2023-2024学年高中英语社团第十讲四大发明 讲义(含答案)

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2023-2024学年高中英语社团第十讲四大发明 讲义(含答案)


英语社团第十讲------中国古代四大发明(The Four Great Inventions)
What are The Four Great Inventions
The Four Great Inventions are: The Compass,Gun powder,Papermaking,Printing Techniques.
The Four Great Inventions of ancient China are celebrated in Chinese culture for their historic significance and as signs of ancient China’s advanced science and technology. These four inventions greatly promoted the development of China’s economy, politics, and culture.
The Compass
The history of the compass can be dated back to the Warring States Period (476–221 BC), when Chinese people used a device called si nan to point the direction.
After constant improvement, a round compass with a tiny needle made of magnetized steel were invented during the early Song Dynasty. One end of the tiny needle points to the south and the other points to the north. The compass was then introduced to the Arab world and Europe during the Northern Song era (960–1127).
Before the invention of the compass, people depended on reading the positions of the sun, moon, and pole stars to tell directions on open water or unfamiliar territory. Travelling was difficult in cloudy or bad weather.
After the invention of the round compass, people could easily find a direction when sailing on the vast oceans and traversing new territory, which led to the discovery of the New World as well as the development of sailing ships.
Gun powder
Gunpowder was invented by Chinese alchemists during the Tang Dynasty. In medieval China, alchemists were people who tried to make an elixir of immortality as their supreme goal. They inadvertently found that a mixture of sulphur, saltpeter, and charcoal could induce an explosion.
Gunpowder was originally used for making fireworks to celebrate festivals and important events. Later, it was used as an explosive material for cannons, fire-arrows, and other weapons in military use. Gunpower was in great need as there were frequent wars during the Song and Yuan dynasties (960–1368) and mass production was developed.
The technique of making gunpowder spread to Arab countries, and then to European countries from the 12th century to the 13th century.
Paper was improved in about the year 105 AD by Cai Lun, who was an imperial court official of the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD).
Before the invention of paper, ancient people from all over the world wrote words on many kinds of natural materials, such as leaves, animal skins, rocks, and earthen plates. Chinese people used bamboo or wooden strips, tortoise shells, or shoulder blades of an ox to record important events. Books written on bamboo strips were very heavy and took up lots of space.
Later, Chinese people invented a kind of paper made of silk, which was much lighter than the strips. The paper was called bo (帛). It was so expensive that it could only be used in the imperial court or governments.
后来,中国人发明了一种由丝绸制成的纸,它比条状纸轻得多。这种纸被称为 "帛"。这种纸非常昂贵,只能在朝廷或政府中使用。
To make a cheaper kind of paper, Cai Lun used old rags, fishing nets, hemp waste, mulberry fibers, and other bast fibers to make a new kind of paper. This kind of paper was much lighter and cheaper than what came before. And it was more suitable for writing on with a Chinese brush.
From the Tang Dynasty (618–907) to the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), Chinese papermaking techniques spread all over the world, which made a great contribution to the civilization of the world, alongside movable type printing.
Printing Techniques
The moveable, reusable, clay-type printing technique was invented by Bi Sheng (970-1051) in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) after numerous tests. Before the emergence of this printing technique, manuscripts were all handwritten by scholars which took lots of time and always included mistakes.
Earlier, Chinese people had invented block printing (雕版印刷), which employed engraved words on wooden blocks to print with ink on a board/paper. Block printing used lots of wooden boards and became useless after one usage. Errors on the board couldn’t be changed either.
During the Song Dynasty, Bi Sheng carved individual characters on fine clay pieces, which could be used again after the printing was finished. Bi Sheng’s great innovation gave birth to a revolutionary printing method, so he is called the “father of typography”. His technique then spread to Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and Europe.
在宋代,毕昇在精细的泥块上刻下单个的字符,在印刷完成后可以再次使用。毕昇的伟大创新诞生了一种革命性的印刷方法,因此他被称为 "印刷术之父"。他的技术随后传播到韩国、日本、越南和欧洲。
China has once again showed its ability to change the world with its“ four great new 1.____________ (invent)” —highspeed rail, electronic payment, shared bicycle, and online shopping.
China's newgeneration highspeed train, the Fuxing Hao, is now one of the 2.____________ (fast) trains in the world,which can travel at a speed of 350 km/h. Besides highspeed rail, China 3.____________ (improve) people's lives in many other innovative ways over the last decade.
Bike sharing, for example, is not new itself. But China has made 4.____________ much more convenient and popular both in China 5.____________ overseas. The leading Chinese bikesharing companies Mobike and Ofo are now operating in foreign countries such as Singapore and Britain.
And back in China, when riding a shared bike, you can stop 6.____________(buy)and eat whatever you want 7.____________ (simple) with a tap on your phone. You could easily pay with your smartphone by 8.____________ (scan) the seller's QR code. Cashless payment has grown into a 9.____________(choose) for Chinese people—even a pancake seller is using Alipay.
Besides, the four innovative ways of life are most appealing 10.____________ youths from 20 countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, and they wish their countries would emulate (模仿) China in terms of technological achievements.
[语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了中国的“新四大发明”。
1.解析:考查名词和名词的数。前面有four great new修饰,故用该词对应的名词的复数形式,故填inventions。
2.解析:考查形容词的最高级。根据后面的比较范围in the world可知,这里应用最高级形式。
3.解析:考查时态。over the last decade表示“在过去十年”,常和现在完成时连用,主语是China,故用has improved。
答案:has improved 
4.解析:考查代词。这里it指代前面的Bike sharing,充当动词made的宾语。
6.解析:考查非谓语动词。stop to do sth.表示“停下来去做另一件事”,这里表示停下共享单车去买东西吃,故用不定式充当宾语。stop doing sth.表示“停止做某事”。
答案:to buy 
10.解析:考查固定搭配。be appealing to表示“对……有吸引力”。
1.Papermaking, Printing, Gunpowder, and Compass have altered the face and state of the world.
2.The concept of Four Great Inventions originated with European Scholars and later adopted by the Chinese.
3.The Four Great Inventions are celebrated in Chinese culture for their significance.
二.情景模拟对话 Talk about
Talk about
A:What are The Four Inventions
B:It's a piece of cake. They're Papermaking, Printing, Compass, Gunpowder..
Talk about
A:Have you heard about the Four Great Inventions of China
B:Oh, yeah. They had a large impact on the development of our civilization.
是的, 听说过。它们对我们的文明发展有着广泛的影响。
Talk about
A:Do you know how the gunpowder was invented in ancient time
B:Um, it was first invented accidentally by alchemists while attempting to make an elixir.
中国古代四大发明(the Four Great lnventions)——造纸术、火药、印刷术、指南针对全世界产生了巨大而深远的影响。纸张的发明大大促进了文明的传播与发展。火药的发明非常偶然,炼丹师(alchemist)在制作长生不老药(elixir)的时候偶然制成了火药。唐代末期,火药被用于战争,13世纪时传到了全世界。在唐代印刷术的基础上,北宋毕昇发明了活字印刷术(movable-type printing),开启了印刷史上的伟大革命。中国古人利用天然磁石制成了第一台可以辨别方向的指南针,大大增强了船只的远航能力。
Four great inventions of China include the compass, gun powder, the paper-making technique and the printing technique. They are one of the marks that China occupies an important position in the history of human civilization. The first compass was invented during the Warring States Period. It was a simple device employing natural magnets to identify directions. Gunpowder was invented in Sui and Tang Dynasties and was mainly used in military areas. The paper-making technique was developed by Cai Lun in the Eastern Han Dynasty, making paper a commonly used writing material. The Printing technique, also called movable type printing, promoted the spread of culture significantly. The four great inventions of China made tremendous contribution to the development of the world's economy and the progress of the culture of mankind.


