
  1. 二一教育资源



(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does the woman imply
A. For the first time the team has become the league champion.
B. The team did a good job again this time.
C. The team has little chance to win this time.
2. What program does the man generally listen to
A. News. B. Talk shows. C. Education program.
3. Where is the conversation taking place
A. In a park. B. In a museum. C. In a pet store.
4. How does Mike feel
A. Satisfied. B. Puzzled. C. Worried.
5. What does the woman mean
A. She doesn’t understand the man. B. She gave the change to someone else. C. She’s unable to help the man.
6.Why is the woman talking to the man
A. Because of the poor quality of the goods she bought.
B. Because of not getting the promised discount.
C. Because of the impolite attitude of the salesgirl.
7. What will the man give to the woman
A. Some money. B. A letter of apology. C. A new product.
Which place would the man like to go
A. An exciting modern city. B. A popular tourist attraction. C. A quiet and far-away place.
9. What does the woman worry about
A. The weather. B. The food and water. C. The language.
10. What does the woman plan to do now
A. Travel with the man. B. Do some gardening. C. Go to the travel agency.
11. How often does the man contact his aunt
A. Once a month. B. Once a week. C. Seldom.
12. Why didn’t his aunt chat with him online
A. Her kids keep her busy all the time.
B. She does not have a computer in her house.
C. She’s not interested in using the computer.
13. What will he do next
A. Ask his cousins for help. B. Teach his aunt himself. C. Ask his uncle for help.
14. Who is the woman
A. A police officer. B. An immigration official. C. An air hostess.
15. Which line is for the residents
A. The line on the man’s right. B. The line on the woman’s left. C. The line on the woman’s right.
16. How long will the man study in the UK
A. For a few months. B. For a year. C. For two years.
17. How will the man pay for living costs and tuition fees
A. His father has paid for that in advance. B. He has won a scholarship. C. He will take a part-time job to pay for that.
18. What is the talk mainly about
A. How to keep young. B. How to improve memory. C. How to open our mind.
19. What is the key to achieving this goal
A. Going back to school. B. Playing no attention to age. C. Using the mind as much as possible.
20. What did the man who entered school at 70 become later
A. An active lawyer. B. A successful doctor. C. A highly paid artist.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Teen Entrepreneurship by Jack Rosenthal
Jack Rosenthal is the author of “Teen Investing”, the #2 book on teen investing (投资) on Amazon. He wrote Teen Entrepreneurship as a way to educate other teenagers on what it takes to create their own companies. Jack Rosenthal is currently a 19-year-old student at Babson College in Massachusetts.He’sbeen an entrepreneur and investor for the last 10 years and has worked on numerous businesses.
You Are What You Risk by Michele Wucker
You AreWhat You Riskis aloud call for a new conversation about our relationship with risk and uncertainty, Inthisground-breaking book, Michele Wucker examines why it’s so important to understand your risk fingerprint and howto make your risk relationship work better in business, life, and the world.
What If by Randall Munroe
Millions of people visit each week to read Randall Munroe’s webcomic (网络漫画). His drawings about science, technology, language, and love have a huge following, as do his deeply researched answers to his fans’ strangest questions. The book features (以……为特色) new and never-before-answered questions, along with the most popular answers from the website.
Zero to One by Peter Thiel, Blake Masters
Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1. The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. Tomorrow’s champions will not win by competing in today’s marketplace. They will escape competition altogether, because their businesses will be unique.
1.Why did Jack Rosenthal write Teen Entrepreneurship
A.To advise teens to research the market. B.To get teens to love writing.
C.To encourage teens to take risks. D.To teach teens to start a company.
2.How does Randall Munroe attract his fans
A.By asking strange questions. B.By telling interesting stories.
C.By offering excellent answers. D.By making scientific research.
3.What would be the best choice for one who intends to create new things
A.Teen Entrepreneurship. B.You Are What You Risk.
C.What If D.Zero to One.
Over the past three decades, an 81-year-old Chinese man has been operating a small zoo. The zoo in Enshi, Hubei Province, is called the “world’s loneliest zoo” because few people visit it. Most of the animals there are unhealthy.
Luo Yingjiu began keeping animals at home in the 1980s. After seeing wild animals kept in cages for sale at a market, Luo bought them and took them home to give them medical treatment. He released (释放) those able to live on their own into the wild and continued to raise those that could not live independently. There were so many animals in his house that the local government suggested he open a zoo. With the government’s financial aid, the zoo was opened in 1989, the only one in the city at that time. During its peak time, the zoo had some big animals, including a tiger and a lion. The business later became worse because visitors were not interested in the zoo’s “old, weak, sick and disabled” animals.
Using his pension (退休金) to operate the zoo, Mr. Luo refused to listen to other people’s advice to close it. “It is not just a zoo; it provides the habitat for the animals,” he explained. “If the zoo is closed, where can these animals go They cannot even survive in the wild.”
As he operates the zoo, he keeps on rescuing animals. A black bear with one paw injured was saved 17 years ago. A dog named Dianzi was saved when its former owner planned to abandon (遗弃) it. A monkey that has been at the zoo for nearly 30 years is almost blind because of camera flashes from visitors who took photos. For those animals that died, Luo buried them on the nearby mountain.
Luo said he remembers every animal’s name. “Animals and humans are born equal,”he said. “We should respect their right to survive.”
24.Why is the zoo called the “world’s loneliest zoo”
A.There are few animals in the zoo. B.Few people know the old man.
C.There aren’t many people visiting the zoo. D.The gatekeeper lost family members.
25.How did Luo get the animals originally
A.By buying some animals locked in cages. B.By stealing or hunting some big animals.
C.By finding animals released from other zoos. D.By picking up dying animals in the wild.
26.What was the reason why Luo’s business went worse
A.Visitors took no interest in the unhealthy animals.
B.Local government refused to offer financial support.
C.He used up all of his pension so that the zoo was closed.
D.Children were frightened by the wild tiger and lion.
27.Which of the following best describes Luo Yingjiu
A.Adventurous and humorous. B.Warm-hearted and determined.
C.Creative and outgoing. D.Generous and funny.
Thrown from his horse three times and repeatedly wet through while camping in a downpour, Chris Walker wondered whether the Mongol Derhy was really for him.
The property developer and farmer from Gloucestershire was, at 55, the oldest of the competitors in this year’s 1.000 km race across the grassland.
Despite the hardships of his eight-day journey, Walker was delighted to finish third in the annual equestrian (马术的 )endurance race.
Competitors race between checkpoints 22 miles apart, where they change horses. They spend nights at one of 28 stations, set up their own camp or enjoy the hospitality of friendly Mongolian families.
Walker, whose grandfather Neville Crump trained three Grand National winners, was an hour ahead of his rivals as the race entered its eighth day but was awarded a time penalty (判罚) because his horse had a high heart rate during one of the regular checks to ensure that the animals were healthy.
Walker said he had gone to Mongolia to “give it a go” but realized that he stood a chance of winning after teaming up with Patrick Heffron, a competitor from Ireland.
“The horses are quite wild. I got bucked off three times. I fell off in a hole,” he said. “You’re going along and suddenly disappear. You have to hang on to your horse for dear life or it goes off.”
Walker who has raised more than 7000 for the charity Riding for the Disabled Association, own horses and his son is a professional polo player.
Heffron, who met Walker as they went out for the race, finished third equal alongside his companion. He said it was important to form a team mainly because falling off alone means that there is no one to help you retrieve your horse.
“It is also a bloody long way to talk to yourself ,”Heffron said. “Neither of us had prior ambitions win this race but we realized: “We’re in front, ” SP R pushed.
28.What can we learn about the Mongol Derby
A.It’s a 22-mile equestrian endurance race. B.Competitors have to camp at stations.
C.There is an age limit to competitors. D.Horses are switched at checkpoints.
29.What is the main reason for Walker’s falling behind
A.A time penalty. B.The wild horse. C.Poor teamwork. D.His ill health.
30.What does the underlined word “retrieve” mean in the text
A.Tie. B.Feed. C.Mount. D.Bring back
31.Which of the following words can best describe Walker
A.Enthusiastic but moody. B.Proud and stubborn.
C.Courageous and ambitious. D.Cooperative and generous.
Honeybees can’t swim, and when their wings get wet, they can’t fly. But one study shows that honeybees do have another, less obvious choice to save them from death in the water: surfing.
The discovery began with a lucky accident. When research engineer Chris Roh passed by Caltech’s Millikan Pond, he saw a honeybee resting in the water, and since it was midday, the honeybee’s shadow (影子) fell directly on the bottom of the pond. However, what really caught his eye was the waves created by the honeybee’s wings, as the waves from one wing crashed with those from the other wing.
Roh brought honeybees to the lab, where he recreated the conditions, he saw at Mfillikan Pond. He placed a bee in a pan of still water and then shone filtered (过滤的) light from above to pretend it was the midday sun. He did this with 33 bees, but only for a few minutes one single bee at a time, and then gave each bee time to recover.
While water prevents a bee from flying by clinging (紧附) to its wings, the same condition obviously provides another way for the bee to escape. The bee pulls water with its wings, creating waves that can push it forward.
But there are some limitations. Obviously, the bees can’t produce enough force to get them out of the water. However, the wave can push them forward enough to the edge of the water, where they can then climb out and fly away. This behavior is more tiring than flying, and Roh guesses the bees can only hold it for about 10 minutes before using up their strength, so the chances to get out may, be limited.
“This behavior has never been recorded in other insects,” Roh added. This study focused on honeybees, but future studies could investigate whether it is also used by other bee groups or possibly even by other winged insects.
32.According to the new study, what helps honeybees avoid death in water
A.The crash between their wings. B.The water clinging to their bodies.
C.The strong will to get out of water. D.The waves produced by their wings.
33.Why was filtered light used in the lab probably
A.To help the honeybees recover quickly. B.To make the honeybees gain more force.
C.To keep the honeybees in warm conditions. D.To create a shadow on the bottom of the pan.
34.How are the limitations of the honeybees’ way presented in paragraph 5
A.By using examples. B.By giving explanations.
C.By making a comparison. D.By listing specific numbers.
35.What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A.No insects can surf other than honeybees. B.More methods will be used to study insects.
C.Researches will be done into other bee species. D.Bees made more and more scientists concerned.
Antarctica is the highest, driest, and coldest place on Earth. It is also the remotest, a fact which demystifies its unspoiled environment. It is difficult for people to get there, and not a comfortable place for people to stay once they arrive. ___36___
___37___ .They never melt. Even though Antarctica receives more sunlight than the equator, the temperatures are lower because the ice sheet reflects the heat back into space. Thus, the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in Antarctica in July, 1983. Soviet scientists shivered (瑟瑟发抖) through temperatures that fell to minus 89.2 degrees Celsius.
Once completely inaccessible, ___38___ gold, uranium and oil are just some of the valuable resources which lie beneath the continent’s icy covering.
For centuries, Europeans wondered about the existence of a South-pole continent, but no one actually knew for certain Antarctica was there until 1820 when European explorers “discover” it. Since then, men have gone to Antarctica in search of adventure, testing their abilities. ___39___
___40___ Damage to the environment occurs as people come looking for resources beneath the ice, or carelessly leave their garbage behind. Currently, countries are working to ensure that the damage to Antarctica’s environment is minimized, and that the last wilderness on Earth will remain an unspoiled place.
A.The cold climate is responsible for maintaining the continent’s year-round ice fields.
B.It is widely described as the last true wilderness on our planet.
C.Measures are being taken to protect Antarctica.
D.Yet, Antarctica’s fragile and complicated ecosystem is threatened by its human visitors.
E.In the icy covering are buried few precious resources,
F.Antarctica has more recently been playing host to adventurers seeking excitement and companies looking to exploit this wild zone for profit,
G.Several teams of explorers set out in 1911 to be the first men to stand at the South Pole.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
I am a patrolman (巡逻警察), sent to check on the family. The young woman sat____41____at one of the back tables of a small restaurant on a highway where truck____42____stopped. Two girls, perhaps four and five years old, watched their mother____43____.
A flash of fear crossed the older child’s eyes as I ____44____ her. “Daddy left us,” she said. “He____45____put our stuff out of the car while we were in the bathroom.”
“Is that so, little lady ” I said. “I want you two to climb on those benches over there and order something to eat.”
After a while, they crossed to the benches, and I called the waitress to take their____46____.
We sat there____47____organizations and government agencies that could help her. When the waitress____48____hot dogs and French fries to the little girls, I went to the counter and took out my wallet to pay.
“The owner says no____49____,” the waitress said. “We know what’s going on.”
“Officer, excuse me,” a man said to me. He was a big man in jeans next to the waitress standing by the____50____. I noticed the restaurant was quiet; the customers, mostly long-distance truck drivers, sat____51____in our direction.
“Here,” he said, giving me a handful of paper money. “We made a____52____. There should be enough to get the woman and her girls on their way.”
When I____53____the money to the woman, she began to cry again. Then I called the police station and told the officer who sent me out that the situation had been____54____.
A police officer sees the worst in people most of the time. It is good to be____55____that kindness and love exist out there, even at a truck stop in East Tennessee.
41.A.crying B.eating C.talking D.phoning
42.A.repairmen B.salesmen C.cleaners D.drivers
43.A.patiently B.carelessly C.anxiously D.hopefully
44.A.declined B.approached C.comforted D.recognized
45.A.once B.just C.still D.ever
46.A.food B.time C.order D.seat
47.A.advocating B.exchanging C.announcing D.discussing
48.A.brought B.introduced C.treated D.lifted
49.A.choice B.problem C.charge D.wonder
50.A.counter B.truck C.highway D.bathroom
51.A.laughing B.staring C.shouting D.weeping
52.A.deal B.living C.donation D.fortune
53.A.left B.moved C.handed D.threw
54.A.evaluated B.resolved C.predicted D.submitted
55.A.persuaded B.questioned C.required D.reminded
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
____56____ (know) for its stunning snow views, Shuangfeng Forest Farm in Mudanjiang city has transformed from a forest farm into China’s “Snow Town”. Thanks to the high mountains, thick forests, low winds, ____57____ (suit) temperatures and humidity, snow in the forest farm takes____58____ various shapes depending on where it falls, appearing as snow mushrooms, snow curtains and other forms.
“In the past, most people here made a living by logging, but the heavy snow makes____59____ difficult to transport wood.” said Fan Zhaoyi, who owns a hotel at the forest farm. “With the reduction of wood production, ____60____(eventual) lumbering(伐木)lost its glory.” he said, ____61____ (explain)the massive change in 2000. “I opened four rooms the first year and started making a profit the second year.”
____62____ increasing number of business entities(商业实体)continue to pour in Snow Town today. The resort has also been upgraded to offer better tourist services. Visitors don’t need____63____ (queue) for tickets because over the past few years, advanced technology and other smart platforms____64____ (adopt). The platforms can count tourist numbers, collect reviews, monitor the environment and give early warnings of dense tourist flows.
On Dec.12, 2022, the winter tourist season began at Snow Town, and 100,000 tickets were pre-sold. The resort has continued to gain popularity among various travel_____65_____ (agency) and online platforms.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(共1小题,满分15分)
1. 年夜饭的意义; 2. 年夜饭前后的活动。
My Family’s Reunion Dinner
第二节 读后续写(共1小题,满分25分)
Bob was a short child who preferred indoor to outdoor activities. He was mild-mannered and mostly kept to himself. Sitting in the corner of the class, he was very much a loner.
At the beginning of the semester, Bob had a new classmate, Alex, who had just returned to England. Alex was assigned a seat next to Bob. To his surprise, within weeks, he became good friends with Alex even though they were poles apart in personality. Alex was popular, outspoken and artistic. “Alex is all that I want to be,” Bob thought to himself He began listening to the music Alex listened to and having similar haircut. He even quit his drama club and started playing the online games that Alex played. He seemed to have been out of his loneliness.
It was not long before Bob was introduced to Alex’s “cool” friends. He told himself that he would try all means to be part of the group. He would follow them to the football games and join the art club after school so he could spend more time hanging out with them. Bob followed them around laughing when they told jokes, agreeing when they had opinions—most enthusiastically at the ones he disagreed with. He did not dare to differ in opinions as he would not want them to think badly of him. This continued for several months. At last, Bob felt relieved that he had finally fitted in.
One day, Bob overheard Alex and his cool friends talking. “Bob is such a loser,” one boy commented in a playful tone. “He just follows you around trying to be you. He copies you; he does not have a personality of his own!” another boy exclaimed. Alex laughed, to make matters worse, he added, “That fellow wears me out. I wish he would leave me alone. He thinks we are best friends. A thorough fool!”
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
Bob stood still to the ground and could not believe his ears.
Paragraph 2:
Bob decided to change himself after hearing his mother’s words.
题型 题数(旧/新-个/篇) 分值(旧/新-分)
阅读理解 阅读 15/15 30/22.5
七选五 5/5 10/12.5
语言知识运用 完形填空 20/15 30/15
语法填空 10/10 15/15
写作 书面表达 1/1 25/15
读后续写 -/1 -/25
读后续写是新高考地区新增加的题型,主要涉及对学生思维能力进行考查。 所谓读后续写,提供一段350词以内的语言材料,要求考生依据该材料内容、所给段落开头语和所标示关键词进行续写(150词左右),将其发展成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整的短文。
题型 篇目 体裁 语篇主题 热点预测
阅 读 理 解 A 应用文 人与自我—畅销书 培养学生文化意识,提升自我
B 记叙文 人与自然--救助动物 培养爱护动物的意识
C 夹叙夹议 人与自我-在最艰苦的赛马比赛中获胜 培养学生坚强的品质和毅力
D 说明文 人与自然—蜜蜂选择冲浪拯救死亡 培养学生思维品质及探索精神
七选五 说明文 人与自然—南极洲 培养学生环境保护意识
语言 知识 运用 完形填空 夹叙夹议 人与社会--捐助失去丈夫的女子和孩子 培养学生关爱他人的品质
语法填空 说明文 人与自然--以雪为主题的旅游胜地 培养学生创新思维
写作 应用文 征文 介绍“我家的年夜饭”,弘扬传统文化
读后续写 记叙文 以人物为线索展开的介绍同学之间的相处
(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does the woman imply
A. For the first time the team has become the league champion.
B. The team did a good job again this time.
C. The team has little chance to win this time.
2. What program does the man generally listen to
A. News. B. Talk shows. C. Education program.
3. Where is the conversation taking place
A. In a park. B. In a museum. C. In a pet store.
4. How does Mike feel
A. Satisfied. B. Puzzled. C. Worried.
5. What does the woman mean
A. She doesn’t understand the man. B. She gave the change to someone else. C. She’s unable to help the man.
6.Why is the woman talking to the man
A. Because of the poor quality of the goods she bought.
B. Because of not getting the promised discount.
C. Because of the impolite attitude of the salesgirl.
7. What will the man give to the woman
A. Some money. B. A letter of apology. C. A new product.
Which place would the man like to go
A. An exciting modern city. B. A popular tourist attraction. C. A quiet and far-away place.
9. What does the woman worry about
A. The weather. B. The food and water. C. The language.
10. What does the woman plan to do now
A. Travel with the man. B. Do some gardening. C. Go to the travel agency.
11. How often does the man contact his aunt
A. Once a month. B. Once a week. C. Seldom.
12. Why didn’t his aunt chat with him online
A. Her kids keep her busy all the time.
B. She does not have a computer in her house.
C. She’s not interested in using the computer.
13. What will he do next
A. Ask his cousins for help. B. Teach his aunt himself. C. Ask his uncle for help.
14. Who is the woman
A. A police officer. B. An immigration official. C. An air hostess.
15. Which line is for the residents
A. The line on the man’s right. B. The line on the woman’s left. C. The line on the woman’s right.
16. How long will the man study in the UK
A. For a few months. B. For a year. C. For two years.
17. How will the man pay for living costs and tuition fees
A. His father has paid for that in advance. B. He has won a scholarship. C. He will take a part-time job to pay for that.
18. What is the talk mainly about
A. How to keep young. B. How to improve memory. C. How to open our mind.
19. What is the key to achieving this goal
A. Going back to school. B. Playing no attention to age. C. Using the mind as much as possible.
20. What did the man who entered school at 70 become later
A. An active lawyer. B. A successful doctor. C. A highly paid artist.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Teen Entrepreneurship by Jack Rosenthal
Jack Rosenthal is the author of “Teen Investing”, the #2 book on teen investing (投资) on Amazon. He wrote Teen Entrepreneurship as a way to educate other teenagers on what it takes to create their own companies. Jack Rosenthal is currently a 19-year-old student at Babson College in Massachusetts.He’sbeen an entrepreneur and investor for the last 10 years and has worked on numerous businesses.
You Are What You Risk by Michele Wucker
You AreWhat You Riskis aloud call for a new conversation about our relationship with risk and uncertainty, Inthisground-breaking book, Michele Wucker examines why it’s so important to understand your risk fingerprint and howto make your risk relationship work better in business, life, and the world.
What If by Randall Munroe
Millions of people visit each week to read Randall Munroe’s webcomic (网络漫画). His drawings about science, technology, language, and love have a huge following, as do his deeply researched answers to his fans’ strangest questions. The book features (以……为特色) new and never-before-answered questions, along with the most popular answers from the website.
Zero to One by Peter Thiel, Blake Masters
Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1. The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. Tomorrow’s champions will not win by competing in today’s marketplace. They will escape competition altogether, because their businesses will be unique.
1.Why did Jack Rosenthal write Teen Entrepreneurship
A.To advise teens to research the market. B.To get teens to love writing.
C.To encourage teens to take risks. D.To teach teens to start a company.
2.How does Randall Munroe attract his fans
A.By asking strange questions. B.By telling interesting stories.
C.By offering excellent answers. D.By making scientific research.
3.What would be the best choice for one who intends to create new things
A.Teen Entrepreneurship. B.You Are What You Risk.
C.What If D.Zero to One.
Over the past three decades, an 81-year-old Chinese man has been operating a small zoo. The zoo in Enshi, Hubei Province, is called the “world’s loneliest zoo” because few people visit it. Most of the animals there are unhealthy.
Luo Yingjiu began keeping animals at home in the 1980s. After seeing wild animals kept in cages for sale at a market, Luo bought them and took them home to give them medical treatment. He released (释放) those able to live on their own into the wild and continued to raise those that could not live independently. There were so many animals in his house that the local government suggested he open a zoo. With the government’s financial aid, the zoo was opened in 1989, the only one in the city at that time. During its peak time, the zoo had some big animals, including a tiger and a lion. The business later became worse because visitors were not interested in the zoo’s “old, weak, sick and disabled” animals.
Using his pension (退休金) to operate the zoo, Mr. Luo refused to listen to other people’s advice to close it. “It is not just a zoo; it provides the habitat for the animals,” he explained. “If the zoo is closed, where can these animals go They cannot even survive in the wild.”
As he operates the zoo, he keeps on rescuing animals. A black bear with one paw injured was saved 17 years ago. A dog named Dianzi was saved when its former owner planned to abandon (遗弃) it. A monkey that has been at the zoo for nearly 30 years is almost blind because of camera flashes from visitors who took photos. For those animals that died, Luo buried them on the nearby mountain.
Luo said he remembers every animal’s name. “Animals and humans are born equal,”he said. “We should respect their right to survive.”
24.Why is the zoo called the “world’s loneliest zoo”
A.There are few animals in the zoo. B.Few people know the old man.
C.There aren’t many people visiting the zoo. D.The gatekeeper lost family members.
25.How did Luo get the animals originally
A.By buying some animals locked in cages. B.By stealing or hunting some big animals.
C.By finding animals released from other zoos. D.By picking up dying animals in the wild.
26.What was the reason why Luo’s business went worse
A.Visitors took no interest in the unhealthy animals.
B.Local government refused to offer financial support.
C.He used up all of his pension so that the zoo was closed.
D.Children were frightened by the wild tiger and lion.
27.Which of the following best describes Luo Yingjiu
A.Adventurous and humorous. B.Warm-hearted and determined.
C.Creative and outgoing. D.Generous and funny.
Thrown from his horse three times and repeatedly wet through while camping in a downpour, Chris Walker wondered whether the Mongol Derhy was really for him.
The property developer and farmer from Gloucestershire was, at 55, the oldest of the competitors in this year’s 1.000 km race across the grassland.
Despite the hardships of his eight-day journey, Walker was delighted to finish third in the annual equestrian (马术的 )endurance race.
Competitors race between checkpoints 22 miles apart, where they change horses. They spend nights at one of 28 stations, set up their own camp or enjoy the hospitality of friendly Mongolian families.
Walker, whose grandfather Neville Crump trained three Grand National winners, was an hour ahead of his rivals as the race entered its eighth day but was awarded a time penalty (判罚) because his horse had a high heart rate during one of the regular checks to ensure that the animals were healthy.
Walker said he had gone to Mongolia to “give it a go” but realized that he stood a chance of winning after teaming up with Patrick Heffron, a competitor from Ireland.
“The horses are quite wild. I got bucked off three times. I fell off in a hole,” he said. “You’re going along and suddenly disappear. You have to hang on to your horse for dear life or it goes off.”
Walker who has raised more than 7000 for the charity Riding for the Disabled Association, own horses and his son is a professional polo player.
Heffron, who met Walker as they went out for the race, finished third equal alongside his companion. He said it was important to form a team mainly because falling off alone means that there is no one to help you retrieve your horse.
“It is also a bloody long way to talk to yourself ,”Heffron said. “Neither of us had prior ambitions win this race but we realized: “We’re in front, ” SP R pushed.
28.What can we learn about the Mongol Derby
A.It’s a 22-mile equestrian endurance race. B.Competitors have to camp at stations.
C.There is an age limit to competitors. D.Horses are switched at checkpoints.
29.What is the main reason for Walker’s falling behind
A.A time penalty. B.The wild horse. C.Poor teamwork. D.His ill health.
30.What does the underlined word “retrieve” mean in the text
A.Tie. B.Feed. C.Mount. D.Bring back
31.Which of the following words can best describe Walker
A.Enthusiastic but moody. B.Proud and stubborn.
C.Courageous and ambitious. D.Cooperative and generous.
Honeybees can’t swim, and when their wings get wet, they can’t fly. But one study shows that honeybees do have another, less obvious choice to save them from death in the water: surfing.
The discovery began with a lucky accident. When research engineer Chris Roh passed by Caltech’s Millikan Pond, he saw a honeybee resting in the water, and since it was midday, the honeybee’s shadow (影子) fell directly on the bottom of the pond. However, what really caught his eye was the waves created by the honeybee’s wings, as the waves from one wing crashed with those from the other wing.
Roh brought honeybees to the lab, where he recreated the conditions, he saw at Mfillikan Pond. He placed a bee in a pan of still water and then shone filtered (过滤的) light from above to pretend it was the midday sun. He did this with 33 bees, but only for a few minutes one single bee at a time, and then gave each bee time to recover.
While water prevents a bee from flying by clinging (紧附) to its wings, the same condition obviously provides another way for the bee to escape. The bee pulls water with its wings, creating waves that can push it forward.
But there are some limitations. Obviously, the bees can’t produce enough force to get them out of the water. However, the wave can push them forward enough to the edge of the water, where they can then climb out and fly away. This behavior is more tiring than flying, and Roh guesses the bees can only hold it for about 10 minutes before using up their strength, so the chances to get out may, be limited.
“This behavior has never been recorded in other insects,” Roh added. This study focused on honeybees, but future studies could investigate whether it is also used by other bee groups or possibly even by other winged insects.
32.According to the new study, what helps honeybees avoid death in water
A.The crash between their wings. B.The water clinging to their bodies.
C.The strong will to get out of water. D.The waves produced by their wings.
33.Why was filtered light used in the lab probably
A.To help the honeybees recover quickly. B.To make the honeybees gain more force.
C.To keep the honeybees in warm conditions. D.To create a shadow on the bottom of the pan.
34.How are the limitations of the honeybees’ way presented in paragraph 5
A.By using examples. B.By giving explanations.
C.By making a comparison. D.By listing specific numbers.
35.What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A.No insects can surf other than honeybees. B.More methods will be used to study insects.
C.Researches will be done into other bee species. D.Bees made more and more scientists concerned.
Antarctica is the highest, driest, and coldest place on Earth. It is also the remotest, a fact which demystifies its unspoiled environment. It is difficult for people to get there, and not a comfortable place for people to stay once they arrive. ___36___
___37___ .They never melt. Even though Antarctica receives more sunlight than the equator, the temperatures are lower because the ice sheet reflects the heat back into space. Thus, the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in Antarctica in July, 1983. Soviet scientists shivered (瑟瑟发抖) through temperatures that fell to minus 89.2 degrees Celsius.
Once completely inaccessible, ___38___ gold, uranium and oil are just some of the valuable resources which lie beneath the continent’s icy covering.
For centuries, Europeans wondered about the existence of a South-pole continent, but no one actually knew for certain Antarctica was there until 1820 when European explorers “discover” it. Since then, men have gone to Antarctica in search of adventure, testing their abilities. ___39___
___40___ Damage to the environment occurs as people come looking for resources beneath the ice, or carelessly leave their garbage behind. Currently, countries are working to ensure that the damage to Antarctica’s environment is minimized, and that the last wilderness on Earth will remain an unspoiled place.
A.The cold climate is responsible for maintaining the continent’s year-round ice fields.
B.It is widely described as the last true wilderness on our planet.
C.Measures are being taken to protect Antarctica.
D.Yet, Antarctica’s fragile and complicated ecosystem is threatened by its human visitors.
E.In the icy covering are buried few precious resources,
F.Antarctica has more recently been playing host to adventurers seeking excitement and companies looking to exploit this wild zone for profit,
G.Several teams of explorers set out in 1911 to be the first men to stand at the South Pole.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
I am a patrolman (巡逻警察), sent to check on the family. The young woman sat____41____at one of the back tables of a small restaurant on a highway where truck____42____stopped. Two girls, perhaps four and five years old, watched their mother____43____.
A flash of fear crossed the older child’s eyes as I ____44____ her. “Daddy left us,” she said. “He____45____put our stuff out of the car while we were in the bathroom.”
“Is that so, little lady ” I said. “I want you two to climb on those benches over there and order something to eat.”
After a while, they crossed to the benches, and I called the waitress to take their____46____.
We sat there____47____organizations and government agencies that could help her. When the waitress____48____hot dogs and French fries to the little girls, I went to the counter and took out my wallet to pay.
“The owner says no____49____,” the waitress said. “We know what’s going on.”
“Officer, excuse me,” a man said to me. He was a big man in jeans next to the waitress standing by the____50____. I noticed the restaurant was quiet; the customers, mostly long-distance truck drivers, sat____51____in our direction.
“Here,” he said, giving me a handful of paper money. “We made a____52____. There should be enough to get the woman and her girls on their way.”
When I____53____the money to the woman, she began to cry again. Then I called the police station and told the officer who sent me out that the situation had been____54____.
A police officer sees the worst in people most of the time. It is good to be____55____that kindness and love exist out there, even at a truck stop in East Tennessee.
41.A.crying B.eating C.talking D.phoning
42.A.repairmen B.salesmen C.cleaners D.drivers
43.A.patiently B.carelessly C.anxiously D.hopefully
44.A.declined B.approached C.comforted D.recognized
45.A.once B.just C.still D.ever
46.A.food B.time C.order D.seat
47.A.advocating B.exchanging C.announcing D.discussing
48.A.brought B.introduced C.treated D.lifted
49.A.choice B.problem C.charge D.wonder
50.A.counter B.truck C.highway D.bathroom
51.A.laughing B.staring C.shouting D.weeping
52.A.deal B.living C.donation D.fortune
53.A.left B.moved C.handed D.threw
54.A.evaluated B.resolved C.predicted D.submitted
55.A.persuaded B.questioned C.required D.reminded
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
____56____ (know) for its stunning snow views, Shuangfeng Forest Farm in Mudanjiang city has transformed from a forest farm into China’s “Snow Town”. Thanks to the high mountains, thick forests, low winds, ____57____ (suit) temperatures and humidity, snow in the forest farm takes____58____ various shapes depending on where it falls, appearing as snow mushrooms, snow curtains and other forms.
“In the past, most people here made a living by logging, but the heavy snow makes____59____ difficult to transport wood.” said Fan Zhaoyi, who owns a hotel at the forest farm. “With the reduction of wood production, ____60____(eventual) lumbering(伐木)lost its glory.” he said, ____61____ (explain)the massive change in 2000. “I opened four rooms the first year and started making a profit the second year.”
____62____ increasing number of business entities(商业实体)continue to pour in Snow Town today. The resort has also been upgraded to offer better tourist services. Visitors don’t need____63____ (queue) for tickets because over the past few years, advanced technology and other smart platforms____64____ (adopt). The platforms can count tourist numbers, collect reviews, monitor the environment and give early warnings of dense tourist flows.
On Dec.12, 2022, the winter tourist season began at Snow Town, and 100,000 tickets were pre-sold. The resort has continued to gain popularity among various travel_____65_____ (agency) and online platforms.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(共1小题,满分15分)
1. 年夜饭的意义; 2. 年夜饭前后的活动。
My Family’s Reunion Dinner
第二节 读后续写(共1小题,满分25分)
Bob was a short child who preferred indoor to outdoor activities. He was mild-mannered and mostly kept to himself. Sitting in the corner of the class, he was very much a loner.
At the beginning of the semester, Bob had a new classmate, Alex, who had just returned to England. Alex was assigned a seat next to Bob. To his surprise, within weeks, he became good friends with Alex even though they were poles apart in personality. Alex was popular, outspoken and artistic. “Alex is all that I want to be,” Bob thought to himself He began listening to the music Alex listened to and having similar haircut. He even quit his drama club and started playing the online games that Alex played. He seemed to have been out of his loneliness.
It was not long before Bob was introduced to Alex’s “cool” friends. He told himself that he would try all means to be part of the group. He would follow them to the football games and join the art club after school so he could spend more time hanging out with them. Bob followed them around laughing when they told jokes, agreeing when they had opinions—most enthusiastically at the ones he disagreed with. He did not dare to differ in opinions as he would not want them to think badly of him. This continued for several months. At last, Bob felt relieved that he had finally fitted in.
One day, Bob overheard Alex and his cool friends talking. “Bob is such a loser,” one boy commented in a playful tone. “He just follows you around trying to be you. He copies you; he does not have a personality of his own!” another boy exclaimed. Alex laughed, to make matters worse, he added, “That fellow wears me out. I wish he would leave me alone. He thinks we are best friends. A thorough fool!”
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
Bob stood still to the ground and could not believe his ears.
Paragraph 2:
Bob decided to change himself after hearing his mother’s words.
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1-5 BACCC 6-10 BACBB 11-15 ACABC 16-20 BAACB
Text 1
M: Our football team has just won the championship match!
W: Wow, we have become the league champion for the fourth time!
M: Cheers!
Text 2
W: Do you often listen to the radio
M: Yeah. I listen to the radio every morning.
W: What programs do you usually listen to
M: Programs about what happened at home and abroad.
Text 3
W: Look at those colorful birds over there. I think you can teach them to sing.
M: But look at the price! I’d rather have a cat.
Text 4
W: Mike, how are you getting along with your homework
M: I have been doing it for two hours. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get it finished.
W: Take it easy.
Text 5
M: Pardon me, Miss. Do you have change for a dollar
W: I’m afraid not, you’ll have to ask someone else.
Text 6
W: Excuse me, I’m looking for the …are you the manager
M: Yes, I am. What can I do for you
W: I bought this yesterday, but I didn’t look at the receipt until today—and I’m shocked that I didn’t get the discount that you were advertising. I thought that this item would be 25% off!
M: May I have a look Hmm…it says it was checked out on register four---that’s Heather. She is new on staff, so she probably didn’t know about the sale. I’m very sorry about that. I’ll fix the problem right away and get you some cash.
W: Thanks very much. I’ll just be waiting over there.
Text 7
M: Oh, dear, I suppose it’s time to start thinking about the summer holidays again. The papers are full of travel articles.
W: They always are at this time of year. Do you have somewhere in mind
M: I just think it would be nice to go somewhere different, for example, Tibet.
W: Where Tibet But it is quite far away. It will cost a lot.
M: But I’d like to go somewhere out-of-the-way. Somewhere where there aren’t many tourists. I haven’t been to Tibet, but some people I know told me it’s a wonderful place for a holiday.
W: You might have trouble with food and water.
M: Oh, that won’t be a problem. I can get some information from the travel agency and see what they are offering. Are you coming with me
W: I’d be quite happy to stay at home and work in the garden. I want to build a path.
Text 8
W: Do you keep in touch with your aunt in America
M: Sure, I usually call her once a month.
W: That sounds kind of expensive.
M: Yeah, a little, I guess.
W: Do you ever have the desire to chat online
M: Sure. But my aunt is a little older and not really into using the computer.
W: But surely she would want to save a little money. You said she has kids. They must have a computer in the house. You could get one of her kids to teach her how to use the Internet.
M: Yeah, I guess I never really thought about it. I kind of like hearing the sound of her voice. It feels a little closer and more personal.
W: Yeah, I understand. I like hearing my parents’ voices too, but I don’t feel like I need to hear them every time we talk.
M: Hmm. Maybe I will get her kids to help. It’s a good idea.
Text 9
W: Can I see your passport, please
M: Is this line for non-residents
W: Yes it is. Residents can queue up in the lines to my right.
M: OK. Here’s my passport.
W: What’s the expiration date on your passport
M: I think it’s coming up, maybe in a few months. It was renewed in Beijing, so the new expiration date is on the last page.
W. I see. Yes, you’ll need to renew your passport in a few months. Make sure you don’t let it expire while you are in the UK.
M: I won’t.
W: Do you have anything to declare
M: No, I don’t have anything to declare.
W: How long will you be staying in the UK
M: I’ll be here about a year.
W: What is the purpose of your stay
M: I’ll be studying. I’m doing an MBA at Nottingham University.
W: Where will you be staying
M: I have a housing contract with the university. I’ll be in a dorm room on campus.
W: How do you plan on paying for your living costs and tuition fees while you are here
M: My father has already paid for that in advance. Here are the receipts.
W: OK. Have a good stay. Here’s your passport and your documents.
M: Thank you very much.
Text 10
My way to stay young is simple: Give full attention to the part of you that’s young and growing---your brain. Keep your mind active and your body will stay young, too. These are exciting times. Take an interest in the world around you, and make a point of learning one new thing every day.
Never think about your age, it’s not too late to make your life more interesting. I know a house wife who became a famous industrial designer; I know a retired electrical engineer who has become a highly paid artist.
Get over the idea that you are too old to go back to college. I know I man who entered medical school at 70. He got his degree with honors and became a top doctor. Another man went to law school at 71 and is now an active lawyer.
Even if you are getting on in years, staying young is easy for those who live for the future. You can do it if you care enough to try. Keep your mind alive and active; this is the key to staying young, and it will certainly work.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
21.D 2 2.C 2 3.D
21.细节理解题。由第一段“He wrote Teen Entrepreneurship as a way to educate other teenagers on what it takes to create their own companies.”(他写了《青少年创业》一书,以此教导其他青少年如何创建自己的公司。)可知,Jack Rosenthal写这本书的目的是为了教青少年如何开一家公司。故选D。
22.细节理解题。由第三段“His drawings about science, technology, language, and love have a huge following, as do his deeply researched answers to his fans’ strangest questions.”(他关于科学、技术、语言和爱情的绘画拥有大量的追随者,他对粉丝最奇怪问题的深入研究的答案也吸引了大量粉丝。)可知,Randall Munroe通过提供优质答案吸引粉丝。故选C。
23.细节理解题。由最后一段Zero to One by Peter Thiel, Blake Masters中“But when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1.”(但是当你做一些新的事情时,你会从0变成1。)可知,想创造新事物的人应该去读Zero to One这本书。故选D。
24.C 25.A 26.A 27.B
24.细节理解题。根据第一段第二句话“The zoo in Enshi, Hubei Province, is called the “world’s loneliest zoo” because few people visit it.(这个位于湖北省恩施市的动物园被称为“世界上最孤独的动物园”,因为很少有人去参观)”可知,这个动物园被称作“世界上最孤独的动物园”是因为很少有人去参观。故选C项。
25.细节理解题。根据第二段的句子“Luo Yingjiu began keeping animals at home in the 1980s. After seeing wild animals kept in cages for sale at a market, Luo bought them and took them home to give them medical treatment. He released (释放) those able to live on their own into the wild and continued to raise those that could not live independently.(罗英九从上世纪80年代开始在家里养动物。在市场上看到笼子里出售的野生动物后,罗把它们买了下来,带回家治疗。他将那些能够独立生活的放归野外,并继续饲养那些不能独立生活的)”可知,最初,罗是从市场上买回动物。故选A项。
26.细节理解题。根据第二段的最后一句“The business later became worse because visitors were not interested in the zoo’s “old, weak, sick and disabled” animals.(后来生意变得更糟了,因为游客对动物园里那些“老弱病残”的动物不感兴趣)”可知,罗的生意变得更糟,是因为游客对动物园里那些“老弱病残”的动物不感兴趣。故选A项。
27.推理判断题。根据第三段“Using his pension (退休金) to operate the zoo, Mr. Luo refused to listen to other people’s advice to close it. “It is not just a zoo; it provides the habitat for the animals,” he explained. “If the zoo is closed, where can these animals go They cannot even survive in the wild.’(罗用自己的养老金经营动物园,拒绝听取其他人关闭动物园的建议。‘这不仅仅是一个动物园;它为动物提供了栖息地,’他解释道。‘如果动物园关闭了,这些动物能去哪里 它们甚至无法在野外生存’)”推知,罗救助动物的决心非常坚定;和第四段“As he operates the zoo, he keeps on rescuing animals. A black bear with one paw injured was saved 17 years ago. A dog named Dianzi was saved when its former owner planned to abandon (遗弃) it. A monkey that has been at the zoo for nearly 30 years is almost blind because of camera flashes from visitors who took photos. For those animals that died, Luo buried them on the nearby mountain.(在经营动物园的同时,他不断地拯救动物。17年前,一只爪子受伤的黑熊获救。一只名叫‘点子’的狗在它的前主人打算抛弃它时获救了。一只在动物园生活了近30年的猴子几乎失明,因为拍照的游客的相机闪光灯。对于那些死去的动物,罗把它们埋在附近的山上)”推知,罗是个热心的人。综上,故选B项。
28.D 29.A 30.D 31.D
28.细节理解题。由文中第四段首句“Competitors race between checkpoints 22 miles apart, where they change horses.”(竞争者们在相隔22英里的检查站之间比赛,在检查站他们会更换马)可知,在这个比赛中,竞争者们在检查站换马,故选D项。
29.细节理解题。由文中第五段“Walker, whose grandfather Neville Crump trained three Grand National winners, was an hour ahead of his rivals as the race entered its eighth day but was awarded a time penalty (判罚)because his horse had a high heart rate during one of the regular checks to ensure that the animals were healthy.”(Walker的祖父Neville Crump曾经训练出了三位Grand National冠军,他本人领先对手一小时,然而随着比赛进入第八天,由于他的马在一次以确保马的健康状态的常规检查中发现心率高,因此他获得了时间判罚。)可知,他落后的原因是获得了时间判罚,故选A项。
30.词义猜测题。由文中第七段““The horses are quite wild. I got bucked off three times. I fell off in a hole, ” he said. “You’re going along and suddenly disappear. You have to hang on to your horse for dear life or it goes off.””(“马野性十足。我被弹出去了三次,我掉到了一个洞里”,他说。你走着走着就不见了。你必须要紧紧抓住你的马报名否则它会跑走)可知,在本句“He said it was important to form a team mainly because falling off alone means that there is no one to help you retrieve your horse.”(他说形成一个团队是重要的,因为一个人摔下来就意味着没人帮你去你的马),此处指的是,一个人跌倒了,马会跑走,没人帮你取回你的马,故选D项。
31.推理判断题。由文中第六段“Walker said he had gone to Mongolia to “give it a go” but realized that he stood a chance of winning after teaming up with Patrick Heffron, a competitor from Ireland.”(Walker说他去蒙古是为了“试一试”,但他意识到,在与来自爱尔兰的竞争对手帕特里克·赫夫龙(Patrick Heffron)合作后,他有机会获胜)和第八段“Walker who has raised more than 7000 for the charity Riding for the Disabled Association, own horses and his son is a professional polo player.”(Walker为慈善机构“残疾人骑行协会”筹集了7000多英镑,他拥有马匹,他的儿子是一名职业马球运动员。)可知,Walker是一个有合作精神且慷慨的人,故选D项。
32.D 33.D 34.B 35.C
32.细节理解题。根据第一段“But one study shows that honeybees do have another, less obvious choice to save them from death in the water: surfing.”(但一项研究表明,蜜蜂确实有另一种不那么明显的选择来拯救它们在水中的死亡:冲浪。)根据第二段的“However, what really caught his eye was the waves created by the honeybee’s wings, as the waves from one wing crashed with those from the other wing.(然而,真正吸引他眼球的是蜜蜂翅膀产生的波浪,一只翅膀的波浪与另一只翅膀的波浪碰撞。)”可知,帮助蜜蜂在水中避免死亡的是它们翅膀产生的波浪。故选D。
33.推理判断题。根据第二段的“since it was midday, the honeybee’s shadow (影子) fell directly on the bottom of the pond(由于是中午,蜜蜂的影子直接落在池塘底部)”和第三段的“He placed a bee in a pan of still water and then shone filtered (过滤的) light from above to pretend it was the midday sun.(他把一只蜜蜂放在一盆静水中,然后从上面用过滤光照射,假装那是正午的太阳。)”可知,实验室会使用过滤光的目的是在盆底部制造阴影。故选D。
34.推理判断题。根据第五段的“Obviously, the bees can’t produce enough force to get them out of the water. However, the wave can push them forward enough to the edge of the water, where they can then climb out and fly away. This behavior is more tiring than flying, and Roh guesses the bees can only hold it for about 10 minutes before using up their strength, so the chances to get out may, be limited.(显然,蜜蜂无法产生足够的力量使它们离开水。然而,波浪可以把它们向前推到水边,然后它们就可以爬出来飞走了。这种行为比飞行更累,Roh猜测蜜蜂只能坚持10分钟左右,然后就会耗尽力量,所以出来的机会可能是有限的。)”可知,在第5段中,蜜蜂飞行的局限性是通过解释来描述的,故选B。
35.推理判断题。根据最后一段的“This study focused on honeybees, but future studies could investigate whether it is also used by other bee groups or possibly even by other winged insects.(这项研究的重点是蜜蜂,但未来的研究可能会调查其他蜜蜂群体甚至其他有翼昆虫是否也使用这种方法。)”可知,从最后一段可以推断出将对其他种类的蜜蜂进行研究,故选C。
36.B 37.A 38.F 39.G 40.D
36.根据前文“It is difficult for people to get there, and not a comfortable place for people to stay once they arrive.(人们很难到达那里,而且到达后也不是一个舒适的地方。)”可知,此处强调南极洲不是一个舒适的地方。B选项“It is widely described as the last true wilderness on our planet.(它被广泛认为是地球上最后一片真正的荒野。)”承接前文,指出南极洲不舒服的地方体现在它是地球上一片真正的荒野。故选B。
37.根据后文的“They never melt. (它们永远不会融化。)”可知,句中的they指代常年不融化的冰原。A选项“The cold climate is responsible for maintaining the continent’s year-round ice fields.(寒冷的气候维持了南极大陆常年的冰原。)”中的“常年的冰原”与后文的they相呼应。故选A。
38.根据后文的“gold, uranium and oil are just some of the valuable resources which lie beneath the continent’s icy covering.(黄金、铀和石油只是埋藏在这片大陆冰层下的宝贵资源中的一部分。)”可知,在南极洲的大陆冰层下埋葬着宝贵的资源,这些资源迎来了一些希望以此获利的公司。F选项“Antarctica has more recently been playing host to adventurers seeking excitement and companies looking to exploit this wild zone for profit,(最近,南极洲迎来了寻求刺激的冒险家和希望利用这片荒野获利的公司,)”引起下文,指出寻求刺激的冒险家和希望利用这片荒野资源获利的公司来到了南极洲。故选F。
39.根据前文“ Since then, men have gone to Antarctica in search of adventure, testing their abilities. (从那以后,人们去南极洲探险,测试他们的能力。)”可知,人们开始对南极洲进行探险,以展示人类的能力。G选项“Several teams of explorers set out in 1911 to be the first men to stand at the South Pole.( 1911年,几支探险队出发,希望成为第一批站在南极的人。)”指出1911年的探险队成为第一批站在南极的人,展示了人们对南极洲的探险。故选G。
40.根据后文的“Damage to the environment occurs as people come looking for resources beneath the ice, or carelessly leave their garbage behind.(当人们到冰下寻找资源,或不小心把垃圾留在那里时,环境就会受到破坏。)”可知,随着人类对南极洲的开发和探险,南极洲的环境遭到了破坏。D选项“Yet, Antarctica’s fragile and complicated ecosystem is threatened by its human visitors.(然而,南极洲脆弱而复杂的生态系统正受到人类游客的威胁。)”引出下文。故选D。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
41.A 42.D 43.C 44.B 45.B 46.C 47.D 48.A 49.C 50.A 51.B 52.C 53.C 54.B 55.D
41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位年轻女子坐在高速公路上一家小餐馆的后面桌子上哭泣,卡车司机都停在那里。A. crying哭泣;B. eating吃;C. talking谈话;D. phoning打电话。根据后文“she began to cry again.”可知,女子在哭泣。故选A。
42.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位年轻女子坐在高速公路上一家小餐馆的后面桌子上哭泣,卡车司机都停在那里。A. repairmen修理工;B. salesmen销售员;C. cleaners清洁工;D. drivers司机。根据后文“mostly long-distance truck drivers”可知,餐厅里主要是司机。故选D。
43.考查副词词义辨析。句意:两个大约四岁和五岁的女孩焦急地看着她们的母亲。A. patiently耐心地;B. carelessly马虎地;C. anxiously焦虑地;D. hopefully有希望地。上文提到女子在餐厅里哭泣,所以孩子是焦急的状态。故选C。
44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我走近大孩子时,她的眼睛里闪过一丝恐惧。A. declined下降;B. approached靠近;C. comforted安慰;D. recognized识别。根据上文“A flash of fear crossed the older child’s eyes”可知,孩子对作者的靠近感到恐惧。故选B。
45.考查副词词义辨析。句意:当我们在洗手间的时候,他刚把我们的东西从车里拿出来。A. once一旦;B. just仅仅;C. still仍然;D. ever曾经。根据后文“put our stuff out of the car while we were in the bathroom”可知,父亲刚把他们的东西从车里拿出来。故选B。
46.考查名词词义辨析。句意:过了一会儿,他们走到长凳上,我叫服务员来为他们点菜。A. food食物;B. time时间;C. order命令,订单;D. seat座位。根据上文“I called the waitress to take their”指让服务员点餐应用take order。故选C。
47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们坐在那里讨论可以帮助她的组织和政府机构。A. advocating提倡;B. exchanging交换;C. announcing宣布;D. discussing讨论。根据后文“organizations and government agencies that could help her”可知,这里指可以提供帮助的组织和政府机构。故选D。
48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当女服务员给小女孩们端上热狗和薯条时,我走到柜台拿出钱包付钱。A. brought带来;B. introduced介绍;C. treated对待;D. lifted举起。根据后文“hot dogs and French fries to the little girls”可知,女服务员给小女孩们端上热狗和薯条。故选A。
49.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“老板说不收费,”女服务员说。A. choice选择;B. problem问题;C. charge收费;D. wonder想知道。根据后文“We know what’s going on.(我们知道发生了什么)”可知,餐厅老板知道了事情的经过,选择不收费。故选C。
50.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他身材高大,穿着牛仔裤,站在柜台旁的女服务员旁边。A. counter柜台;B. truck卡车;C. highway高速路;D. bathroom浴室。根据上文“He was a big man in jeans next to the waitress standing by the”以及地点是在餐厅,可推测这里是站在柜台旁的女服务员旁边。故选A。
51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我注意到餐厅很安静;顾客,大部分是长途卡车司机,坐在那里盯着我们的方向看。A. laughing笑;B. staring凝视;C. shouting叫喊;D. weeping哭泣。根据后文“in our direction”可知,司机都盯着作者他们所在的方向。故选B。
52.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们捐款了。A. deal处理;B. living居住;C. donation捐赠;D. fortune运气。根据后文“the money to the woman”可知,发起了捐款。故选C。
53.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我把钱递给那个女人时,她又哭了起来。A. left离开;B. moved移动;C. handed递给;D. threw扔。根据后文“the money to the woman, she began to cry again”指把钱递给女人,故选C。
54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后我打电话给警局,告诉派我出去的警官事情已经解决了。A. evaluated评估;B. resolved解决;C. predicted预测;D. submitted提交。根据上文“the situation had been”以及上文的捐款可知,女人的情况得到了解决,故选B。
55.考查动词词义辨析。句意:即使是在东田纳西州的一个卡车停靠站,被提醒善良和爱的存在也是很好的。A. persuaded说服;B. questioned质疑;C. required要求;D. reminded提醒。根据后文“that kindness and love exist out there, even at a truck stop in East Tennessee”可知,卡车停靠站发生了暖心的一幕,所以这里指被提醒善良和爱的存在也是很好的。故选D。
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
56.Known 57.suitable 58.on 59.it 60.eventually 61.explaining 62.An 63.to queue 64.have been adopted 65.agencies
56.考查形容词。句意:牡丹江市双峰林场以其令人惊叹的雪景而闻名,它已经从一个林场变成了中国的“雪乡”。根据句意和所给动词know以及空格后的介词for分析句子可知,空格处应该填入形容词known作状语(known for“因……而出名”)。故填Known。
57.考查形容词。句意:由于山高、林厚、风小、温度和湿度适宜,林场的雪根据落下的地方呈现出不同的形状,出现了雪蘑菇、雪窗帘等形式。根据句意和所给单词suit以及空格后的名词temperatures and humidity分析句子可知,空格处应该填入suit的形容词形式suitable作定语,修饰后面的temperatures and humidity。故填suitable。
58.考查介词。句意:由于山高、林厚、风小、温度和湿度适宜,林场的雪根据落下的地方呈现出不同的形状,出现了雪蘑菇、雪窗帘等形式。根据句意和空格前的动词take分析句子可知,此处是考查固定短语take on(呈现)。故填on。
59.考查代词。句意:“过去,这里的大多数人都以伐木为生,但大雪使得运输木材变得困难”,在林场开酒店的范兆义说。根据句意和空格前的makes以及空格后的形容词difficult分析句子可知,空格处应该填入it作形式宾语,代替后面的不定式to transport wood(make it+adjective+to do something)。故填it。
62.考查冠词。句意:今天,越来越多的商业实体继续涌入雪城。根据句意和空格后的number of分析句子可知,此处是考查固定短语a number of(大量的);因为空格后的单词increasing的发音是元音音素开头,所以应该用冠词an。故填An。
63.考查不定式。句意:游客不需要排队买票,因为在过去的几年里,先进的技术和其他智能平台已经被采用。根据句意和空格前的动词need以及所给动词queue分析句子可知,空格处应该填入不定式形式to queue作动词need的宾语。故填to queue。
64.考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:游客不需要排队买票,因为在过去的几年里,先进的技术和其他智能平台已经被采用。根据句意和所给动词adopt分析句子可知,空格处是该句子的谓语部分,由时间状语over the past few years可知,该句子应该用现在完成时;句子的主语advanced technology and other smart platforms和动词adopt之间是被动关系,所以应该用被动语态,且谓语动词应该用复数形式。故填have been adopted。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(共1小题,满分15分)
66.My family’s reunion dinner
Having reunion dinner is one of the most significant customs during the Spring Festival, which symbolizes the reunion time for people to say goodbye to the old and welcome the New Year with full expectation. My family’s reunion dinner always brings back beautiful memories to me.
Unlike in previous years, my families finally gathered together on Lunar New Year’s Eve this year! On that day, while eagerly waiting for the return of my cousins, I helped my parents to prepare the dinner. I went to the supermarket to buy the ingredients and made some dumplings. After the dinner, we excitedly set off the fireworks, watched the Spring Festival Gala and happily welcomed the New Year together.
有重大意义的:significant → important/meaningful
代表,象征:symbolize → represent
期待:expectation → anticipation
最终:finally → eventually
原句:Unlike in previous years, my families finally gathered together on Lunar New Year’s Eve this year!
拓展句:What made it different from previous years was that my families finally gathered together on Lunar New Year’s Eve this year!
【点睛】[高分句型1] Having reunion dinner is one of the most significant customs during the Spring Festival, which symbolizes the reunion time for people to say goodbye to the old and welcome the New Year with full expectation. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] On that day, while eagerly waiting for the return of my cousins, I helped my parents to prepare the dinner. (运用了省略的时间状语从句)
第二节 读后续写(共1小题,满分25分)
Paragraph 1:
Bob stood still to the ground and could not believe his ears. Trembling and sobbing, he collapsed on the ground, feeling alone and betrayed. He had no choice but to cry all the way back home. Seeing his mother, he couldn’t conceal his sorrow, pouring the incident out to her, who would always be there for him whenever he felt down. Stroking her trembling boy, the mother said gently, “Just be yourself, Son! People will like you for who you are.” Bob had heard the remarks a million times before, yet he never truly got the point. Suddenly, it all clicked.
Paragraph 2:
Bob decided to change himself after hearing his mother’s words. He bought a new schoolbag and chose a haircut he fancied. He dropped his art class and joined the drama club. He made new friends who liked him for who he was. He rediscovered himself. If he had not been given the chance, he might have been too concerned with “fitting in” desperately to experience some of the “best” times of his life. It dawned on him that despite the pain he felt that day, it was a gift they had given him, which taught him to be himself.
③关心:be concerned with/care about
【点睛】[高分句型1]Seeing his mother, he couldn’t conceal his sorrow, pouring the incident out to her, who would always be there for him whenever he felt down.(由关系代词who引导非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2]It dawned on him that despite the pain he felt that day, it was a gift they had given him, which taught him to be himself.(that引导主语从句和which引导非限制性定语从句)


