人教版英语七年级下册第四单元Unit 4 Don't eat in class.(含答案)

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人教版英语七年级下册第四单元Unit 4 Don't eat in class.(含答案)


人教版英语七年级下册第四单元Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.前两页知识过关
人教版英语七年级下册第四单元Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.前两页主要以“谈论校规”为话题展开,给大家介绍了祈使句的用法以及情态动词can、have to与must等等。
我们在第一单元Can you play the guitar 学习了关于情态动词can的用法,现在我们就用它来指引我们的学习。
Can we arrive late for class 我们可以上课迟到吗? No , we can’t.不我们不能。
——Don’t arrive late for class. 不要上课迟到。
Can we listen to music in the music room 我们可以在音乐教室听音乐吗?Yes , we can.是的,我们可以。
——Listen to music in the music room.
1、We can't run in the hallways. ___________________________________________
2、We can't fight with our classmates. _______________________________________
3、We can eat in the dinning hall. ____________________________________________
4、We can't listen to music in class. __________________________________________
5、We can't eat in class. __________________________________________________
Don’t run in the hallways.
Don’t fight with our classmates.
Eat in the dinning hall.
Don’t listen to music in class.
Don’t eat in class.
1、listen to music in the classroom ___________________________________________
2、listen to music in the music room ___________________________________________
3、listen to music outside ____________________________________________________
4、eat in the classroom ______________________________________________________
5、eat in the dinning hall _____________________________________________________
6、eat outside _____________________________________________________________
7、wear a hat _________________________________________________________
在教室里听音乐。 2、在音乐室听音乐。 3、在外面听音乐。 4、在教室里吃东西。 5、在餐厅里吃东西。 6、在外面吃(出去吃) 7、戴帽子
Dave listen to music in the classroom or hallways. 戴维不能在教室里或者走廊上听音乐。
Dave can listen to music outside. 戴维可以在外面听音乐。
David can’t eat in the classroom.戴维不可以在教室里吃东西。
David can eat in the dining hall. 戴维可以在餐厅里吃东西。
David wear a hat. 戴维不可以戴帽子。
David can’t fight. 戴维不可以打架。
Cindy is telling Alan the school rules: We 1. ________ listen to music in the classroom or 2. ________. But we 3.________ listen to it outside or in the music room. And we can’t 4.________in the classroom, but we can eat in the 5.__________.We can’t 6._______________or 7.___________ our classmates. These activities 8.__________ the teachers really unhappy.
can’t 2.hallways 3. can 4. eat 5. dining hall 6. wear hats in class
fight with 8. make
2d Read the dialogue in 2d, then answer the questions below.
What are John and Alice talking about
How many rules does Alice mention
Does Alice think it is a good school
They are talking about school rules.
She mentions four rules.
Yes , she does.
Read the dialogue again and answer the question.
What rules does the school have Fill in the blanks.
Things can do Things can’t do
Wear the school uniform. Don’t be late for school.
Be quiet in the library. Don’t bring music players to school.
Fill in the blanks according to the conversation.
John and Alice are talking about their school rules. Firstly, they 1._______ be late for class. They 2._________ be on time. Secondly, they 3._______ bring music players to school. And they always 4._________ wear the school uniform. Also, they 5. _______ be quiet in the library.
can’t 2.must 3. can’t 4. have to 5. have to
1. We have a lot of ________ (规则) in our school.
2. Ms. Green never__________ (到达) late for work.
3. Come in. It’s cold ____________ (在外面).
4. I think it’s ____________ (重要的) to learn English well.
5. We have to ___________ (穿) sports shoes for P.E. classes.
6. John often ________(打架) with his brother because of little things.
7. There is a big dining ________ (大厅) in our school, and we eat lunch there.
8. It’s raining _________(在外面). Just stay at home.
rules 2.arrives 3. outside 4. important 5. wear 6.fights 7. hall 8.outside
1. Paul has to eat outside. (改为一般疑问句)
_______ Paul __________ ________ eat outside
2. They can wear hats in the hall. (改为一般疑问句)
__________ they __________ hats in the hall
3. The students have to wear sports shoes for gym class. (对划线部分提问)
__________ do the students _________ ________ _______ for gym class
4. You can’t stand in the middle of the street. (改为祈使句)
________ _________ in the middle of the street.
5. Take the pen to your sister. (改为否定句)
________ _________ the pen to your sister.
6. Don’t arrive late next time. (改为同义句)
_________ _________ late next time.
Does ; have ; to 2. Can ; wear 3. What ; have ; to wear 4. Don’t ; stand
5. Don’t ; take 6. Don’ be
同学们,以上就是人教版英语七年级下册第四单元Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.教材前两页对应的一些知识,希望对你们有所帮助。


