四川省成都外国语学校2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题(含答案 含听力音频及听力原文)

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四川省成都外国语学校2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题(含答案 含听力音频及听力原文)


1. Who is the man probably talking to
A. A shop assistant. B. His wife. C. His co worker.
2. What are the speakers mainly discussing
A. The woman`s photo. B. A scenic spot. C. A TV drama.
3. What does the man mean
A. E commerce is a double edged sword.
B. Local specialties should be exported.
C. Commercials are of no use.
4. What will the man do next
A. Close a window. B. Catch a mouse. C. Leave the room.
5. When does the conversation take place
A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.
6. Which year of college are the speakers in
A. The first year. B. The second year. C. The third year.
7. What did the woman do in public
A. She had a dance. B. She did jumping jacks. C. She performed a song.
8. What does the man expect to do on the 3rd
A. Sign a contract. B. Go on a tour. C. Return to New York.
9. What does the man finally decide to do
A. Cancel the reservation.
B. Contact another airline.
C. Advance the departure date.
10. Who might the woman be
A. A hostess. B. A director. C. An actress.
11. What does the woman think of the award winning film
A. It is her personal favorite.
B. It is worthy of the award.
C. It is terribly disappointing.
12. What is the man going to do next
A. Call a meeting. B. Watch a video. C. Have a job interview.
13. What is the man
A. A fresh graduate. B. A software engineer. C. A computer repairman.
14. What does the example of the man`s group project prove
A. He has great leadership skills.
B. He is a good team player.
C. He pays attention to detail.
15. How does the woman describe the man
A. Motivated. B. Creative. C. Industrious.
16. What will the woman most probably talk about next
A. The employment situation.
B. The future opportunities.
C. The company culture.
17. How much did disabled travelers spend in the US in 2018
A. About $45.8 billion. B. About $58.7 billion. C. About $81 billion.
18. What is the best thing about Singapore in Nilesh Joshi`s opinion
A. It enables the disabled to live with dignity.
B. It offers the disabled accessible public transport.
C. Its tourist attractions are free for the disabled.
19. What do we know about John Morris
A. He spoke highly of the hotel rooms in Las Vegas.
B. He buys magazines 3 or 4 times a week.
C. He once lived in Sydney.
20. Where is Julie Jones employed
A. At a hotel. B. In a travel agency. C. In a publishing company.
Tips for Introducing Yourself in an Online Course
One of the first assignments you're likely to encounter as an online student is introducing yourself. Here are some tips for making a great impression in your online course.
The Basics
If your instructors post their own introduction, mirroring the information they provide is a good place to start.
●Your name.
Your name will be visible on your post. but if there's a pronoun you prefer to be called, let others know.
●The degree you're pursuing.
Why did you choose this degree and what are your long term goals
The Details
You don't need to get more personal than you're comfortable with but providing some details can help instructors and students remember who you are.
●Where you're from.
Is there something interesting about your hometown
Love reading Mention your favorite authors or works. Your goals for the course.
If you choose the course because it corresponds with a career goal, bring it up! Your instructors may have additional resources that can help, and students with similar interests can connect to network.
The Format
●Use complete sentences and proper grammar.
●Break up your text.
Post and Connect
Make connections by posting meaningful responses to your classmates' introductions.
●Respond to classmates' posts.
Read posts carefully and respond to a detail that stands out to you.
●Give your classmates something to respond to.
Is there something you'd like to know about your classmates Ask in your introduction so your classmates can respond.
21. Which of the following should be included in the basic introduction
A. Your birthplace. B. Your interests.
C. Your preferred pronoun. D. Your personal qualities.
22. What can you do to get more help from your instructors
A. Introduce yourself in a casual way. B. Clarify a career goal for the course.
C. Provide details as many as possible. D. Mirror the information they provide.
23. How can you make connections with classmates effectively
A. Offer them some advice on learning the course.
B. Ask them some questions about the online course.
C. Contact those who have similar interests with you.
D. Make responses to the details that impress you most.
I was in a new state at a new school and needed something solid to stand on: a place to feel grounded. I also needed to do laundry, so I walked to a nearby self service laundry and stuffed a machine with my clothes. As I struggled to close the washer door, the woman working behind the counter told me to give it a good hit with my hand. The washer did its job, yet even after an hour, the dryer seemed to have barely warmed my clothes. I left, having decided to air dry them on my car in the August heat.
A month later, I learned her name was Sandy, which she told me after I'd helped her stop a washing machine from moving across the floor. I was grading poems at a table when one of the washers broke loose and skipped an inch into the air. I jumped to the machine and held on while she unplugged it. The next week, Sandy told me dryer No. 8 was the fastest.
It went on like this. I'd do laundry once a week, usually Thursday or Friday. Sandy worked Tuesday through Saturday and we'd talk small while I folded clothes. She told me about her son and his grades, the new dog they'd just adopted. She was fascinated that I was studying poetry. She teased(开玩笑)that it was harder making a living as a poet than as a laundry attendant. Even then I knew she was probably right.
I began to recognize others there: workers taking breaks by the door, a mother and her baby, and even some delivery drivers. But Sandy was the center of my community. For nearly three years and almost every week, I'd do laundry and talk with her. We checked on each other and expected the other to be there. We asked where the other had gone when we missed a week. There was a note of concern for the other's absence, a note of joy at their return.
I'd found a place to stand on solid ground.
24. Why did the author leave with his wet clothes
A. He liked the August heat better. B. He had to go back to the class.
C. He wanted to show off his new car. D. He didn't think the dryer worked well.
25. Why did Sandy tell the author to use dryer No. 8
A. She was warm hearted. B. She needed a volunteer.
C. She wanted to thank him. D. She was sorry for the mess.
26. What did Sandy think of a career in poetry
A. It was harder to fulfill. B. It was really fascinating.
C. It was badly paid work. D. It needed a lot of effort.
27. What can be inferred about the author from the passage
A. He formed a close friendship with Sandy. B. He made a lot of friends in college.
C. He expected Sandy to do laundry for him. D. He often wrote to Sandy after graduation.
First constructed in the first century as a part of a villa, the garden of Keyuan in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, was rebuilt and redecorated on numerous occasions throughout history until it became a Confucian academy in 1805. The waterscape, rockeries and flourishing willows may have greeted students to step into a "painting" where earthly beauty and dynamics of a real world can be felt.
However, in recent history, the shine of the past seems to have been forgotten by the passing of time. The pond was muddy. Rocks were unstable. Plants were withering. Termites also damaged the buildings, the structure of which had been damaged through decades of neglect. The contrast became even more regrettable when the Great Wave Pavilion, a garden on the UNESCO World Heritage List that is just a few meters away across a narrow lane, was crowded with tourists every day.
When Keyuan was handed to He Fengchun, an experienced garden renovation designer, in 2016, her work to make "the pearl" shine again was challenging. "Every step in the restoring and decorating process has to follow historical recordings," says the designer. "It took just more than one year for us to actually renovate this garden, but much longer time was spent in evaluating every detail in the plan and making sure of its historical accuracy," she says.
Renovation of Keyuan was recognized with an Asia Pacific Award for Cultural Heritage Conservation by UNESCO in 2021. A bright and elegant garden is now accessible to visitors and jointly describes a culturally rich neighborhood with the Great Wave Pavilion.
And now, to keep healthy, it also needs regular maintenance, in which modern science plays a key role. For example, with support of big data analysis and scientific evaluation of impact brought by tourism, the largest numbers of visitors within a day or even an hour are set for every key site to create a comfortable experience for both tourists and the gardens.
28. What do the underlined words "the pearl" in Paragraph 3 refer to
A. Keyuan. B. The UNESCO World Heritage.
C. Renovation of Keyuan. D. The Great Wave Pavilion.
29. What does the designer say about renovating Keyuan
A. It's practical. B. It`s significant.
C. It's time consuming. D. It`s urgently needed.
30. What does the author want to tell us by the example in the last paragraph
A. The need to limit the number of visitors.
B. The negative impact tourism has on gardens.
C. The comfortable experience gardens give visitors.
D. The role modern science plays in protecting gardens.
31. What is the most suitable title for the text
A. The Process of Repairing Keyuan
B. Beauty of Classical Suzhou Gardens
C. The Shinning of the Garden of Keyuan Again
D. Classical Gardens of World Cultural Heritage
Squirrels eavesdrop on(窃听)the chatter of songbirds to work out whether the appearance of a predator(食肉动物)is cause for alarm, researchers have found. Animals including squirrels have previously been found to tune in to cries of alarm from other creatures.
But the latest study suggests animals may also keep an ear out for everyday chitchat among other species as a way to assess whether there is trouble afoot.
Writing in the journal Plos One, researchers reported on how they made their discovery by observing 67 grey squirrels as they pottered about(晃悠)different areas in the residential regions of Oberlin.
After 30 seconds of observing a squirrel, researchers played it a recording of the call of a red tailed hawk, which lasted a couple of seconds—and their behaviour in the next 30 seconds was monitored. The squirrels were then played a three minute recording of several different species of songbird chattering on a feeder.
The results revealed that in the 30 seconds after hearing the hawk call the squirrels increased the percentage of their time spent "vigilant"(警惕)compared with before the call, while they also looked up more often to scan the environment. Squirrels that were played bird chatter raised their heads less often during the recording and the number of these "look ups" dropped off faster over time.
"Recognition of bird chatter as a sign of safety is likely adaptive, as squirrels that can safely reduce their vigilance level in the presence of bird chatter probably are able to increase foraging(觅食)success," the authors wrote.
The team suggested that with levels of human made noise increasing, squirrels may find it harder to eavesdrop on birds, meaning they may have to spend more time being alert and less time foraging.
Dr. Jakob Bro Jorgensen, co author of the study from Oberlin College, said: "The study calls attention to how animals can gather information from their environment by using cues that may at first glance seem irrelevant," he said. "And it
makes you wonder how the more and more pervasive(无处不在的)impact of human activities on natural soundscapes may reduce survival of wildlife in ways we haven't thought of."
32. What does the new research find about squirrels' eavesdropping
A. It lacks scientific evidence. B. It is more widespread and broader.
C. It needs to be further investigated. D. It is contradictory to previous findings.
33. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about
A. The subject of the experiment. B. The findings of the experiment.
C. The process of the experiment. D. The purpose of the experiment.
34. Why is recognition of bird chatter as a sign of safety important for squirrels
A. They can escape from potential risks.
B. It helps them to forage food successfully.
C. It is safe for them to play with their mates.
D. They can adapt to a new environment quickly.
35. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about concerning the research
A. It`s possible effects. B. Its appeal to the public.
C. Expectations for further study. D. Scientists with new awareness.
Home accidents occur unexpectedly everywhere in and around the house. 36 One of the best ways is to take action ahead to prevent them from happening.
37 If you find any object lying on the floor, you need to pick it up and keep it on the table. Otherwise, it might hurt anybody in your house. Then, if you find that any of the electrical wires which needs repair, you must do it immediately. This kind of wires or switches can lead to short circuit(短路)in the house. 38 To make your home shock proof, you must check the wires from time to time. This will not only keep you safe, but will also protect other members of the family.
Another way is keeping a first aid kit in your room. When you prepare a first aid kit for your house, you need to decide about the things that you need to keep inside it. First of all, you need band aids. You must make sure that these band aids are of all sizes and they must also be waterproof. 39 The painkillers will help you when you get hurt or if you are in great pain due to some home accidents. You will also need cotton, wool, scissors as well as safety pins. If you have these things inside the first aid kit, then you will surely not have any problem in the future. 40
A. Then you need to have tape as well as painkillers.
B. So what you need to do is prepare yourself for them.
C. In addition, you also have the chances of getting shock.
D. Here are necessary things you should put in a first aid kit.
E. This will protect you from the accidents which are common.
F. You can follow certain rules to prevent pain and accidents.
G. It is perhaps significant for you to be well prepared before an accident happens.
When I was 19, determined not to spend my last teenage year stuck in a suburb in Buckingham, I 41 with an Australian friend and we traveled around Europe for months. As budget travellers, we stayed in the 42 accommodation we could find and live on bread, cheese and the 43 beef hamburger.
This was 1990, a time before mobile phones and the 44 , when the primary contact with home was the collection of mail from the general post office.
Before I left, Mom had made me a money pouch(荷包)to wear around my neck. She`d also made me a sleeping sheet so I could 45 unclean bedding. While she didn`t want me to go, these gifts were her way of telling me to have a wonderful time.
It`s only now, as my 18 year old daughter is preparing to leave on her own 46 year trip, that I have more sympathy for what Mom felt.
Working 47 jobs and saving money, my daughter has researched where to stay, how to get around and what to do when she arrives. She 48 asks for my opinion and I find myself desperately 49 of whether I should wade in(介入)or back off. I want to be 50 but not too involved.. I want to be cool but not aloof(漠不关心). I want to be like the perfect guide.
When she first mentioned gap year travel, I was encouraging, wanting her to have her own experiences that 51 her. As I had mine, I didn`t let myself dwell(停留)too long on the idea of her not being here. Our house has already got smaller in size and soon it will just be me, my son and the cat. And I`m not quite 52 for that.
But this trip is about her. This is not 1990 and I am not 53 at home waiting for a letter. I have promised not to 54 her with messages, but 55 I know she can contact me when she wants to.
41. A. broke down B. set off C. shut down D. stood out
42. A. dearest B. prettiest C. shiniest D. cheapest
43. A. usual B. normal C. regular D. occasional
44. A. camera B. mouse C. network D. equipment
45. A. avoid B. enjoy C. share D. donate
46. A. fun B. gap C. college D. ease
47. A. simple B. meaningful C. multiple D. stressful
48. A. rarely B. always C. usually D. frequently
49. A. certain B. unsure C. pleased D. aware
50. A. happy B. discouraging C. supportive D. satisfied
51. A. shape B. train C. destroy D. disappoint
52. A. mature B. helpful C. positive D. ready
53. A. hiding B. stuck C. worried D. complaining
54. A. bother B. confuse C. monitor D. regulate
55. A. at least B. at most C. at last D. at best
lose one`s temper be occupied with miss out in contrast to put aside tire out tear down pave the way for have advantages over be packed with pop up place emphasis on
56. If you start to exercise and _____________________ your body, you`ll be exhausted when it`s time to go to bed.
57. His teacher suggested he ___________________ his study now instead of spending large amount of time and attention playing games.
58. Whenever he tended to ____________________, he remembered his father`s words and hammered a nail into the fence to control it.
59. ______________his brother, he was always considerate in his treatment of others.
60. Because of the accident, bars and nightclubs in the neighborhood that would usually____________________ customers are now empty.
61. It`s tiresome to see so many massages__________________ on the screen when I am watching a movie on my phone.
62. In the last 15 years, he__________________ a large sum of money for retirement.
63. As the athlete got older, he could no longer______________________________ his competitors and began to lose the games.
64. We need to take another road, for the old building on this road _________________________ and a museum will be built there.
65. Without access to the Internet, he felt that he_________________ on a lot of stuff.
Named after the ancient city of Xi`an in Shaanxi province, the film Chang`an lasts 168 minutes and brings to life some of the most famous 66 (figure)in Chinese literary history.
Since its release on July 8, the movie 67 (gain)a rating of 8. 1 out of ten on Douban, one of the 68 (large)review websites in the country, strengthening its position as one of the most praised animated blockbusters(动画大片)of the summer season.
Different from many movies and TV shows 69 (feature)Li Bai, the movie employs a rather unconventional perspective, starting with the memories of Gao Shi, also 70 admirable poet and friend of Li. Apart 71 Li and Gao, the movie features other famous poets and artists of the time, including Wang Changling, known for military themed poems, and Li Guinian, a palace 72 (music), as well as royal members 73 held significant influence within the circle, such as Princess Yuzhen.
Interweaving(交织)the personal fates of these figures, the film shows the scenes of the Tang dynasty. The movie also 74 (vivid)describes the free spirited nature of the Tang dynasty. For instance, in the national civil service examination of the Tang dynasty, the highest achievers 75 (allow)the right to ride horses and pick the most beautiful flower from any residence in the capital city.
1. 书的内容;
2. 你的感想;
3. 推荐理由。
注意: 1. 题目已给出; 2. 写作词数应为 80 左右。
Book Review
第二节 读后续写(20分)
My story started one autumn morning, at the bend on a path.
I was 13 years old, and was on the way to school. It was the first time I had caught sight of a fox. Fascinated to the point that I forgot all fear, I dared to go up to it. I had never come so close to a wild animal. There was nobody else around, only me and the fox.
“Hey, fox!” I tried to greet it, though my voice was so weak it felt like I was saying hello to myself. It didn`t hear me. It stayed there and I watched it. My heart was beating flat out. It was so cute. For a moment, I thought I might be able to touch it.
Throughout the day at school, I could only think of the fox at the big beech(山毛榉)tree. At my return to the place where we met, I was sure I`d find it there.
And I did. This time I gathered a little bit more courage and called out to it, “Fox!” Of course it escaped. But that only made me long to meet it again. I decided that if I could find its kennel(洞)and catch it, I would try and tame(驯服)it, making it my friend.
Thus, I spent most of my free time in the forests trying to find the fox during the following months. But I never saw it again before winter came. During the winter, I followed its footprints far across the fields. Suddenly I was alarmed by the howling of wolves near me. I ran away frightened, stumbled and hurt my ankle. It healed very slowly, so that I had to stay at home during the winter, reading a book about animals of the forest and foxes.
When spring arrived, I was free again. I looked for fox kennels and waited for my fox. To my amazement, it had got young ones but kept moving because of my observations; therefore I decided to observe the fox from a longer distance.
Finally, it would let me get close. Finally, it would let me get close.
But before that, several days had seen my distant and patient observation, during which time the fox gradually got accustomed to my presence and finally quit moving. Delighted to see its attitude transformation, I started to bring some food, put it outside the kennel and soon returned to my distant observation site to avoid disturbing and frightening the fox. Every time, it carried the food back to the kennel after cautiously sniffing. Several times later, I attempted to get close and was astonished to find that it didn`t get away. What thrilled me further was that it would even initiatively walk to me and lie beside me for a while. So thrilled was I that one day I impulsively took it home, imaging to tame it with tips from my book.
To my surprise, the day after I took it home, it fled. _________________________________________________
1—5 CBACC 5—10 BCACA 11—15 BBABA 16—20 BBAAC
21-23 CBD 24-27 DCCA 28-31 ACDC 32-35 BCBA 36-40 BFCAE
41-45 BDDCA 46-50 BCABC 51-55 ADBAA
56. tire out 57. place emphasis on 58. lose his temper 59. In contrast to 60. be packed with
61. popping up 62. has put aside 63. have advantages over 64. is being torn down
65. missed out/had missed out
66. figures 67. has gained 68. largest 69. featuring 70. an 71. from 72. musician
73. who/that 74. vividly 75. were allowed
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is a captivating novel set during World War II, following the story of young Bruno, a German boy who befriends Shmuel, a Jewish boy behind the fence of a concentration camp. As their friendship blossoms, the harsh realities of war become increasingly evident, leading to a heartbreaking conclusion.
Reading this book evoked a range of emotions within me, from sadness to empathy. It taught me valuable lessons about compassion and understanding.
I highly recommend this book for its powerful storytelling and thought-provoking themes. It's a reminder of the importance of friendship and the impact of war on innocent lives.
To my surprise, the day after I took it home, it fled. A mixture of grief and disappointment overwhelming me, I rushed towards the kennel, expecting to take it back again. However, what came into my sight when I arrived deeply shocked and touched me. The fox was surrounded by its young ones, some of whom were lying in its warm belly peacefully and leisurely, with its eyes narrowing under warm sunshine and soft forest breeze. It was at this moment that I realized why the fox fled and what I should do. Since then, my selfish desire to occupy and tame it has completely vanished. Instead, I just regularly brought some food and observed quietly and contentedly from the distance as I did before, because I have been convinced that fascination and affection mean respecting and giving freedom instead of occupation.
1. M: Your gold necklace is so nice. I want to buy one for my wife.
W: Thanks. I think it can hold its value well. I bought it…
M: Shush! Mr Longman is coming towards us with the meeting papers.
2. W: The waterfall in this photo looks familiar.
M: It has appeared in many TV dramas, and as a result, lots of tourists visit it every day.
W: It explains the matter.
3. W: Thanks to e-commerce platforms and video bloggers, the local specialities in my hometown can be traded all over China, which is entirely unexpected.
M: To some extent it is true, but many videos are too commercial. False online advertisements are emerging in an endless stream.
4. W: I just found a mouse when I was cleaning my room. Please help me get it out of here.
M: All right. Well, I looked around, but I didn`t find it. Maybe it has escaped through the window. Anyway, I have to go to the gym now.
5. M: Are there any workers in the burning factory
W: It is supposed to be empty, because they only work on weekdays.
M: But the factory is so badly damaged that they won`t be able to work tomorrow.
6-7. M: The freshmen will start their military training this month.
W: Yeah. It was extremely hot during our military training at this time last year.
M: It remains fresh in my memory. I got made to do 80 jumping jacks for being late.
W: Ha-ha, it was so funny. I sang a song in front of others during a break in our military training. I remember some students also performed various dances. It`s still nice to think about it.
8-9. W: Hello. What can I do for you
M: I`d like a flight from New York to Boston, leaving on the 3rd.
W: Sorry. The flights on the 3rd are fully booked.
M: I am out of luck. The same is true of another airline.
W: What about the 4th
M: Unfortunately, that won`t work for me. I`m not going on a tour. I`m meeting an important business partner. Being punctual is crucial for my chances of securing the contract.
W: I`m sorry, sir.
M: Well, please tell me what flights are available on the 2nd.
10-12. M: I heard you took charge of the red carpet interview for the film festival yesterday.
W: Yes! I`m so proud. I had the opportunity of interviewing many movie stars, including my favorite actress Anna. She succeeded in earning the Best Actress Award. While the award-winning film isn`t my personal favorite, I do believe it deserves the award.
M: Oh, that`s great to hear! Unfortunately, I missed your interview part because of an emergency meeting. Would you mind if we watch it now
W: Not at all. You know I always strive to do my best, so I`m sure it won`t let you down. Plus, your favorite movie actor Colin is in the interview.
M: What are we waiting for Let`s get started.
13-16. W: Could you please introduce yourself
M: Yes. My name is Peter Barnes. I recently graduated with a degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University. During my studies, I developed a strong passion for software development and worked on various projects, including an internship at ABC Tech, where I gained some experience in programming.
W: That sounds impressive. We value teamwork here. Can you provide an example of a time when you worked effectively in a team
M: Absolutely. During my senior year, I participated in a group project. I took on the task of making slides. I actively listened to everyone else`s ideas and maintained a positive atmosphere. We delivered the project on time and won first place.
W: Excellent. Attention to detail is also crucial in our industry. How do you ensure the accuracy of your work
M: Before starting a task, I carefully analyze the requirements, break it down into smaller subtasks, and create a detailed plan. Additionally, I always ask for and welcome feedback from others to continuously minimize errors.
W: Good. I appreciate employees who take the initiative in their work. Finally, do you have any questions for us
M: Yes. I`d like to inquire about the professional development opportunities within the company.
W: Sure…
17-20. What do disabled travelers look for when choosing a city to visit
In 2018, the value of the so-called “purple pound”(the spending power of disabled people)to UK tourism was estimated at £15.3 billion, while 27 million travelers with disabilities in the US took 81 million trips and spent about $58.7 billion(£45.8 billion)in that same year.
There was a survey about a city`s appeal to disabled travelers. Now, let`s find out what the respondents think of the top 3 cities—Singapore, Las Vegas and Sydney.
According to Nilesh Joshi, who has mobility challenges but doesn`t use a wheelchair, “Singapore allows me to independently move around using public transport.”
Overwhelmingly, however, the most important factor for survey respondents was not physical accessibility but being treated with understanding and respect. Joshi said, “Always smiling, welcoming and helpful, the people of Singapore make a big difference for the disabled to feel accepted and looked after.” Besides, one of Singapore`s major
tourist attractions, Gardens by the Bay, is fully wheelchair-accessible.
According to prominent wheelchair blogger John Morris, who visits Las Vegas 3 or 4 times a year, “The city has one of the highest concentrations of accessible hotel rooms in the world.”
Julie Jones, publisher of Travel Without Limits, the world`s only print magazine dedicated to accessible travel, praises Sydney`s accessibility. She said, “The majority of the public transport system is accessible to wheelchair users.”


