2023届高三英语二轮复习限时训练(词汇 语法填空 完形 七选五)06(含答案)

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2023届高三英语二轮复习限时训练(词汇 语法填空 完形 七选五)06(含答案)


一. 词汇语法巩固练习
When there was a fire, I would investigate and determine if it was accidental or ________ (purpose) set.
To be honest, I really miss walking down the streets. . . the smell, the atmosphere and ________ (important), the places where I used to go to!
The doors of the garden, like the windows, are also carved in different shapes to bring more vigor and elegance to the ________ (surround).
I can't stop the ________ (pass) of time just as I can't end my memory of you. I wish the light breeze would carry my best regards to you.
It was the last thing that I expected, because people think of Kenya as a pretty safe, ________ (order) place where tourists go on holiday.
Sometimes Mother nature's storms can be violent and ________ (destroy) but other times she can be very beautiful, like when flowers blossom.
If the sealed jar had light and a steady temperature, there was ________ (theory) no reason why the lichens(地衣;苔藓) couldn't live until the sun dies.
He snatched the mail form my hand, ________ (open) the mail and pointed to the mail inside. “You were after this.”
For over a decade the KindSpring user community has focused on inner ________ (transform), while ________ (collect) changing the world with ________ (generous), gratitude and trust.
When you read a book, you've probably noticed that a brand new book has a rather special smell, which differs from ________ of an older book.
Today, the forms of books have been changing ________ (drama) since the birth of eBooks. They might be convenient, ________ you can't give your copy to others as a present, and they don't smell as nice.
Though it is 30 years ________ we last met, I still remember the scene ________ we got separated on a rainy day.
________ the fact that peer pressure is most commonly seen as a very negative issue, it can ________ (see) positively in some situations.
High school years are a large part in ________ (shape) the person you are going to become. A school often provides education for you, and it can also be a place ________ you can develop relationships with many different people, join clubs, and participate in a ________ (vary) of different sports. These years can make you become a high school student ________ (fill) with many different emotions, including happiness, anger, sadness, envy, loneliness, stress, and a numerous amount more. This is also a time ________peer pressure is most commonly put upon a vast ________ (major) of teens.
If you have a job, ________(devote) yourself to it and finally you’ll succeed.
Now the popularity of pasta has been confirmed in a survey ________ places it as the world’s favourite food ahead of meat, rice and pizza.
He spent so many unforgettable days with them ________he was unwilling to part with them.
The number of smokers, ________is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.
Many experts hold the view that teachers’ development is ________ the key to a better education lies.
Golf is rapidly becoming more popular. Near some towns and cities new courses are being built in ________was farmland.
二. 七选五
I am not sure how many books I have reread, but perhaps it is fewer than the average person. ___1___ The source material, though, is of course not.
I used to take the same approach to books as I did to travel: don’t go to the same place twice. Life is too short. ___2___ Then I realized that the fact that life is short might work the other way around, too: if you know you enjoy something, or somewhere, then why not return
Recently I reread Joseph Heller’s Catch-22. I was inspired to do so when reminded of how he’d respond when people rudely asked him why he’d never written anything as good: “Who has ” Catch-22 pretty much saved my life when I first read it. ___3___ I had dropped out of school twice, didn’t leave the house at all and didn’t have a life. It felt as though I hadn’t laughed in such a long time.
___4___ It managed to take me out of the dark world, and though its themes are, of course, serious, its cleverness cheered me greatly. I related to its characters who are themselves trapped. I am now planning to reread the sort of books that inspired me in my own writing.
I won’t take a break altogether from reading the most recent releases. I love the smell of new books fresh from the printers. ___5___
Catch-22 had me laughing.
My favourites are secondhand editions.
There is discomfort in reading recently-released books.
At that time I was an extremely depressed 17-year-old.
For me, the pleasure of rereading is a newly discovered one.
There is so much to read and so much to see and experience.
However, I have determined to dip more frequently into the old ones
三. 完形填空
For one year, the Dannemiller family gave up buying any unnecessary purchases.
In an effort to get back in touch with what they call their family mission, which includes “growing in faith together and serving others to create a world without ___1___”, parents Scott and Gabby Dannemiller decided to ___2___ spending money on things like toys, books, clothing, or anything that wasn’t a necessity or an experience.
Overall, the family successfully ___3___ the plan. Though the experiment took place in 2013, the family ___4___ tries to live by the lessons they learned while cutting out unnecessary spending. “By focusing on experiences ___5___ purchases, we grew together in faith as a family, we were able to ___6___ others and we were able to give more of our time and treasure to people who really need it, ” Scott says.
“My daughter’s birthday is next month, and she asked if we could go to visit her uncle’s farm and ride a horse, ___7___ just asking for a horse stuffed animal, ” he says. “Now we look at ___8___ and say ‘will that really add value to our life, or is it something we will just need to find space for and take care of ’ ”
If you’re trying to teach your children to focus ___9___ on physical stuff, Scott says it’s helpful to tweak(稍微改进) your ___10___ when kids ask for things. “We used to say ‘that's too ___11___’, but that made our kids think OK, we need more money, and when we get more money we can have it, ” he says. “We ___12___ to ‘we don’t need that’, and that helped them understand.”
When ___13___ spending, Scott says the most important thing is to focus not on what your family is giving up, but what it is gaining. “It’s not about what you're ___14___,” he says. “The question should be, ‘What are we going to replace that with ’ Then, make sure you are adding something to your life that the people in your family ___15___. For us, that was time together.”
A. need B. faith C. delay D. pity
A. slow B. begin C. increase D. stop
A. applied to B. subscribed to C. responded to D. stuck to
A. even B. ever C. still D. just
A. instead of B. in contrast to C. in parallel with D. regardless of
A. treat B. serve C. please D. satisfy
A. more than B. or else C. or rather D. rather than
A. purchases B. possessions C. treasures D. earnings
A. less B. occasionally C. frequently D. more
A. appearance B. atmosphere C. language D. identity
A. worthy B. cheap C. worthless D. expensive
A. admitted B. referred C. shifted D. took
A. cutting off B. cutting down C. cutting up D. cutting away
A. lacking B. losing C. obtaining D. finding
A. own B. preserve C. owe D. value
四. 语篇填空
AirCar is the latest generation flying car ____1____ transforms from road vehicle into air vehicle in less than 3 minutes. Useful for leisure and self-driving ____2____(journey), the vehicle can go from driving to lying mode with the click of a button. The fifth generation flying car designed by Professor Stefan Klein ____3____(complete) two flight tests at Piestany airport in Slovakia so far.
____4____(weigh) 1,100kg, the two-seat AirCar can carry an additional load of 200kg per flight. ____5____(power) by a BMW 1.6L engine, the car-plane has an effective power output of 140HP. The estimated travel range of the vehicle is 1,000km and the flight ____6____(consume) is 18 liters (升) per hour. AirCar can transform from a ground-based vehicle to aircraft with its speed ____7____(reach) up to 200 km/h. But most importantly, the stability and controllability of the AirCar is ____8____(access) to any pilot.
“With AirCar you will arrive at your destination ____9____ the trouble of getting a ride to airport and passing through commercial security. You can drive your AirCar to the golf course, the office, the shopping centre or your hotel and park ____10____ in a normal parking space,” said Anton Zajac, Klein Vision's co-founder, investor and pilot.
一. 词汇语法巩固练习
most importantly/ more importantly
transformation; collectively; generosity
dramatically; but
since; where
Despite; be seen
shaping; where; variety; filled; when; majority
二. 七选五
三. 完形填空
四. 语篇填空
1. that 2. journeys 3. has completed 4. Weighing 5. Powered
6. consumption 7. reaching 8. accessible 9. without 10. it


