2023届高三英语二轮复习限时训练(词汇 语法填空 完形 七选五)10(含答案)

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2023届高三英语二轮复习限时训练(词汇 语法填空 完形 七选五)10(含答案)


The researchers who study jokes want to know __________ people from different nations and cultures find very funny.
Just like a voyage at sea, our life journey, __________ days are limited, is full of difficulties as well as opportunities and therefore needs to be cherished.
I had just nodded off to sleep ___________ I was woken up by an almighty crash from their house.
It is known that water is not an endless resource, ___________ can it be made once more, so we should save and protect it.
Later in this chapter the case will be introduced to readers _________ consumers’ support became a stream of motivation for improvement of the company.
Mr. Zhang gave me many valuable presents, __________ that I had never seen.
In spite __________ what has recently been done to provide more buses for people, a shortage of public vehicles remains a serious problem.
__________ great the difficulty may be, we will not lose heart because we know we are supported by you all.
Having a mix of male and female nurses also helps create a fun atmosphere, __________ helps patients recover faster.
If you come across an 85-year-old woman __________ (walk) slowly with a walker in the Children's Hospital of Soochow University, don't mistake her _____ a patient. Instead, she is a doctor, _______ still insists on working in the hospital.
Male nurses are difficult to hire as many men reject this ______ out of the long-existing discrimination.
A. concept B. assessment C. identity D. personality
An artist who was recently travelling on a ferry to the southern island discovered ______ a long lost antique Greek vase.
A. at random B. by chance C. on occasion D. in turn
______ honesty, I know a lot of people who don’t pay bus fares.
A. Concentrating on B. Speaking of C. Leading to D. Living up to
For many years, we have been trying to ______ to such people the fact that language is slightly different in expressions.
A. wind up B. get across C. go all out D. look forward
My mission is to remind you of the ______ power within your own being and to encourage you to recognize and use it.
A. ultimate B. energetic C. incredible D. dramatic
Angela and Ajani will pick up the marriage______ after they meet online several times, which is not sensible.
A. acquisition B. identification C. certificate D. qualification
I went to the ticket office, but the tickets had been sold out already. I could have ______ myself an unnecessary trip by phoning in advance.
A. prevented B. guaranteed C. enjoyed D. spared
They stared at me, their ____ faces giving no clue as to what they would say next.
A. dizzy B. funny C. mild D. blank
Mr. Brown thought it would be a good idea to have ______ from his workers to improve his plan.
A. summaries B. admissions C. comments D. connections
Gradually I became ______ to having her follow me around the house and watching me with those dark almond shaped eyes.
A. accustomed B. tolerant C. consistent D. concerned
Nowadays, basic health care services are ______ to almost all the Chinese people. This accounts for the fact that the average life expectancy of all the Chinese has already risen to 75.
A. accessible B. abundant C. accurate D. attractive
Japanese media report the trend of wearing adult diapers is becoming ______ popular, especially for women looking to save time.
A. frequently B. increasingly C. individually D. deliberately
When kids are struggling with subjects like reading or math, schools may provide teaching ______, a specific program to address academic needs.
A. comparison B. accumulation C. intervention D. conservation
Mary was greatly inspired though she made ______ improvements in her English writing.
A. brilliant B. modest C. substantial D. considerable
That Peter has spent too much time on novels recently may ______ his poor grade in the exam.
A. answer for B. stand for C. account for D. apply for
Mind-wandering can help boost our mood
Prior research suggests a wandering mind is an unhappy mind: We tend to be less happy when we're not focused on what we're doing. That's likely true. _____1_____ For example, as one 2013 study showed, when people found their wandering thoughts more interesting, their moods actually improved while mind-wandering. Similarly, other studies have found that thinking about people you love or thinking more about your potential future than about what happened in the past produces positive results.
How you use mind-wandering may also be important. ___2___ It has been mostly unexplored in previous research, but likely has distinct effects. As one 2017 study found, people who use daydreaming for self-reflection typically have more pleasant thoughts than people who simply think about unpleasant experiences.
There is even some evidence that mind-wandering may be more of an antidote (缓解方法) to depression than a cause. People who are depressed may simply replay events from their past to better understand what happened to cause their dark mood and avoid future problems. Also, when researchers studied whether a negative mood preceded or allowed a mind-wandering episode, they found poor moods led to more mind-wandering but not vice versa. _____3_____
Now, findings from a 2021 study suggest that mind-wandering that is more freely moving can actually improve your mood. In this study, participants were prompted randomly via cell phone over three days to report how they were feeling and how much their thoughts were freely moving and related to what they were doing. After analyzing the data, the researchers found that when people's thoughts were of-task, they generally felt more negative—similar to what earlier findings showed. _____4_____“Our findings suggest there might be positive aspects of mind-wandering," the researchers conclude.
____5____ If I simply put myself in a space that lets my mind move freely, I don’t get depressed. On the contrary, I'm happier because of it.
A. In some cases, people intentionally mind-wander.
B. Mind-wandering is part of our human inheritance.
C. Again, I find that science supports my own experience.
D. There may be a right and a wrong way to mind-wander.
E. But if their thoughts were free-moving, it had the opposite effect.
F. In fact, the content of wandering thoughts makes a big difference.
G. It suggests that mind-wandering may be helping people feel better.
Growing up, the relationship between my father and I is that I asked him questions and he told me the answers. In my teen years, he taught me things I’d need to know to ___1___ in the real world. When I moved out on my own, I called him at least once a week, usually when something broke in my apartment and I needed to know how to ___2___ it.
But then, ___3___ I needed him less. I got married, and my husband had most of the knowledge I ___4___. For everything else, we had Google. I don’t know when it ___5___ but our conversations when I ___6___ are just six words. Me: “Hi, Dad.” Him: “Hi, sweets. Here’s Mom.” I loved my dad, of course, but I ___7___ at times if maybe he had already shared everything I ___8___ to know.
Then, this past summer, my family moved to my parents’ ___9___ our house was being renovated. Dad asked me to help him rebuild a lake house with wood. Without hesitation, I agreed. After all, I could do for free rent. As we put the new wood together piece by piece, my dad knowing ___10___ what went where, I looked at him. “How do you know how to build a(n) ___11___ ” “I spent a summer in college building it on the Jersey Shore.” “You did ”
I thought I knew ___12___ about my dad. I knew the summer when he burned his hands raw at the horseradish (辣根酱) manufacturing plant and the diner line-cook (流水线厨师) position that ___13___ him how to make the best egg roll. But I ___14___ knew this. I realized that maybe it’s not that there’s nothing left to say ___15__ it’s just that I’ve spent my life asking him the wrong questions.
1. A. survive B. exist C. last D. live
2. A. work B. fix C. store D. purchase
3. A. consequently B. gradually C. actually D. frequently
4. A. gained B. requested C. lacked D. grasped
5. A. appeared B. happened C. changed D. challenged
6. A. visited B. chatted C. called D. asked
7. A. wondered B. considered C. ordered D. wandered
8. A. desired B. seemed C. suspected D. needed
9. A. though B. while C. unless D. if
10. A. nearly B. exactly C. originally D. merely
11. A. apartment B. garden C. cabin D. house
12. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything
13. A. constructed B. suggested C. caught D. taught
14. A. ever B. never C. hardly D. almost
15. A. but B. and C. or D. so
As a general rule, all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed _____1_____ a routine basis. As a matter of fact, we can see this principle at work in people of all _____2_____ (age). For example, on Christmas morning, children are excited about playing with their new toys. But their interest soon _____3_____ (wear) off and by January those same toys can be found put away in the basement. The world is full of half filled stamp albums and _____4_____ (finish) models, each _____5_____ (stand) as a monument to someone's passing interest. When parents bring home a pet, their child gladly bathes it and brushes its fur. Within a short time, _____6_____, the burden of caring for the animal is handed over to the parents. Adolescents enter high school with great _____7_____ (excite) but are soon looking forward to graduation. The same is true of the young adults going to college. And then, how many adults, who now complain about the long drives to work, eagerly drove for hours at _____8_____ time when they first obtained their driver's licence Before people retire, they usually plan to do a lot of great things, _____9_____ they never had time to do while working. But soon after retirement, the golfing, the fishing, the reading and all of the other pastimes become as _____10_____ (bore) as the jobs they left. And, like the child in January, they go searching for new toys.
White Cane Safety Day is an observance celebrated on October 14 of each year since 1964. It is a day of the White Cane, a tool that allows the visually impaired (障碍) people to travel independently and get ___1___ (identify) easily.
The White Cane ___2___ (introduce) by an American man called George A. Bonham. One day, he watched a man who was blind ___3___ (attempt) to cross a street. The man’s cane was black and motorists couldn’t see it, so Bonham proposed painting the cane white with a red stripe to make it more ___4___ (notice). The idea quickly ___5___ (catch) on around the U.S., making the White Cane an important tool for blind people to move ___6___(safe).
Today, there are about 17,000,000 people with visual impairment in China, over 8,000,000 of ___7___ are blind. It is important that people raise awareness of their ___8___ (exist) and help improve their living conditions.
Modern White Canes are becoming more and more lightweight and high-tech, making it ___9___ (easy) for them to travel independently. But it usually takes more effort for them to receive education and pursue careers. Therefore, it is important that the whole society help create ____10____ barrier-free environment for them.
A) 1. what 2. whose 3. when 4. nor 5. where
6. ones 7. of 8. However 9. which 10. walking; for; who
三、21-25 ABBCB 26-30 CADBB 31-35 CCDBA
A) 1. on 2. ages 3. wears 4. unfinished 5. standing
6. however 7. excitement 8. a 9. which 10. boring
B) 1. identified 2. was introduced 3. attempting 4. noticeable 5. caught
6. safely 7. whom 8. existence 9. easier 10. a
上文“Prior research suggests a wandering mind is an unhappy mind: We tend to be less happy when we're not focused on what we're doing. ( 之前的研究表明,走神的人往往不开心:当我们不专注于我们正在做的事情时,我们往往会不开心。)”说明以前的研究表明走神的人们不开心,下文“For example, as one 2013 study showed, when people found their wandering thoughts more interesting, their moods actually improved while mind-wandering. Similarly, other studies have found that thinking about people you love or thinking more about your potential future than about what happened in the past produces positive results.( 例如,2013年的一项研究表明,当人们发现自己的神游的想法更有趣时,他们的情绪实际上在走神时得到了改善。类似地,其他研究也发现,多想想你爱的人,或者多想想自己潜在的未来,而不是想着过去发生的事情,会产生积极的结果。)”与上文内容是转折关系,因此推断空格与上文是转折关系,F项“其实,神游的想法的内容起很大作用。”说明神游的内容起大作用,与上文是转折关系,下文对这种说法加以解释。故选F。
下文“As one 2017 study found, people who use daydreaming for self-reflection typically have more pleasant thoughts than people who simply think about unpleasant experiences.( 2017年的一项研究发现,通过白日梦进行自我反省的人通常比那些只想到不愉快经历的人有更多愉快的想法。)”说明人们通过白日梦自我反思会有更多愉快的想法。因此推断人们有时候故意神游。A项“在某些情况下,人们会故意神游。”符合语境。故选A。
上文“Also, when researchers studied whether a negative mood preceded or allowed a mind-wandering episode, they found poor moods led to more mind-wandering but not vice versa.(此外,当研究人员研究消极情绪是否会导致或允许走神时,他们发现,糟糕的情绪会导致更多的走神,但反之则不成立。)”说明糟糕的情绪会导致走神,走神不会导致糟糕的情绪,反而会让情绪变好,因此推断G项“它表明神游可能会帮助人们感觉更好。”符合语境,it指代上文内容。故选G。
上文“After analyzing the data, the researchers found that when people's thoughts were of-task, they generally felt more negative—similar to what earlier findings showed.( 分析数据后,研究人员发现,当人们的想法是关于工作时,他们通常会感到更消极——这与之前的研究结果类似。)”说明人们在思考工作时,通常会消极,下文“‘Our findings suggest there might be positive aspects of mind-wandering,’ the researchers conclude.( 我们的发现表明神游可能有积极的一面,”研究人员总结道。)”说明神游的积极的一面,因此推断空格处与上文是转折关系,与下文是并列关系,E项中的But是提示词,E项“但如果他们的思想是自由移动的,那就会产生相反的效果。”与上文内容是转折的, E项的opposite effect与下文的positive是一致的。故选E。
下文“If I simply put myself in a space that lets my mind move freely, I don’t get depressed. On the contrary, I'm happier because of it.( 如果我只是把自己放在一个空间里,让我的思想自由移动,我不会感到沮丧。恰恰相反,我因此更快乐。)”讲述作者自己的体验,思想自由移动时会更快乐,这与上文的科学研究“Now, findings from a 2021 study suggest that mind-wandering that is more freely moving can actually improve your mood. (现在,2021年的一项研究表明,更自由移动的神游实际上可以改善你的情绪。)”是一致的,因此推断C项“再一次,我发现科学支持了我自己的经验”符合语境。故选C。
21. A根据上下文,父亲教给我在真实世界里生存所需要知道的东西。survive尤其指在危险苦难之后活下来,根据下文,我总是在危急时刻才想起问父亲,可知父亲教会我的不仅仅是活着“live”。故A项正确。
22. B根据上文,由when something broke可知,我需要知道如何修理。故B项正确。
23. B根据下文,我结婚了, 我的丈夫可以弥补我缺少的知识,我逐渐不需要给父亲打电话了。故B项正确。
24. C根据上文,我逐渐不需要爸爸教我了,婚后我的丈夫有我缺乏的知识。故C项正确。
25. B此处it指代上文“我逐渐不需要爸爸”这个现象,我不知道这个现象什么时候出现/发生的。故B项正确。
26. C根据第一自然段最后一句可知,离开家后我给爸爸打电话,可推知结婚后我也是给爸爸打电话。故C项正确。
27. A根据上下文,我爱父亲,但是却无话可说,我偶尔怀疑父亲是否已经和我分享了所有我需要知道的东西。故A项正确。
28. D根据上文,第一段第一、二句和第二段第一句,可知,父亲与我的交流都是一问一答且实用的对话,现在和父亲没有可交流的话题,作者怀疑父亲已经分享了所有我需要知道的东西。故D项正确。
29. B根据下文,在我们家翻新的那段时间,我们搬到了父母家。故B项正确。
30. B根据下文,爸爸曾经利用大学的一个暑期在Jersey Shore修木屋,所以在我们一起一块一块拼木头的过程中,爸爸准确知道每块木头安在什么位置。故B项正确。
31. C根据上文,爸爸和我在修木屋,所以我问爸爸“你是如何学会修木屋的?”。故C项正确。
32. C根据上文第二段最后一句中everything可知,我曾认为我了解关于父亲的一切。故C项正确。
33. D根据上文,流水线厨师职位教会他如何制作最好的蛋卷。故D项正确。
34. B根据上文,我知道爸爸很多事,但是从来不知道关于修木屋的事。故B项正确。
35. A根据上文,我意识到并不是我和爸爸没话可说,而是我一生都在问错误的问题,只关于我的生活的问题。故A项正确。


