外研版(2019)选择性必修一Unit5 Revealing Nature整单元学案(含答案)

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外研版(2019)选择性必修一Unit5 Revealing Nature整单元学案(含答案)


Unit5 Revealing Nature整单元学案
Starting Out&Understanding Ideas学案设计
1.Understand key information by watching the video,learn and master the useful expressions;
2.Strengthen reading ability by skimming,scanning and summarising to solve comprehensive problems related to the passage;
3.Analyse the textual structure and linguistic features of the text,and then use the relevant language to express yourself.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Look at the pictures
Look at the page from a science magazine and answer the questions.
Komodo dragon: Komodo dragons were first encountered by Western researchers in 1910. The researchers said the ancestor of the Komodo dragon most likely evolved in Australia and spread westward,reaching the Indonesian island of Flores 900,000 years ago. Duck-billed platypus: The first scientists to examine a preserved platypus body judged it a fake in the late 18th century. The oldest discovered fossil of the modern platypus dates back to about 100,000 years ago.
Nautilus: Fossil records indicate that the nautilus has survived relatively unchanged for around 500 million years.It is often considered a “living fossil”.
1.What do you know about these animals What makes them special
2.What other similar animals do you know about Share your knowledge with the class.
The Komodo dragon
The Komodo dragon is the largest lizard in the world.It can grow to three metres in length and can weigh about 135 kilograms.Despite its size and weight,it can run for short distances at up to 20 kilometres per hour.
The Duck-billed platypus
The duck-billed platypus is a small egg-laying mammal (up to 60 cm in length) found only in Eastern Australia including Tasmania.As its name suggests,it has a mouth that looks like a duck’s bill,while its thick fur and flat tail are similar to those of a beaver.
As one of the oldest sea animals in the world,the nautilus has hardly changed in about 500 million years,and that is why it is often given the name “living fossil”.
Step Ⅱ While -reading
Activity 1 Read for topic
Choose the main idea of the passage and give your reasons.
1.Darwin’s interest in various living things made him a great naturalist.
2.Darwin’s journey on the Beagle inspired his Theory of Evolution.
3.Darwin went on a journey to confirm his theory that humans had evolved over time.
Activity 2 Read for detailed information
Organise information from the passage and complete the table.
The journey of discovery On his journey Darwin studied _________________. He noticed that _________________.
Generate ideas He raised the questions: _________________________________ _________________________________
Look for more evidence On the Gal’pagos Islands: He noticed         . The beaks seemed to           .
Develop ideas He suspected that             and it had           .
Propose a theory The Theory of Evolution:living things,including humans,          .
Activity 3 Language points and translation
1.It was a young man who had left medical school without completing his degree.
【翻译】 ________________________________________________________
【讲解】该句子为It was...who...结构的强调句,强调主语a young man。
2.But Darwin’s scientific studies were so convincing that more and more people started to believe his theory.
【翻译】 _______________________________________________________
Step Ⅲ Post-reading
Think and share
Go through the questions and think about them individually,then discuss the questions in groups.
1.Why were many people “shocked” by Darwin’s theory
2.What kind of person was Darwin according to the passage
3.How do you think the human species will evolve in the future
4.What have you learnt about the spirit of scientific exploration How can this spirit help you in your life and studies
Step Ⅳ Homework
The captain of the ship named the Beagle wanted someone to profit by 1.___________(visit) distant countries.Luckily,Darwin got the opportunity,2.      he was not the captain’s first choice.Darwin was a geologist and naturalist,3.      (fascinate) by rocks,plants and animals.The journey gave him the chance 4.     (study) various living things in their natural environments.After Darwin 5.      (spend) some time in South America,his room was crowded with samples of the plants and animals he had collected.He began to consider the question 6.       different species came to exist.He noticed that some species of animals were very similar 7.       each other.Maybe animals evolved as they adapted to their 8.      (change) environments Darwin decided to find out the truth.In 1835,Darwin saw a variety of new species,but it was the birds that interested him the most.After much research,he came to the 9.(conclude) that new species evolved from earlier ancestors.Darwin explained this theory in his book,On the Origin of Species,which 10.      (regard) as one of the most important works ever written.It has changed ideas about life on Earth forever,and it all began with the journey on the Beagle.
学习目标 目标达成评价等级
Understand key information by watching the video,learn and master the useful expressions.
Strengthen reading ability by skimming,scanning and summarising to solve comprehensive problems related to the passage.
续 表
学习目标 目标达成评价等级
Analyse the textual structure and linguistic features of the text,and then use the relevant language to express yourself.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Students’ own answers.
Step Ⅱ While -reading
Activity 1
Activity 2
On his journey:various living things in their natural environments and samples of the plants and animals he had collected;some species of animals were very similar to each other
Generate ideas:1.How did different species come to exist 2.Maybe animals evolved as they adapted to their changing environments
Look for more evidence:that there was a difference between the finches on each of the islands;had evolved according to what food was available on that particular island
Develop ideas:the finches had evolved from a common ancestor,which had arrived on the islands a long time before;slowly evolved into many new species
Propose a theory:had evolved from lower forms of life
Activity 3
It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其他部分.
Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who+其他部分
被强调部分(通常是疑问代词或疑问副词)+is/was it+that+其他部分
It is/was not until+被强调部分+that+其他部分.
(1)It is this novel that I just finished.
(2)It was three weeks later that he heard the news.
(1)He was so angry that he couldn’t say a word.
(2)He is so young that she can’t look after herself.
(3)He works so hard that he got first prize.
Step Ⅲ Post-reading
1.At that time,people believed that all species had appeared on Earth at the same time and had not changed since,but Darwin’s theory proposed that living things,including humans,had evolved from lower forms of life,which,as a result,shocked many people.
2.Darwin was a determined man.He had strong curiosity and interest in science and was good at thinking and making discoveries.
3.Students’ own answers.
4.Students’ own answers.
Step Ⅳ Homework
1.visiting 2.although/though 3.fascinated 4.to study 5.had spent 6.how 7.to 8.changing 9.conclusion 10.is regarded
Using Language学案设计
1.Correctly use the past perfect according to the context;
2.Learn some information about biodiversity and use them to express in different situations;
3.Enhance listening ability and understand the main idea of the listening material;
4.Share life experiences and give some advice or comments.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions.
a Darwin suspected that the finches had evolved from a common ancestor,...
b Many people refused to believe that living things,including humans,had evolved from lower forms of life.
1.In sentence (a),which action happened first,“suspected” or “evolved from a common ancestor”
2.In sentence (b),which action happened first,“refused to believe” or “evolved from lower forms of life”
3.What does the structure had done indicate
Step Ⅱ Analysis and identification
Activity 1 Complete the paragraphs with the information from the given sentences
1.a Natural disasters led to food shortages in the 1960s.
b Yuan Longping began to do research on hybrid rice.
c Yuan Longping developed a better type of rice.
Yuan Longping (1)       to do research on hybrid rice because natural disasters (2)         food shortages in the 1960s.In the end,he (3)      a better type of rice.
2.a Gregor Mendel chose to study pea plants because their characteristics were easy to control.
b Gregor Mendel made important discoveries about genetics.
c Gregor Mendel died in 1884.
Gregor Mendel (4)          study pea plants because their characteristics were easy to control.By the time of his death in 1884,he (5)          important discoveries about genetics.
Activity 2 Complete the online encyclopaedia entry with the correct form of the words in the box
compete decline eat live introduce arrive
Lonesome George
Lonesome George was the last Pinta Island tortoise.He died in 2012.After George’s death,the Pinta Island tortoise was declared extinct.
The extinction of the Pinta Island tortoise is blamed on humans.Before humans 1.      on the island,the species 2.         in isolation and 3.      the plants that naturally grew there.George was discovered many years after their arrival,and by then humans 4.           new species that 5.        for the food the tortoises ate.After goats in particular had been brought to the island,the Pinta Island tortoise population 6.      .Eventually,only George remained.
Step Ⅲ Listening
Activity 1 Listen to the podcast and choose the statements that are made
1.Biodiversity is important.
2.Bacteria are always harmful to humans.
3.Some species of bacteria are used in food production.
4.Many species of bacteria recycle dead organic matter.
5.Our immune systems are able to fight off all germs.
Activity 2 Listen again and complete the fact sheet
Every living thing is 1.__________________________________.
They are like 2.______________________________________.
In the human body there are about 3.            human cells and around 4.         bacteria cells.
Most bacteria in the human body can 5.             .
In the food production process,bacteria can 6.            dead organic matter.
Activity 3 Complete the boxes with the expressions from the podcast
Do you know about...
By the way,...
Have you heard of...
In fact,...
Speaking of which,...
Checking background knowledge
Adding information
Step Ⅳ Biodiversity
Activity 1 Read the passage and answer the questions
Earth is home to millions of different species.Some can be very small,like bacteria and viruses,which are so small that we cannot see them with only our eyes.By contrast,the largest animal species so far found on our planet is the blue whale,which can grow up to almost 30 metres in length and weigh over 130,000 kilos.The toughest species is probably the water bear.This tiny organism can survive temperatures from 150℃ to a below freezing -272℃.To best survive in their environment,each species has developed its own unique physical characteristics.
Each year,scientists identify around 15,000 new species.However,diversity on our planet is such,that there are still millions of species on Earth remaining to be discovered.
1.What species are mentioned and what is special about them
2.What other unusual life forms do you know of
Activity 2 Complete the paragraphs with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box
ancestor scientific be native to primitive habitat appearance be home to ecosystem
The Gal’pagos Islands are renowned worldwide for their unique biodiversity.The Giant Tortoise Reserve on Santa Cruz 1.            several species of giant tortoise that 2.            the Gal’pagos Islands.The island is also home to the Charles Darwin Research Station,where 3.      studies are carried out.
Mangroves are one of the coastal plants that grow on Isabela.They serve as the 4.       for various birds and fish,and are very important to the 5.       .
Iguanas can be found on San Crist’bal.They have a very special 6.       ,with comb-like spines on their back.There is evidence that all the different iguanas have developed from more 7.        ones and share a common 8.      .
Step Ⅴ Discussion
Work in pairs.Look at the pictures of the species native to different regions of China in the textbook.Talk about biodiversity in China using the words and expressions in this section.Do online research to find more information.
Now talk about what methods you used to collect the information pare your methods with your partner’s and think about which methods are more efficient.
Step Ⅵ Homework
1.His newly written novel            (translate) into English by the end of last month.
2.I          (plan) to take a French course last summer,but I changed the plan later.
3.It is the first time that we          (talk) about this issue face to face.
4.It was the tenth time that the Chinese women’s volleyball team          (claim) the world championship.
5.She found that the house in the area              (destroy) by the storm.
6.They          (plant) six hundred trees before last Wednesday.
7.The band        (go) on tour to promote their new album.
8.It           (rain) heavily in the last few days and mountain torrents may become a danger at any moment.We must be prepared.
9.Silk          (become) one of the primary goods traded along the Silk Road by about 100 BC.
1.Natural disasters led to food shortages in the 1960s.
2.Yuan Longping began to do research on hybrid rice.
3.Earth is home to millions of different species.
评价项目 自我评价 教师评价
能够正确运用过去完成时 □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
能够运用过去完成时介绍一种生物 □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
能够通过听力活动,正确获取主旨大意和详细信息 □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
能够通过听力学习活动,深刻理解“自然界生物的多样性” □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
能够理解同伴的观点并给予恰当的评论 □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
1.In sentence (a),“evolved from a common ancestor” happened first.
2.In sentence (b),“evolved from lower forms of life” happened first.
3.It indicates the action happened before a certain past action.
Step Ⅱ Analysis and identification
Activity 1
1.(1)began (2)had led to (3)developed
2.(4)chose to (5)had made
Activity 2
1.arrived 2.had lived 3.eaten 4.had introduced 5.competed 6.declined
Step Ⅲ Listening
Activity 1
Activity 2
1.made up of cells 2.bricks that are used to build houses 3.thirty trillion 4.thirty-nine trillion 5.help with digestion 6.break down
Activity 3
Checking background knowledge
Do you know about...
Have you heard of...
Adding information
By the way,...
In fact,...
Speaking of which,...
Step Ⅳ Biodiversity
Activity 1
1.Two species are mentioned:the blue whale and the water bear.The blue whale is the largest animal species on Earth,which can grow up to almost 30 metres in length and weigh over 130,000 kilos.The water bear is probably the toughest species,which can survive temperatures from 150℃ to a below freezing -272℃.
2.Students’ own answers.
Activity 2
1.is home to 2.are native to 3.scientific 4.habitats 5.ecosystem 6.appearance 7.primitive 8.ancestor
Step Ⅵ Homework
一、1.had been translated 2.had planned 3.have talked 4.had claimed 5.had been destroyed 6.had planted 7.has gone 8.has been raining 9.had become
Developing Ideas学案设计
1.Understand the text,master the key vocabulary related to the topic and describe the communication modes between natural plants;
2.Analyse an event in different ways and find out the positive and negative effects of it;
3.Use the words and expressions to help you show your opinions.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Look at the pictures and tick what plants can do.
Step Ⅱ While -reading
Activity 1 Skim for information
Read the passage and answer the questions.
1.What’s the genre of the passage
2.Read the passage and find out the ways in which plants communicate.
Activity 2 Read for detailed information
Organise information from the passage and complete the diagram.
Step Ⅲ Post-reading
Think and share
Go through the four questions and think about them individually,then discuss the questions in groups.
1.What figure of speech is being used when the plants are described as calling for help What is its function
2.What does “wood wide web” mean
3.What do you think are the benefits of studying plant communication
4.What discoveries are described in the two reading passages in this unit and what do their meanings have in common
Step Ⅳ Homework
1.Many cultures have stories of talking trees that give advice as well as warnings to people.
2.With us long believing that talking plants are fantasy,new research has revealed something amazing:it appears that plants can communicate after all.
3.Scientists hope to learn more about this plant warning system,so that we can use it to grow crops without pesticides.
4.Some trees make clicking noises when there is not enough water,indicating drought is arriving.
学习目标 目标达成评价等级
Understand the text,master the key vocabulary related to the topic and describe the communication modes between natural plants.
Analyse an event in different ways and find out the positive and negative effects of it.
Use the words and expressions to help you show your opinions.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Students’ own answers.
Step Ⅱ While -reading
Activity 1
2.They may communicate with each other by using chemicals,sound and “wood wide web”.
Activity 2
1.communicate with each other 2.from the leaves 3.release its own,different chemicals 4.with their roots 5.tell if a neighbouring plant is helpful,or unfriendly
6.clicking noises when there is not enough water,indicating drought is arriving 7.the roots of different plants to each other 8.share information and even food 9.steal food from each other,or spread poisons
Step Ⅲ Post-reading
It can make descriptions more vivid.
2.“Wood wide web” means an amazing system of communication that can link nearly every plant in a forest.It is linked underground by fungi and this fungal network links the roots of different plants to each other.Using the wood wide web,plants can share information and even food with each other.
3.Students’ own answers.
4.Passage 1 reveals the discovery of evolution and Passage 2 reveals the discovery of communication between plants.They all reflect that there are numerous secrets in nature that remain to be explored.
Step Ⅳ Homework
Presenting Ideas学案设计
1.Understand the nature from a variety of perspectives;
2.Recommend an excellent documentary related to the theme of the unit;
3.Have a deeper understanding of the relationship between human and nature.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Look at the information about the nature documentaries and answer the questions.
1.Can you guess what secrets of nature are revealed in these documentaries
2.What other nature documentaries have you watched Which one do you like most
Give your reasons.
Step Ⅱ Think and definition
Activity 1 Take notes
Choose one nature documentary you like and complete the notes.
Main theme:__________________
Reasons you recommend it:____________________
Activity 2 Group discussion
Work in groups.Talk about one nature documentary you like.
Main theme
Reasons you recommend it
Use the mind map to express yourselves with logic and finally choose “the best candidate” based on the evaluation table.
Step Ⅲ Presentation
Prepare a short presentation.Consider the following:
1.the structure of your presentation
2.useful words,expressions and structures
Give your presentation to the class.Vote for the best presentation.
Step Ⅳ Reflection
Write a reflection after completing this unit.Consider the following:
Assessment contents Excellent Good Average Poor
Contents and Structure 5 4 3 1-2
Vocabulary and Grammar 5 4 3 1-2
Pronunciation and Fluency 5 4 3 1-2
Total score 13-15 10-12 7-9 1-6


