人教版七年级下册Unit 5Why do you like pandas? 练习学案(无答案)

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人教版七年级下册Unit 5Why do you like pandas? 练习学案(无答案)


Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Period 1 Section A (1a-2d)
Step 1. Review(复习).写出下列动物名词的复数形式。 tiger________ panda________ elephant________ lion________ koala________ giraffe__________ Step 2. Preview(预习) Step 3. Presentation (释疑) 1.scary意为________, 通常表示事物的特征。scared 意为令人感到害怕的。 e.g.The tigers are really __________. I felt so __________ . 2. walk on two legs 意为____________________。 3.词性转换 beauty(n.美丽)+- ____ (形容词后缀)→ ________ (adj.美丽的) 4. south (adj.)_______;(n.)_______,反义词_______。in the south of 在……南部。e.g.Wuhan is _________________ China. 5. kind (n.) 意为________, a kind of:一种,后接名词。e.g.Apples are one kind of fruit. kind (adj.) 意为________,和friendly,nice 等是近义词。kind of 意为________, 常用在副词或形容词前,表示程度,相当于a little. e.g.I'm kind of hungry.kinds of 意为_______________ 。e.g. I have many kinds of books. all kinds of (意为)___________________;different kinds of (意为)_____________________ 6.be from 表示__________可以和 come from 替换。 e.g.Tom is from the USA. = Tom _______from the USA. ____ Tom from the USA = _______ Tom _______from the USA 7.Why don’t you ... = Why not ... 后接_____词原形,常常用于提建议, 也可以表示为什么不,作为否定疑问句。eg. Why not ______ (play)soccer = Why ________ __________ _________ (play) soccer
Step 4. Exercises (练习巩固) Ⅰ .根据句意和首字母补全单词。 1. There are lots of a __________in the zoo. 2. My grandmother often s________ for eight hours. 3. P________ are black and white, and they come from China. 4. The park is a good p________ to have fun. 5. Koalas are from A________ and they are interesting. 6. The pet dog is very c________ and we all like it. II. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.There are two ______(zoo) in our city . 2.My brother goes to bed early and ______(sleep)very well every night . 3.I want ____________(see)the lions in the zoo. 4.The koalas are kind of ____________(interest) 5.We want to see the koalas ____________(one) because they are really cute. Ⅲ .根据汉语完成句子。 1.我们在动物园里看到许多种类的动物。 We can see many _______ _______ animals in the zoo. 2.李先生对我们很和蔼,但是也很严格。 Mr. Li is _______ ______us. But sometimes he is strict with us. 3.学生需要每天睡满九小时。 Students need ______ ________ for nine hours a day. 4.李先生对我们很和蔼,但是也很严格。 Mr. Li is _______ ______us. But sometimes he is strict with us. Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Period 2 Section A (3a-3c)
Step 1. Review (复习). Make conversations in pairs. ①Go over Grammar Focus plete the paragraph below. I like pandas. Because they are ________ ____ interesting. John likes _________ because he thinks they are ________. I don’t like tigers because they are really ________. And I know lions ________from ________Africa. Step 2. Preview (预习) Page 27. Grammar ①Do Activity 3a. Check the answers together. ②Practice the conversation with partners. ③Make sentences with the words of animals. (Activity 3b.) 辨析 smart, cute, clever 三者都有“聪明的;伶俐的”意思,smart 侧 重说________ ,cute 侧重说________ ,clever 侧重说________。 特殊疑问句是指以 who, what, where, when,how 等特殊疑问词引导的 问句,有时也被称为 Wh-或 How 问句。这种疑问句句末多用降调。特殊疑问句是依具体情况应答,而不以 Yes或 No 作答。 与 how构成的常见特殊疑问词有:询问年龄__________ ;询问可数名词的数量__________ ;询问不可数名词的数量__________,询问价钱__________ ;询问多远__________ ; Step 3. Presentation (释疑) 形容词的用法 Step 4 练习加固:从方框中选择适当 的形容词填空。 scary lazy smart beautiful interesting friendly 1. Kate is a girl. She can speak Chinese. 2.---Let’s play tennis after school. ---That sounds . 3. Bob is too . He never gets up early. 4. Today Tina looks very _____ in the red dress. 5. I’m afraid of the dog. It’s kind of . 6. The giraffe is to people. Ⅱ.根据汉语完成英语句子 这两只树袋熊来自澳大利亚。 These two koalas __________ _________ Australia. 2.我觉得他有点胖。I think he is__________ _________fat. 3.我爸爸整天都忙。My father is busy__________ _________. 4.你为什么不喜欢猫?__________ _________you like cats 5.看!它能两条腿走路。Look!It can walk two . Ⅲ .按要求完成句子 Henry likes koalas best. (写出同义句) Henry’s __________ ___________ are koalas. 2.Mrs. Brown likes cats because they are cute. (对划线部分提问) _______ ________ Mrs. Brown cats Where do the lions come from = Where the lions 4. Why don’t you take a walk after dinner (同义句) _______ ________ take a walk after dinner 5.His cat is kind of boring. (同义句) His cat is _______ ________ boring Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Period 3 Section B (1a-1d)
Step 1. Review (复习). Translate the sentences into English. 他们来自哪里?____________________________________ 让我们去看大象吧!____________________________________ 它们非常聪明,但是有点儿懒。____________________________________ 他们来自南非。____________________________________ 1.有点儿无聊 ____________ 2.对……友好 ____________ 3.迷路 ____________ 4.处于(极大)危险之中 ____________ 5.砍倒 ____________ 6.由……制成的 ____________ 7.来自 ____________ 8.用两条腿走路 ____________ 9.南非 ____________ 10.……的标志之一____________ 11.它们对人友好并且能帮助人们做很多事情。 _____________________________________________________________ 12.我认为动物是我们的朋友。_________________________________ 13你为什么不喜欢猫?_______________________________________ 14.因为它们有点儿可爱。_______________________________________ 15.它们在那边,距离考拉不远。__________________________________________________________________ Step 2: Preview (预习) Page 29 . Read the passage again and answer these questions: 1. Where are the students from _______________________________ 2. What do they want to do _____________________________________ 3. Why are elephants important in Thailand ___________________________ 4. Are elephants smart animals __________________________________ 5. What can they do (One example is OK.)________________________________ 6. Are elephants in great danger And why ___________________________ 7. How can they save elephants ____________________________________ Step 4 练习加固 Ⅰ.根据句意以及首字母提示补全单词 1. The boy is very l . He gets up very late. 2. Please be f to the animals. They are our friends. 3. The girl doesn’t like talking with others. She is very s . 4. The brave man is trying to s the children in the river. 5. Don’t c down those trees. We should protect our earth. II . 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Some animals are (friend) to people. We like them very much. 2. Don’t forget (close) the door when you leave the room . 3. Some people think tigers are in (dangerous). 4. Elephants are smart and they can play soccer (good). 5. I think work must (come) first. 6.Lily draws five red __________ (flag) in her art class. 7. I can see lots of __________ (tree) in their school. 8. We mustn't buy things made of __________ (ivory). 9. Why does your father want __________ (kill) that dog
Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Period 4 Section B (2a-2c)
Step 1. Preview (预习). 按照要求完成:(翻译1--6短语) 1.be friendly to ____________ 2.save _______(save one’s life __________) 3.be in (great)danger ____________ 4.cut down ____________ 5.over = more than ___________ 6.places with food and water_________ 6. friend (n.)+_____ (后缀)=__________(adj.)友好的 7.danger(n.)+______(形容词后缀)=____________(adj.)危险的 8.forget →___________(反义词);忘记做某事:________________________; 忘记做 (过) 某事:___________________; Step 2 Presentation 1.be made of 意为____________ ;be made from 由 …… 制作 (看不出原材料) ;be made in 在……生产的。 2.be lost = get lost意为______ We get lost. = We ____ lost.其动词原形为_______ 3.People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes. so和because都是连词,可用来连接两个表示因果关系的句子,so引导的分句表示结果,而because引导的分句表示原因。 【注意】because和so不可出现在同一个句子中,但它们引导 的句子可互相转换。 My mother is ill, so I can’t go to the park with you.(同义句) = I can’t go to the park with you ___________ my mother is ill. 4.Today there are only about 3,000 elephants (over 100,000 before). over在句中意为_____________,相当于_______________________. There are _______(超过;多于) forty students in the club. 5.The elephant is one of Thailand’s symbols. one of 意为:_________________,后接名词____________,作主语时谓语动词用__________. One of my ____________(friend) _____________(be) is a teacher. China is one of the oldest ___________________(country) in the world. the symbol of 意为:___________________ 长城是中国的象征。(翻译)______________________________________________. 6.People cut down so many trees so elephants are losing their homes. cut down (意为):______________.write down (意为)____________ put down(意为)_________________ cut down 是动词+副词结构,宾语如果是名词,可以放在cut和down中间或是down后面;宾语如果是代词,则必须放在cut 和down 中间。 Trees are good for the environment, so we can’t _____________________.(砍伐它们) lose one’s home 意为:_______________ ; lose one’s life___________________ lose face________________; lose one’s way:____________________ V.词语运用 请根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。 quick,what, but, sleep, animal, cute, so, with, place, he, white, love
Some people like koalas because they’re cute.Some people like dogs because they can help do many things. 1.______I like rabbits(兔)because they are fun. I have a(n)2.______ rabbit at home. Robbie is 3.______name. He is as 4.______as(像一样)milk. He has long ears. Robbie's back legs are longer than his front legs,so he can run very 5.______.He has a small nose(鼻子) but he can smell(闻) very well 6.______it. He also has long front teeth. Do you know 7.____his favorite food is Yes,it's carrots. He eats five carrots every day. Robbie 8._______in a box. I have to clean the box every morning because he 9._______being clean. Do you like rabbits What are your favorite 10._______ Can you tell me
Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Period 5 Review & Writing
Step 1. Review (复习). 根据句意和语法需要,用适当的词填空 1.There is      elephant in the zoo.     elephant is from Africa. 2.Tigers like to eat meat, but koalas      . 3.—Why      you like tigers —Because they are scary and ugly. 4.Sally,      watch the giraffes first. They are very smart and cute. 5.Pandas are losing their homes. Why      save the trees and bamboos. 6.—There are lions, pandas and elephants in the city zoo. —Really, what other _________ are there in it 7.—      do you like to see the elephants first —Because they’re very cute. 8.My mother has a big cat,      I don’t like it at all. 9.We must save wild animals because they are     great danger. 10.—      do lions come from —They     from South Africa. II. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。 1. 他告诉我不要砍树。 He tells me not to __________ __________ __________. 2. 现在他们处于极大危险之中。 Now they __________ __________ __________ __________. 3. 老约翰经常迷路。 Old John often __________ __________. 4. 这条裙子是由什么做的? What __________ this skirt __________ __________ 嘿,迈克!祝你好运。Hey, Mike! __________ __________ to you. III、根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。 Turtles(海龟) are not new to us. We can often see them at the 1._____.They’re interesting. But how much do you know about them They are usually 2.______ 1 meter long and they have no 3.______. They live under the water and they are good at 4.___________. They can live up to 150 years,so they are a 5.________ of long life. There are only eight 6._______ of turtles now and four of them are from China. But they are in great 7.________ now. Some people put lots of rubbish(垃圾) in the sea. It makes turtles lose their homes. Some people also 8._____ them for their meat. So the turtles are becoming fewer and fewer(越来越少). We must do something 9.________ them now. First,don’t buy or eat the food 10._______ of turtles. Then we must keep the sea clean and let them have a nice place to live in.
Step 2. Writing. 动物园里有很多动物,但是你最喜欢的是熊猫Beibei,它非常可爱,所有人都喜欢它。写一篇英语小短文介绍一下它,不少于70词。 My Favorite Animal _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________


