备战2024年高考英语纠错笔记系列专题09情态动词和虚拟语气 学案(含解析)

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备战2024年高考英语纠错笔记系列专题09情态动词和虚拟语气 学案(含解析)


专题09 情态动词和虚拟语气
易错点1 情态动词的误用
(2020·天津卷)Jim says we ______ stay in his house as long as we leave it clean and tidy .
A. must B. can C. need D. should
【解析】考查情态动词。句意:吉姆说我们可以住在他的房子里,只要我们保持它干净整洁。A. must必须;B. can能,可以;C. need需要;D. should应该。根据后面的“as long as we leave it clean and tidy”可知,Jim许可我们待在他的房子里,即:我们”能,可以”待在他的房子里。故选B。
She thought it might be wise to try her luck here. 她认为在这儿碰碰运气也许不错。
(2021·天津·高考真题)It used to be that you ___drive for miles here without seeing another person, but now there are houses and people everywhere.
A.need B.should C.could D.must
【解析】考查情态动词。句意:以前你可能在这里开了几英里,都没见过别人,但现在到处都是房子和人。A. need 需要;B. should 应该,理应如此; C. could 可能,表示对客观可能性的推测;D. must 一定,必须。根据前半句意思可知,表示的是对客观可能性的推测。故选C。
Shall I help you 要不要我帮你?
Shall I open the window 要我把窗子打开吗?
Shall she go to the concert with us this evening 她要和我们一起去音乐会吗?
You shall suffer for this. 你会为此事吃苦头的。(表威胁)
Each competitor shall wear a number. 每个参赛者要戴一个号码。(表规定)
You shall hear everything as soon as you come. 你一来就可以听到所有的情况。(表允诺)
You shall go to the front at once. 你马上到前线去。(表命令)
Don’t worry. You shall get the answer this very afternoon.
He shall be sorry one day. I tell you. 我告诉你,他早晚会后悔的。(表警告)
Nothing shall stop us from fighting against pollution.
(2023·天津·校考模拟预测)With no gravity to push against, astronauts’ bones and muscles ________become weak.
should B.must C.can D.Need
【解析】考查情态动词词义辨析。句意:由于没有重力的推动,宇航员的骨骼和肌肉可能会变得脆弱。A. should应该;B. must必须,一定;C. can能,可能(表可能性);D. need需要。由“With no gravity to push against, astronauts’ bones and muscles”和“become weak”可知,句子表示“由于没有重力的推动,宇航员的骨骼和肌肉可能会变得脆弱”,空格处表示“可能会”,应用can表推测,故选C。
(2023·全国·高三模拟)—Tony, is that Mr. Black over there
—I knew that he had gone to England. It be him.
might B.could C.can’t D.Must
【解析】考查情态动词辨析。句意:——托尼,那是布莱克先生吗?——我知道他已经去了英国。不可能是他。A. might可能,表示不太肯定的推测;B. could可以,表示建议;C. can’t不可能,表示否定的推测;D. must一定,肯定,表示肯定的推测。由I knew that he had gone to England.可知,布莱克先生已经去了英国,所以不可能是他。情态动词的否定推测应用can’t。故选C。
(北京高考) Samuel, the tallest boy in our class, ________ easily reach the books on the top shelf.
1. 各个情态动词自身都有一定的词义。
2. 情态动词不能在句中独立担当谓语。
3. 情态动词在句中不受任何人称、性、数变化的影响。
4. 情态动词后接的不定式(除ought外)都不带to,即接动词原形。
英文中的情态动词主要有:can, could; may, might; must; ought; need; dare, dared,另外,shall, will, should, would在一定的场合也可用作情态动词。
He can speak five languages. 他会说五种语言。
She must have arrived home by now. 现在她准到家了。
We should study hard for our motherland. 我们应该为祖国而努力学习。
They needn’t be in such a hurry for there is enough time for them.
1. can, could 能,会
Nobody can stop the development of science. 谁也无法阻止科学的发展。
She can sing that song in English. 她能用英文唱那歌。
He can submerge to a depth of about twenty meters. 他能潜入约二十米深的水中。
He could hardly support his family before he found the new job.
I could not understand the lecture on the computer given by Mr. Smith.
You can borrow this useful book from the library.
A more suitable person than him for the job cannot be found.
Now people can skate on the lake. 现在人们可以在湖上滑冰了。
When the storm stopped, the plane could take off. 当风暴停下来时,飞机可以起飞了。
Can I ask you some questions about it 我可以问你有关这件事的几个问题吗?
You cannot leave here till I come back. 直到我回来你才能离开。
Such kind of thing can’t happen anymore later. 这类事以后不准再发生了。
Can you tell me how to get to the airport 你能告诉我怎么去机场吗?
Could you tell me how to get to the airport 您能告诉我怎么去机场吗?
Could I be forgiven my negligence 请原谅我的疏忽,行吗?
How can / could you be here 你怎么会在这儿?
She couldn’t / can’t be so stupid to do that. 她不可能蠢得去做那种事吧。
He couldn’t / can’t be over seventy. 他不可能有七十多岁了。
Where could / can the boy be now 那孩子现在能在哪儿呢?
Could you speak a little slowly 您能稍微说慢一点儿吗?
I could come earlier if asked. 如果要让我早一点来,我可以来早一点。
I’m afraid that we couldn’t give you any definite answer at this moment.
We would appreciate it if you could offer us any help.
You could have done better if you had worked harder at it.
2. may, might 或许,可能,可以
might可以看作是may的过去式,这两个词除了时态不相同外,在表达意思的许多方面是相近的。当然may 和might又都有一些各自不同的独特用法。
I may be busy from tomorrow on. 从明天起我可能会忙起来。
I wondered if they might agree with the idea. 我想知道他们是否会同意这种想法。
She thought it might be wise to try her luck here. 她认为在这儿碰碰运气也不错。
You may catch sight of the sunrise from here when you get up before 5 in the morning.
May I come in 我可以进来吗?
I’d like to have a smoke here if I may. 如果可以的话我想在这儿抽一支烟。
The librarian told her that she might return the book to the library in three days.
At the press conference, a news reporter asked the chairman if she might trouble him with a question about Taiwan issue. 在记者招待会上,一位新闻记者问大会主席她是否能提一个有关台湾问题方面的问题。
May that day come soon. 但愿那天早日到来。
May you succeed in winning the first prize in the game. 祝愿你比赛夺冠成功。
May you continue in your efforts and achieve greater successes. 祝愿你继续努力并取得更大的成功。
I could not convince him, try as I might. 我无论用什么样的办法也不能说服他。
He died so that the others might live. 为了其他的人能活下去,他自己牺牲了。
One error in calculation might ruin the whole project. 计算中出一点错就可能毁掉整个工程。
They left off earlier on that day so that they might catch the first train.
If you had made better use of your time, you might have learned more.
★ 注意:在回答以may引导的问句时,一般说来避免使用may,以免显得太严厉、或不太客气,而改用其他方式。
—May I come in 我可以进来吗?
—Yes, please. / Sure. / Certainly. 请进。
—Please don’t. 请不要进来。
—No , you mustn’t. 不行。
3. must 应该,必须,一定
We must protect people’s rights. 我们应该保护人民的利益。
Everyone must be loyal to his motherland. 每个人都应该忠于自己的祖国。
You must serve the people when you grow up. 你们长大成人后应该服务于人民。
Students must work hard at their study. 学生应该努力学习。
We must speed up the pace of our economic reform. 我们必须加速经济改革的步伐。
We must keep steps to the scientific development. 我们一定要与科学的发展保持步调一致。
You must hurry up or you’ll be late. 你必须得快点儿,不然会迟到的。
★ 注意:在这种用法中must表示出于主观意识而必须要做某事;have to却表示由于某种客观原因而不得不做某事。除此以外,have to自身有时态的变化形式。
I have to go now for I’ve got a meeting 15 minutes later.
He has to be back home by five to fetch his son from kindergarten.
Jenny had to tidy up the room before her mother came back.
★ 注意:在这种用法中,回答以must引导的问句时,若是否定答复,不可以用mustn’t 而需要用needn’t 或是don’t have to,因为mustn’t意思是"绝不能、一定不要",而没有"不必"的意思。
—Must we hand in our exercises today 我们今天必须交作业吗?
—Yes, you must. 是的,必须交。
—No, you needn’t(or, you don’t have to ). 不,不必今天交。
You must not speak ill of others. 你一定不要说别人的坏话。
Cars must not park here. 这里禁止停车。
Smoking must not allow in the office. 严禁在办公室吸烟。
You mustn’t talk to girls like that. 你绝不能那样对女孩子说话。
(4)表示猜测、推测,must常用于肯定句中表示猜测。对现在或未来的事进行猜测时,后接动词原形;对已经发生的事进行猜测时,后接have + 过去分词。
You must be tired after working so long. 你工作这么长时间,肯定累了吧。
It must be that naughty boy crying outside. 肯定是那个调皮的孩子在外面大叫。
It must have rained last night for it is so wet outside. 外面这么湿,昨晚肯定下雨了。
The idea must be accepted by the society sooner or later.
I didn’t see you in class yesterday. You must have been absent.
4. ought 应该(后接带to的不定式构成谓语动词)
You ought not to be so careless in your work. 你不应该在工作上如此粗心大意。
We ought to study hard for the sake of our motherland. 我们应该为了我们的祖国而努力学习。
His doctor said to him that he oughtn’t to smoke so much. 他的医生说他不应该抽这么多烟。
Oughtn’t you to give us a chance to try 你难道不应该给我们一个尝试的机会吗?
As an auto repairman, Dick ought to know what is wrong with the car.
If we set off right now, we ought to be able to get there in time.
Tomorrow ought to be a nice day for we have such a fine sunset today.
5. need需要(用于否定句和疑问句)
There are still one and a half hours to go, we needn’t be in such a hurry.
I hardly need say how much we missed you. 不用说我们是多么地想念你。
Need you go so soon 你需要这么早就去吗?
You need have no anxiety on my account. 你不必为我而着急。
6. dare, dared敢(用于否定句、疑问句和疑问句)
Dare you stay here alone in the night 你敢在夜里待在这儿吗?
Nobody dared mention that matter. 没有人敢提那件事。
How dared you say that to her 你怎么敢对她说那件事?
Even if you dare do it, I won’t allow you to because it’s too dangerous.
7. shall用作情态动词时,适用于第二人称和第三人称。
You shall hear everything directly you come. 你一来就可以听到一切了。
"Whatever you want you shall have, "said the Fairy. 仙女说:"你想得到什么,你就可以有什么。"
I don’t want to be hard on your daughter; she shan’t be pressed.
I promise that you shall see her again before long.
You shall come to my office immediately. 你必须马上来我的办公室。
She shall not stay in my garden. 她不可以待在我的花园里。
He shall not come into my study. 不许他进我的书房。
You shall do as you are told. 按告诉你的那么做。
That day shall come. 那一天一定会到来。
It has been decided that he shall be given the job. 已经决定让他做那份工作了。
This law shall come into effect on January 1st 2001. 这个法律于2001年1月1日生效。
Each competitor shall wear a number. 每个参赛者要佩戴一个数字标。
The renter shall keep the house in a neat and orderly state. 租赁者要保持房屋整洁有序。
The supplier shall make shipment before October and the purchaser shall make payment within 15 days after  receipt of the goods. 卖方十月以前装运,买方在收到货物后十五天内付款。
8. should用作情态动词时,有时表示具体的意思,有时没有意义。主要用于下面几个方面:
You shouldn’t come to such a decision hastily. 你不应该匆忙做出这么一个决定。
You should write to your parents at least once a month. 你应该至少每月给你父母亲写一封信。
We should read English aloud every morning. 我们应该每天早晨朗读英文。
They should do it for their own good. 为了他们自己利益他们应该做这件事。
She shouldn’t be out in such an early morning. 她不会这么一大早就出去了吧。
This book should be published in two months at most. 这本书最多两个月后就会出版的。
The effect of the tax should be felt in higher prices.
The event should lead them to a even worse economic crisis.
I think it is dreadful that anyone should be so miserable. 我认为,竟然每个人都如此伤心就太糟糕了。
Why should I pay him for nothing 我干吗要白白付给他钱?
It seems so unfair that this should happen to me. 这件事竟然发生在我身上,似乎太不公平了。
It’s strange that it should be so cold today. 奇怪,今天怎么会这么冷。
The doctor insisted that the girl should be hospitalized. 大夫坚持认为那个女孩要住院治疗。
She stood away so that he should enter the room first. 她让到一边,好让他第一个进入房间。
I’ll write it down lest I should forget it. 我将它记下以免遗忘。
Take an umbrella with you in case it should rain. 带上雨伞,以防下雨。
9. will, would
would可以看作是will的过去式,这两个词除了时态不相同外,在表达意思的许多方面是相近的。当然will 和would又都有一些各自不同的独特用法。
Will you tell her that I’ll be back in twenty minutes 请告诉她我二十分钟后回来,好吗?
If you want help, just let me know, will you 你需要帮助就告诉我,好吗?
Would you tell me how to get to the shopping center 您能告诉我怎么去购物中心吗?
Won’t you come in and have a little whisky
Go where you will. 去你想去的地方吧。
I will pay you at the rate you ask. 我会按你要的利率付给你钱的。
He wouldn’t let the doctor take his blood pressure. 他不愿意让大夫给他量血压。
They had to obey whether they would or not. 不管他们愿意与否,他们必须要遵从。
(3)表示习惯、倾向(可译成"总是会、老是,等" )
Sometimes the cat will lie there all afternoon. 有时侯,那只猫会整个下午都躺在那儿。
Oil and water will not mix. 油和水不能混合。
He would sit there for hours, doing nothing at all. 他总是在那儿一坐就是几个小时,什么都不干。
(4)表示猜测(可译成"一定是……、想必……,等" )
This will be the house you’re looking for. 这想必就是你要找的房子吧。
He will have gone back to New Zealand. 他一定是回新西兰去了。
That would be in 1999, I think. 那大概是在1999年吧。
(5)will用于表示决心(可译成"一定要,决心"等 )
We will never talk about that subject again. 我们决不会再谈论这个话题了。
I will make this computer work even if I have to stay up all night.
But for your help we would have been late. 要不是你帮忙我们就迟到了。
Well, I wouldn’t worry about it. It won’t do me any good.
易错点2 混淆"情态动词+have done"各种句式的不同含义
(2023·全国·高三专题练习)She (participate) in the activity, for she was doing paperwork in the office then.
【答案】couldn’t have participated
【解析】考查情态动词的推测用法。句意:她不可能参加这个活动,因为那时她正在办公室做文书工作。根据连词for可知,上下文是因果关系,结合“she was doing paperwork in the office then”可推知,因为那时她正在办公室做文书工作,所以她不可能参加了这个活动;表示对过去情况否定推测,用couldn’t have done...“(过去)不可能做过……”。故填couldn’t have participated。
情态动词+have done 用法
must have done 一定做过某事,其否定形式为can’t/couldn’t have done
can/could have done 本来能够做某事但却未做可能做过某事
can’t/couldn’t have done 不可能做过某事
may/might have done 或许/可能做过某事
should/ought to have done 本该做但却未做,其否定形式表示本不该做但却做了
needn’t have done 做了本没有必要做的事情
You ___________ have scolded him for his poor performance. After all, he had done his best.
A. must B. should C. mustn’t D. shouldn't
【解析】考查情态动词+ have done。句意:你本不应该因为他表现不好而责骂他。毕竟,他已经尽力了。根据前后句关系可知此处表示“本不该”是 shouldn't have done指做了本不该做的事,must have done表示对过去发生的事情的肯定性推测;should have done表示应当做某事而实际上未做;mustn’t不和have done连用。故选D。
(2023·天津·校联考一模)Zhang Guimei, a famous moral model, ________ a better life, but caring for neither, she devoted herself to changing the fates of children in the mountains.
could have enjoyed B.may enjoy C.must have enjoyed D.can enjoy
【解析】考查情态动词。句意:张桂梅,一位著名的道德模范,本可以享受更好的生活,但两者她都不关心,她致力于改变山区儿童的命运。根据情态动词的用法,表示“原本……”含义的情态动词结构为:could have + 过去分词,A项“could have enjoyed(本能够享受)”与句子表达的含义一致,故选A项。
【名师点睛】may/might have + 过去分词表示对过去已经发生的事进行推测判断,一般只用于肯定句或否定句中(疑问句中用can或could),may/might的意思是"可能,也许",may/might的意思是"可能不(没有)"。
Nobody stopped him; he might have been a passenger’s child. 没人制止他,他或许是一个旅客的孩子。
It’s no use going to his house. He may not have gone home; he may have gone somewhere else.
注意:might have + 过去分词可用来表示过去可能发生而没有发生的事情。
You were so careless that day. You might have made a bad mistake.
1."must have done"
It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. 昨晚一定下雨了,因为地面还是湿的。
You must have been mad to speak to the servant. 你和仆人说话,一定是发疯了。
2."can’t have done"
Mr Smith can’t have gone to Beijing, for I saw him in the library just now.
Mary can’t have stolen your money. She has gone home. 玛丽不可能偷你的钱,她回家去了。
3."can have done"
There is no light in the room. Can they have gone out 屋里没有灯,他们可能出去了吗?
There is nowhere to find them. Where can they have gone
4."could have done"
He could have passed the exam, but he was too careless.
5."may have done"
—What has happened to George 乔治发生了什么事?
—I don’t know. He may have got lost. 我不知道,他可能迷路了。
6."might have done"
She might have achieved greater progress, if you had given her more chances.
7."would have done"
I would have told you all about the boy’s story, but you didn’t ask me.
8."should have done"
Tom, you are too lazy. The work should have been finished yesterday.
Look, Tom is crying. I shouldn’t have been so harsh on him.
9."ought to have done"
表示过去应该做而实际并没有做,译成"理应做……",往往表示遗憾。与"should have done"用法基本一样。
I ought to have gone home last Sunday. 我理应上星期日回家。
You ought not to have given him more help. 你不应该帮助他那么多。
10."need have done"
表示本来需要做某事而实际没有做。"needn’t have done"则表示"本来不需要做某事而实际做了"
I needn’t have bought so much wine — only five people came.
He need have hurried to the station. In that case, he wouldn’t have missed the train.
易错点3 虚拟语气时态的误用
2019·天津·高考真题)The workers were not better organized, otherwise they ________ the task in half the time.
A.accomplished B.had accomplished
C.would accomplish D.would have accomplished
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:工人们没有被更好的组织起来,否则他们用一半的时间就能完成任务。根据上句the workers were not better organized可知,这是对过去事情的虚拟。表示与过去事实相反的假设,其句子结构为:从句:If+主语+过去完成时+其他,主句:主语+should(would, could, might)+现在完成时+其他,故选D。
虚拟语气中,主句用"would / might / could + 动词原形"表示现在或将来的情况,用"would / might / could + have + 过去分词"表示过去的情况。
(2023·辽宁省辽西联合校高三试题)I am sure I would have lost him if I ________
【答案】had continued
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:我相信如果我继续跳舞的话,我会失去他的。根据主句would have lost him可知是虚拟语气,且表示对过去事情的看法,故从句谓语用had +过去分词。
If the new safety system ________ (put) to use, the accident would never have happened.
【答案】had been put 
【解析】句意:如果新的安全系统投入使用,这个事故就不会发生了。根据主句确定是对过去情况的虚拟,故从句用had done 形式,从句主语system与put to use 是被动关系,故用had been put。
We would have made a lot of money. 我们本来能够挣很多钱的。
(2)用介词代替条件状语从句。常见的介词有:with,without,but for等。
But for the rain (=If it had not been for the rain), we would have finished the work.
Without electricity (=If there were no electricity), life would be quite different today.
(3)用but,otherwise,or else等由真实语气转化为虚拟语气或反之。
The captain kept calm in the terrible storm, otherwise the accident wouldn’t have been prevented.
What a pity! You missed the sightseeing, or we ________ a good time together.
A.had B.will have C.would have had D.had had
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:真遗憾!你错过了这次观光,否则,我们本应该在一起度过一段愉快时光的。根据上文可知,是对过去事情的虚拟,是与过去事实相反的假设。其句子结构为:从句:If+主语+过去完成时+其他,主句:主语+should(would, could, might)+现在完成时+其他,故选C。
If I were you, I would not have missed the film last night.
If they had started in the early morning, they would arrive in half an hour.
时态类型 主句谓语形式 条件句的谓语形式 例句
与现在事实相反 would / should / could / might + 动词原形 动词过去式did *be 多用were  If I were you, I should study English. I would certainly go if I had time.
与过去事实相反 would / should / could / might + have done 动词过去完成式 had done If you had taken my advice, you would not have failed in the test.If I had left a little earlier, I would have caught the train.
与将来事实相反 would / should / could / might + 动词原形 动词过去式 If you came tomorrow, we would have the meeting. If it were to rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off.
should + 动词原形
were + to do 
1. would/should/could/might
If you tried again, you would succeed.
要是你再试一试,你就会成功的。 (would表结果)
If you tried again, you might succeed.
要是你再试一试,你可能会成功的。 (might表可能)
If you tried again, you could succeed.
2. 错综时间虚拟条件句
If it had rained last night, the ground would be wet now.
You would be much better now if you had taken my advice.
3. If虚拟条件句的否定(含蓄条件句) 常考两个句型:If it weren’t for...和If it hadn’t been for...,其意为"若不是(有)" "要不是"。
If it weren’t for water, no plant could grow. 要是没有水植物就无法生长。
If it hadn’t been for your assistance, we wouldn’t have succeeded.
=But for your assistance, we wouldn’t have succeeded.
=Without your assistance, we wouldn’t have succeeded.
4. If虚拟条件句的倒装形式,即把were,had,should置于句首。
Were I in school again (= If I were in school again), I would study harder.
Had you asked me, I would have told you.
=If you had asked me, I would have told you.
易错点4 忽视名词性从句中虚拟语气的用法
Jane wishes that she ______ foreign trade instead of literature when she was in college.
A.studied B.had studied
C.would study D.might have studied
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:Jane真希望她在大学时学的是外贸而不是文学。wish后接宾语从句,从句用虚拟语气,若表示与过去相反的愿望,从句谓语用过去完成时或would / could+have +过去分词。由“when she was in college”可知,本句表与过去事实相反的假设,所以从句为过去完成时。故选B项。
We recommend that he (type) a name that is meaningful to him for the chatroom.
【答案】 type/should type
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:我们建议他为聊天室输入一个对他有意义的名称。表示“建议、命令、要求和请求”等语气的动词后接宾语从句时,使用虚拟语气结构即that sb. should do,should可以省略;recommend意为“建议”符合此原则。故答案为 type/should type。
I suggest that we (should) set off at once. 我建议我们应该立刻出发。
Obviously, it is high time that we (take) effective measures to tackle the problem.
【答案】took/should take
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:显然,现在是我们采取有效措施解决这个问题的时候了。it is high time that意为“到了……的时候了”,为固定句式,从句谓语应用did/were或should do。故填took/should take。
It is recommended that detailed eye examination (do)every six months.
【答案】be done/should be done
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:建议每六个月做一次详细的眼部检查。分析句子结构可知,此处是It is recommended that句型中,主语从句中应该用虚拟语气,动词形式为(should)+ 动词原形, should 可以省略,又从句中主语是eye examination和do之间是被动关系,应该用被动语态。故填(should)be done。
【名师点睛】在It is+形容词/名词/过去分词+主语从句的句式中,主语从句用should + 动词原形,should可以省略。这类形容词或分词有:determined决定的,commanded命令的,arranged安排的,anxious焦急的,important重要的,desired想要,asked请求,natural自然的,insisted坚持,necessary必要的,suggested建议,ordered命令,proposed提议,requested要求的,required要求的,recommended推荐,possible可能的,a pity可惜的是等。
It is necessary that he (should) be sent there at once. 有必要立刻派他去那里。
It is suggested that the meeting (should) be put off till next week. 有人建议会议推迟到下星期。
1. wish与hope接宾语从句的区别在于:hope表示一般可以实现的希望,宾语从句用陈述语气。wish表示很难或不大可能实现的希望,宾语从句用虚拟语气。试比较:
We hope they will come. (We don’t know if they can come. 我不知道他们是否会来。)
We wish they could come. (We know they are not coming. 我知道他们不会来。)
2. if only 与 I wish一样,也用于表示与事实相反的愿望,其后所虚拟语气的时态与 wish后所接时态的情况相同:
If only she had had more courage! 她再勇敢一些就好了。
If only I had listened to my parents! 我要是当时听了父母的话就好了。
If only she would go with me! 她要是愿意和我一道去就好了!
★ if only 通常独立使用,没有主句。
3. would rather后的句子用虚拟语气只分现在和过去
在would rather后的that从句中,句子谓语习惯上要用虚拟语气, 表示宁愿做什么,具体用法为:
I’d rather you went tomorrow (now). 我宁愿你明天(现在)去。
I’d rather you hadn’t said it. 我真希望你没有这样说过。
4. as if (though)从句用虚拟语气
以as if (as though)引导的方式状语从句或表语从句,有时用虚拟语气,与wish用法相同。
He acts as if he knew me. 他显得认识我似的。
They treat me as though I were a stranger. 他们待我如陌生人。
He talks as if he had been abroad. 他说起话来好像曾经出过国。
★ 注意:(1)从句所表示的内容若为事实或可能为事实,也可用陈述语气:
It looks as if we’ll be late. 我们似乎要迟到了。
(2)It isn’t as if... 的翻译:
It isn’t as if he were poor. 他不像穷的样子(或他又不穷)。
5. 从句中should+动词原形,should可省略
(1)在 lest, for fear that( 以免), in case(以防)引导的目的状语从句中的虚拟语气。
She walked quietly lest she (should) wake up her roommates.
建议advise, suggest, propose, recommend 命令order, command
请求ask, demand, require, request 指示direct
敦促urge 提议move, vote 希望desire
坚持insist 打算intend 安排arrange
I insisted that he (should) stay. 我坚持要他留下。
He urged that they go to Europe. 他敦促他们到欧洲去。
He suggested that we should leave early. 他建议我们早点动身。
He ordered that it (should) be sent back. 他命令把它送回去。
He requires that I (should) appear. 他要求我出场。
The general directed that the prisoners should be set free.
He insisted that I had read his letter. 他坚持说我看过他的信。
He insisted that I should read his letter. 他坚持要我看他的信。
He suggested that we (should) stay for dinner. 他建议我们留下吃饭。
I suggested that you had a secret understanding with him. 我觉得你与他心照不宣。
(3)order, suggestion, idea, plan, proposal, advice, demand等名词后的表语从句或同位语从句。
Our suggestion is that you(should)be the first to go.
(4)advice, agreement, command, decision, decree, demand, determination, indication, insistence, order, preference, proposal, request, requirement, stipulation, suggestion, idea, plan, order
上述demand/suggest等动词过去分词 或important,natural,strange,necessary,surprised,appropriate等形容词后的主语从句。
It is ordered that the army (should) get there by 4 a.m. 军队必须在上午4点之前到达那里.
6. It’s time后的从句用虚拟语气:从句谓语通常用过去式表示 (早)该干某事了,有时也用过去进行时或"should+动词原形"(较少见,且should不能省略)。
It’s time I was in bed. 我该上床睡了。(不用were)
注意:It’s time = It is (the very/high/right/about) time。
7. wish引导的虚拟语气
(1)表示与现在事实相反的愿望,构成:主语 + wish (that) +从句主语+动词过去式(be一律用were)。
I wish I knew everything in the world. 我希望我知道世界上的一切。
I wish that the experiment were a success. 我希望实验是成功的。
(2)表示与过去事实相反的愿望,构成:主语 + wish (that) + 从句主语 + would/could + have + 过去分词或had + 过去分词。
I wish that you had called yesterday. 我希望你昨天打来电话。
I didn’t go to the party, but I do wish I had been there.
(3)表示将来不大可能实现的愿望,构成:主语 + wish (that) + 从句主语 + would/should/could/might + 原形动词。
I wish that he could try again. 我希望他能再试一次。
I wish that someday I should live on the moon.
1.If motorists (avoid) speeding on highways, there would not be more traffic accidents reported.
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:如果驾驶者在高速公路上避免超速行驶,就不会有更多的被报道的交通事故了。分析句子可知,此处为if引导虚拟语气句型中从句谓语动词的填入,结合句意以及主句动词would not be可知,此处应为对现在情况的假设,所以从句动词为一般过去时。故填avoided。
2.“I hardly stand the idea of having to talk to strangers on the Tube on my way to work,” he told the BBC.
3. (be) I a bird, I would fly to see you at once.
【解析】考查虚拟语气中的省略。句意:如果我是一只鸟,我马上就会飞过去看你。在虚拟语气中表示对现在情况的虚拟,be动词用were。此处为虚拟条件句应该为::If I were a bird。此处省略了if的倒装句式,首字母大写。故填Were。
4.Some scientific evidence suggests musical training before the age of seven have a significant impact on the brain’s development.
5.Childhood memories came back to me so clearly, as if the events (happen) only yesterday.
【答案】had happened
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:童年的记忆清晰地浮现在我的脑海中,就好像这些事情就发生在昨天。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查as if引导的方式状语从句的虚拟语气结构,这句话描述的是过去的事情,用对过去的虚拟,从句谓语用过去完成时had done。故填had happened。
6.If they (consider) everything, they would not have made such a mistake.
【答案】had considered
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:如果他们考虑了一切,就不会犯这样的错误。根据“they would not have made such a mistake”可知,此处是指与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,所以应用had done。动词consider意为“考虑”。故填had considered。
7.The teacher demanded that all the students (hand) in their cellphones.
【答案】(should) hand
8.The school has made it a rule that students not use mobile phones in class.
9.Who do you suggest (send) to work on the farm
【答案】be sent
【解析】考查虚拟语气和被动语态。句意:你建议派谁去农场干活 分析句子可知,send是动词suggest后宾语从句中谓语动词,应用虚拟语气“(should)+动词原形”,即(should) send;又因send与其主语Who之间是被动词关系,所以应用被动语态(should) be sent,should可省略。故填be sent。
10.Take your raincoat in case it (rain).
【答案】rains/should rain
【解析】考查动词时态和虚拟。句意:带上你的雨衣,以防下雨。in case引导目的状语从句,意为“以免,以防”,从句用陈述语气时,后接一般现在时态,从句主语为it,故动词用第三人称单数rains;也可用虚拟语气,谓语动词用“should +动词原形”。故填rains/should rain.
11.It is necessary that we (master) at least one foreign language.
【答案】master##should master
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:我们要至少掌握一门外语,这是十分必要的。It is important/necessary/impossible... that...句式中,其中由that引导的主语从句通常用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气,其中的should可以省略。故答案为should master或者master。
12.If only I (fly) like a bird.
【答案】could fly
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:要是我能像鸟一样飞就好了。if only后的句子的谓语动词表示与现在事实相反用一般过去时,能够飞翻译为could fly。故填could fly。
13.Maybe if I (study) science, and not, literature then, I (be) able to give you more help.
【答案】 had studied would be
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:也许如果那时我学习科学,而不是文学,我就能给你更多的帮助。分析句子可知,第一空处表示对过去的虚拟, 谓语动词应使用过去完成时had studied;第二空格是主句表示的是对现在的虚拟, 谓语动词应使用would+do,应填would be,故答案是①had studied;②would be。
14.He looked as if he (know) something about it.
【答案】had known
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:他看上去好像对这件事有所了解。此处as if从句中表示对过去事情的假设,谓语用虚拟语气,用had done形式。故填had known。
15.But for your timely help, we (lose) the match yesterday.
【答案】would have lost
【详解】考查虚拟语气。句意:如果不是你及时的帮助,我们昨天就会输掉比赛。分析句子,句中but for意为“要不是”其为虚拟语气结构标志;根据句意,后文是对过去的事实进行虚拟应该使用would have done结构,故填would have lost。
16.I was ill that day, otherwise I would (take) part in the sports meet.
【答案】have taken
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:那天我病了,否则我就参加运动会了。otherwise是含蓄虚拟条件句,而且句中有明确的时间状语that day,故主句用would have done结构,为与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。故填have taken。
17.I couldn’t (go) through the hard times but for my teacher’s generous and timely help.
【答案】have gone
【解析】考查含蓄条件句中的虚拟语气。句意:要不是老师慷慨而及时的帮助,我不可能熬过那段艰难的岁月。根据but for my teacher’s generous and timely help可知,老师的帮助发生在过去,设空处为与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,谓语应用couldn’t have done,意为“本不能做某事,(实际上做成了)”。故填have gone。
18.I’m really concerned about you. If something happen to you, call me at once.
【解析】考查情态动词。句意为:我真的很关心你。你如果发生了什么事,马上打电话给我。should do表示对将来的虚拟。故填should。
19.Jack has never been to China, but he talks about it as if he (be) there many times.
【答案】had been
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:杰克从来没有去过中国,但他说起中国来好像他去过很多次。此处表示与过去事实相反,应用had done形式。故填had been。
20.The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed, it is almost compulsory that you (be) optimistic.
【答案】should be/be
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:你必须记住的第一件事是,为了成功,你必须乐观。分析句子结构,it作形式主语,that引导从句作真正的主语,且句中compulsory表示“必须的”,形容词后的主语从句应用虚拟语气,从句谓语使用“(should) +动词原形”形式。故填should be或be。
21.Constant quarrels between my parents are driving me crazy. If only I (have) a warm and harmonious family.
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:我父母之间不断的争吵使我发疯。如果我有一个温暖和谐的家庭就好了。if only…意为“要是怎样该多好啊”,表示与事实相反的假设,句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气。根据“Constant quarrels between my parents are driving me crazy.”可知,此处表达的是对现在情况的相反假设,所以条件句中要用一般过去时态。故填had。
22.She often shares her deepest thoughts and fears with friends through QQ,as if they (chat) in her living room.
【答案】were chatting
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:她经常通过QQ与朋友分享她最深的想法和恐惧,仿佛他们在她的客厅里聊天。as if意为“仿佛;好像”,引导方式状语从句。当从句所述是不真实的或极少有可能发生或存在的情况时,as if引导从句用虚拟语气。 根据句意,这是和现在的情况相反,此处表示“在聊天”,用过去进行时。故填were chatting。
23.—We will have a meeting tomorrow.
—I would rather we (hold) the meeting today than tomorrow.
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:——我们明天要开会。——我宁愿我们今天而不是明天开会。would rather后接句子时,句子谓语习惯上要用虚拟语气,具体用法为:1.一般过去时表示现在或将来的愿望;2.用过去完成时表示过去的愿望。根据“We will have a meeting tomorrow.”可知,此处表示的是将来的愿望,故用一般过去时态。故填held。
24.I wouldn’t marry Lucy even if she (be) the last woman on earth.
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:即使露西是世界上最后一个女人,我也不会娶她。even if意为“尽管”,连词,引导让步状语从句。根据语义判断此处应用虚拟语气,表示与“现在事实相反”,从句用一般过去时态,be动词用were。故填were。
25.When you phoned me, I was having a meeting, otherwise I (answer) your call.
【答案】would have answered
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:你打电话给我时,我正在开会,否则我会接听你的电话。otherwise意为“否则,要不然”,其后的句子要用虚拟语气。根据句中时间状语“When you phoned me”可知,此处表示与过去事实相反,otherwise后的谓语动词用“would have done”结构,“会做……”。故填would have answered。
26.Should it rain, the crops (save).
【答案】would be saved
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:如果下雨,庄稼就得救了。由“Should it rain”可知,此处是省略if的虚拟语气,省略if,将were,should或had提到主语前面,该句子表示对将来的虚拟,主句用“would/could/should/might+动词原形”,庄稼是将会被救,因此空格处用would be saved,故填would be saved。
27.Luckily, we’d brought a road map without which we (lose) our way.
【答案】would have lost
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:幸运的是,我们带了一张路线图,如果没有它,我们就迷路了。without意为“要是没有……,如果没有……”,可表示条件,引出虚拟语气。根据“we’d brought a road map”可知,此处表示的是与过去事实相反的假设,谓语动词应用would + have+过去分词。故填would have lost。
28.Don’t go to the cinema this afternoon, and you should finish your work first. I would rather you (go) tomorrow.
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:今天下午不要去电影院,你应该先完成你的工作。我宁愿你明天去。would rather后接句子时,句子谓语习惯上要用虚拟语气,具体用法为:1.一般过去时表示现在或将来的愿望;2.用过去完成时表示过去的愿望。根据“tomorrow”可知,此处表示的是将来的愿望,故用一般过去时态。故填went。
29.I wish I (take) your advice last time, and then I wouldn't have been blamed by others.
【答案】had taken
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:我希望我上次接受你的建议,这样我就不会被别人责备了。虚拟语气通常用于wish后的宾语从句中,表示与事实相反或不大可能实现的愿望。通常有三种形式:①表示与现在事实相反的愿望,用过去时:②表示与过去事实相反的愿望,用过去完成时:③表示与将来事实相反的愿望,用could / would+ / might+动词原形。根据“last time”可知,此处表示与过去事实相反,从句用过去完成时。故填had taken。
30.Without the weather report, we (decide) whether to go fishing or not.
【答案】couldn’t have decided
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:如果没有天气预报,我们无法决定是否去钓鱼。without表示“如果没有”,句子是含蓄虚拟条件句,是对过去的虚拟,空格处用“情态动词+have done”,句子表示“如果没有天气预报,我们就不能决定是否去钓鱼”,因此空格处的情态动词用couldn’t,表示“不能”,因此空格处是couldn’t have decided,故填couldn’t have decided。
31.Death can occur from overdoses and diseases such as AIDS can (acquire) from sharing needles.
【答案】be acquired
【解析】考查谓语动词。句意:过量用药可能导致死亡,共用针头可能导致艾滋病等疾病。分析句子结构和意思可知,动词acquire和主语diseases是动宾关系,所以用被动语态结构,空格前面是情态动词can,后面be用动词原形。故填be acquired。
32.Although I was young I could (simple) difficult sums.
33.We figured that in twenty years each of us ought (build) a life and made our fortunes.
【答案】to have built
【解析】考查“情态动词+have done”用法。句意:我们本想,二十年后,我们每个人都应该过上自己的生活,发大财。分析句子可知,句中涉及“情态动词+have done”用法,“ought to have done”意为“本来应该做,但实际上没做”,“build”的过去分词为“built”,故空格处应填“to have built”。故填to have built。
34.It (rain) last night, for the ground is wet.
【答案】must have rained
【解析】考查情态动词的过去推测。句意:昨晚一定下雨了,因为地是湿的。must have done sth意为“(过去)一定做了某事”,表示对过去事情的肯定推测。根据句意,故填must have rained。
35.Had I created all my characters and places upfront, I may (ruin) the whole thing.
【答案】have ruined
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:如果我一开始就创造了所有的角色和地点,我可能会毁了整个游戏。由Had I和句意可知,句子是对过去的虚拟,主句用“情态动词+have done”,因此空格处是have ruined。故填have ruined。
36.He be at home, for the lights are on.
37.Just be patient.You expect the world to change so soon.
38.Jack must have been playing football and Mary (do) her homework.
【解析】考查省略句。句意:杰克一定在踢足球,玛丽在做作业。在由and连接的句子中,为避免重复常省略一些重复的词或词组,若主语不同而谓语助动词,情态动词相同,则省略后面的助动词或情态动词。Jack must have been playing football and Mary must have been doing her homework.本句省略must have been,保留现在分词doing。故填doing。
39.If you help us,we shall be very grateful.
【解析】考查情态动词。句意:如果你愿意帮助我们,我们将不胜感激。 will表示意愿。故填will。
40.She have participated in the activity, for she was doing paperwork in the office then.
【解析】考查情态动词的推测用法。句意:她不可能参加这个活动,因为那时她正在办公室做文书工作。根据连词for可知,上下文是因果关系,结合“she was doing paperwork in the office then”可推知,因为那时她正在办公室做文书工作,所以她不可能参加了这个活动;表示对过去情况否定推测,用couldn’t have done...“(过去)不可能做过……”。故填couldn’t。
41.I love the weekends, because I get up early on Saturdays and Sundays.
42.I don’t want to do so much homework at weekend, but I have .
【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:我不想在周末做那么多作业,但是我不得不做。have to意为“不得不”,此处but引导的从句省略了do homework,只保留了I和have to。故填to。
43.You should (resist) the temptation (诱惑) at that time, but you didn’t.
【答案】have resisted
【解析】考查“情态动词+have done”。句意:你当时本应该抵制住诱惑,但你没有。根据at that time,可知动作发生在过去,此处考查should have done,表示对过去事情的假设,意为“本应当做某事,而没有做”,设空应填have resisted。故填have resisted。
44.You can only (infect) with HIV in a limited number of ways.
【答案】be infected
【解析】考查情态动词的被动语态。句意:你只能通过几种有限的方式感染艾滋病。空格处在句中作谓语动词,you和infect之间是动宾关系,且根据空格前的情态动词can,空格处应用情态动词的被动语态,应填be infected。故填be infected。
45.Employees should (acquaint) with emergency procedures.
【答案】be acquainted
【解析】考查固定短语。句意:员工应熟悉应急程序。短语be acquainted with,表示“熟悉”,should后跟动词原形。故填be acquainted。
46.One never be too careful when driving.
【解析】考查情态动词。句意:开车时无论多么小心都不为过。分析句子结构可知,此处为固定结构“can not/never…too…”意为“无论……也不为过”。故填can。
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