外研版八年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 2 We have played football for a year now. 学案

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外研版八年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 2 We have played football for a year now. 学案


Made by:Zhuang Chunmei Checked by: Ms Zheng Used time 2022-3
Module 4 Unit 2 We have played football for a year now.
1.健康生活 ____________________ 2.运动,锻炼________________________
3.通过做某事___________________ 4.感觉真的很健康____________________
5.创建一支女子足球队 _____________________________________
6.参加训练_____________________ 7.身体状况良好_______________________
8.过去几年里___________________ 9.坐地铁上班_________________________
10.成为我生活的一部分_______________________ 11. 感到困倦______________
12.我的日常运动________________ 13.面带微笑__________________________
14.一段长时间的生病后____________________ 15. 开始跑步 ________________
16.感觉不舒服___________________________ 17.全身发热__________________
18.太虚弱不能做任何运动 ______________________________________________
1. healthy living: 健康的生活
health u.n Running is good for your health. /Health is very important for us.
healthy adj healthy food and drink. / keep(stay) healthy 反义词unhealthy
2. I was not feeling very well so the doctor checked my heart and said I needed more exercise. 我感觉身体不太好,所以医生检查了我的心脏,说我需要多锻炼。
well adj. 健康的 be well ; feel well
adv. 好地,用来修饰动词 speak English well
I have never been very active... 我从不十分活跃… active adj. 积极的,活跃的
eg:Though he is 70 years old, he is still active. an active boy
Now I get exercise by taking him for a walk every day.
1) by prep. “以, 靠,借助,通过”, 其后接动名词,作方式状语。
You can improve your English by reading more. ( by doing sth.)
2) 提问by 引导的方式状语常用 how.
---How do you improve your English ---By reading more.
---How do you go to school every day ---By bus.
5. I have had him for three months now ... 现在我已经拥有他三个月了……
变成动词的有:buy-have, borrow-keep, become-be, catch a cold-have a cold
变be+adj.的有:marry-be married, die-be dead, open-be open, close-be closed
变be+adv.的有:return-be back, finish/end-be over, leave-be away
变be+prep.的有:come/go/arrive/reach-be in/at, begin-be on, join/take part in-be in
I have caught a cold.(用for two days改写句子) → I have had a cold for two days.
She borrowed the book two days ago. (用for改写句子)
She _________ __________ the book for two days.
My grandpa died ten years ago.(用since 改写句子)
My grandpa _________ ________ ___________since 10 years ago.
They have already married. (用for two years改写句子)
They _______ already ________ ____________ for two years.
He returned to his hometown one year ago.(用for改写句子)
He _______ ________ _________ to his hometown for one year.
They arrived at the museum ten minutes ago.(用since改写句子)
They _________ _________ ________ the museum since ten minutes ago.
课后练习: 一.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词
We should try our best in our ______________ life.
He does exercise every day and he is in excellent _________________ .
I went to bed late last night. Now I feel very ________________.
4. My cousin like sports very much and he is very _______________.
5.He didn’t go to school yesterday because of his ____________(疾病).
6. I am one of the _______________(成员) of our school basketball team.
7. The boy is too ____________(虚弱的) to carry the heavy box..
8. The doctor checked my parents’ ______________(心脏) this morning.
For a long time, Anna didn’t feel 1__________(good). So she 2_________(go) to see a doctor and the doctor said she needed 3__________(much) exercise than before. Then her parents 4__________(buy) a pet dog for her three months ago. Now she gets exercise every day 5_________(介词) taking him for a walk. She feels really 6__________ (health) now.
There is a 7__________(girl) football team in Wang Wei’s school and she was 8_________(冠词) first member of the team. Her teacher is the coach and they have 9___________ (play) football for a year now. And everyone in the team is 10._________(介词) excellent condition.
____________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4.______________ 5.____________
6._____________7.____________ 8.___________ 9._____________10.____________
Homework: Finish the exercises.


