2024届高三英语二轮复习写作专项读后续写 精神病画家女孩 课件(共14张PPT)

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2024届高三英语二轮复习写作专项读后续写 精神病画家女孩 课件(共14张PPT)


Continuation Writing
Learning Ojectives:
1. to comb the plot of the story by six elements of narration(记叙文);
2. to conceive continuation writing by clues which hides in the story;
3. to extract the theme of the story and what can we learn from it;
4. to apply what we learnt to write the remains.
1. 通过记叙文6要素梳理故事情节;
2. 通过前文隐藏的线索构思续写;
3. 提取文章主题,学习主人公的精神;
4. 运用所学的语料及句式结构续写故事。
step 1. Read for the plot (主旨大意&情感变化)
para1&2 love for painting, but was diagnosed with mental disease.
Para 3 unsitable major made her drop out of college.
Para 4&5 unhappy life after marriage drove her to reconsider the meaning of life.
Para 1: After days of consideration, Bazan made a big decision.
Para 2: News spread 4 years later that Bazan graduated from college with honors.
happy unhappy/hopeless(无望的) helpless(无助的)
reluctant & restless(不安分的)
determinded & hopeful
confidence & happy
Step 2: Think for the plot
Para 1: After days of consideration, Bazan made a big decision.
① What big decison was mad by Bazan
decide to do sth
determine to do sth
have determination to do sth
make a decision to do sth
be determined to do sth
辞职 quit one’s job from sp
resign one’s job as sth
to make one’s dream come true
to achieve one’s dream
to fulfil one’s dream
to chase one’s dream(追逐梦想)
驱使某人做某事 drive sb to do sth
Driven by the love for painting, she decided to quit her job as a sale clerk and returned to University to chase her dream.
Born in a poor family, Nadia had only two years of schooling.
② What was her son’s reaction after hearing his mother’s decision And what about Bazan’s feeling
非常同意 nodded greatly
令人欣慰的是 to one’s relief
非常开心 It seemed as if she was on the top of the world.
向某人学习 learn from sb
给某人树立榜样 set an good example for sb
To her relief, her son nodded greatly, after hearing what she said.
亮点:to one’s relief
nodded greately间接描写代替直接描写
after +doing
③How did Bazan make her dream come true
机会 chance / opportunity
为某人提供... provide sb (with) sth/ provide sth for sb/ offer sb sth
上学:be admitted to an university
成功的做成了某事:succeed in doing sth/ where there is a way, there is a will.
主攻...专业 major in sth/ enroll in sth
报名参加:register for sth/ sign up for sth
专心于:be immersed into sth/ be buried in sth/ bury oneself in sth/ be absorbed in sth/ apply oneself in sth/ pay attention to sth/ be devoted to (doing)sth/ devote oneself to (doing) sth/ have a passion for sth/ be passionate about sth/ work to sth
参加展览:join/ participate in/take part in various exhibitions
获得荣誉 receive numerous honors/ rewards
成为一夜间轰动的人物:become an overnight hit
声名鹊起 rise to fame
In the following days, she made every effort to consult local colleges, hoping she could be admitted. God helps those who help themselves. She succeeded. Here, she started her four years schooling, and was immersed into college life. She attended lots of exhibitions, receiving numerous honors.
After days of consideration, Bazan made a big decision. Driven by the love for painting, she decided to quit her job as a sale clerk and returned to University to chase her dream. To her relief, her son nodded greatly after hearing what she said. In the following days, she made every effort to consult local colleges, hoping she could be admitted. God helps those who help themselves. She succeeded. Here, she started her four years schooling, and was immersed into college life. She attended lots of exhibitions, receiving numerous honors.
Para 2: News spread 4 years later that Bazan graduated from college with honors.
①who got the news and where they can get After hearing the news, what did they learn about Bazane
单亲母亲: a single mother
创造精彩的作品:create many wonderful artworks
激励、鼓舞某人做某事:inspire sb to do sth/ encourage sb to do sth
More and more people knew her and learnt that she was a single mother, with anxiety, but had gone all out to study and created many wonderful artworks. Her story inspired everyone. (亮点:with+名词,表特征;宾语从句;but 链接的转折句;固定搭配的运用)
②According to the reporter, what did Bazan do after graduation
be engaged in sth
be occupied with sth
work as sth
具有健康问题的孩子 children with condition
When asked what she would do after graduation, she told the reporter she would worked in art education as a teacher to teach children with conditions like her.
亮点:状语从句的省略;宾语从句,with+名词 表特征
③ what contributed to Bazane’s success (主旨升华)
It is never too late to learn. 活到老学到老
Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成
God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助
Better late than never.亡羊补牢,为时未晚
And when asked what made her succeed, she said that where there is a will, there is a way. A ray of sunshine crossed her face, as she said that.
News spread 4 years later that Bazan graduated from college with honors. More and more people knew her and learnt that she was a single mother, with anxiety, but had gone all out to study and created many wonderful artworks. Her story inspired everyone. When asked what she would do after graduation, she told the reporter she would worked in art education as a teacher to teach children with conditions like her. And when asked what made her succeed, she said that where there is a will, there is a way. A ray of sunshine crossed her face, as she said that.
After days of consideration, Bazan made a big decision. Driven by the love for painting, she decided to quit her job as a sale clerk and returned to University to chase her dream. To her relief, her son nodded greatly after hearing what she said. In the following days, she made every effort to consult local colleges, hoping she could be admitted. God helps those who help themselves. She succeeded. Here, she started her four years schooling, and was immersed into college life. She attended lots of exhibitions, receiving numerous honors.
News spread 4 years later that Bazan graduated from college with honors. More and more people knew her and learnt that she was a single mother, with anxiety, but had gone all out to study and created many wonderful artworks. Her story inspired everyone. When asked what she would do after graduation, she told the reporter she would worked in art education as a teacher to teach children with conditions like her. And when asked what made her succeed, she said that where there is a will, there is a way. A ray of sunshine crossed her face, as she said that. (172 words)
level A: To rewrite your story by what we learnt in the class, for example, word bank and stence structures;
level B: To remeber word bank and try to retell the passage.


