牛津译林版(2019)必修第一册Unit2 Let's talk teens单词课件(共39张PPT)

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牛津译林版(2019)必修第一册Unit2 Let's talk teens单词课件(共39张PPT)


Unit 2 Let’s talk teens
Vocabulary Learning
nest [nest] n.鸟窝;巢穴,窝
roof [ru:f] n.屋顶,顶部
There is a kite on the roof of the house.
battle [ b tl]n. & vt. & vi.争论;战斗,搏斗;斗争
battle for 为了……而斗争
battle against/with 与……作斗争
see eye to eye with sb (on sth)
keep an eye on 照看,留意
the apple of her parents’ eye 掌上明珠
teenager n.青少年
teenage adj.十几岁的,青少年的
tension n.紧张关系;紧张;拉伸
tense adj. 拉紧的;紧张的
argument [ ɑ:gjum nt]n.争吵,争论;论点
argue vi.争论,辩论,说服 vt.说理,论证
argument n.争论,辩论;论据
arguable adj.可论证的;可疑的
argue with sb about/over sth 与某人争论某事
argue sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事/接受某种意见
argue sb out of doing sth 说服某人不做某事/打消某种念头
argue against 反驳
argue for 赞同;主张
have an argument with sb about/over sth与某人争论某事
anxious [ k s] adj.忧虑的,担心的;
anxiety n.焦虑,忧虑,担心,害怕,渴望
anxiously [' k sl ] 渴望的;急切的;焦虑的;忧虑的;不安的;(时间或局势)紧张的,令人焦虑的,让人担忧的
If you are anxious, you are nervous or worried about something.
rate [re t] n.速度;率 vi. & vt.评价,评估
birth rate 出生率
unemployment rate 失业率
heart rate 心率
the success/failure rate 成功率/失败率
at a rate of 以……的速度
His heart rate was 30 beats per minute slower.
shoot [ u:t] vi. & vt.(shot, shot)(使朝某方向)冲,奔;射击;射杀;摄影
shoot at sth/sb 向……射击
shoot sth/sb 射中
shoot up 快速长高,蹿个儿
spot [sp t]n.粉刺;斑点;污渍;地点,场所
on the spot 马上,当场;在现场
a white cat with brown spots 带褐色斑点的白猫
a few spots of blood 一些血渍
a quiet spot on the beach 海滩上一个安静的地方
anger [ g (r)]n.怒气,怒火
angry adj.发怒的,愤怒的,生气的
angrily adv.愤怒地,生气地
target [ tɑ:g t] n.(攻击的)目标,对象;靶子
set a target 确定目标
meet/achieve/reach a target 完成/达到目标
a target area/audience/group 目标范围/观众/群体
hit/miss the target 中/脱靶
be targeted at 目的;旨在;针对
mental [ mentl] adj.思想的,精神的,智力的
mentally adv.精神上,智力上,思想上
physical adj.身体的,客观存在的,物质的
physics [ f z ks]物理学
adult [ d lt] n.成年人
adulthood n.成年
childhood [ t a ldh d] 童年;幼年时代
desire [d za (r)]n. & vt.渴望,希望
have a desire to do sth = desire to do sth 渴望做某事
have a desire for = desire for 渴望
desire that sb (should) do sth 渴望某人做某事
desired adj.要求的;想要的
the desired effect 预期的效果
struggle [ str gl] vi. & n.奋斗;斗争;搏斗
struggle for 为……而奋斗
struggle with/against sb/sth 与……做斗争
struggle to do sth 努力做某事
struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来
rough [r f] adj.艰难的;粗糙的;不确切的
roughly adv. 大约,大致,大体上,差不多
rough ground 高低不平的地面
Golgi complexes, smooth and rough ER, and mitochondria often completely encircle the nucleus. 高尔基氏复合体、粗面内质网、平滑内质网和线粒体位于核周。
breakdown [breik daun] n.(关系)破裂;故障
break down 车子抛锚,失败,分解,垮掉
regular [ regj l (r)] adj.频繁的;有规律的
regularly adv.有规律地,经常,均匀地
regularize [ regj l ra z]
英国英语用 regularise使合法化;使规范化
regularity[ regju l r ti] 规律性;规律
calm [kɑ:m]vt.使平静,使镇静 adj.镇静的,沉着的
calm down平静,镇静,安静
calm oneself 使自己镇静
calm sb 使某人镇静下来
keep/stay/remain calm 保持镇静
view [vju:] n.看法;视线;景色 vt.把……视为;观看
view...as... 把……视为……
be viewed as 被视为
in view of 鉴于;由于
in one’s view/opinion 在某人看来
get/have a good view of... 观看
from one’s point of view
think sth. through 充分考虑,全盘考虑,想透
think of 想起,记起
think about 思考,考虑
think over 仔细考虑
concern [k n s :n] n.担心,忧虑;关心
show concern for 对……关注
as far as sb/sth be concerned
be concerned about/for 担心;关心
concerning prep.关于
back down 承认错误,认输
normal [ n :ml]adj.正常的,一般的 n.常态,通常标准
return to normal 恢复正常
below/above normal 低于/高于正常标准
normally adv.通常,正常地,平常地
abnormal adj.不正常的,反常的
stress [stres]n.精神压力,紧张;强调 vt.强调,着重
stressed adj.焦虑不安的;心力交瘁的
stressful adj.压力重的;紧张的
editor [ ed t (r)]n.主编,编辑;剪辑师
edit v.编辑,校订
skin [sk n] n.皮肤;(兽)皮,毛皮
design [d za n] vt.设计;制订
design sth to do sth 为了做……而设计……
be designed for 为……而设计
by design 故意地
designer n.设计师
forum [ f :r m] n.论坛,讨论会;公共集会场所
likely [ la kli] adj.可能的,预料的,有希望的
be likely to do sth有可能做某事
It is/was likely that...很有可能……
not likely 绝不可能
unlikely adj.不可能的
expert [ eksp :t] n.专家,行家
specialist n. [ spe l st]
unique [ju ni:k] adj.独一无二的;独特的;独具的,特有的
uniform n.校服,制服
passive [ p s v] adj.消极的,被动的
active [ kt v] 忙碌的;活跃的
performance [p f :m ns] n.表现;表演;执行,履行
perform vt.表演;演出;表现;做;执行;履行
performer n.表演者,演员
perform magic tricks 表演魔术
perform well/badly 表现好/差
perform an experiment/a ceremony 做实验/举行仪式
perform an operation 做手术
perform a task 执行任务
perform/play an important role in 在……发挥重要作用
cheer up (使)变得高兴,振奋起来
cheer n.欢呼声 v.欢呼,喝彩,加油
cheerful adj.快乐的,高兴的,令人愉快的
cheers (用于祝酒)干杯
cheer up (使)变得高兴,振奋起来
cheer sb on (尤指在比赛中)为某人加油
press [pres]vt. & vi.催促,逼迫;按,压;挤,推
(the press)新闻工作者,新闻界
press v.按,压→pressure n.压力(近义词stress)
impress vt.打动;留下印象→impression n.印象
express v.表达→expression n.表达;表情;词组
eager [ i:g (r)] adj.热切的,渴望的,渴求的
eagerness n.渴望,热情
be eager for sth 渴望某物
be eager to do sth 渴望做某事
eagerly adv.渴望地;急切地
youth [ju:θ]n.青年时期;青春;
(the youth)年轻人
young adj.幼小的,年轻的,青年的
adventure [ d vent (r)]n.冒险,冒险经历,奇遇
adventurer n.冒险者/家,投机分子
adventurous adj.有冒险精神的,惊险的
be on sb’s back about sth. 缠磨,烦扰
kangaroo [ k g ru:] n.袋鼠
flexible [ fleks bl]adj.灵活的,可变动的;柔韧的
flexibility n.柔韧性,灵活性,弹性,适应性
account [ ka nt] n.账户;描述;解释 vt.认为是,视为
open/close an account 开立/结清账户
on account of 因为,由于
on no account 绝不
take ...into account/consideration 把......考虑在内
account for 解释;(数量上、比例上)占比
rent [rent] n.租金 vi. & vt.租用;出租
rent sb sth=rent (out) sth to sb
for rent 出租;招租
grocery [ gr s ri]n.食品杂货;食品杂货店
secure [s kj (r)] adj.安心的;可靠的;牢固的
security n.安全;保护措施;保护;保障
airport/hotel security 机场/旅馆的安全措施
a sense of security 安全感
for security reasons 出于安全考虑
job/financial security 工作/经济保障
graduate [ gr d u t] vi. & vt.毕业 n.毕业生
graduation n.毕业,毕业典礼
graduate from毕业于(大学)
graduate in 毕业于(专业)
a graduate of...……的毕业生
gather [ g (r)]vi.聚集,召集
gather together 聚集起来,合拢
gather round/around 聚集,集合
gathering n.聚焦/会,集会,采/搜集
emergency [i m :d nsi] 紧急事件;意外事件;(尤指)事故
He deals with emergencies promptly.
emerge v.出现,浮现,露出,显露
emergent adj.
volunteer [ v l n t (r)]vi.& vt.自愿做,义务做n.志愿者
volunteer to do sth 自愿做某事
volunteer for sth 自愿参加
volunteer as 志愿当...
voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的
pipe[pa p] 复数:pipes 管子;烟斗;管乐器
figure [ f g (r)]n.数字;人物;体型,身材;身影
the latest trade/sales/unemployment,etc.figures
a leading figure重要人物
a political figure政治人物
figure out理解,弄明白;计算出
figure on 指望;打算
downtown[ da n ta n] 复数:downtowns adv. 在市中心
draw sth. out of sth. 提取,支取
teller [ tel (r)] n.出纳员;叙述者 复数:tellers
A teller is someone who works in a bank and who customers pay money to or get money from.
tell sb sth. = tell sth. to sb 告诉某人某事
operation [ p re n] n.手术;运转,操作
operate v.运转,操作,控制,使运行,做手术
operator n.(操作机器的)工作者;操作员;接线员
operate on/upon sb 给……做手术
have an operation (病人)接受手术
perform an operation (医生)动手术
come/go into operation 生效
put sth. into operation 实施
lap [l p] n.大腿部
laptop n.笔记本电脑,便携式电脑
scene [si:n] n.(戏剧等)场;场面,片段;地点,现场;
the scene of the accident/attack/crime事故/袭击/犯罪现场
at/on the scene在现场;到现场
scenery n.[U]自然美景,风景,舞台布景
flat n.[fl t] 公寓 adj.平坦的;瘪了的 复数:flats
比较级:flatter 最高级:flattest
response n.回复;反应,响应
make a/no response to 对……做出/未做回应
in response to 响应;答复
respond vi.回答;作出反应
respond to 对……做出回应


