
  1. 二一教育资源



一. 名词性从句:从句在主句中的成分相当于名词,又被称为名词性从句,在句子的功能相当于名词词组,能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词性从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。
二. 连词(5个)
1、that (本身无意义)
3、as if ,as though
连接代词(10个):what, whatever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, whose,who sever, which, whichever
连接副词(7个):when, where, how, why, whenever, wherever, however
三. 语序:
四. 时态:
eg. She said that she wanted to go to hospital.
2、when, if 引导名词性从句且表示将来意义时,要直接使用将来时态。
eg. I don't know when she will come back home.
名词性从句的词序与陈述句语序相同,尤其注意那些由连接代词who(m), whose, which, what 和连接副词when, where, why 等引导的名词性从句,不要受它们在特殊疑问句中用法的影响而误用疑问句词序。如:
Why was she crying 她为什么在哭
I don’t know why he was crying. 我不知道她为什么哭。
  1. 当主句的谓语动词是过去式时,宾语从句若不是一个客观事实或真理,其谓语动词也必须用某种过去时态。如:
She said that she didn't want to know. 她说她不想知道。
I asked her whether she would agree. 我问她是否会同意
2. when, if 这两个词既可引导名词性从句,也可引导状语从句。当它们引导名词性从句且表示将来意义时,要直接使用将来时态;但当它们引导状语从句且表示将来意义时,则必须用一般现在时表示将来意义。如:
I don’t know when he will come, but when he comes, I’ll call you. 我不知道他什么时候,但当他来的时候,我会打电话给你。
句中第一个when 引导的是宾语从句,故用将来时态表示将来意义;第二个when 引导的是时间状语从句,故用一般现在时表示将来意义。
that引导的同位语从句 that引导的定语从句 句法功能上
that只起连接从句的作用,无意义。 在从句中不充当句子成分。 不可省。
that替代先行词在从句中不仅起连接作用, 还充当一个句子成分。如在从句中作 动词的宾语时可省略。
意义上从句是被修饰名词的内容。 从句起限定作用,是定语 。
如:The news that Mr. Li will be our new English teacher is true. (同位语从句,that不可省) 李先生将是我们的新英语老师这个消息是真的。
The news (that) he told me yesterday is true. (定语从句,that在从句中作的宾语,可省)他昨天告诉我的消息是真的。
如: This is our only request that this (should) be settled as soon as possible.这就是我们唯一的请求:尽快解决这个问题。
间隔同位语从句 同位语从句通常是跟在它解释或说明的名词后,但有些情况下,由于句子结构的原因,同位语从句不紧跟在名词后,而被其他的词隔开。
A warm thought suddenly came to me that I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother's birthday
3.短语及固定句式后的同位语从句 I will come on condition that John is invited.如果约翰也被邀请的话,我就来。
On condition, on supposition, on the ground(s), on the understanding, with the exception, in spite of the fact, on the assumption及句式There BE+no doubt(hope,chance,possibility,…)后的that从句为同位语从句。
能引导名词性从句的关系代词有who, whom, what, whose, which, whichever, whatever, whoever八个。
what是不能引导定语从句的。定语从句中如果缺少的成分是主语、宾语、表语,我们选择的是关系代词that或其他。现在山头换了,到了名词性从句的知识范围了。What在名词性从句中就很有用武之地了。还是分析成分,what 在从句中作的主语、宾语、表语。而that只是一个“连接词”,既不作什么成分,也没有什么意义。如:
What you did doesn’t agree with what you promised.
The matter of salary is what I care most if I decide to change my profession.
2. that和whether的区别问题
I don’t know whether he can join us or not.
I’m sure that he can join us.
3. wh-词和wh-ever的区别问题
The police wanted to know who will benefit most from the old man’s death.警方想知道谁将从老人的去世中受益最多。
Whoever will benefit from the old man’s death will be questioned by the police.能从老人的去世之中受益的所有人都将受到警方的盘问。
1. You can only be sure of ____ you have at present: you cannot be sure of something ____ you might get in the future. (2007安徽)
; what B. what; 不填 C. which; that D. 不填; that
[答案] B
[解析] 第一个下划线处应填入一个可以引导of的宾语从句泛指“你现在所拥有的东西”且在该宾语从句内部充当have的宾语的词, 这样的引导词只能是what, 由此可以直接排除选项A、 C、 D而选出B。
2. ____ is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
A. Whatever B. Whoever C. However it D. Whatever it
[答案] D
3. ____ we can’t get seems better than ____ we have. (1996)
A. What; what B. What; that C. That; that D. That; what
[答案] A
[解析] 名词性从句what we can’t get和what we have中what都充当宾语, 都属于关系代词型的what, 本身不表示疑问而表示泛指相关的事物; “what we can’t get”相当于包含定语从句的“things that we can’t get”, “what we have”相当于包含定语从句的“things that we have”。
4. Some people believe ___ is easier for small countries to become strong and rich than for large____.
A. that; country B. it; one C. that; countries D. it; ones
[答案] B
5. It is generally considered unwise to give a child ____ he or she wants. (1997)
A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever
[答案] B
[解析] whatever在这里的用法跟关系代词型的what一样, 其引导的名词性从句“whatever he or she wants”泛指一个孩子想要的任何东西。
6. It was by the roadside ____ the six blind men sat quarrelling about the elephant.
A. when B. which C. on which D. That
[答案] D
7. Could I speak to ____ is in charge of International Sales, please (2007山东)
A. anyone B. someone C. whoever D. no matter who
[答案] C
[解析] 下划线处引导speak to之后的宾语从句, 表示“(负责国际销售的)任何人”, 四个选项中只有whoever适合。
8. Although most of them have no doubt ____ he will pass the exam, I still think there is something about _____ he has really got everything ready.
r; that B. that; whether C. that; that D. whether; whether
[答案] B
9. Mary wrote an article on ____ the team had failed to win the game. (2005)
A. why B. what C. who D. that
[答案] A
[解析] 下划线处引导的名词性从句属于介词on的宾语, 在该名词性从句中引导词充当原因状语, 所以应选A。
10. Information has been put forward ____ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. (上海2000)
A. while B. that C. when D. as
[答案] B
[解析] 陈述客观情况的名词性从句的引导词之后是完整的陈述句, 引导词本身不充当该名词性从句中具体的句子成分, 有这样用法的引导词只能是that。本题下划线处引导了information的同位语从句(为避免头重脚轻, 本句中information的同位语从句与information之间被谓语动词部分隔开)。
11. Although he knew little about the work done in the field of physics, he succeeded ______other experienced experts failed.
A. which B. that C. what D. where
[答案] D
12. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at ____ I thought was a dangerous speed. (2004上海春)
A. as B. which C. what D. that
[答案] C
[解析] 下划线处的引导词引导介词at的宾语从句, 该引导词在at的宾语从句中所包含的又一个宾语从句(充当think的宾语)里充当主语, 特指说话人的兄弟驾车的速度, 四个选项中只有关系代词型的引导词what具有这样的用法。注意: 本题中at的宾语从句中又包含一个宾语从句, 总共出现了两个宾语从句, 其中第二个宾语从句(I thought之后的宾语从句)的引导词that被省略了。
13. Elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an object and ____ it is rough or smooth. (2005天津)
A. 不填 B. whether C. how D. what
[答案] B
[解析] 题干中的or意味着下划线处需要表示“是否”的含义。
14. ____ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships. (2006山东)
A. No matter what B. No matter which C. Whatever D. Whichever
[答案] D
[解析] 下划线处引导全句的主语, 因此不能选用只能引导让步状语从句的选项A、 B; 下划线处表示“任何一支(获胜的球队)”之意, 用which的相关形式更为合适, 因此进一步排除C而选出D。
15. Each blind man believed ____ he knew just ____ the elephant looked like.
A. that; what B. what; that C. that; that D. what; what
[答案] A


