人教版七年级下册Unit 11 How was your school trip?单元知识点

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人教版七年级下册Unit 11 How was your school trip?单元知识点


Unit 11 How was your school trip
重点单词 1.milk [m lk]v.挤奶 2.cow [ka ]n.奶牛 3.horse [h :s]n.马 4.feed [fi:d]v.喂养;饲养 5.farmer ['fɑ: m ]n.农民;农场主 6.quite [kwa t]adv.相当;完全 7.anything ['eniθ ]pron.任何东西;任何事物 8.grow [ɡr ]v.种植;生长;发育 9.farm [fɑ:m]n.农场 v.务农;种田 10.pick [p k]v.采;摘 11.excellent ['eks l nt]adj.极好的;优秀的 12.countryside ['k ntrisa d]n.乡村;农村 13.yesterday ['jest de ]n.昨天 14.flower ['fla ]n.花 15.worry ['w ri]v.& n.担心;担忧 16.luckily ['l k li]adv.幸运地;好运地 17.sun [s n]n.太阳 18.museum [mju'zi: m] n.博物馆 19.fire ['fa ]n.火灾 20.painting ['pe nt ]n.油画;绘画 21.exciting [ k'sa t ]adj.使人兴奋的;令人激动的 22.lovely ['l vli]adj.可爱的 23.expensive [ k'spens v]adj.昂贵的 24.cheap [t i:p]adj.廉价的;便宜的 25.slow [sl ]adj.缓慢的;迟缓的 26.fast [fɑ:st]adv.& adj.快地(的) 27.robot ['r b t]n.机器人 28.guide [ɡa d]n.导游;向导 29.gift [ɡ ft]n.礼物;赠品 30.everything ['evr θ ]pron.一切;所有事物 31.interested [' ntr st d]adj.感兴趣的 32.dark [dɑ:k]adj.黑暗的;昏暗的 33.hear [h ]v.听到;听见
重点短语 1.go for a walk 去散步 2. milk a cow 挤牛奶 3. ride a horse 骑马 4. feed chickens 喂小鸡 5. talk with 与...谈话 6. take photos 拍照 7. quite a lot 相当多 8. show...around 带领...参观 9. learn about 了解 10. from...to...从...到... 11. grow strawberries 种植草莓 12. pick strawberries 采草莓 13. in the countryside 在乡下 14. go fishing 去钓鱼 15. at night 在夜晚 16. a lot of 许多;大量 e out 出来 18. go on a school trip 去学校郊游 19. along the way 沿线 20. after that 之后 21. buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物 22. all in all 总的来说
常考句型 1.How was your school trip/ last weekend 你的学校郊游/ 上个周末怎么样? 2.How was the weather the day before yesterday 前天的天气怎么样? 3.Did you see any cows on the farm 在农场上你看到牛了吗? 4.It was excellent/ great/ fantastic.棒极了。 5.The air was so clean.空气是如此清新。 6.It got very cloudy and we worried it would rain.天气变得非常阴沉,我们担心要下雨。 7.The sun came out again.太阳又出来了。 8.We got there so fast by train.乘火车我们很快就到了那儿。 9.We saw some farms and villages along the way.沿途我们看见了些农场和村庄。 10.I didn’t know they could play chess with us.我不知道它们还有本事和我们下棋。 11.Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot.然后,向导教我们怎样做模型机器人。 12.All in all, it was an exciting day.总之,这是令人激动的一天 13.It was so hot on the slow train.在那列慢腾腾的火车上是如此的热。 14.Everything was about robots and I’m not interested in that at all.每件事都与机器人有关,我对它根本不感兴趣。 15.It was difficult to take photos. 拍照很困难。 16.There were so many people and I couldn’t really see or hear the guide. 那里人如此之多,我几乎不能看见向导,不能听见向导说话。 17.I didn’t like the trip at all.我一点也不喜欢这次旅行。 18.He showed us around the farm.他带领我们参观了农场。 19.We learned a lot from him about farming 我们从他那里学到了很多关于农耕的知识。 20.I asked him if the farmers grew strawberries.我问他农民们是否种了草莓。 21.They grow apples from December to June. 他们从12月到6月种植苹果。
1 milk v.挤奶
1)milk 作名词,意为“牛奶”,是不可数名词。
I’d like a cup of milk. 我想要杯牛奶。
2)milk 作动词,意为“挤奶”。
I helped the farmer (to) milk the cow. 我帮助农民挤奶。
2 cow n.奶牛
拓展:cow奶牛 bull 公牛 calf 小牛;牛犊 cattle 公牛&母牛
3 horse n.马
black sheep害群之马 ride a horse 骑马
4 feed v.喂养;饲养
feed 作及物动词,意为“喂养,饲养”,其后常接表示动物名称的词作宾语。
My father’s job is to feed the animals. 我父亲的工作是喂养动物。
Please feed some grass to the cow. 请给这头奶牛喂些草。
She fed milk to the baby. 她给婴儿喂了奶。
2)feed 可以做不及物动词,意为“食,吃”(主要指动物),与介词on构成词组,意为“以…为食,靠…为生”。
Sheep feed on grass. 绵羊以草为食。
5 quite adv.相当;完全
quite副词,相当地;完全地; 在某种程度上
quite +adj./adv.
It’s quite easy to say but difficult to do.说起来容易,做起来难。
辨析: quite&very
词语 用法 例句
quite 语气比very弱,常用于“quite a/an +可数名词单数的结构中。 It’s quite a good idea. 那真是个好主意。
very 语气比quite强,多用于褒义形容词前,常用于“a very+可数名词单数”结构中。 Li Ming is a very good student. 李明是个非常好的学生。
6 anything pron.任何东西;任何事物
1)anything 不定代词,意为“任何事情,任何东西”,常用于否定句和疑问句中,在肯定句中常用
something。something, anything作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
I can’t see anything in the box. 盒子里我看不到任何东西。
Is there anything in the box 盒子里有一些东西吗?
2)anything but 根本不
The hotel was anything but cheap. 这家宾馆根本不便宜。
7 grow v.种植;生长;发育
They grew rice in France.他们在法国种水稻。
2)vi. 扩大; 增加
The family grows in size.家庭规模越来越大。
a growing number of +可数名词复数,表示“越来越多的 …”
A growing number of people are exercising in China.越来越的中国人做运动。
You grow much taller now.你现在长得很高了。
4)grow up长大
The little girl grew up into a beutuiful woman.小女孩长大成一个漂亮的女人。
8 pick v.采;摘
pick意为“采,摘”,常用于词组“pick up”,意为“拾起,捡起”, 当宾语为代词时,宾语应放在pick和up中间;当宾语为名词时,宾语可放中间,也可放在后面。
There is a pen on the playground, please pick it up. 地上有一支笔,请捡起它。
Bob stopped to pick up a watch. = Bob stopped to pick a watch up.
1)pick up意为“搭载,开车去接”。
The bus stopped and picked up some passengers.公共汽车停下来,搭载了一些乘客。
Please wait at the school gate. John will pick you up there.请在校门口等候, 约翰会到那里接你。
2)pick up意为“偶然学会,获得”。
She picked up English when she played with the American children.
9 excellent adj.极好的;优秀的
Amanda spoke excellent French.阿曼达的法语说的极好。
10 worry v.& n.担心;担忧
1)worry可用作不及物动词或及物动词。作及物动词时,意为“使烦恼,使担忧”。作不及物动词时意为“发愁,担心,烦恼”,常与介词about连用。例如:What’s worrying you 什么事使你烦恼?
Don’t worry about me. 不要为我担心。
Her face showed signs of worry. 她脸上显出担忧的神情。I have a lot of worries. 我有很多担心。
be worried about意为“为……担心”。
She is worried about her sick mother. 她担心她生病的母亲。
11 luckily adv.幸运地;好运地
Luckily there was a doctor on the spot. 幸运的是现场有一位医生。
lucky是luckily的形容词形式,意为“幸运的, 吉祥的, 侥幸的”。
He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运的家伙。
luck是luckily的名词形式,是不可数名词;意为“运气, 好运, 幸运 ”。good luck to sb表示“祝某人好运”,bad luck意为“倒霉”。
She had no luck finding a job. 她很不幸,找不到工作。
I wish you luck =Good luck to you! 祝你好运!
12 fire n.火灾
1)n. 火;火灾
Most animals are afraid of fire.大多数动物都害怕火。
make a fire生火 fire station 消防站
2)v. 开火;解雇 fire at朝...开火
You are fired.你被开除了。
13 exciting adj.使人兴奋的;令人激动的
I like football. I think it’s very exciting. 我喜欢足球。我认为它非常令人兴奋。
He is very excited at the news. 因为那个消息他很兴奋。
14 lovely adj.可爱的
She has lovely eyes.她有双迷人的眼睛。
15 slow adj.缓慢的;迟缓的
1)slow 作形容词,意为“缓慢的,迟缓的”,其反义词为fast。
Why are you so slow Hurry up!It’s late.你怎么这么慢啊?快点!要迟到了。
2)slow 和slowly一样也可以作副词,但是用法有区别。slow一般用于口语中,不可以用于句首,只能和go, drive或pass连用且位于其后。而slowly比较常用,可以置于句首或者动词之后(或前)修饰动词。
How slow the time passes! 时间过得真慢!
I told the driver to go slow. 我告诉司机慢点开车。
He slowly opened the door. 他慢慢地把门打开。
16 fast adv.& adj.快地(的)
1)fast 作副词,意为“快地”,可以用来修饰动词或者动词短语。
We got there so fast by train. 我们乘火车很快到了那儿。
2)fast 作形容词,意为“快的”。
A train is very fast. 火车很快。
fast强调动作的速度快;quickly 指动作敏捷或者完成得快。
Li Ming can run very fast. 李明能跑的很快。
He had breakfast quickly and then went to school. 他快速吃完早餐去上学了。
17 guide n.导游;向导
1)n. 导游; 向导;旅游指南/手册
a tour guide导游 a guide to family health 家庭健康指南
2)v. 给某人带路;指引;指导
She guided us around the museums.她带领我们参观博物馆。
18 gift n.礼物;赠品
That pen was a gift from my grandpa.那个钢笔是我爷爷送给我的礼物。
2)n.天赋;天才 同义词 talent
have a gift for sth.有…天赋
She has a gift for music.她在音乐方面有天赋。
19 interested adj.感兴趣的
I wasn’t interested inhistory.我对历史不感兴趣。
be interested in 对…感兴趣
I’m now interested in writing.我现在对书法感兴趣。
20 dark adj.黑暗的;昏暗的
The room is dark and quiet.
dark blue 深蓝
3)dark 作名词,意为“黑暗,无光(尤指夜晚)”。
We stood outside in the dark.
21 hear v.听到;听见
①hear “听说”,侧重于“听”的内容
I'm sorry to hear that you are ill. 听说你病了,我很难过。
I never heard such an interesting story. 我从来没有听说过这么一个有趣的故事。
Listen to me carefully. 认真听我说。
The children like to listen to music. 孩子们喜欢听音乐。
③sound “听起来”,它是系动词,后面接形容词
That sounds great. 那听起来真不错。
It sounds like fun. 听起来了挺有趣。
Peter: Hi, Eric. How was your trip last week
Eric: It was excellent. I visited my grandparents in the countryside.
Peter: Oh, nice. What did you do
Eric: I went fishing every day. And I fed the chickens with my grandpa. It was so much fun.
Peter: Sounds good . How was the weather there
Eric: It was great, and the air was so clean. I watched the stars at night. They were so beautiful.
Peter: Lucky you.
June 15th
Today I went on a school trip.We visited the science museum and it was really interesting.We got there so fast by train.We saw some farms and villages along the way.At the museum, I learned a lot about robots.I didn't know they could play chess with us. It was so cool!Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot.I took a lot of great photos, too.After that, I went to the gift shop and bought some lovely gifts for my parents.They weren't expensive. All in all, it was an exciting day.
June 15th
I think today's school trip was terrible.We took the train to the museum. It was so hot on the slow train.The museum was big and boring.Everything was about robots and I'm not interested in that.The rooms were really dark and it was difficult to take photos, so I didn't take any.There were also too many people and I couldn't really see or hear the guide.The things in the gift shop were so expensive.I didn't like the trip at all.
1 How was your trip yesterday
用is。其答语常用:It was great! (好极了) / It was OK.(还可以)/ It wasn’t good.(不好。)/ All right.
(很好)/ It was not bad.(还不错。)等。How + be+… 相当于 What + be +...+ like
---How was her holiday?她的假期过得怎么样?---It was not bad. 还不错。
①How is/are +sb. 用来询问人的身体、工作、学习或生活等的状况。
---How are you 你好吗?---Fine, thank you. 好,谢谢。
②How is/are +sth. 用来询问某物或者某事的状况如何。
How is your work 你的工作怎么样?
③How do you do 并不表示疑问,是第一次见面时的问候语,回答仍用此句。
---How do you do 你好!---How do you do 你好!
④How is it going / How is everything going 用来询问事情进展如何。
---How is it going 情况/进展如何?---Very well./ Not too bad./just so so.很好。/还不坏。/一般吧。
goon/make/take a trip都可表示“出去旅行”,on a trip表示“在旅行期间”。
We are going on a bus trip to Hangzhou.我们将乘坐公共汽车去杭州旅行。
辨析:trip, travel, journey的区别
用 法 例 句
trip 名词,可特指某次具体的旅行。有时 trip 也可指远距离的长途旅行,可与 journey 换用,比 journey 更通俗。(即指双程) --Where is John --He is on a trip to Shanghai.
travel 名词或动词,泛指一般意义的旅行,不特指某次具体的旅行 Travel is very popular with everyone now.
journey(通常指单程) 通常指远距离的陆地旅行,并且不一定要返回到出发地(即通常指单程)。有时并不指真正意义的“旅行”,而只是表示走过一段距离。 I wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你一路顺风。 How long is your journey to work 你上班要走多远
2 Did you see any cows 你看到了一些奶牛吗?
主语+did.”;否定回答为“No, 主语+didn’t.”。
---Did you do your homework yesterday 昨天你做作业了吗?
---Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 是的,我做了。/ 没有,我没做。
---Did she go to bed 她上床睡觉了吗?
---Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t. 是的,她上床睡觉了。/不,她没有上床睡觉。
3 What did the farmer say 那个农民说了什么?
本句是一般过去时的特殊疑问句,句子的结构是“特殊疑问词+ did + 主语+谓语+其它?”。特殊疑问词可以根据实际情况选择需要的词,例如对地点提问用where,对时间提问用when等。助动词did后面的谓语动词要用原形,did没有人称和数的使用限制。回答时,要根据问句回答具体的内容。---When did you go there 你什么时候去的哪儿?---About seven o’clock. 大约7点钟。
---How did you go there 你们怎么去的那儿?---By bus. 坐公共汽车。
4 Carol learned a lot about farming.卡罗尔了解了很多农事。
1)learn...about... “学习/知道/了解......”
I’d like to learn something about Yao Ming.我想知道一些关于姚明的事情。
learn about “了解,知道,获悉”相当于know about
How did you learn/know about the meeting
2) farming名词“农事,耕作”,其动词farm,“耕种,干农活”
He is farming in Africa. 他在非洲务农。
It is still too cold for farming.
The farmer is at work on a farm. 这位农民在农场干活。
5 What else did you do 你还做了什么事?
1)else作形容词,意为“别的,其他的”,常修饰疑问代词、疑问副词或不定代词以及all, much, little等,且位于这些词之后。
What else did she say about me 她还提到什么有关我的事情?
Where else can I get it 我还能在哪里得到它?
Did you want anything else 你还要其它的东西吗?
There is little else you can do to improve yourself. 除此之外,能使你进步的方法几乎没有。
That must be someone else’s coat. 那一定是另外什么人的外套。
用 法 例 句
other 作为形容词,用以修饰名词,位于其前作定语。 作代词,复数形式为others. We learn Chinese,math English and some other subjects at school. 我们在学校学习语文,数学,英语,还有一些别的科目。 Some students are playing under the tree.Others are flying kites over there. 一些学生在树下玩,还有一些在那边放风筝。
else 副词,常用于修饰不定代词、疑问代词或副词,也可以修饰much,little等词,修饰这些词时,else要位于其后,作后置定语。 Why didn't you come Everyone else was there.你为什么没来呢 其他所有的人都来了。 I'm taking a few clothes and some books,not much else. 我带几件衣服和一些书,别的就不带了。
6 go fishing 钓鱼
go+v. ing 通常用来表示去进行某项活动。
go shopping 去购物 go swimming 去游泳 go boating 去划船 go skating 去滑冰
7 all in all 总的来说
all in all 固定词组,意为“总的来说”,常用于句首。
All in all, it is a great success. 总的来说,它非常成功。
All in all, I’m too excited. 总的来说,我太兴奋了。
after all 毕竟,终究 all over 到处 not…at all 根本…不 all right 行,好的 in all 总共
用 法 例 句
all in all “总的来说”,常用于句首 All in all, we had a good time.
in all “总共,合计”,放在句前或句末 There are thirty students in all.
at all “根本”,常用于否定句 He doesn’t like apples at all.
8 The rooms were really dark and it was difficult to take photos, so I didn’t take any.房间很黑,因此拍照很困难。
It is +adj.+ to do sth. 意为“做某事是……”,其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式,
所以it was difficult to take photos相当于to take photos was difficult。
It’s interesting to play the computer games. 玩电脑游戏很有趣。
拓展:It is + 形容词(+of / for sb.)+ to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事是…。用介词of时,形容的是某人做这件事情所表现的品质;用介词for时,指的是所作的事情本身的一个性质。例如:
It is very kind of you to help me. 你能帮助我真是太好了。
It is important for us to learn English well. 对我们来说,学好英语很重要。
9 Did you win that hat 你赢得了那顶帽子吗?
He won the prize in the singing competition. 他在歌咏比赛中获得了奖。
The won the football match last week. 上周他们赢得了那场比赛。
辨析:win, beat
We could beat them. 我们能打败他们。
We could win the match. 我们能赢得那场比赛。
10 Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. 九班的学生们在学校旅行中玩得很愉快。
Class Four is on the first floor. 四班在一楼。
Class Four are having an English class now. 四班的学生正在上英语课。
2)have a great time意思是“玩得高兴,过得愉快”。类似的表达还有: have a good time, have a wonderful time, enjoy oneself, have a lot of fun等。后面要加V-ing
We had a great time last summer holiday. 去年暑期我们过得很愉快。
I think they will enjoy themselves on the trip. 我想他们在旅行中会玩得高兴。
My uncle is on a visit to America. 我的叔叔正在美国访问。
He is on duty today. 今天他值日。
My father is on business in Shanghai. 我父亲正在上海出差。
11 Then they watched a dolphin show. 然后他们观看了海豚表演。
Did you watch the football game last night 昨晚你看了那场足球赛吗?
① watch作动词还有“注视,警戒,守候”的意思。
I’ll watch the child while you are away. 你不在时我会看护小孩的。
If you watch, you’ll understand how I ride a bike. 如果你仔细看,你就会明白我怎样骑车。
② watch作名词有“手表,看守”的意思。
My father bought me a watch as my birthday present. 我父亲给我买了一块手表作为我的生日礼物。
The old man is on watch today. 今天是那位老人在看守。
辨析:watch, look, see
① see作及物动词和不及物动词,意思是“看见,了解,领会”。强调看到的结果。
Did you see my dictionary 你看见了我的词典?
常用语有:see a film看电影 let me see让我想想
② look作不及物动词,意思是“看,注意,显得”。强调看的动作。如果后接宾语,则look后应有介词。
Please look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。
常用语有:look at看 look like看起来像 look the same看起来一样
look up查阅 look forward to 渴望 look over 检查
They have different looks. 他们的长相不同。
Can I have a look at your photo 我可以看一下你的照片吗?
There is a fashion show in our school this evening. 今天晚上在我们学校有时装表演。
再如:a flower show 花展 an elephant show 大象表演
a TV show 电视节目 a talk show 谈话节目
表示“出示,展示,显露,露出,流露,表示,表现,告诉,说明,指点”等意思。其后可以接双宾语:show sb. sth.或show sth. to sb.。如:
He showed the book to me.=He showed me the book. 他给我看了那本书。
He showed great interest in science when he was very young. 他很小时就对科学表现出很大的兴趣。
Happiness showed on his face. 他脸上流露着幸福的神情。
He showed me the way to the hospital. 他给我指明去医院的路。
Please show the meaning of this word. 请说明这个单词的意思。
12 At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy. 在那天结束的时候,科学老师很高兴。
1)at the end of…可以用来指时间,表示“在…结束的时候”,反义词组是at the beginning of (在…开始的时候)。
Do you think we’ll have an exam at the end of this month 你认为这个月底我们会进行考试吗?
2)at the end of…还可以接地点,表示“在…的尽头”。
At the end of the road you’ll find the hotel. 在这条路的尽头你会找到这家宾馆。
辨析:at the end of, by the end of, in the end
① by the end of…接时间,表示“到…时候为止”,一般后接过去时间,谓语动词用过去完成时。
By the end of last week we had learned about 600 words. 到上周末为止我们已经学了大约600个单词。
② in the end 表示“最后,终于”,相当于at last或finally。
In the end, he arrived at the village before it’s dark. 他们终于在天黑前到了这个山村。
We won the match in the end. 我们终于赢得了这场比赛。
13 The students had a terrible school trip. 学生们进行的学校旅游糟糕透了。
The music is terrible. 这曲子真糟糕。
I have a terrible headache. 我头痛得厉害。
14 On my next day off, I don’t want to go for a drive. 下个休息日,我不想开车兜风。
She’s off today.今天她休假。
The teacher gave me one day off. 老师给我一天假。
We have two days off every week. 每周我们有两天休息。
Don’t take off your coat. 别脱下外衣。
The light is off. 灯关了。
I must be off now. 我现在必须走。
2)go for a drive意为“开车去兜风”。此处的drive是名词,意为“开车兜风,开车旅行”。如:
Let’s go for a drive this afternoon. 今天下午我们开车兜风去吧。
15 That sounds really boring. 那听起来真的无聊。
I don’t really know him. 我真地不了解他。
He looked tired. 他显得很疲倦。
The movie is boring. 这部电影没趣。
16 Can you believe it 你相信吗?
I believe him. = I believe what he said. 我相信他讲的话。
They didn’t believe that we could finish the task. 他们不相信我们能完成这项任务。
当“I believe+从句”改为否定句时,应否定主句的谓语动词。
17 It rained all day. 下了一天的雨。
all day表示“全天,一整天”,all作形容词,修饰名词。
All students are studying for the test. 所有的学生在准备考试。
I like all kinds of Chinese food. 我喜欢各种各样的中国食物。
all day and all night 日日夜夜 all kinds of 各种各样的 all one’s life 一生,终生
18 In the afternoon, Uncle Martin put some of his old things out in the yard and had a yard sale! 下午,马丁叔叔把他的一些旧东西拿到院子里出售!
Put your books out on the desk. 把书拿出来放到桌子上。
拓展:put out还可表示“熄灭,扑灭,伸出”。
Please put out the light before you go to bed. 上床前请把灯熄掉。
Put your hand out. 请伸出你的手。
put…into…把…放入/翻译成 put…on把…贴在… put on穿上,上演
put away放好,把…收起来 put down 扑灭,熄灭,记下 put off 推迟,劝阻
put up 建造,支起,搭起 put in 投入,提出
2)sale是名词,意为“出售,销售,大甩卖,减价出售”,一般有“for sale(待售),on sale (在出售)”的搭配。其动词是sell。
The sale of his old house made him sad. 卖掉他的老房子使他很难过。
The tickets for the film are on sale. 电影票在出售。
You can buy something cheap at / in a sale. 减价时你可以买到便宜的东西。
19 No one came to the sale because the weather was so bad. 因为天气很糟糕,没人来买。
1)no one=nobody意为“没有人”,是不定代词。
No one can answer the question. 没有人能回答这个问题。
辨析:no one, none, nothing
① no one用以指人,不与of短语连用,用作单数;可以回答who的提问。
No one likes her. 没人喜欢她。
---Who are you waiting for 你在等谁?---No one. 谁也不等。
② none用以指人或物,可与of短语连用,用作单数或复数;可以回答How many或how much的提问。
None of these buses go / goes to the village. 这些公共汽车没有一辆去那个村庄。
---How many trees have you planted 你植了几棵树?---None. 一棵也没有。
None of us have / has been to the U.S.A. 我们没有一个人去过美国。
③ nothing用以指物,不与of短语连用,用作单数;可用来回答what的提问。
---What is he doing there 他在那儿干什么?---Nothing. 什么也没干。
There are so many people in the supermarket. 超市里有这么多人。
He spoke so quickly. 他说得太快了。(=very)
This picture is so beautiful 这幅画如此美丽。(=very)
20 Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot. 导游教我们如何做机器人模型。
1)本句中的how to make a model robot是“疑问词+不定式”结构,作动词taught的宾补。用来补充和
Where to go is a problem. 到哪里去是一个问题。(主语)
I know where to find the key. 我知道在哪儿找到钥匙。(宾语)
The question is how to learn English well. 问题是如何学好英语。(表语)
2)teach sb. sth. 教某人某事 teach oneself 自学 teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事
teach sb. how to do sth. 教某人如何做某事
21 It was time to go home. 是时候回家了。
It is time to do sth. 是一个非常重要的句型结构,意为该做某事,或是做某事的时候了。=It's time for sth. “该做某事的时候了”
It is time to read English 该读英语了。
It was time to go to the movie.去看电影的时间到了。
It’s time for sb. to do sth. “是该某人做某事的了”
22 It was a little difficult.有点困难。
a little 一点儿,常用来修饰形容词。
I was a little late this morning. 我今天早上迟了一点.
That was a little dangerous 那有一点危险。
a little也可用来修饰不可数名词。
a little cheese 一点奶酪
a little juice 一点儿果汁
23 too many/too much/ much too 的辨析
①too many 的中心词是many, too 用来修饰many,用法与many 相同,用来修饰复数可数名词
He's got too many questions to ask you. 他有很多问题要问你。
They bought too many eggs yesterday. 昨天他们买了太多的鸡蛋。
②too much 的中心词是much,用法与much 相同,用来修饰不可数名词。
We both have too much work to do. 我们俩都有很多工作要做。
She spent too much money on clothes. 她花太多钱买衣服。
The teacher told him not to spend too much time playing games. 老师叫他不要花太多时间玩游戏。
③much too 的中心词是too, 用来修饰原级形容词和副词;much 在其中是用来修饰too 的。
You're walking much too fast. Slow down. 你走得太快了,慢点。
I'm afraid that this cap is much too big for me. 这顶帽子我戴恐怕太大了。
It's much too cold outside.外面太冷了。
1)一般过去时的概念:一般过去时表示过去某一时间或某一段时间内发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。如:yesterday, last night, yesterday morning, in 2005, two years ago, a moment ago等。一般过去时也表示过去常常发生或反复发生的动作,常和often, always, usually等表示频度的时间状语连用。
Jim often went to visit his grandmother on weekend last year. 去年,吉姆经常在周末去看望他外祖母。
2)标志词:yesterday、two days ago…、last year…、the other day、once upon a time、just now、in the old days
①一般情况下,动词词尾加-ed ,
worked played wanted acted
②以不发音的-e 结尾动词,动词词尾加-d,
lived moved decided declined hoped raised wiped
③以辅音字母+ y 结尾的动词,把-y 变为-i 再加-ed,
studied tried copied justified cried carried embodied emptied
stop - stopped beg - begged drag - dragged drop - dropped plan – planned
am,is-was, are-were, do-did, see-saw, say-said, give-gave, get-got, go-went, come-came, have-had, eat-ate, take-took, run-ran, sing-sang, put-put, fly-flew, make-made, read-read, write-wrote, draw-drew, drink-drank, ride-rode, speak-spoke, sweep-swept, swim-swam, sit-sat
have, has—had do, does—did, go—went
come—came get—got forget—forgot
buy—bought read—read know—knew
see—saw drive—drove meet—met
feel—felt keep—kept make—made
give—gave grow—grew find—found
write—wrote leave—left take—took
win—won think—thought teach—taught
sleep—slept let—let cut—cut
put—put spend—spent build—built
①be动词构成:be动词中am, is的过去式都是was,are的过去式是were。
She is happy now.她现在很开心。
She was happy then.她那个时候很开心。
在谓语动词是be动词过去式(was, were)的肯定句中在be动词后面加not,即可变成否定句。
肯定句:主语 + was/were +.../否定句:主语 + was/were + not +...
肯定句:My brother was nervous just now./否定句:My brother was not nervous just now.
was not 可以缩写成 wasn't/were not 可以缩写成 weren't
They were not teachers.=They weren't teachers.她们以前不是老师。
She was in Beijing a year ago./一般疑问句:Was she in Beijing a year ago
I helped him to carry the heavy box last week.我上周帮他搬了这个重盒子。
否定句:“主语+did not (didn't)+动词原形+其他.”
I did not (didn't) walk to school today.我今天没有走路上学。
一般疑问句:“Did+主语+动词原形+其他 ”
肯定回答:“Yes, 主语+did.”/否定回答:“No, 主语+didn't.”
如:---Did you go to the party last night ---Yes, I did./No, I didn't.—你昨晚去派对了吗?—是的,我去了。/不,我没去。
Lei Feng was a good soldier. 雷锋是个好战士。
My father worked in Shanghai last year.
The boy opened his eyes for a moment,looked at the captain,and then died.
Mrs. Peter always carried an umbrella. 彼得太太过去老是带着一把伞。
Mrs. Peter always carries an umbrella. 彼得太太老是带着伞。
④如强调已经终止的习惯时要用 used to do(过去常常做,而现在不那样做了)
He used to drink.他过去喝酒(意味着他现在不喝酒了。喝酒这个动作终止了)
I used to take a walk in the morning.我过去是在早晨散步。(意味着现在不在早晨散步了)
I took a walk in the morning.我曾经在早晨散过步。(只是说明过去这一动作)
I didn''t know you were in Paris.我不知道你在巴黎。
(因为在说话时,我已经知道你在巴黎了。这句话指的是说话之前,所以只能用过去时表示。实际上,这句话暗指:But now I know you are here.)
比如:I thought you were ill. 我以为你病了呢。这句话应是在说话之前,我以为你病了。但是现在我知道你没病)


