Unit 1 Cinderella 知识点专项 Why is(are)+主语+情绪、感觉形容词讲义+练习(无答案)

  1. 二一教育资源

Unit 1 Cinderella 知识点专项 Why is(are)+主语+情绪、感觉形容词讲义+练习(无答案)


5BU1_Why is(are)+主语+情绪/感觉形容词
-Why is+主语(第三人称单数)+表示情绪/感觉的形容词
-Why are+主语(第三人称复数)+表示情绪/感觉的形容词
实例:Why is Tom so happy (为什么汤姆这么开心?)
实例:Why is the dog so excited (为什么这只狗这么兴奋?)
实例:Why is mom so angry (为什么妈妈这么生气?)
实例:Why is John so tired (为什么约翰这么累?)
实例:Why is Mary so scared (为什么玛丽这么害怕?)
实例:Why are the students so excited (为什么学生们如此兴奋?)
实例:Why are the children so happy (为什么孩子们这么开心?)
实例:Why are the dogs so tired (为什么狗们这么累?)
实例:Why are the parents so worried (为什么父母们如此担心?)
实例:Why are the patients so sad (为什么病人们这么悲伤?)
1. Why is the little girl so ___(sad)
2. Why are the boys so ___(happy) in the park
3. Why is the dog wagging its tail It is so ___(excited).
4. Look at the monkey. Why is it so ___(funny)
5. Why is the cat so ___(afraid) of the water
6. Why are the children so ___(tired) after playing outside
7. Why is the teacher so ___(pleased) with the students' work
8. Why are you so ___(hungry), dear Let's have some snacks.
9. Why is the sun so ___(bright) today
10. Why are the flowers so ___(beautiful) in the garden
( )1. Why is Tom so sad Because he ___ his toy.
A. lost B. find C. look for
( )2. Why are you so happy Because I ___ a present from my friend.
A. get B. got C. will get
( )3. Why is the dog so afraid Because it ___ a big cat.
A. see B. saw C. will see
( )4. Why is she so angry Because someone ___ her book.
A. took B. takes C. will take
( )5. Why are the children so tired Because they ___ a long day.
A. had B. have C. will have
( )6. Why is the monkey so funny Because it ___ making faces.
A. is B. was C. were
( )7. Why is the flower so beautiful Because it ___ colorful.
A. is B. are C. were
( )8. Why are the birds so quiet Because they ___ sleeping.
A. is B. are C. were
( )9. Why is the classroom so messy Because the students ___ a party.
A. had B. have C. are having
( )10. Why is the weather so nice Because the sun ___ shining.
A. is B. was C. were
1. 为什么她如此开心?
Why ___ she so happy
2. 男孩子们为什么那么兴奋?
Why ___ the boys so excited
3. 狗狗为什么看起来很害怕?
Why ___ the dog look so afraid
4. 你为什么感到难过?
Why ___ you feel sad
5. 我们为什么这么累?
Why ___ we so tired
6. 猫咪为什么这么生气?
Why ___ the cat so angry
7. 他为什么那么惊讶?
Why ___ he so surprised
8. 妹妹为什么那么高兴?
Why ___ my sister so glad
9. 老师为什么很满意?
Why ___ the teacher very satisfied
10. 他们为什么如此紧张?
Why ___ they so nervous
The Playground
Why are the children so happy Look! They are playing on the playground. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. They are running, jumping, and having a great time. Why is the playground their favorite place Because it makes them feel free and happy.


