外研版(2019)选择性必修一Unit 2 Onwards and Upwards整单元学案(含答案)

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外研版(2019)选择性必修一Unit 2 Onwards and Upwards整单元学案(含答案)


Unit2 Onwards and Upwards整单元学案
Starting Out&Understanding ideas学案设计
1.Learn about the masterpieces of three writers and the frustration they were faced with and their reaction;
2.Identify the structure and type of the text and learn to express your own ideas about an inspiring person;
3.Master the language points by sentence analysis and apply them into writing;
4.Learn from the three writers and develop a positive attitude towards life and cultivate the spirits of perseverance.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Activity 1 Watch the video and answer the questions
1.Who are the people mentioned in the video and what are their achievements
2.What made them successful
Now,let’s learn about three other persons.
Activity 2 Guess who he/she is
1.beautiful lady British novelist the author of Harry Potter
2.female writer Victorian England sister:Charlotte Bront 夏洛蒂·勃朗特  Wuthering Heights
3.gentleman American writer served in the US Army during WWⅡ The Catcher in the Rye 《麦田里的守望者》
Activity 3 Exploration of the title
Look at the title of the passage and tell us what kind of feeling do you have when hearing it.
Now read the passage and find out what problems the writers overcame.
Step Ⅱ While-reading
Activity 1 Read for the main idea and structure
1.How many parts are there in the passage What is the main idea of each part
2.What’s the writing type(体裁) of this passage
A.Narrative (记叙文).
B.Expository Essay (说明文).
C.Argumentative Essay (议论文).
Activity 2 Read for details
1.Read paragraph 1 and answer the questions.
(1)What might come next in the first sentence according to paragraph 1
(2)How did they feel when they were rejected
2.Read paragraphs 2-4 and complete the diagram.
Example 1
Best known for:
Experience of rejection:
Eventual outcome:
Example 2
Best known for:
Experience of rejection:
Eventual outcome:
Example 3
Best known for:
Experience of rejection:
Eventual outcome:
Activity 3 Language points and translation
1.The response from a publisher comes back and the writer eagerly opens and reads it,their hearts sinking when they reach that final sentence.
【翻译】 出版商给了回信,作家急切地拆开来读,但读到最后一句,心随即跌落谷底。
【讲解】本句是主从复合句,their hearts sinking 在句子中表伴随,翻译为“他们心底一沉”。
2.“I wasn’t going to give up until every single publisher turned me down,but I often feared that would happen,” she later posted.
【翻译】 “我不会放弃的,除非所有的出版商都拒绝我。不过我常常担心这真的会发生。”她后来说。
(1)当not until位于句首时,句子要倒装。其结构为:Not until+从句/表时间的词+助动词+(主句)主语+谓语+其他。
(2)not until的强调结构为:It is/was not until+从句/表时间的词+that+其他。
(not until 倒装句) (强调句)
(2)Not until he went through real hardship did he realize the love we have for our families is important.(翻译)
3....and as we know,Harry Potter became a global success,with over 400 million books sold and translated into more than seventy different languages.
【翻译】 ……正如我们所知,《哈利·波特》后来在全球大获成功,销量超过4亿册,并被翻译成70多种不同的语言。
【讲解】本句中with over 400 million books sold and translated into more than seventy different languages是“with+名词+宾补”结构,其中books和sold以及translated是动宾关系,书是被卖被销售的,所以用的过去分词。
(2)            (有坚定的决心),he ran steadily towards the finishing line.
Step Ⅲ Post-reading
Think and share
1.What qualities do these three writers have in common
2.Choose another suitable title for the passage.
A.Life Is Hard for Female Writers
B.Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
C.Never Give Up on Your Dreams
D.Successful Writers
Step Ⅳ Homework
Everyone knows that success 1.      (rare) happens overnight,but perhaps not many know that a lot of highly successful writers have previously faced 2.____________(reject)!When J.K.Rowling received her first rejection letter,she 3.____________(stick) it on her kitchen wall.Rowling had spent years 4.__________      (survive) on little money,spending all her time writing.After 5.      total of twelve rejections,she succeeded.As we know,Harry Potter became a 6._____________(globe) success.J.D.Salinger started writing short stories in high school,but later struggled to get his works 7.      (publish).Despite rejections from several publishers,he refused to give up.Perhaps the overall prize 8._______________ perseverance should go to the Bront sisters.This was a time 9.____________women were not encouraged to become writers,so they had to write a book of poems under male names.Even when the book sold only two copies,the sisters still didn’t give up.It seems that talent alone isn’t enough 10.__________         (guarantee) success.While a lot of hard work and a touch of luck play a part,perseverance is the key.
学习目标 目标达成评价等级
Learn about the masterpieces of three writers and the frustration they were faced with and their reaction.
Identify the structure and type of the text and learn to express your own ideas about an inspiring person.
Master the language points by sentence analysis and apply them into writing.
Learn from the three writers and develop a positive attitude towards life and cultivate the spirits of perseverance.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Activity 1
1.They are Stephen Hawking,Nelson Mandela and Xu Beihong.
Their achievements:
Stephen Hawking was one of the world’s leading scientists.His book A Brief History of Time was published in 1988,which became a best-seller.
Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa,who fought passionately against the all-white government’s system of racial separation.In 1993,he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Xu Beihong was a Chinese artist who created a new form of national art that combined traditional Chinese painting techniques with Western composition to reflect a modern China.
2.Their personal qualities of perseverance,willpower,determination,patience,leadership,talent and hard work made them successful.
Activity 2
1.J.K.Rowling 2.Emily Bront  3.J.D.Salinger
Activity 3
It must be bad news and I may feel upset/sad/depressed/frustrated.
Step Ⅱ While-reading
Activity 1
1.3 parts. Part 1 (Para.1) Introduction;Part 2 (Paras.2-4) Examples;Part 3 (Para.5) Conclusion
Activity 2
1.(1)We regret to inform you that your book is rejected/turned down/refused...
(2)Their hearts sank.They may feel disappointed/sad/upset/depressed/frustrated...
2.Example 1: J.K.Rowling Harry Potter
She was told that her book was too difficult and too long for children and it was rejected twelve times by publishers.
Harry Potter became a global success.
Example 2: J.D.Salinger The Catcher in the Rye
He received criticism and rejections from several publishers.
The Catcher in the Rye became an immediate best-seller after it was published.
Example 3: Bront sisters Jane Eyre,Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey
Women were not encouraged to become writers at that time.Their book of poems which they wrote under male names sold only two copies.
Their novels are regarded as classics of world literature.
Activity 3
1.(1)My heart sank at the sight of the terrible mess in my room.
(2)Her heart sank when she saw her father lying in bed helplessly.
2.(1)Not until we had stayed together for a couple of weeks did I find we had a lot in common.
It was not until we had stayed together for a couple of weeks that I found we had a lot in common.
3.(1)Hearing this,my heart melted,with tears streaming down my cheeks.
(2)With strong determination
(3)With the teachers leading us,we climbed the mountain,saying and laughing all the way.
Step Ⅲ Post-reading
Step Ⅳ Homework
1.rarely 2.rejection 3.stuck 4.surviving 5.a 6.global 7.published 8.for 9.when 10.to guarantee
Using Language学案设计
1.Know the differences between -ing and to- infinitive as object,and use them flexibly in the real context;
2.Learn and use English idioms to express positive or negative attitudes,find more similar idioms,and understand the meanings of these English idioms;
3.Learn to express concern and comfort for others,and apply the relevant expressions learned in real life.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Look at the sentences and answer the questions.
a J.D.Salinger started writing short stories in high school,...
b J.D.Salinger started to write short stories in high school,...
c Nevertheless,the sisters didn’t stop trying.
d Nevertheless,the sisters didn’t stop to try.
e These are the words that every writer dreads receiving,...
1.Do sentences (a) and (b) have the same meaning
2.Do sentences (c) and (d) have the same meaning
3.Can “receiving” in sentence (e) be changed into “to receive”
Step Ⅱ Analysis and identification
Activity 1 Look for more sentences with -ing and to do infinitive in the reading passage,and summarise their uses in your own words (Group work)
Activity 2 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
At the age of ten,Liu Wei lost both his arms in an accident.Despite this,he wanted 1.      (live) life to the full.He learnt 2.      (use) his feet for everyday activities,such as eating and brushing his teeth.He also started 3.___________(swim) and won two gold medals at the National Games for People with Disabilities.When he had to stop 4.      (swim) due to health problems,he decided 5.      (learn) how to play the piano with his toes.It was difficult,but he kept 6.(practise) until he had achieved his goal.In 2010,he won in China’s Got Talent and became famous nationwide.Today,Liu Wei still enjoys 7.      (play) music,and his positive attitude is an inspiration to us all.
Activity 3 Write a report based on the interview with the words in the box
admit decide enjoy fail regret want
Many students choose to take a camping programme during the summer holiday,aiming at building character and developing physical fitness.Today,we’re with camper Jamie Wells.Hi,Jamie.Could you share your experience with us
Sure.I joined the sports camp because I like to challenge myself.I also like to meet new friends.The camp was fun,but not without its challenges! Each day began with a 5-kilometer cross-country run at 6 am! At first I couldn’t finish the whole route.On the fourth day,I was so tired that I even didn’t want to get out of bed.I felt homesick and almost phoned my dad to take me home.But I didn’t give up.Things soon got better.I felt I had become stronger and more confident and had made new friends.Even though being a camper has its challenges,I feel it is worthwhile.
Step Ⅲ Listening (Looking on the bright side)
Task 1 Listen to the first text
Activity 1 Listen to the conversations and match the expressions to their meanings
1.       to change your life by starting to be a better person or stopping a bad habit
2.       someone who is extremely enthusiastic and enjoys working extremely hard
3.       to not make any effort
4.       very calm and relaxed,especially in a difficult situation
5.       to do something very slowly because you do not really want to do it
6.       someone who refuses to join in,or wants to stop other people having fun
Activity 2 Put the expressions in Activity 1 into the boxes
Add any more you can think of.
Positive Negative
Task 2 Listen to the second text
Activity 1 Read the passage and answer the questions
With life being made up of ups and downs,it is not always easy to maintain a good and enthusiastic attitude.Nevertheless,looking on the bright side is the best thing that we can do for ourselves as well as for others.A good attitude can have a positive effect on other people.So if someone you know is feeling low,lend them an ear and try to cheer them up.Remember,your attitude is contagious,so make sure you pass on a good one!
1.Why is it important to “look on the bright side”
2.How can our attitude affect others
Activity 2 Listen to the conversation and number the pictures according to the sequence of events
Activity 3 Listen again and complete the journal entry
Friday 10 May
Today I came across my friend Dawei.He looked sad,so I asked him what was wrong.He said that he failed in a 1.       contest.Before the contest,he competed against a girl at school.He won,but he said it was because 2.      .He thought the girl should have gone to 3.       instead.If she had,the school would have been 4.      .I tried to make him look on the bright side,and he admitted that he had a good time at the national contest.He met some 5.       and he liked the city.He also said his parents felt 6.      .I think I made him feel better.
Now act out a conversation between Dawei and Jack,and think about how you would comfort Dawei if you were Jack.
Activity 4 Complete the boxes with the expressions from the conversation
·Are you OK
·I don’t mean to be nosy,but are you sure
·Why don’t you tell me what’s up
·I’m sure you did your best.
·You should be proud of yourself.
·Why are you so upset
·I know this is hard for you,but you should cheer up.
Showing concern Comforting people
Step Ⅳ Discussion
Choose one situation and act out a conversation to show concern for people and comfort them.Use the expressions in this section.
1.You ran for Head of the Student Committee but weren’t elected.
2.You feel annoyed because a group member doesn’t want to contribute to your group’s work.
Step Ⅴ Homework
Fill in the blanks.
1.I removed the sticky spider-webs that covered her head and wings.Still,she made no attempt       (fly).
2.The GPNP is intended       (provide) stronger protection for all the species that live within the Giant Panda Range and significantly improve the health of the ecosystem in the area.
3.Why is Ms Raspopova’s husband “the worse page turner”
Because he forgets       (do) his job.
4.As well as looking at exhibits,visitors can play with computer simulations (模拟) and imagine themselves living at a different time in history or       (walk) through a rainforest.
5.Readers are encouraged       (continue) exploring the digital world with the guidance of our Further Resources section featured in each volume.
6.I quickly lower myself,ducking my head to avoid       (look) directly into his eyes so he doesn’t feel challenged.
7.Once his message was delivered,he allowed me       (stay) and watch.
8.I still remember       (visit) a friend who’d lived here for five years and I was shocked when I learnt she hadn’t cooked once in all that time.
9.Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet.They are required___________       (process) the food that we eat,to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions.
10.But Sarah,who has taken part in shows along with top models,wants___________(prove) that she has brains as well as beauty.
11.If you find something you love doing outside of the office,you’ll be less likely_____________(bring) your work home.
评价项目 自我评价 教师评价
能够正确运用非谓语动词作宾语 □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
能够掌握课本中对应图片的习语意思 □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
续 表
评价项目 自我评价 教师评价
能够运用新学语言知识进行对话交流,联系自身实际,谈论与人生态度有关的话题 □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
能够通过听力活动,正确获取主旨大意和详细信息 □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
能够通过听力学习活动,学会如何“表达关心和安慰” □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
能够理解同伴的观点并给予恰当的评论 □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement □Excellent □Good □In need of improvement
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
1.Yes,they do. 2.No,they don’t. 3.No,it can’t.
Step Ⅱ Analysis and identification
Activity 1
Students’ own answers.
Activity 2
1.to live 2.to use 3.swimming/ to swim 4.swimming
5.to learn 6.practising 7.playing
Activity 3
Jamie Wells decided to join the sports camp because he enjoyed challenging himself as well as meeting new friends.He thought the camp was fun,but not without its challenges!Each day began with a 5-kilometer cross-country run at 6 am!At first he failed to finish the whole route.On the fourth day,he was so tired that he even didn’t want to get out of bed.Feeling homesick,he regretted attending the camp and wanted to phone his dad to take him home.But he didn’t give up.He became stronger and more confident and made new friends.He admitted being a camper had its challenges,but it was worthwhile.
Step Ⅲ Listening (Looking on the bright side)
Task 1
Activity 1
1.e 2.c 3.a 4.f 5.d 6.b
Activity 2
Positive Negative
an eager beaver turn over a new leaf cool as a cucumber like a duck to water not lift a finger a wet blanket drag one’s feet a fish out of water
Task 2
Activity 1
1.Because looking on the bright side is a type of good attitude,which can have a positive effect on other people.In this way,looking on the bright side is the best thing that we can do for ourselves as well as for others.
2.Our attitude is likely to spread to and affect others.If we have a good attitude,others will also feel it and be cheered up by it.
Activity 2
Activity 3
1.national English speaking 2.he was lucky 3.the national competition 4.well-known 5.fantastic people 6.proud of him
Activity 4
Showing concern Comforting people
Are you OK I don’t mean to be nosy,but are you sure Why don’t you tell me what’s up Why are you so upset I’m sure you did your best. You should be proud of yourself. I know this is hard for you,but you should cheer up.
Step Ⅳ Discussion
Students’ own answers.
Step Ⅴ Homework
1.to fly 2.to provide 3.to do 4.walking 5.to continue 6.looking 7.to stay 8.visiting 9.to process
10.to prove 11.to bring
Developing Ideas学案设计
1.Understand the main idea and structure of the text and clearly describe the wishes of Helen Keller for three days;
2.Use the subjunctive mood,inversion,parallelism and other rhetorical devices;
3.Have sympathy for people in trouble and form a positive life attitude in the face of adversity and failure.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Activity 1 Look at the charts and answer the questions
Percentage of adults with a disability in the US
People with a disability
People without a disability
Percentage of adults with common
functional disability
1.Are the numbers different from what you expected In what way
2.What special assistance can people with disabilities make use of in their daily lives
Activity 2 Look at the picture and answer the questions
1.Have you ever read this book Who is the writer of this book
2.What do you know about the author
Step Ⅱ While-reading
Task 1 Read for the main idea and structure
Go through the passage quickly to figure out the structure of it.
Part 1 Paras.(   -   )
Part 2 Paras.(   -   )
Part 3 Para.(   )
Task 2 Read for details
Activity 1 Read part 1 and answer the question
What motivated Helen Keller to have such wishes
Activity 2 Read part 2 and finish the tasks
1.Fill in the blanks about Helen Keller’s wishes for three days to see.(write down key words)
On the first day,she would                     .
On the second day,she would                   .
On the third day,she would                     .
Retell Hellen Keller’s wishes according to the key words.
2.How did Helen Keller feel at the end of the three days
Activity 3 Read part 3 and finish the tasks
1.Finish Helen’s suggestion to those who can see.
(1)       your eyes       tomorrow you would be stricken blind.
(2)      the music of voices,the song of a bird,the mighty strains of an orchestra,      you would be stricken deaf tomorrow.
(3)      each object you want to touch       tomorrow your tactile sense would fail.
(4)      the perfume of flowers,taste with relish each morsel,       tomorrow you could never smell and taste again.
2.What figure of speech is used in this part How does this technique help to express the author’s emotions
Activity 4 Choose the author’s purpose in writing the passage
A.To help readers understand what it is like to be blind.
B.To make readers without disabilities appreciate what they have.
C.To persuade readers to care about the blind.
Step Ⅲ Post-reading
Think and share
Read and discuss the meaning of the sentence with your partners and decide whether you agree or disagree with it.
...it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life.
Point of view 
Supporting examples 
Step Ⅳ Homework
Helen has often thought it would be a 1.      (bless) if each human being 2.      (be) stricken blind and deaf for a few days 3.       some time during his early adult life.4.      (dark) would make him more 5.      (appreciate) of sight;silence would teach him the joys of sound.Recently she asked a friend 6.       had just returned from a long walk in the woods what she had observed.“ Nothing in particular,” her friend replied.A little disappointed,she asked herself,“ How was 7.       possible to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing 8.(worth) of note I who cannot see find hundreds of things to interest me through mere touch.How much more beauty must 9.       (reveal) by sight ”She is sure that sight must be the most 10.(delight).
1.be stricken blind and deaf           
2.appreciative of            
3.now and then            
4.in particular            
5.be worthy of note            
6.probe into            
7.go about            
8.close in on            
9.descend upon/on            
10.give one hint to            
11.as if            
学习目标 目标达成评价等级
Understand the main idea and structure of the text and clearly describe the wishes of Helen Keller for three days.
Use the subjunctive mood,inversion,parallelism and other rhetorical devices.
Have sympathy for people in trouble and form a positive life attitude in the face of adversity and failure.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Activity 1
1.Students’ own answers.
2.People with limited mobility problems could use wheelchairs,walking sticks,handrails...
People who have reduced vision could use special pavements for the blind,Braille signs...
Activity 2
1.Helen Keller. 2.Students’ own answers.
Step Ⅱ While-reading
Task 1
Part 1 Paras.(1-3) The reason for Helen Keller’s wishes.
Part 2 Paras.(4-7) Helen Keller’s wishes for three days to see.
Part 3 Para.(8) Helen’s hint for people who can see.
Task 2
Activity 1
People without disabilities are not appreciative of their sight and hearing.
Activity 2
1.First day:the people;books;nature (Helen’s love of her loved ones)
Second day:pageant of man’s progress;museums;theater or movies (Helen’s love of science)
Third day:dawn;new delights;revelations of beauty;workaday world (Helen’s love of life)
2.Helen must feel upset/sad/disappointed,thinking it was a pity not to be able to see any more.
Activity 3
1.(1)Use;as if (2)Hear;as if (3)Touch;as if
(4)Smell;as if
2.Parallelism.By using parallelism,Helen expressed her strong desire for light,the love of life and positive attitude towards life.It may make a person more appreciative.
Activity 4
Step Ⅲ Post-reading
Students’ own answers.
Step Ⅳ Homework
一、1.blessing 2.were 3.at 4.Darkness
5.appreciative 6.who/that 7.it 8.worthy
9.be revealed 10.delightful
二、1.突然失明失聪 2.感谢…… = appreciate v. 3.偶尔,有时,不时 4.尤其,特别 5.值得注意 6.探究,探索 7.从事;着手做……;闲逛 8.包围;逼近 9.逐渐接近;突然降临;突然袭击 10.给某人一个提示 11.好像;仿佛=as though 12.适用于;应用于;涂抹
Presenting Ideas学案设计
1.Look at the problem dialectically,find a new way to think about the solution to the problem;
2.Get familiar with the debate process and use the expressions learned in this unit to express ideas properly;
3.Understand the importance of perseverance and unyielding spirit to success;
4.Cultivate the sense of team cooperation and be able to work with group members to complete tasks.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Activity 1 Answer the question
As a high school student,we have gone through a lot of failure and success.What do you often do when you fail,lose heart and give up or just adjust yourself and go on fighting
Activity 2 Read the two points of view and explain their meanings in your own words
Step Ⅱ Think and exploration
Activity 1 Work in groups and decide which opinion you agree with more
Think of arguments to support your point of view and make notes.
Point of view:_________________________________________
Supporting examples:___________________________________
Activity 2 Prepare for a debate
Consider the following:
1.the roles and responsibilities for each member of your group
2.your arguments,opening and summary
3.the opposing arguments you might face and how you can respond to them
4.useful words,expressions and structures
Step Ⅲ Presentation
Team up with a group with the opposite point of view and hold the debate.
Step Ⅳ Reflection
Write a reflection after completing this unit.Consider the following:
Degree Evidence (sufficient) Logical thinking Presentation skills Team cooperation Total score
Step Ⅰ Lead-in
Students’ own answers.
Step Ⅱ Think and exploration
Activity 1


