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2023 年云学新高考联盟高一年级 3 月联考
听力:每小题 1.5 分,共 20 小题,满分 30 分
阅读理解:每小题 2.5 分,共 15 小题,满分 37.5 分
七选五:每小题 2.5 分,共 5 小题,满分 12.5 分
36~40 BADFC
完形填空:每小题 1 分,共 15 小题,满分 15 分
语法填空:每小题 1.5 分,共 10 小题,满分 15 分
56. on 具体某天上下午晚上用介词 on。
57. represented 过去分词作非限制性定语。
58. the 序数词前用定冠词。
beneficial 形容词修饰名词。
carrying 现在分词作定语。
61. which 关系代词引导非限制性定语从句。
62. was born 一般过去时的被动语态作谓语。
naturally 副词修饰动词。
popularity 名词作宾语。
65. to travel 动词不定式作主语补足语。
1.优秀档(12-15 分):漂漂亮亮
2.良好档(9-11 分):清清楚楚 紧扣主题,覆盖所有要点,内容较充实;语言有少量错误,但基本不影响意思表达。
3.一般档(6-8 分):马马虎虎
紧扣主题,基本覆盖所有要点,能够表达基本内容,语言错误已经影响了部分意思的表达,但多数句子基 本正确。基本达到了预期写作目的。
4。较差(3-5 分):稀里糊涂
5。差(0-2 分):一塌糊涂
内容混乱或主要内容偏离主题,能够写出少数与内容相差的可读句,给 1-2 分。未作答,抄写其它文章,或
只写出与作文无关的内容,给 0 分。
应用文写作:满分 15 分(原创)
Sample writing:
To beautify the environment and promote our environmental awareness, our school organized a tree-planting activity on March, 12 -- Chinese Arbor Day.
Early in the morning, we took a bus to the fantastic Jiangtan Park. Upon arrival, beside a path with nothing on both sides, bundles of small trees jumped into our sight. No sooner had we been told to plant the small trees along the path than we set to work with high spirits. Shortly afterwards, lines of small trees began to stand beside the path that had just been bare. In less than half a day, our task was perfectly completed. Though tired, we were fully filled with a sense of achievement.
Through this activity, our enthusiasm for participating in physical work has been fostered. Meanwhile, we have a deeper understanding of beautifying and protecting the environment. What a fruitful and unforgettable activity!
第五档:漂漂亮亮(个别小错)(21-25 分)
第四档:清清楚楚(少量错误)(16-20 分)
2 使用了比较丰富并且恰当的词汇和语法结构,可能有些许错误,但不影响理解。
第三档:马马虎虎(半对半错)(11-15 分)
2.使用了简单的词汇和 语法结构,有一些错误或不恰当之处,但基本不影响理解。
3.基本有效地使用了语句间衔接手段,全文 结构基本清晰,意义基本连贯。
第二档:稀里糊涂(较多错误)(6-10 分)
第一档:一塌糊涂(都是错误)(0-5 分)
2.所使 用的词汇有限,语法结构单调,错误较多,严重影响理解。
4.未作答、所写内容无法辨识、所写内容与题目要求完全不相关,给 0 分。
续写:满分 25 分
Sample writing:
After her shower, she glanced towards the back of Grandpa’s chair but noticed that his walking stick was not in its usual place. Sensing something strange, she walked toward the chair. He was gone. Fear ran down her spine. Grandma threw a coat over her bathrobe and ran outside. Small piles of snow and ice covered the sidewalks. Upon the thought that Grandpa could barely walk on his own, her heart was pulling up. Wringing her hands, she hardly felt the freezing air as she watched traffic rush by. Where could he be Why would he leave the house all by himself
As she stood alone on the street desperately, Grandpa walked around the corner. Head bowed, eyes focused on the sidewalk, he took small, cautious steps. His walking stick and a brown bag filled his good arm. Relieved to see that he was okay, she started to scold, “I only left you alone for a short while. What did you need so badly that you couldn’t wait I was so worried about you!” Confused and curious, she reached into the brown bag. Before Grandpa had a chance to explain, she pulled out a heart-shaped box. “It’s Valentine’s Day,” Grandpa explained. “I thought you might like a box of chocolates. I haven’t bought you a gift in a long, long time.” His stroke-impaired words warmed the winter wind. Tears flooded Grandma’s eyes as she hugged his arm to her chest and led Grandpa back home.
解 析:
A 篇 应用文,讲述参观美国国会图书馆的注意事项。
D 根据 VISITOR HOURS 里的 “Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.”和“ Last entry is at 4:30 p.m”得知只有 D 选项符合要求。
A 根据 ADMISSION 中的 All visitors must reserve timed-entry passes before entry.可知需提前预定。
B 篇(改编)
记叙文,材料改编自 Jack London 的中篇小说 White Fang 《白牙》Chapter21。
A 根据第三段 but he knew a dog like him needed the wide-open spaces of the frozen North
可知,白牙属于空旷的冰雪北方,这是 Scott 决定不带他离开的原因。
C 根 据 第 三 段 Scott was torn. He was miserable at the idea of … but he knew... Five or six times he changed his mind. But in the end he decided firmly against…He told himself…可知,这都是对 Scott 内心活动 的刻画。
26. A 文中描写了若干次白牙的吠叫,且发生的背景、情形各不相同,阐述了其情感的起伏 变化,并非单一的渲染悲凉氛围。
27. C 文章最后两段刻画了白牙克服万难与主人团聚的动人画面,凸显出白牙对主人无畏的爱,让他们得 以团聚。
C 篇(原创,材料来源:https://unctad.org/news/blog)
议论文,介绍新型软件 ChatGPT 在工作中的应用以及对人们未来工作方式的影响。
28. D 根据第一段第一句中 in working life 可得出答案。
29. A 第二段第一句就 ChatGPT 的概念进行了解释。
B 从第三段中 “Chatbots offer the possibility to automate boring and time-consuming tasks”, “A chatbot virtual personal assistant could guide skilled workers through different projects or production processes”,以及 “It can also generate original content and ideas, and potentially help to research and develop new products and
services” 可知提及了三个好处。
C 根据最后一段 Workers who are quicker to adjust to technological change will gain by increasingly taking on tasks complementary (互补的)to AI while giving up automated ones 可知工人所从事的工作和 ChatGPT 所做事情应该是互补结合的关系。
D 篇
议论文,介绍了飓风 Gabrielle 给新西兰带来的灾害及此灾害给人们的警醒。
32. A 词义猜测。一是根据短语字面意思:“将手指指向某人”含有“指责”之意;二是根据对下文的理解, 第四段中 James Shaw 的观点“ if we do not act, it will get worse”和第六段“it was high time the country moved away from passive responses to natural disasters and adopt an active approach”都表现出者两人对现状的不满。
B 根据第三段 What made the cyclone worse for New Zealand was that it followed nearly a week of heavy rain in late January that caused the worst flooding in the nation's history 可知答案为 B。
D 根据第四段 if we do not act, it will get worse 可知, 人们是时候采取行动了。
35. C 飓风 Gabrielle 发生后,三个不同的人发表了同一主题的感慨——人们应该积极行动起来主动应对气 候变化。
36. B 总起下文。
37. A 前面提到了研究表明吃胡萝卜能减少患直肠癌的概率,所以后句应得出结论:人们应常吃胡萝卜促 进身体健康。
38. D 根据下文中 peel your onions as little as possible 可知,上句应是告诉人们应该尽可能少剥皮。
39. F 下文具体阐述了 green peas 中 protein and fibre 的含量,所以首句应是对此的总体说明。
40. C 此选项中提到了在运动过程中食用土豆和碳水化合物凝胶的效果一样,与下句“对于那些在运动时寻 求天然碳水化合物来源的运动员来说,土豆可能更有吸引力”构成逻辑关系。
【解析】电影《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)中有两个可爱美丽的小公主,艾莎和安娜(Elsa and Anna),深受孩子 们的喜爱,当 McGrane 发现她和 Elsa 有些相像后,受到启发,和几个大学生装扮成公主,到病房和四 岁患病女孩度过令人难忘的生日。
【导语】本文为一篇记叙文,讲述了女大学生们装扮成迪士尼世界里的公主,给儿童病房的孩子们带去惊 喜和快乐的故事。
【41 题详解】B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是四岁孩子的惊喜生日派对,她最喜欢的《冰雪奇缘》中的迪士尼角色艾莎 来了。A. panic 恐慌;B. surprise 惊喜;C. anxiety 焦虑 ;D. embarrassment 尴尬。根据““Elsa, it’s you!””及 “The two cheerfully began to sing the movie’s big song”可知,这是一次惊喜生日派对。故选 B 项。
【42 题详解】C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:两人兴高采烈地唱起了电影的主题曲《随它吧》,不久,小叮当和其他四位童 话公主也加入了进来:安娜、爱丽儿、茉莉公主和白雪公主。A. promote 促进;B. defended 抵御;C.joined 加入;D. protest 抗议. 。根据“by Tinker Bell and four other fairy-tale princesses”可知,派对上还有其余五位 公主加入其中。故选 C 项。
【43 题详解】D
考查动词词义辨析。句意:你会发誓他们在地球上最神奇的地方庆祝。A. protecting 保护;B. exploring 探 索;C. competing 竞争;D. celebrating 庆祝。根据上文 “birthday party” 及 “The two cheerfully began to sing the movie’s big song” 可知,她们在庆祝生日。故选 D 项。
【44 题详解】A
考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. magical 有魔法的;B. tough 复杂的;C. rude 粗鲁的 ;D. positive 积 极的。根据 “But this wasn’t Disney World.” 可知,迪士尼世界是有魔法的地方。故选 A 项。
【45 题详解】B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些公主都是大学生,她们是“魔法时刻”的志愿者,这是一个非盈利性组织, 其使命是振奋生病儿童的精神。A. champion 冠军;B. princesses 公主;C. emperor 君主;D. soldier 士兵。 根据上文 “her favorite Disney character Elsa” 及 “Tinker Bell and four other fairy-tale princesses: Anna, Ariel, Jasmine, and Snow White.” 可知,这些大学生扮演的是迪士尼世界里的公主。故选 B 项。
【46 题详解】A
考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. volunteer 志愿;B. look 看;C. ask 问;D. contact 联系 。根据 “a 7 organization whose mission is to 8 the spirits of sick children” 及下 文 “searching for a new community project” 可知,这些女大学生是志愿来帮助孩子们的。故选 A 项。
【47 题详解】B
考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. wise 明智的 ;B. nonprofit 非盈利的;C. classic 经典的;D. specific 具体的。根据 “whose mission is to 8 the spirits of sick children” 可知,组织 Moment of Magic 是非盈 利性机构。故选 B 项。
【48 题详解】A
考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. lift 使高兴起来;B. affect 影响 ;C. expand 扩大;D. shift 变换。根据 “ 8 the spirits of sick children” 可知,该组织的目的是振奋生病儿童的精神。故选 A 项。
【49 题详解】D
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这一切都始于很久以前的一个家庭电影《冰雪奇缘》之夜。A. meaning 意味着;
B. referring 谈及;C. proving 证明;D. featuring 以……为特色或重要组成。根据“with a family movie night 9 Frozen”可知,这一切都始于一个观看家庭电影《冰雪奇缘》的夜晚,即,电影《冰雪奇缘》组成了这个夜 晚重要的部分。故选 D 项。
【50 题详解】C
考查动词词义辨析。句意:现年 23 岁的麦克格兰注意到她和艾莎有着相配的金发和蓝色的大眼睛。A. expected 期待;B. figured 认为;C. noticed 注意到;D. argued 争论。根据 “that she and Elsa had 11 blond hair and big blue eyes” 可知,McGrane 在看电影时发现自己和艾莎外貌相似。故选 C 项。
【51 题详解】C
考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. symbolizing 象征;B. amazing 使惊奇;C. matching 匹配;D. annoying
恼人。根据 “blond hair”及《冰雪奇缘》公主艾莎的外貌可知,她们都有匹配的金色头发。故选 C 项。
【52 题详解】D 考查副词词义辨析。句意:当时,麦克格兰和她的朋友麦克安德鲁正在寻找一个新的社区项目,最好是有 孩子的项目。A. generally 普遍地;B. logically 逻辑上地;C. regularly 有规律地;D. ideally 理想地。根据 “searching for a new community project, 12 one with kids”可知,她们理想上希望找到有关于孩子的社区 项目。故选 D 项。
【53 题详解】A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:脑子里突然冒出了一个想法——装扮成迪士尼公主,拜访儿童癌症患者。A. flash 闪现;B. recommend 推荐;C. exchange 交换;D. establish 建立。故选 A 项。
【54 题详解】B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:“当孩子们在医院里待了这么久,他们就不会像大多数孩子那样拥有所有的魔 力,”麦克格兰说。“给他们时间做自己很好。”A. home 家;B. hospital 医院;C. college 大学;D. shelter 庇 护处。 根据 “they don’t get all the magic that most kids do” 及上文 “It was the pediatric cancer ward at a hospital” 可知,孩子们待在医院的病房里太久了,就不会像大多数孩子那样拥有所有的魔力。故选 B 项。
【55 题详解】C
考查名词和代词词义辨析。句意同上。A. patients 病人 ;B. characters 人物;C. themselves 他们自己;D. adults 成年人。根据 “It’s nice to give them time to be 15 .” 可知, McGrane 和其他女大学生想通过此举给病 房里的孩子们带来与健康孩子一样的魔力,让他们成为该成为的自己。故选 C 项。
Text 1 录音学单词
M: Were you talking to a friend over your phone just now
W: No. I found a word particularly difficult to pronounce, so I recorded the correct pronunciation on my phone to listen to later.
Text 2 驾照考试时间
W: How did your driving test go It is December 6th today.
M: I was going to have it on the 4th, but the weather was so bad that they canceled it. It’s now changed to the 14th.
Text 3 天气
M: Lisa, the weatherman said it’d rain this afternoon. We can grow some vegetables in the garden after the rain. W: OK. But I really don’t think the weather will change today. I even see no clouds in the sky.
Text 4 谈论工作
M: Hi, Linda. Where do you work
W: I work at Thomas Cook Travel. I take people on tours to countries in South America. What do you do, Mike M: I’m a student. But I have a part-time job in a restaurant.
Text 5 兴趣爱好
M: Michelle, what do you love doing most in your free time W: I love dancing best.
M: Why
W: Because it’s fun. Also it’s my dream to be a dancer in the future. Text 6 等候上课
M: Good morning. I’m here for the art class.
W: Good morning. The class hasn’t begun yet. You need to wait for a moment. Help yourself to some water and take a seat.
M: Thanks. By the way, when will the class begin
W: It’ll begin at 3:30 pm. There are still fifteen minutes left. M: It’s boring sitting here. Can I look around, please
W: Sorry, sir. But some students are taking classes now. Please just wait for a moment. Text 7 飞机上与陌生人闲聊
M: Is this your first time taking a flight
W: Yes. I’ve never been on a plane before. And I read a story yesterday. It’s about a plane that disappeared for no reason.
M: No wonder you don’t look alright. Just relax. Thousands of planes fly back and forth every year. We’ll be totally fine. You can talk to me. It can help you feel better.
W: Thanks. Why are you going to China
M: I’m going there to work for a week. I’ve to fly to different countries for my work. W: So you fly a lot.
M: Right. Are you going to China for traveling
W: No. I’m going to study Chinese at a college there. Text 8 推荐餐厅
W: John, I want to eat out tonight, but I’ve no idea where to eat. Can you recommend a restaurant to me
M: Well, you’ve come to the right person, Jennifer. I never cook, and I’ve eaten at many restaurants in our city. W: That’s great! What do you suggest
M: Well, there’s a great French restaurant nearby. I’ve eaten there some times, but the food is a bit expensive. W: Well, I’m not that into French food.
M: Then what about the Mexican restaurant about a twenty-minute walk from here It serves nice Latin American food. There is also a very nice Italian restaurant about a thirty-minute walk away. It serves nice pizza.
W: Great. I’d like to have some pizza tonight. John, do you already have plans for tonight M: No.
W: Then what about eating together
M: That’s great! I just love the idea! We’d better get down to our work now. We can leave a bit earlier this way. W: OK.
Text 9 回忆第一天上小学的情景
W: Henry, do you still remember your first day at primary school
M: Yes. Though it was already twenty years ago, I still remember it very well. W: So you went to school at six as most of the other kids, right
M: No. I was just five years old then.
W: How did you go to school that day By bus or by car
M: Neither. The school wasn’t far from my home, so my father took me there using his bike. W: Were you nervous then
M: Yes. My father took me to the headmaster’s office and got me admitted to the school. I thought the headmaster was a serious man. He asked me some questions. I was too nervous to speak at first, but he was very gentle and encouraged me and treated me nicely. I calmed down and answered his questions.
W: Well, did you like your classmates
M: Yes. They were very nice. After class we played games on the playground together and I made two new friends. I fell in love with school that day.
Text 10 天才画家——斯蒂芬 ·威尔夏
W: Good evening, everyone. In tonight’s program, I’d like to tell you about a special artist named Stephen Wiltshire. He was born in London. He is famous for his ability to create drawings of the city landscape from memory. He has drawn many cities such as Tokyo and Paris, to name just a few. He has a very good memory. It helps him remember the things in a place very well. He doesn’t need to walk around the city or learn about the city on a tall building. He is able to start drawing the city based just on a 20-minute helicopter flight the day before. When Stephen was three years old, he was found to have a problem. He was diagnosed with autism. He had trouble in controlling his feelings. He would suddenly walk around aimlessly and then burst into the other room. He says that drawing is one of the few things that can calm him down. Now people worldwide are amazed at his drawings. That’s all for tonight’s program.2023 年湖北云学新高考联盟学校高一年级 3 月联考
考试时间:2023 年 3 月 14 日 08:00-10:00 时长:120 分钟 满分:150 分
第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分 30 分)
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应 位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
What was the woman doing just now
Making a phone call.
Looking up a word in the dictionary.
Recording a word’s pronunciation.
When will the man have his driving test
On the 4th. B. On the 14th. C. On the 6th.
What is the weather like now
Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy.
What does Linda do
She is a waitress. B. She is a tour guide. C. She is a student.
What are the speakers talking about
Their plans for the future. B. A dancing class. C. Michelle’s hobby.
第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,
各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
What time is it now
A. 3:15 pm. B. 3:30 pm. C. 3:45 pm.
What does the woman advise the man to do
Have a look around. B. Sit for a while. C. Take classes now.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。
How does the woman look to the man
Excited. B. Tired. C. Nervous.
Why does the woman go to China
To work. B. To study . C. To travel.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
What does John like doing
Eating out. B. Cooking at home. C. Ordering takeout.
Where will Jennifer have dinner tonight
In a French restaurant. B. In a Mexican restaurant. C. In an Italian restaurant.
What is the relationship between the speakers
Neighbors. B. Colleagues. C. Husband and wife.
听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
How old is Henry now
A. 20. B. 25. C. 26.
How did Henry go to school on the first day
By bicycle. B. By bus. C. By car.
What was the headmaster like
He was impatient. B. He was serious. C. He was kind.
What did Henry do at school that day
He made two new friends.
He played games in the classroom.
He watched a match on the playground.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
What is Stephen Wiltshire’s nationality
French. B. Japanese. C. English.
What does Stephen Wiltshire do before drawing a city
He walks around it.
He observes it on a tall building.
He takes a helicopter flight over it.
Why did Stephen Wiltshire start drawing
To display the buildings.
To calm himself down.
To show his amazing memory.
Where is the talk most probably being given
At a studio. B. At an art exhibition. C. At a classroom.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和D )中 ,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Visiting the Library
We’re so excited to welcome you back to the Library of Congress. To ensure the safety, we encourage you to take a moment to review our Know Before You Go page to prepare for a safe and enjoyable visit.
The Thomas Jefferson Building is open to visitors Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Note: Last entry is at 4:30 p.m.
Closed: Sundays, Mondays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. Free timed-entry passes are required.
The Library of Congress is free and open to the public with timed-entry passes. An individual can reserve up to ten timed-entry passes per day.
A limited number of same-day passes are made available at 9 a.m. each day the Jefferson Building is open to the public.
All visitors must reserve timed-entry passes before entry.
Thomas Jefferson Building 10 First Street SE Washington, DC 20540 VISITOR INFORMATION
Our Visitor Engagement Office team is here to help you plan your visit. Please contact us at www.loc.gov or
(202) 707-9779 with your questions.
When can visitors go to the library
9:30a.m on Tuesday B. 1:00p.m on Monday
C. 5:00p.m on Saturday D. 4:30p.m on Wednesday
What should visitors do before going there
Book in advance B. Buy tickets online
C. Buy tickets at the library D. Prepare comfortable shoes
If any problem, what can you do
Ask friends to help you plan your visit B. Visit the website
C. Call the customer service office D. Consult a map
Something was in the air. All his senses told White Fang that some big change was about to come.
“Listen to that!” said Matt. Through the open door came a low, anxious howl, like a sobbing under the breath.
The truth was that Scott was torn. He was miserable at the idea of leaving White Fang, but he knew a dog like him needed the wide-open spaces of the frozen North. Five or six times he changed his mind. But in the end he decided firmly against taking him. He told himself, “He would hate living in a city, anyway.”
Then came the day when White Fang saw his master pack and take two large bags out of the cabin. “Poor fellow,” said Scott, gently rubbing White Fang's ears. “I'm leaving, old boy, I've got a new job in California, where you can't follow. Now give me your howls. A goodbye howl!” But White Fang wouldn't howl. He gave his master a sad, searching look and buried his head out of sight, between his master's arm and body.
Matt locked the door. Scott wiped his eyes. “Take good care of him, Matt,” he said, “Write and let me know how he gets on.” “Sure,” replied Matt. “But listen to that!” Both men stopped. White Fang was howling inside. His howl burst upwards, dying down into trembling misery. It rose again and again.
Near the ship, Scott said goodbye to Matt and was to have a final handshake with Matt. But Matt's hand dropped. He stared at something behind them. Sitting on the deck and watching sadly was White Fang! “Did you lock the door ” asked Scott. “Sure did.” Said Matt. As Scott patted the dog, he noticed blood on his nose and a fresh cut between his eyes. “We forgot the window!” he cried. “He's all cut up. Must have made his way clean through the glass!”
The ship whistled its final. Scott bent down to White Fang, “Howl for me now, you stupid, brave fellow!” White Fang knew he could go with his master now. He howled and smelled his beloved master for all he was worth.
Why didn't Scott take White Fang at first
Because he belonged to the wide wild.
Because life stress outweighed reality.
Because he disliked the city environment.
Because he blocked his pursuit of career.
The description of Para. 3 is mainly focused on .
dialogues B. actions C. inner thoughts D. emotions
Why are White Fang's howls repeatedly described
To interpret his emotional changes.
To create an atmosphere of sadness.
To interact with the devoted animal.
To present a vivid account of the animal.
What can we infer from the last two paragraphs
White Fang got seriously injured all over.
Scott was the first to find White Fang on the deck.
White Fang's fearless love contributed to their reunion.
White Fang caught up with Scott by breaking the door.
The recent launch of ChatGPT, a chatbot created by Open AI for public use, has underlined the growing reach of digital technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) in working life. Like most technological revolutions that affect the workplace, chatbots can potentially create winners and losers and will affect both blue-collar and white-collar workers.
ChatGPT is a natural language processing (NLP) tool that allows users to interact with the GPT-3 model using natural language. The model is trained on a great amount of data, which allows it to generate human-like responses to a wide variety of inputs.
This type of AI can greatly benefit the productivity of skilled workers. Chatbots offer the possibility to automate(使自动化) boring and time-consuming tasks, such as writing standardized reports, meeting minutes and
emails. Workers could therefore be freed to focus on more important and creative tasks. A chatbot virtual personal assistant could guide skilled workers through different projects or production processes. It can also generate original content and ideas, and potentially help to research and develop new products and services.
But tools such as ChatGPT presents a real risk of skilled and semi-skilled workers losing their jobs. For example, chatbots can be developed to train employees in an organization, resulting in the unemployment of human trainers.
Previous waves of technological change have created both winners and losers. Workers who are quicker to adjust to technological change will win by increasingly taking on tasks complementary ( 互 补 的 ) to AI while giving up automated ones.
This passage centers around the effects of AI like ChatGPT on .
life B. entertainment C. sports D. work
Paragraph 2 mainly talks about .
what ChatGPT is B. how ChatGPT is used
C. why ChatGPT is created D. who created ChatGPT
In paragraph 3, how many benefits of Chatbots are mentioned
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
According to the text, faced with technological revolutions, workers had better .
continue ahead with their automated jobs and work harder
do other things while keeping up with the automated ones
adapt to the change by doing other things to form a good combination with AI
give up automated jobs and just learn as much AI knowledge as possible
As New Zealand begins the long, costly task of clearing up after Cyclone(飓风)Gabrielle cut a disastrous path across much of the North Island on Feb 12 and 13, finger pointing has started.
The cleanup and rebuilding may take years, and even longer in remote parts, with costs running into the billions of dollars.
What made the cyclone worse for New Zealand was that it followed nearly a week of heavy rain in late January that caused the worst flooding in the nation's history.
Green Party leader James Shaw delivered a speech on Feb 14, saying: “I struggle to find words to express what I am thinking and feeling about this particular crisis. I don't think I've ever felt as sad or as angry about the lost decades that we spent arguing about whether climate change was real or not, whether it was caused by humans or not, whether it was bad or not, whether we should do something about it or not, because it is clearly here now, and if we do not act, it will get worse.”
Shaw's speech highlighted the growing concern in New Zealand and across the world on the increasing effect of climate change on global weather patterns.
A lecturer in the University of Auckland said it was high time the country moved away from passive responses to natural disasters and adopt an active approach.
“In the next decades down to the end of this century, we expect that ocean temperatures will steadily climb
and extreme events will become more common, serious, and long-lasting,” a marine expert said. “The actual trajectory(轨迹), however, depends on how society will deal with the climate change challenge.”
The underlined phrase “finger pointing” in the first paragraph probably means .
blame B. praise C. approval D. celebration
What made the cyclone worse for New Zealand
It will take a long time and cost a lot of money to clean up and rebuild.
Heavy rain had lasted for nearly a week before the cyclone hit New Zealand.
Some people made a lot of complaints about the cyclone.
The cyclone caused the worst flooding in the history of New Zealand.
According to what Shaw said in paragraph 4, which of the following statements is correct
It was easy for Shaw to express himself about the cyclone.
Shaw felt very sad and angry about the cyclone.
It is necessary to argue about climate change.
Humans should take action to deal with climate change right away.
What would be the best title for the passage
Cleanup and rebuilding after Cyclone
Attaching importance to climate change
Cyclone seen as wake-up call on climate change
Increasing ocean temperatures responsible for extreme events
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处 的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
The Vegetables You Should Eat Each Week
It is well known that eating vegetables is healthy. Despite the fact that different vegetable types contain different specific nutrients, all variations are healthy. 36
Carrots contain elements that, according to certain studies, may lower the chance of developing certain
cancers. One study discovered a link between increased self-reported intake of carrots and a lower risk of colorectal cancer(直肠癌), which was published in the journal Nutrients in 2020. 37
Naturally low in calories and fat, onions also contain important micronutrients like vitamin C. 38 therefore, for the best results, peel your onions as little as possible before using them in cooking.
Green Peas
39 Eight grams of plant-based protein and more than 25% of the daily fiber intake are both found in one cup. Additionally, one cup has near to 100% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C and around 10% of the recommended daily intake of iron, vitamin B6, magnesium, and potassium.
Potatoes are a preferred food for athletes and individuals who are active because they are high in carbohydrate( 碳 水 化 合 物 ). 40 . Because of this, potatoes may appeal more to athletes searching for whole-food sources of carbohydrates while exercising.
Hence, please regularly eat them to promote overall health.
Below is a list of vegetables to eat each week to stay healthy.
According to one study, eating them while exercising is as good as consuming carbohydrate gels.
Interestingly, onions’ outer layers contain most antioxidant chemicals(抗氧化物质);
Onions contain many kinds of micronutrients our body need;
One of the vegetables with the highest levels of protein and fiber is green peas.
Green peas are the most favorite food in UK.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Princess Power
“Elsa, it's you!” It was the four-year-old's 41 birthday party, and her favorite Disney character Elsa from Frozen had arrived. The two cheerfully began to sing the movie's big song “Let It Go”, and were soon 42 by Tinker Bell and four other fairy-tale princesses: Anna, Ariel, Jasmine, and Snow White.
You would swear they were 43 at the most 44 place on earth. But this wasn't Disney World. It was the pediatric(儿科)cancer ward at a hospital on Long Island in New York. And the 45 were college
students who 46 for A Moment of Magic, a 47 organization whose mission is to 48 the spirits of sick children.
It all began once upon a time with a family movie night 49 Frozen. McGrane, now 23, 50 that she and Elsa had 51 blond hair and big blue eyes. McGrane and her friend McAndrew were just searching for a new community project, 52 one with kids.
Then 53 an idea--dressing up as Disney princesses and visiting pediatric cancer patients.
“When kids are in a 54 for so long, they don't get all the magic that most kids do,” says McGrane. “It's
nice to give them time to be A. panic A. promoted A. protecting A. magical 55 .” B. surprise B. defended B. exploring B. tough C. anxiety C. joined C. competing C. rude D. embarrassment D. protested D. celebrating D. positive
A. champions A. volunteer A. wise A. lift A. meaning B. princesses B. look B. nonprofit B. affect B. referring C. emperors C. ask C. classic C. expand C. proving D. soldiers D. contact D. specific D. shift D. featuring
A. expected A. symbolizing A. generally A. flashed A. home B. figured B. amazing B. logically B. recommended B. hospital C. noticed C. matching C. regularly C. exchanged C. college D. argued D. annoying D. ideally D. established D. shelter
55. A. patients B. characters C. themselves D. adults
第二节 (共 10 题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
TOKYO -- Female giant panda Xiang Xiang left Tokyo's Ueno Zoo to fly back to China, her home country 56 Tuesday morning.
"China-Japan cooperation in wildlife conservation, 57 (represent) by giant pandas, is a wonderful example of friendly exchanges between the two countries," a spokesperson of the Chinese embassy in Japan said.
As this year marks 58 45th anniversary of the conclusion of the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship, the love for giant pandas is expected to drive more Sino-Japanese friendly exchanges and 59 (benefit) cooperation, according to the spokesperson.
Around 7:10 am local time, a white truck 60 (carry) the five-year-old panda slowly drove out of Ueno Zoological Gardens, before heading to Narita International Airport.
Upon her return, Xiang Xiang will be sent to Bifengxia Giant Panda Base in the city of Ya'an, Sichuan, 61 is known as the hometown of giant pandas, according to the zoo.
Xiang Xiang 62 (bear) at Ueno Zoo in June 2017. As the first panda 63 (natural) bred(繁殖) and
raised at the zoo in nearly three decades since You You, born in 1988, Xiang Xiang gained huge 64 (popular) among Japanese people after she was born.
She was originally scheduled 65 (travel) back to China by the end of December 2020, but her return was delayed many times due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节 应用文写作 (满分 15 分)
3 月 12 日植树节(Chinese Arbor Day),你校组织了一次植树活动。请你写一篇短文向校英文报投稿 介绍此次活动,主要内容包括:
1. 活动目的;
2. 活动内容;
3. 收获和感想。
1. 词数 80 左右。
2. 适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
第二节 读后续写 (满分 25 分)
Grandma got Grandpa out of bed and helped him to the kitchen for breakfast. After his meal, she led him to his armchair in the living room where he would rest while she cleaned the dishes. Every so often, she would check to see if he needed anything.
This was their daily routine after Grandpa’s latest stroke( 中 风 ). Although once a very active, strong and
healthy man, his badly damaged left arm, difficult walking and slurred ( 含 混 不 清 )speech now kept him housebound. For nearly a year he hadn’t even been to church or to visit family. Grandpa filled his hours with television. He watched the news and game shows while Grandma went about her day. They made an agreement—he was not to leave his chair or his bed without her assistance.
Grandma was friendly, outgoing and unselfish; Grandpa was reserved and devoted to his family. But he didn’t like giving gifts. He held the belief that if you treated your wife well throughout the year, presents weren’t necessary; so he rarely bought gifts for her.
It was Valentine’s Day, a typical cold winter morning in New York. As always, Grandma walked Grandpa to his chair. “I’m going to take a shower now.” She handed him the television remote. “If you need anything, I’ll be back in a little while.”
1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答


