外研版七下Module5 Shopping Unit 1课件(希沃版+PPT版)

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外研版七下Module5 Shopping Unit 1课件(希沃版+PPT版)


MODULE 5 Shopping
Unit 1 What can I do for you
market ['mɑ k t] n. 市场
supermarket ['su p mɑ k t]n.超市
biscuit ['b sk t] n. 饼干
lemon ['lem n]n. 柠檬
strawberry ['str b r ] n. 草莓
Mother's Day 母亲节
size [sa z] n. 尺码; 号
take [te k] v. (took[t k]) 穿 (某尺寸的衣服或鞋子)
may [me ] v. aux.(might[ma t]) 可以; 可能
try [tra ] v. 尝试; 试穿; 品尝
try on 试穿
certainly ['s tnl ] adv. 当然; 行
wait a minute 别急;稍等一会
sale [se l] n. 降价出售
price [pra s] n. 价格
look [l k] v. 看起来; 显得
fresh [fre ] adj. 新鲜的
Get our new words ready
Mother's Day is coming.
Watch a video and tell me what present the boy sent to his mother.
Lead in
Now say where can you buy these things
clothes shop
What do you want to buy for your mother
TThink and answer
Listen and answer the questions.
1.What is Lingling going to buy for her mother on Mother's Day
2.What is Betty going to make for her mother?
3.What does Betty want to buy
4.When are they going to the shops
A T-shirt.
A cake.
Strawberries.biscuits and some lemons.
Tomorrow afternoon.
in the shop
Look and say
Listen and choose the best answer.
( ) 1. What does Lingling want to buy for her mother.
A. A watch B. A T-shirt C. A hat
( ) 2.What colour does Lingling's mother like
A. Pink B. Purple C. Black
( ) 3.What size does Lingling's mother take
A. Small B. Medium (中码) C. Large
( ) 4. How much is the T-shirt
A. 198 yuan B. 98 yuan C. 99 yuan
(In the shop)
Shop worker: What can I do for you
Lingling: I'd like to buy a T-shirt for my mum.
Shop worker: What colour does she like
Lingling: Purple.
Shop worker: All right. What size does she take
Lingling: Small.
Shop worker: What about this one
Lingling: May I try it on
Shop worker: Certainly.
Lingling: Look at the price. It's 198 yuan. That's too much.
Shop worker: But wait a minute! There's a sale on today. Everything is half price.
Lingling: OK! I'll take it.
Work in pairs
Retell the story about Lingling
Lingling would like to buy a T-shirt for _____ mum. Lingling's mother ______ purple. She _____ "small" size. There is a ____ today. Everything is half _____. So Lingling will _____ it for 99 yuan.
Look and say
In the market
(In the market)
Lingling:I've got some food to buy too.
Market worker:Can I help you
Lingling:Yes.I'd like some .How much are they
Market worker: yuan a kilo.
How much would you like
Lingling: .
Market worker:OK.What else would you like
Lingling:A kilo of beans and two .
Market worker:That'll be thirty yuan.
Betty:Oh,the look fresh . How much are they
Market worker:Ten yuan a kilo.
Betty:One kilo,please.Here's fifty-nine yuan.
Half a kilo
Listen and fill in the blanks.
(In the market)
Lingling:I've got some food to buy too.
Market worker:Can I help you
Lingling:Yes.I'd like some sausages.How much are they
Market worker:Thirty-eight yuan a kilo.
How much would you like
Lingling:Half a kilo.
Market worker:OK.What else would you like
Lingling:A kilo of beans and two lemons.
Market worker:That'll be thirty yuan.
Betty:Oh,the strawberries look fresh . How much are they
Market worker:Ten yuan a kilo.
Betty:One kilo,please.Here's fifty-nine yuan.
Read and check 'True' or 'False'
1 Betty and Lingling go to the supermarket .
2 Lingling would like a kilo of sausages .
3 Betty would like a kilo of beans and two lemons .
4 Betty would like one kilo of strawberries.
A: Can I help you / What can I do for you
B: Yes, I’d like some …
How much are they
A: … yuan a kilo. How much would you like
B: … kilo (s).
A: That’ll be … yuan.
B: Here’s … yuan.
In the market
Work in pairs
What have we learned today
1.正确拼读并记忆Module5 Unit1 的单词。
2.完成《同步学习》P34 第二大题、第四大题。
Thank you


