause and effect
Para 3: “natural”& “man-made” greenhouse effect
Negative effects
not only
but also
extreme weather
natural disasters
causing serious damage
costing human lives
What extreme weather is mentioned in Para.4?
extreme rainstorms and heatwaves
Part 4: Cause and effect Para 4: finish the following chart.
Read paragraph 3,4 and create a diagram describing how the greenhouse effect works.
Heat released back into space
Heat reflected back to Earth’s surface
Reflected sunlight
Part 5: Solutions Para 5
Climate change
extreme weather
natural disasters
Greenhouse effect
natural greenhouse effect
man-made greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect
Post-reading mind map
What will you do to help
As we know,Earth is getting warmer and warmer,1.which results in melting ice and rising sea levels.In 2013,a dead polar bear
2.was found(find)on Norway’s Arctic island of Svalbard.Experts said that it was low sea-ice levels 3.caused(cause) by climate change 4.that killed the polar bear.Scientists often mention that the “man-made” greenhouse effect is a big problem.5.The rise in temperature has led to an increase in extreme weather and natural disasters worldwide,causing serious damage and costing human lives.The further global warming that results 6.from the continued greenhouse gas emissions 7.requires(require) the attention of people all over the world.Governments need to make policies and take measures 8.to reduce(reduce) greenhouse gas emissions.As individuals,we should also reduce our “carbon footprint” by 9.restricting(restrict) the amount of carbon dioxide our 10.lifestyles(lifestyle) produce.


