人教版八年级下册Unit3Could you please clean your room?单元词形转换专题训练(含答案)

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人教版八年级下册Unit3Could you please clean your room?单元词形转换专题训练(含答案)


1.Could you please __________(take) out the rubbish
2.Could you not please __________(throw) your book
3.Neither my father nor I __________(watch) TV on weekday.
4.Neither they nor Tom often __________(climb) the mountains.
5.Neither they nor I __________(be) going to go to the supermarket next week.
6.I will call you as soon as my father __________(come) back home.
7.Can I __________(borrow) the book from you I love this book very much.
8.He hates __________(do) chores.he doesn’t help his parents with housework.
9.we study hard in order __________(go) to a good college.
10.Our parents __________(provide) us with a good environment.
11.Would you please __________(provide) some hot water for us
12.Parents should encourage their children's __________(independent).
13.He knows the idea of __________(fair).he hopes the world is peaceful forever.
14.As the middle school students ,you should learn to be __________(independence).
15.It's __________(fair) to treat boys and girls differently.
16.Could you please __________(fold) your clothes
17.I'm very hungry, I need __________(eat) breakfast.
18.I'm going to __________(work) on my computer soon .
19.Could I at least finish __________(watch) this show
20.I think two hours of TV __________(be) enough for you.
21.She __________(not be) happy if she sees this mess.
22.I __________(throw) down my bag and went to the living room.
23.Could you please __________(take) the dog for a walk
24.She replied __________(angry)," you watch TV all the time and never help out around the house".
25.I'm just as __________(tire) as you are.
26.She asked in __________(surprised) what happened.
27.I __________(final) understand that we need to share the housework to have a clean and comfortable home.
28.Neither I nor my mom __________(do) some cleaning on weekday .
29.Could you get something __________(drink) after the movie
30.Could you __________(lend) me some money
31.Could I __________(invite) my friend to a party
32.Some parents make their kids __________(help) with housework and chores at home.
33.The students do not have time __________(study) and do housework.
34.They should spend their time __________(do) their homework in order to get good grades and get into a good university.
35.They will have to do housework so that there is no need for them __________( do )it now.
36.It's the parents' job __________(provide) clean and comfortable environment at home for their children.
37.__________(do) chores is not so difficult i don't mind doing them.
38.It's important for children __________(learn) how to do chores and help their parents with housework.
39.It's not enough __________ just __________(get) good grades at school.
40.We all know children these days __________(depend) on their parents too much.
41.__________(Do) chores helps to develop children's independence.
42.Doing chores teaches them how __________(look) after themselves.
43.It also helps them to understand the idea of __________(fair).
44.As a result ,he often fell ill and his grade __________(drop).
45.The __________(early) kids learn to be independent ,the __________(good)it is for their future.
46.Housework is a waste of __________(children) time.
47.There is no need for students __________(stay) up late.
48.Would you mind __________(open) the window
49.He makes a lot of money in order __________(give) his children a good educational environment.
50.It's not enough __________(do) your homework ,you should learn more to practice what you learn.
51.The __________(early) the children read books ,The better they will remember.
52.I __________(agree) with you. I think you are not right.
53.It's __________(fair) for children to to too much homework.
1.take 2. throw 3.watch 4.climbs 5. am 6.comes 7.borrow 8.doing 9.to go 10.provide 12.provide 13.independence 14.independent 15.unfair 16.fold 17.to eat 18. work 19.watching 20.is 21.won't be 22.threw 23.take 24.angrily 25.tired 26.surprise 27.finally 28.does 29.to drink 30.lend 31.invite 32.help 33.to study 34.doing 35.to do 36.to provide 37.doing 38.to learn 39. to get 40. depend 41.Doing 42.to look 43. fairness 44.dropped 45.earlier, better 46.children's 47. to stay 48.opening 49.to give 50.to do 51.earlier 52.disagree 53.unfair


