2024届高考英语复习2024年高一3月青桐鸣联考读后续写——别问我鱼在哪 讲义素材

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2024届高考英语复习2024年高一3月青桐鸣联考读后续写——别问我鱼在哪 讲义素材


Jayden was heading to the place he’d call home for the next week: Camp Massomet.
Being away from home for the first time was hard for Jayden. On top of that, Jayden was asked to join the same patrol with a kid they called Big Quinn, who always seemed to be unhappy, especially in the morning. Jayden tried hard to avoid upsetting him.
On the fourth night, some of the older guys came back from the lake, laughing excitedly. Big Quinn was at the center of the pack, holding something above his head. It was a fish, the biggest Jayden had ever seen.
Big Quinn was smiling from ear to ear, and Jayden realized it was the first time he’d seen him wear a smile. Kids in Jayden’s patrol was excited to taste Big Quinn’s fish.
Evening came.
Jayden began to set out the paper cups around the table. Jayden didn’t feel like walking all the way around the table to set out the last few cups. So he spread out his body across the table to put the cups in place. But when he pulled his arm back, he overturned the plate holding Big Quinn’s fish, which was cut into thin pieces and covered in foil, knocking it off the table.
Jayden watched in fear as it fell onto the dusty ground. Frightened, without a second thought, he kicked the fish under the table and covered it up with dirt. Then Jayden set the plate back on the table, the foil still in the shape of a fish that wasn’t there.
Then Big Quinn came and picked up the plate. He noticed something unusual. He opened the foil.
“HEYY!” he shouted. “Where’s my FISH ” He wasn’t smiling anymore.
After dinner, it rained hard. Everything on the ground was washed away in the heavy rain. Jayden’s eyes went to the area under his patrol’s picnic table. The fish was gone.
Big Quinn wound never know what he did.
Para1: Jayden couldn’t fall asleep that night.
Para2: Jayden decided to make things right before leaving the camp.
Jayden前往名为Camp Massomet的营地,准备度过接下来的一周。第一次离家让他感到不适,更糟糕的是,他还被迫与总是显得不悦的Big Quinn同组。Jayden努力避免激怒他。在第四天晚上,Big Quinn捕到了一条Jayden从未见过的大鱼,这让他难得地露出了笑容,也让同组的孩子们都期待着品尝这条鱼。然而,当Jayden在摆放纸杯时不慎打翻了装有鱼片的盘子,他惊恐之下将鱼踢到桌子下并用泥土掩盖。虽然Jayden将盘子恢复原状,但Big Quinn很快发现了异常,并愤怒地发现鱼不见了。晚饭后,一场大雨将地面的一切冲刷干净,Jayden看到桌子下的鱼也不见了,这让他松了一口气,因为Big Quinn永远不会知道他做了什么。
Jayden, a camper at Camp Massomet, struggled with homesickness and a bad-tempered patrol mate, Big Quinn. On the fourth night, Big Quinn caught a huge fish, much to everyone's excitement. However, Jayden accidentally knocked over the plate holding the fish while setting the table, panicked, and hid the evidence. Big Quinn's anger at finding the fish missing was short-lived as a heavy rain washed away all traces, leaving Jayden relieved but guilty.(红色部分可挖空让学生填写)
Para1: Jayden couldn’t fall asleep that night. Para2: Jayden decided to make things right before leaving the camp.
衔接: Q: Why couldn’t Jayden fall asleep A: Because he was deeply troubled by what had happened with Big Quinn’s fish. He felt a mix of guilt and scare. 衔接: Q: What did Jayden decide to do to make things right A: Jayden decided to confess to Big Quinn what had happened to the fish.
过渡: 动作 心理 语言 感情 过渡: 动作 心理 语言 感情
衔接: Q: Why did Jayden decide to make things right eventually A: Because he knew he had to face the consequences of his actions and he was overwhelmed by guilt. 衔接: Q: What lesson did Jayden learn from this experience A: He learned a valuable lesson in honesty and responsibility.
Para1: Jayden couldn’t fall asleep that night. Para2: Jayden decided to make things right before leaving the camp.
衔接: R动作 心理 语言 感情 (1) Jayden无法入睡的表现和原因。 衔接: R动作 心理 语言 感情 (1) Jayden道歉,。
过渡: 动作 R心理 语言 R感情 (2) Jayden脑海中一直浮现事情细节。 (3) Jayden知道错了,但是害怕Quinn。 过渡: 动作 心理 R语言 R感情 (2) Quinn接受道歉,而且没生气,反而夸赞他。 (3) Jayden如释重负。
衔接: 动作 心理 语言 R感情 (4) Jayden的内疚战胜了害怕。 衔接: 动作 R心理 语言 感情 (4) Jayden学到重要一课,完成蜕变。
Para1: Jayden couldn’t fall asleep that night.
He tossed and turned restlessly, the sheets tangling around his legs as his mind refused to settle. Guilt weighed heavy on his conscience, and he knew he had betrayed his own principles.
The image of Big Quinn’s shocked face when he discovered the missing fish played on repeat in Jayden’s mind./ His mind replayed the incident with Big Quinn’s fish again and again.
He knew he had to face up to his mistake, but the thought of Big Quinn’s stern expression filled him with dread.
However, his guilt proved stronger than his fear, and he was determined to do whatever it took to right his wrong.
Para2: Jayden decided to make things right before leaving the camp.
The next morning, he gathered his courage and approached Big Quinn. Jayden took a deep breath and confessed everything, his voice trembling slightly with nerves and remorse.
To his surprise, instead of anger, Big Quinn’s expression softened. “It was an accident,” Big Quinn said. “And you’re brave enough to admit it.”
Jayden felt a weight lift off his shoulders, with a wave of relief washing over him.
He had learned a valuable lesson in bravery and responsibility. And as he packed up his things to leave Camp Massomet, he knew that he was a better person than when he had arrived.


