
  1. 二一教育资源



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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. Why does the man refuse the cola
A. He dislikes the taste. B. He needs to lose weight. C. He doesn’t want to be sleepless.
2. Who left the water on in the bathroom
A. Sam. B. Jenny. C. Mom.
3. When will David hand in the paper
A. On April 21st. B. On April 22nd. C. On April 23rd.
4. Where probably is the woman
A. At an airport. B. In the street. C. In a mall.
5. What will the woman do next
A. Meet Andrew. B. Have her car fixed. C. See her grandparents.
6. What’s the relationship between the speakers
A. Husband and wife. B. Colleagues. C. Friends.
7. What can we know about the man’s website
A. It’s an idea-sharing website. B. It’s used for fun. C. It’s a finished website.
8 What is the man
A. A driver. B. A librarian. C. An applicant.
9. What is needed to borrow a book
A. A deposit. B. Any identification. C. A driving test.
10. What does the man mean in the end
A. He misunderstood the woman. B. He can make an exception. C. He will stick to the rules.
11. For what occasion does the woman make the cake
A. A festival. B. A wedding. C. A birthday.
12. What does the man put in the cake mix
A. Lemonade. B. Apple juice. C. Bread crumbs.
13. What will the speakers do next
A. Bake the cake. B. Taste the cake mix. C. Put some salt in the cake.
14. What will Edward be responsible for
A. Doing online marketing. B. Organizing the musicians. C. Sending out the invitations.
15. What is the woman going to do first
A. Draw the posters. B. Make the guest list. C. Design the invitations.
16. Who will be in charge of making the room reservations
A. Nancy. B. John. C. Tim.
17. Where is Nancy now
A. In a hotel. B. On a train. C. In the hospital.
18. What’s the main reason for students starting businesses
A. To realize their career potential.
B. To meet the need of making money.
C. To gain better development chances.
19. How many students learn business-starting from student organizations
A. 22.58%. B. 17.15% C. 28.32%.
20. Why do 32.5% of the students choose to stick in big cities
A. They see the rapid growth there.
B. They enjoy the convenient traffic.
C. They want to seize the opportunities.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Irish Writers Centre Novel Fair 2024
The Novel Fair is an annual competition initiated by the Irish Writers Centre (IWC). Described by The Irish Times as “A Dragon’s Cave for writers”, each year the Fair aims to introduce up-and-coming writers to top publishers and literary agents.
The Prize
The twelve winners will have the opportunity to present the summary of their novel directly to industry professionals. Leading publishers and agents will be invited by the IWC to meet these writers in person or through a series of online meetings. To get fully prepared for the meeting with publishers and agents, the winners will receive a place in a workshop on “How to Promote Your Novel”, two weeks in advance. Also, applicants who are longlisted (初选) but do not make it to the shortlist of twelve will have their works evaluated and criticized by the judging panel.
How to Enter
Entry fee for application is 55 (Members of IWC can enter for a discounted fee of 45).
This competition only accepts manuscripts (原稿) for novels.
Applicants are required to send a summary within 300 words and up to five chapters of their novel, which should be 10,000 words (+/-10%).
Manuscripts should be submitted online.
There is a limit of one entry per applicant.
Entries are welcome from anywhere in the world. Before entering the competition, please ensure that you have read the Novel Fair Terms & Conditions 2024 very carefully as the Fair is open to only novelists who have never published work previously. If you have any questions about the application process, please email novelfair@irishwriterscentre.ie.
21. What’s the purpose of the Fair
A. To advertise local stories. B. To encourage literary reading.
C. To serve as a platform for writers. D. To arouse enthusiasm for writing.
22. What can the workshop help the winners do
A. Deal with the judging panel. B. Improve their writing skills.
C. Learn about publishing process. D. Present their novels attractively.
23. Which of the following meets the requirement of the Fair
A. A summary of 200 words. B. A novel published in 2023.
C. A paper manuscript by post. D. A submission of seven chapters.
Working at a bank in New York City in the mid-2010s, Anna Sacks was living the life - just not the life she wanted. Sure, she was happy. But she wanted to do something that felt important.
Some people seeking meaning might read a self-help book or perhaps volunteer a few hours a week. Sacks packed up her life and moved to Connecticut to participate in Adamah, a farming program that focuses on sustainable living and growing sustainable food. When she returned to New York, her life was with a new purpose and a variety of new skills to make her dreams a reality.
“One of the things that really stuck with me from Adamah was how little waste they produced and how they handled the waste they did have, primarily through composting (堆肥),” she says. “And I just thought, ‘Why aren’t we doing that here ” “The Adamah program opened Sacks’ eyes to the damage consumer culture is doing on a local, national, and global level, and the need to find solutions. So in 2017, she began what she calls “trash walking”.
During tours around her community, Sacks picks through garbage to look for reusable items. Soon, her “trash walking” expanded to include corporate trash along with residential trash. Surprisingly, she discovered a wide range of really great stuff - like clothing, decorations, and food - all of which she documents on TikTok.
Under the name The Trash Walker, Sacks quickly gained popularity for her videos that highlight the problems with consumerism. “The root issue is overproduction, which leads to overconsumption, which leads to a large amount of waste,” she says.
The fact is, companies often choose to trash items rather than give them away to people who might need them. A big reason for this waste is the way our current tax laws are structured, Sacks says. Sellers who destroy goods can claim the cost as a loss on their taxes and be refunded. If they give away goods, they can claim only a small amount as a charitable reduction on their taxes.
Sacks’ main focus is simply getting people to pay attention to how many unnecessary things they buy and then throw away. “Once you become aware of the way you consume, you can see ways you improve,” she says.
24. Anna Sacks packed up her life and left New York to ______.
A. lead a healthy lifestyle B. observe how to grow food
C. pursue a meaningful life D. volunteer to work in a bank
25. What impressed Anna Sacks most about the Adamah program
A. The importance of trash walking. B. The sustainable food people produced.
C. The hard truth about consumer culture. D. The way people there dealt with the waste.
26. What makes companies prefer to throw out goods as trash
A. The tax reduction. B. The quality of goods. C. The tax refund. D. The overproduction.
27. What can we learn from Anna Sacks’ story
A. Consumer culture accounts for wasting. B. Corporate trash outweighs residential trash.
C. Trash walking is the key to becoming wealthy. D. Turning to farming leads to sustainable living.
Research into whether the human voice helps plants isn’t conclusive. Even so, there are convincing reasons that chatting with your houseplants is good for them—and you.
In a 2022 survey by , 50 percent of the 1250 respondents reported talking to their plants. When asked why, 65 percent said they believe it helps them grow. The research, however, isn’t definitive about this point. While studies have found that vibrations (震动) caused by sound do affect plants, the jury is still out on whether the human voice offers any specific benefit.
For many plant owners, though, the science is beside the point. Marquis Matson, co-founder of the blog the Indoor Nursery, says she talks to her plants every day because “it feels nice and I think plants get a sense of community from my talking to them and that keeps them going”. On the plant side, a study in a 2003 issue of the journal Ultrasonics investigated the effects of the classical music and the sounds of birds, insects and water on the growth of Chinese cabbage and cucumber. Both forms of sound exposure increased the vegetables’ growth. In a 2015 study, researchers exposed marigold (金盏花) and chickpea (鹰嘴豆) plants to light Indian music as well as to traffic noise. They found that both types of plants grew and developed better after being exposed to the music for four hours per day, but not to the traffic sounds. “Plants definitely respond to vibrations in their environment—which can cause plants to grow differently and become more resistant to falling over,” says Heidi Appel, leader of the study. She points out, “While sound absolutely matters to plants, we don’t know if talking to them makes them grow differently.”
Despite the lack of studies and evidence about the benefits of talking to your plants, there is at least one theoretical bonus, “If we identify with a living organism that we’re taking care of, we’re going to take better care of it and help them thrive,” Appel says.
28. What do the underlined words “the jury is still out” in Paragraph 2 mean
A. There is uncertainty. B. The jury has decided.
C. The jury is playing outside. D. People have different ideas.
29. What do Marquis Matson’s words suggest
A. Vibrations caused by sound affect plants. B. Chatting with the plants benefits both sides.
C. Scientific research in this area makes no sense. D. A sense of community is a must for plants’ growth.
30. What can be inferred from Paragraph 3
A. Traffic sounds probably have a negative influence on plant growth.
B. Talking to plants can make them more sensitive to the environment.
C. Plants do not fall over because of the vibrations in their environment.
D. Classical music is beneficial to plant growth as sounds of nature do.
31. What is Appel’s attitude towards talking to plants
A. Approving. B. Neutral. C. Unfavorable. D. Unclear.
For lots of kids, toddlerhood (幼儿期) is an important time for friendship. Studies show that the earlier kids learn to form positive relationships, the better they are at relating to others as teenagers and adults. Playing together also helps these kids practice social behaviors, such as kindness, sharing, and cooperation.
Even so, how quickly your child develops into a social creature may also depend on his temperament (性格). Some toddlers are very social, but others are shy. In addition, the way that toddlers demonstrate that they like other children is markedly different from what adults think of as expressions of friendship. Research at Ohio State University in Columbus found that a toddler’s way of saying “I like you” during play is likely to come in the form of copying a friend’s behavior.
This seemingly unusual way of demonstrating fondness can result in unpleasant behavior. Regardless of how much they like a playmate, they may still grab his toys, refuse to share, and get bossy. But experts say that this is a normal and necessary part of friendship for kids this age. Through play experiences, toddlers learn social rules. That’s why it’s so important to take an active role in your toddler’s social encounters by setting limits and offering frequent reminders of what they are. When you establish these guidelines, explain the reasons behind them.
Begin by helping your child learn sympathy (“Ben is crying. What’s making him so sad ”), then suggest how he could resolve the problem (“Maybe he would feel better if you let him play the ball.”). When your child shares or shows empathy (同理心) toward a friend, praise him (“Ben stopped crying! You made him feel better.”).
Another way to encourage healthy social interaction is by encouraging kids to use words - not fists - to express how they feel. It’s also important to be mindful of how your child’s personality affects playtime. Kids are easy to get angry when they’re sleepy or hungry, so schedule playtime when they’re refreshed.
32. What does it indicate when toddlers copy their playmates’ behavior
A. They are interested in acting. B. They are shy with the strangers.
C. They are fond of their playmates. D. They are tired of playing games.
33. What does the author suggest parents do for their kids
A. Design games for them. B. Find them suitable playmates.
C. Play together with them. D. Help them understand social rules.
34. What is the function of the quoted statements in paragraph 4
A. Giving examples. B. Explaining concepts. C. Providing evidence. D. Making comparisons.
35. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. How Children Adapt to Changes B. How to Be a Role Model for Children
C. How Your Baby Learns to Love D. How to Communicate with Your Kid
Which brand of chocolate chip makes the best tasting cookies Is the tree outside your window causing your runny nose If you want to answer questions like these, you’ll probably need to do some testing. 36 . In order to figure out the real answers to such questions, you’ll need to test your ideas in a fair way. The considerations that go into making “everyday” tests fair are the same ones used in scientific experiments.
Comparing outcomes. To be confident in test results, it’s generally important to have something to compare them to. So, for example, in your cookie test, you’d want to actually compare batches (批次) of cookies made with different brands of chocolate chips. 37 —just to make sure that the chocolate chips are really making a difference in the cookies’ taste. In experiments, whatever you are comparing your test results to is sometimes called the control group. But don’t confuse the control group with controlling variables. 38 . Is it really the chocolate chip brand, and not the baking temperature, that makes one cookie taste better than another Therefore, you’ll need to control variables—that is, try to keep everything about the test comparisons the same, except for the variables you’re interested in.
Avoiding bias. No matter how hard we humans try to be objective, bias can sneak into our observations and judgments. For example, your cookie tasters might be hungry and so the first cookie they eat could seem tastier to them than the rest. To avoid such potential sources of bias, you’d want to set up the test so that different testers taste the cookies in different orders. 39 .
Distinguishing chance from real differences. All sorts of subtle things that you either don’t or cannot control can affect the outcome of a test. Some cookies in a batch might have wound up with a few less chocolate chips than others. The oven might have heated unevenly and burnt a few cookies. 40 —but in small ways. So how to avoid this Sample size is important. The larger your sample size, the more likely it is close to the fact.
A. But all tests are not created equal
B. Components of the testing should be adjusted
C. All of these random factors will affect the outcome of the test
D. You might also want to make a batch without any chocolate chips at all
E. You could also label your cookie batches with letters instead of brand names
F. Such factors should also be considered when data collected are being analyzed
G. In most tests, we want to be confident in the relationship between cause and effect
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
“Why don’t you act black ” Since my middle school years, I’ve been asked this question more than any other. It seems to me that too many people have let society 41 into their brains what should be expected of me, a black person, before ever 42 with me. But I believe in being who I am, not who others want me to be.
On my first day of high school, going into math class, two of my classmates pointed and 43 me. I initially thought my fly was open, or that something was 44 in my teeth. But as I took my 45 , I heard one of the students whisper, “Why is a black person taking Honors ” So my fly wasn’t open. An honors level class had simply been joined by a student whose skin was an unsettling 46 of brown.
Many people think my clothes should be big enough for me to 47 , or expect me to listen exclusively to “black music.” In seventh grade, a group of my peers fixed their 48 stares on my outfit: cargo shorts and a plain, fitting t-shirt. They called out to me, “Go get some clothes, boy.”
In one of my music classes, the teacher asked me, “Do you like rap music more ” I replied, “No, rock.” The look of 49 on my classmates’ faces made me feel profoundly strange.
I am now in my junior year of high school. I still take all Honors courses. My wardrobe still only consists of clothes that are 50 to my proportions. My music 51 spans from rock to pop to techno, and almost everything in between. When it comes to 52 my friends, I am still colorblind. I continue to do my best work in school in order to 53 my goals; and yet, when I look in the mirror, I still see skin of that 54 shade of brown.
My skin color has done nothing to change my 55 , and my personality has done nothing to change my skin color.
41. A. decide B. dive C. program D. press
42. A. comparing B. interacting C. competing D. coping
43. A. laughed at B. called on C. knocked into D. passed by
44. A. hidden B. stuck C. occupied D. planted
45. A. paper B. class C. seat D. work
46. A. shade B. color C. place D. kind
47. A. grow up B. live in C. put down D. reach out
48. A. warm B. caring C. cold D. weak
49. A. terror B. appreciation C. shock D. admiration
50. A. appropriate B. comfortable C. abnormal D. similar
51. A. stadium B. library C. home D. dorm
52. A. judging B. defining C. choosing D. refusing
53. A. break B. add C. keep D. reach
54. A. same B. common C. frequent D. accurate
55. A. appearance B. performance C. personality D. routine
The strong presence of Chinese internet and technology companies as sponsors of the 19th Asian Games 56 (grab) the attention of viewers around the world since it started. This demonstrates China’s great achievements and 57 (strength) in the digital and technological innovation.
The 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, had a record-breaking 176 sponsors, 58 (show) the event’s global appeal. Among the 11 official partners, five are Chinese tech companies. 59 comparison, there were only 52 sponsors for the 16th Asian Games held in 2010 in Guangzhou, among 60 only three companies were from China’s internet and tech field.
Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing unit of Alibaba Group, plays a vital role by providing essential technological support for event management, results distribution, and live cloud broadcasting. 61 (additional), it contributes to the development of a digital platform ensuring 62 (efficiency) broadcast in the Asian Games Village.
Chinese tech companies’ strong presence not only boosts brand awareness globally 63 also proves their technological and innovative capabilities. According to the 2022 Global Innovation Index 64 (release) by the World Intellectual Property Organization, China’s strength in sci-tech innovations has taken 65 great jump in recent years, reaching the 11th spot among the top 30.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
假定你是国际部环保社社长李华,近期,你打算在校内开展一次“减塑”社团活动,请给国际部负责人Mr. Smith写一封申请信。内容包括:
1. 活动时间、地点;
2. 活动内容;
3. 希望获准。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;2. 请按如下格式作答。
参考词汇:国际部环保社the International Department's Environment Protection Club 减塑Less Plastics
Dear Mr. Smith,
Li Hua
Katie was happily jumping rope on the grass in front of her house facing the expansive city park just across the road. The neighborhood residents often enjoyed walking around the lake in the park, and on this pleasant day, with the sun casting its warm light, Katie spent the unhurried moments devoted to her jumping routine.
Her thoughts were focused on her jumping: how to match the spinning of the jump rope in her hands and the jumping of her feet so that they didn’t get mixed, causing her to trip. When her mind and muscles were working together, and when every move flowed smoothly, all of it felt pretty good in the afternoon sunshine. While jumping, she remembered that her grandmother had given her the jump rope for Christmas. She knew that her grandmother didn’t have a lot of money and had to save up to buy the jump rope for her. Before Christmas, her grandmother had taken her to some toy shops to look at different things, hoping to find out what Katie wanted. When Katie finally got the gift, it was not just a jump rope but the very jump rope she had wanted for a long time. She felt especially loved by her considerate grandmother.
The warmth of the afternoon sun enhanced the joy Katie felt as she skipped along. Suddenly a boy rushed across the road to her. Without any warning he robbed her of her jump rope, shouting, “Give me that” and raced back across the road towards the park.
Empty-handed, Katie was left in confusion. It took her a while to recover from the shock. When she came to her senses and realized the theft of her grandma’s gift, tear swelled up. A wave of anger and disappointment swept over her. But in that moment of upset, something unusual in the park captured her attention.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Following the boy quickly, she spotted a group of kids crying anxiously by the lake.
After making sure the drowning girl was okay, the boy walked up to Katie with the jump rope.
第一部分 听力
1-5 CABAB 6-10 CABBC 11-15 CAABC 16-20 ABCBC
第二部分 阅读
21-23 CDA 24-27 CDCA 28-31 ABDA 32-35 CDAC
36-40 ADGEC
第三部分 语言运用
41-45 CBABC 46-50 ABCCA 51-55 BCDAC
56. has grabbed 57. strengths 58. showing 59. By 60. which
61. Additionally 62. efficient 63. but 64. released 65. a
第四部分 写作
Dear Mr. Smith,
I am Li Hua, leader of the International Department’s Environment Protection Club. Our association has decided to hold a “Less Plastics” activity, so I am writing to apply for your permission.
In order to raise the awareness of protecting the environment among the teachers and students, the “Less Plastics” activity is scheduled to be held next Monday on the school playground from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Initially, a speech about the great damages that using plastics has caused will be delivered, appealing to the students to reduce the consumption of plastic in our daily life. Following that, comes the meaningful activity where the students take immediate action to collect the plastic waste on the campus.
I’m sure the activity will have a positive effect on the students and teachers. I would appreciate it if our application could get your permission.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Following the boy quickly, she spotted a group of kids crying anxiously by the lake. The boy who had taken her jump rope was sprinting towards them. As Katie neared the water, she saw, to her horror, a little girl was struggling in the water. The boy was throwing one end of Katie’s jump rope out for the child to grab. Fortunately, the little girl caught hold of it. Without a moment’s hesitation, Katie stepped forward to lend a helping hand. Working in tandem, they pulled the child onto the bank.
After making sure the drowning girl was okay, the boy walked up to Katie with the jump rope. Handing it to Katie, he gave a shy smile and apologized, “I’m sorry if I frightened you just now, but I had to act quickly in an emergency. I can’t swim, you know. It was your jump rope that served as a lifeline.” Katie’s initial anger had transformed into appreciation for the boy’s quick response to save the little girl. She replied she didn’t mind her jump rope being snatched at all. Instead, she was glad about the part her jump rope had played in the rescue.
1. W: Here.
M: Oh, no cola, please. A glass of water is okay.
W: But it’s your favorite. Are you on a diet
M: No, it’s late, and the last thing I want is to lose sleep tonight.
2. M: Jenny, you left the water on in the bathroom! You know how much your mother hates wasting water. She shouted at your brother for it yesterday.
W: It wasn’t me, Dad. It was Sam again! He forgets to turn it off every day.
3. W: The deadline for the paper is April 20th. But it’s April 21st today. When will you hand in the paper, David
M: Sorry, Mrs. Smith. Could you extend the deadline I promise I will e-mail it to you tomorrow morning.
W: OK. But just this once.
4. W: Excuse me, where can I get my checked luggage
M: Hello, Miss. You can go straight this way and turn left at the corner. Then keep walking and you’ll see the area where many suitcases are placed.
W: Okay. Thanks so much.
5. W: Andrew, I am afraid I won’t be able to meet you. My car broke down. I have to take it to a garage now.
M: Oh, Linda. I am sorry to hear that. I am going to visit my grandparents tomorrow afternoon. But I am free in the morning. Does that work for you
W: OK.
6-7【原文】W: Wow, cool website!
M: I’ve been designing it for months and it’s nearly complete.
W: What is it for
M: Not for fun really. It’ll be a public site where people can share ideas, you know, like-minded people. I want to launch it next week.
W: How much testing have you done Any feedback
M: My wife loves it, but she said it’s still not very user-friendly. I guess I still need to make a few changes.
W: I’m happy to be your guinea pig when you’re ready.
M: Oh, thank you, Jane. You’re such a good friend.
8-10【原文】W: Hello, I’d like to apply for a card which would give me access to the books here.
M: Okay. You brought your driver’s license
W: Here.
M: Oh, sorry, madam. It was valid through the 17th of June, and that was already a week ago. I’m afraid we can’t accept it. Do you have another form of ID
W: Not with me. Listen, I really need a book here right now. Could you please just let me borrow it I’ll give you a deposit worth the book’s price if needed.
M: Well, madam
W: How about I double the deposit
M: You seem to have misunderstood something here, madam. Rules are rules. I can make no exceptions.
11-13【原文】M: Faye, what are you doing
W: I’m making a cake for my friend Jenny. It’s her birthday!
M: Oh, I thought it was for a wedding or something. Anyway, is it a fashion nowadays that you put salt in the cake mix instead of sugar
W: What are you talking about It’s of course sugar that I’m putting in my... Oh, no! What an idiot I am! I was so careless!
M: Calm down, Faye. From what I see, you haven’t put too much salt in it yet. Let me help you limit the damage.
W: Thanks, Frank.
M: Sure. First, we use some honey and sugar to make the salty flavor neutral. Then let’s put some apple juice, no, lemonade would be better... Last we add some chocolate pieces... Done! Do you want to taste the cake mix
W: Sure. Hmm...Wow!
M: So
W: It’s wonderful! Even better than I had expected before!
M: Great! Now let’s put it in the oven and wait. I’m sure Jenny’s gonna love it.
14-17【原文】M: Let’s divide up the tasks.
W: OK. John, you’re good at socializing so maybe you can make the guest list.
M: No problem. I also enjoy online marketing tasks, so leave it to me. And Edward knows some really good musicians that do events like this one. He can be on organizing the musicians.
W: Nice. I’ve got experience in graphic design so I’m happy to design the invitations.
M: Great. Do you mind designing the posters too I don’t think any other of us is good at designing.
W: Sure, it’ll be fun. The invitations are more important so I guess I’ll design them first. But who will be in charge of sending them out
M: Since I’m making the guest list, I should send out the invitations, too.
W: Great. Nancy’s brother Tim works in the Paramount Hotel, so I think she is the best person to do the room reservations.
M: Isn’t she taking care of her mother at the hospital these days
W: Oh, her mother is recovered now. Nancy just called and said she was on the train back.
18-20【原文】W: A social study found that over 60 percent of China’s university students show an interest in starting up their own businesses, and they are more willing to do so in China’s small cities. After surveying 2,797 students from 100 China’s universities, the study said over 42 percent in the survey think they will have better chances of development by engaging in setting up businesses at school while 28.32 percent saw it as a way of self-realization. The third reason was economic gain. Students learn about how to start businesses mainly through activities organized by schools, at 22.58 percent, or student organizations, at 17.15 percent. Big cities have fallen from favor among students due to the rising cost of living as well as heavy traffic jams, while small cities have become favorites for setting up businesses as a result of rapid growth and improving basic public facilities. While 49.6 percent of respondents preferred small cities, 32.5 percent are determined to stay in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, because they think it’s easy to get first-hand information and seize the opportunities in big cities.


