外研版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 A life's work 同步练习(2份打包,含答案)

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外研版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 A life's work 同步练习(2份打包,含答案)


外研版(2019)选修3《Unit 2 A life’s work Period 1》2024年同步练习卷
1.With time   (go) by,I gradually understand my father's words.
2.It    (rain) for three days.The fields were all wet.
3.A study suggests that with the global temperature    (rise),the Arctic may be essentially ice﹣free during summer within 15 years.
4.Five years ago,I left my job to work on a ship.After working as a junior doctor,I was willing to take the risk. (1)   for adventure,I boarded a ship in Singapore with 2,000 passengers and crew.To my(2)   ,the hospital was well equipped,with an X﹣ray machine and a blood analyzer.
As a doctor,I was(3)   for the 600 crew.Far from (4)    seasickness and sunburn,I had to deal with other diseases.The ship's medical centre was (5)    a floating emergency room,and we didn't have a team of specialists on hand for a second (6)   .With long and unpredictable hours,it required mental(7)   .
Many of the passengers were elderly.Heart attacks don't(8)    geography and emergency evacuations (疏散)were difficult to arrange.I recall one such patient,who was taken off the ship halfway through the Panama Canal.After a (9)    ride in an old ambulance,I was relieved that the patient(10)   long enough to arrive at the hospital in Panama City. (11)   ,there were several unexpected benefits to the job.I regularly(12)   the passenger facilities.On rare days off,I(13)    as a tour guide on trips ashore.
Now,I understand being a ship doctor is not a job﹣it's a way of(14)   .One year at sea became two.I lost my career ambitions, (15)   I redefined happiness in my life.
(1) A.Hungry B.Skilful C.Suitable D.Concerned
(2) A.shock B.disappointment C.excitement D.relief
(3) A.powerful B.responsible C.hopeful D.helpful
(4) A.treating B.suffering C.escaping D.stopping
(5) A.exactly B.particularly C.certainly D.actually
(6) A.examination B.consideration C.opinion D.discussion
(7) A.comfort B.communication C.toughness D.pressure
(8) A.care about B.refer to C.trouble with D.rely on
(9) A.relaxing B.boring C.promising D.terrifying
(10) A.survived B.struggled C.awoke D.stuck
(11) A.Steadily B.Thankfully C.Importantly D.Generally
(12) A.cleaned B.fixed C.enjoyed D.protected
(13) A.returned B.travelled C.performed D.volunteered
(14) A.confidence B.life C.experience D.success
(15) A.though B.unless C.but D.or
5. As I prepared for my Level 8 Royal Conservatory of Music piano exam,memories of previous disappointing marks filled me with dread and anxiety.The mere thought of booking the exam made me feel completely strained.However,fate had other plans in store for me.
Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse,my trusty 10﹣year﹣old electric piano malfunctioned.The middle C note played as an F﹣sharp,and multiple other keys were out of tune.
Despite my distress,my father refused to buy a new piano and instead urged me to be more resourceful.Initially,I was at a loss without my beloved electric piano.But after struggling for a few days,I was determined to find every available piano room on campus.After discovering hidden pianos in corners,I spent countless hours practicing.As my exam drew near
One day,while practicing in a piano room,one of my teachers walked in and offered me a mini exam.To my surprise,I found a place where I could be anyone.
Playing the piano became my escape from the anxieties of adolescence and allowed me to express myself freely.When it was time to play in front of the examiner,I no longer feared judgment.Instead,I only feared not being able to represent all my hard work.As the lights came on
Eventually,I received my mark.Not only did I achieve a rarely given "well done",but I also discovered a newfound appreciation for music.Whenever I feel discouraged,some lessons are best learned the hard way.
(1)What happened to the author's electric piano?    
A.It played the wrong notes.
B.It stopped working.
C.It was sold by the author's father.
D.It was too old to use.
(2)What can be inferred from paragraph 3?    
A.The author was dissatisfied about her father.
B.The father was angry about the author's bad behavior.
C.The author's family was too poor to afford a new piano.
D.The father wanted the author to address the problem independently.
(3)Which of the following indicates the change of the author's feelings?    
(4)What did the author learn from her experience?    
A.Look before you leap.
B.Don't judge a book by its cover.
C.All that glitters is not gold.
D.God helps those who help themselves.
that,why,whether,as if,where,because,when
(1)The question discussed at the meeting was     the method was worth trying.
(2)A true friend indeed is    offers help without waiting to be asked.
(3)The last time we had great fun was    were visiting the water park.
(4)All this was over twenty years ago,but it is    it were only yesterday.
(5)What we are learning is    the method is used to solve this kind of problem.
(6)According to legend,this place is    Zhuge Liang prayed for wind.
(7)The turning of the earth on its own axis is    makes the change from day to night.
(8)He has been smoking too much.That is     he has heart disease.
(9)I'm a bit sleepy,and it's    I stayed up all night to prepare for the final exams.
(10)Puzzles have been popular for centuries,and perhaps the best thing about them is     they teach while they entertain.
7.Yuan Longping,one of China's most famous (1)   (scientist),works the land to do his research.He grows (2)    is called super hybrid rice,which makes (3)    possible to produce one﹣third more of the crop in the same fields.(4)    into a poor farmer's family in 1930,Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agricultural college in 1953.Since then,finding ways to grow more rice(5)   (be) his life goal.As a young man,he saw the great need (6)    increasing the rice output.He searched for a way to achieve it without (7)   (expand) the area of the fields.Thanks to his research,farmers are producing harvest twice as large as before and the UN has more tools in the battle (8)   (rid) the world of hunger.
One dream is not always enough,(9)   (especial) for a person who loves and cares for his people.Now Dr Yuan has another dream:to export his rice so that it can (10)   (grow) around the globe.
             she will arrive before seven.
Zhong Nanshan                fighting against the novel coronavirus.
The type and quantity of illegal drugs a person is carrying determine the punishment,       a small fine    life imprisonment.
In 2007,she developed the first G﹣Series High﹣Speed Train in China which was operated   300﹣350 kph.
12.   whose arm was broken.
13.   开辟新的领域
14.   带来突破
15.   n.食品杂货;食品杂货店
1.【解答】答案:going.此处是"with+宾语+宾语补足语"复合结构,time与go by之间是主谓关系。故填:going.
2.【解答】rain"下雨",根据时间状语for days及下文were可知,要用过去完成进行时。
故填:had been raining。
4.【解答】(1)A.考查形容词及语境理解。A.Hungry饥饿的;B.Skilful熟练的;D.Concern关心的,我在新加坡登上了一艘载有2000名乘客和船员的船 was to the ,同时hungry for渴望。
(2)D.考查名词及语境理解。A.shock震惊;C.excitement兴奋。句意:让我松了一口气的是,有X光机和血液分析仪,而下文the hospital was well equipped医院设施很好,如释重负。故选择D。
(3)B.考查形容词及语境理解。A.powerful有力量的;C.hopeful有希望的。句意:作为一位医生。固定搭配be responsible for"对…负责任" ,故选择B。
(6)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.examination检查;C.opinion观点;D.discussion讨论 didn't a team specialists hand a second可知。故选择C。
(8)A.考查动词短语及语境理解。A.care about关心;B.refer to指的是;D.rely on依赖,紧急疏散也很难安排 and evacuations difficult arrange可知。故选择A。
(9)D.考查形容词及语境理解。A.relaxing令人放松的;C.promising有前途的;D,terrifying令人害怕的。由上文说I recall one such patient,他半路下船穿越了巴拿马运河) ,应该是在一个令人有点害怕的旅途。故选择D。
(10)A.考查动词及语境理解。A.survived幸存;C.awoke醒着。句意:我松了一口气。结合上文I relieved the ,在一个可怕的旅途中,应该是活下来了。
(12)C.考查动词及语境理解。A.cleaned清洗,固定;D.protected保护,甚至在晚上招待我自己的乘客 were unexpected to job知道,而这一段说的是幸亏还有好处。故选择C。
(13)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.returned返回;C.performed表演。句意:在少数的日子里我会作为一名导游 working a junior ,作者是医生。故选择D。
(14)B.考查名词及语境理解。A.confidence信心;C.experience经历。句意:我知道作船上的医生不是工作。根据语境 redefined in life可知的我重新定义了我生活的幸福。故选择B。
5.【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse,and multiple other keys were out of tune. (正当我以为事情不会更糟的时候。中间的C音是升f调,作者的电子钢琴走调了。
(2)推理判断题。根据第三段Despite my distress,父亲还是拒绝给我买一架新钢琴,I was determined to find every available piano room on campus.After discovering hidden pianos in corners,我决心找到学校里每一间有空的钢琴教室,我花了无数个小时练习)推知。并且事实证明,她利用学校的钢琴进行练习。A author dissatisfied her ;B.The was about author's behavior.父亲对作者的不良行为很生气;C author's was poor afford a piano.作者的家庭太穷;D.The wanted author address problem 。故选D。
(3)细节理解题。根据第三段Initially,没有了我心爱的电子钢琴,以及Throughout my time at the private school,I spent countless hours practicing. (在这所私立学校的日子里。在角落里发现隐藏的钢琴后,第四段To my surprise,她对我的进步印象深刻。我的努力和奉献得到了回报)和最后一段Whenever I feel discouraged,some lessons are best learned the hard way. (每当我感到沮丧时,想起我学到的宝贵一课,有些教训是通过艰难的方式才能学到的)可知。故选C。
(4)as if.考查表语从句,但就好像是昨天一样,所以用"as ,引导表语从句 if.
7.【解答】56.scientists,根据前面的one of可知后面填写名词复数.
59.Born,be born in:出生在哪里,故填Born.
60.has been,该句主语是finding ways to grow more rice,因为有since then.
61.for,the need for:…的需要.
63.to rid,to do这里做目的状语.故填to rid.
65.be grown,根据句意,应该使用被动,故填be grown.
8.【解答】答案:It seems unlikely that.句子使用It seems"似乎",后接形容词unlikely"不可能的",it是形式主语。
故答案为:It seems unlikely that
9.【解答】答案:plays a crucial role in.play a role in在 …中起作用;扮演角色,要用一般现在时第三人称单数形式
10.【解答】答案:ranging from;to.表示"从…到…不等"使用动词短语range from…to…,因此使用动词的现在分词形式。
故答案为:ranging from;to.
11.【解答】答案:at the of.分析句子可知,即"以…的速度" the of the of.
故填:There lay a patient。
13.【解答】答案:break new projects new in institutional and technologies.这些项目在测试体制模式和进行技术示范方面开辟出一片新天地 new
14.【解答】答案:lead to breakthrough.例如:These events led to the breakthrough.这些事件带来突破 to breakthrough.
15.【解答】答案:grocery.例如:Her mother began to operate a small grocery.她母亲开始经营一家小杂货店。故填:grocery.外研版(2019)选修3《Unit 2 A life’s work Period 3》2024年同步练习卷
1.If I   (not see)it with my own eyes,I wouldn't have believed it.
2.He is so intelligent that he can always find a good approach to    (solve) the problems.
3.When writing an essay,we must make sentences that   (be) grammatically correct.
at one's own pace;day in,day out;range from…to…;date back to;take on
(1)Outbreak investigations have indicated that the novel coronavirus most likely    wild animals.
(2)I hope you spend some time learning that these ideas are worth spreading,and then    them    other people who can make a difference.
(3)Stonehenge is one of the world's most famous prehistoric monuments    over 5,000 years ago.
(4)He is fed up with doing the same thing   .
(5)The national park has a large collection of wildlife,    butterflies    elephants.
(6)The son asks his dad why the chameleon(变色龙) can    the color of its background.
(7)It is a beautiful park,where people can easily have all the walks   without a tour guide.
5.假定你是李华。最近某中学生英语报以"A Person of Achievement" 为题举行征文活动,请你写一篇英语短文进行投稿,要点如下:
Born in Hangzhou,Ma Yun,the founder of Alibaba Group,(1)   (consider,man,achievement) in the world.
He used to teach English in school and then set up the largest trading website in China. (2)   (make use of,talent),he achieved great success in the IT industry.For example,the Taobao website founded by him (3)   (bring,convenience,people,world).What's more,(4)   (enthusiastic,charity work) and even donated one billion yuan during the fight against COVID﹣19.
(5)   (whatever,difficulties,meet with),he never gave up,who(6)   (set,example,us)and encourages me to make up my mind to (7)   (become,person,make a difference) in the world.
6.So fast   light travel that it's difficult for us to imagine its speed.
7.I am writing to introduce to you    ancient Chinese celebrity I admire most.
8.It's most unlikely   she'll arrive before seven.
9.The government's policies will promote the    (福利)of all citizens.
10.I'm more than delighted to know that you're quite interested in ancient Chinese    (名人).
11.Join the hottest hip﹣hop party,step into the    (聚光灯) and show your moves.
12.The artist that is experienced in painting p    his model carefully.
13.I treated them to lunch to    (报答)all their kindness.
14.Many fans are always collecting a lot of information    (有关的) with their favorite stars.
15.Buying a house had taken all their    (积蓄).
16.Throughout the history of    (时尚),when any new trend appears,most people tend to hate it.
17.The job will require you to use all your skills to the m   .
18.She's French but she speaks with a strong English    (口音).
19.The five﹣year﹣old boy has no    (理解)of such a difficult math problem.
20.As a father,he thought it was necessary to pass    the spirit to his children.
21.His outstanding achievements earned him the    (赞赏) of the scientific community.
22.A pained    (表情)crossed her face when she heard her son injured.
23.One should keep in mind that scientific development usually comes about in somewhat regular    (时尚).
24.We must encourage the planting of new trees and    (保护,保存)our existing woodlands.
25.It is in China's vital interest to keep Hong Kong    (繁荣的) and stable.
26.G    stores have to offer enough specials to bring people into the store.
27.   vt.分析→   n.分析
28.We hope that manufacturers will take note of the    (结果)and improve their products.
29.Parents need to encourage kids to develop their   (潜能) without putting too much pressure.
30.More and more citizens are suggesting ways to restore the historically important    (建筑风格).
31.   n.奉献,献身
基本信息 出生于 1930年12月30日,浙江宁波
个人经历 1.1951年上大学,成为药学专业的学生;2.毕业后从事医药研究工作,并于1972从草药中发现了用于治疗疟疾(malaria)的青蒿素(qinghaosu)
所获奖项 2015年10月5日被授予诺贝尔生理学或医学奖(the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine)
人物评价 谦虚谨慎,甘于奉献
1.【解答】答案:hadn't seen.
本题考查虚拟语气的用法.根据主句中的谓语动词的形式wouldn't believed可知,所以其从句中的时态应该是过去完成时;故答案为hadn't seen.
4.【解答】(1)originated from.考查动词短语。根据句意"疫情调查显示。"可知要填的词为"originate ,描述已发生的事情,故填originated from.
(2)pass on;to.考查动词短语,然后再把它们传递给其他能有所作为的人 on…to把…传递给",所以用动词原形;to.
(3)dating back to.考查动词短语。根据句意"巨石阵是世界上最著名的史前遗迹之一。"可知要填的词为"date to追溯到",所以用现在分词作后置定语
(4)day in,day out.考查固定搭配。"可知要填的词为"day ,day ,故填day in
(5)ranging from;to.考查固定搭配,从蝴蝶到大象 from…to…范围从…到",所以用现在分词作后置定语;to.
(6)take on.考查动词短语。根据句意"儿子问他爸爸为什么变色龙能呈现出它的背景色 on呈现",所以用动词原形
(7)at their own pace.考查固定搭配。根据句意"这是一个美丽的公园,人们可以很容易地按照自己的步调走完所有的路 one's pace以自己的步调"
5.【解答】Born in Hangzhou,Ma Yun,(1)is considered a man who has the greatest achievement(consider,achievement) in the world.【高分句型一】(人物的基本信息)
He used to teach English in school and then set up the largest trading website in China. (2)Making use of his talent(make use of,talent),the Taobao website founded by him (3)has brought ,convenience,world).What's more,charity work) and even donated one billion yuan during the fight against COVID﹣19.(人物的主要事迹)
(5)Whatever difficulties he met with(whatever,difficulties,he never gave up example for us(set,us)and encourages me to make up my mind to (7)become a person who can ,person
8.【解答】答案 that.根据题意,她将会在七点钟之前到这是最不可能的事。分析句子结构可知,空格处引导从句作真正的主语,故填that.
12.【解答】答案:posed.句中that is in ,修饰先行词artist model可知使用动词pose"摆姿势",因此使用动词的过去式。
17.【解答】答案:maximum.由上文的use all skills the可知,使用名词maximum"最大限度"。
20.【解答】pass on是固定短语"传递",根据后文the to children(把精神给孩子)应该用传递下去。
26.【解答】答案:Grocery.由下文的stores可知,使用grocery stores"杂货店"。
27.【解答】答案:analyze;analysis.例如:Can you analyze the structure of the sentence for me?
His analysis of the problem showed great perception.他对该问题的分析显示出敏锐的洞察力.
31.【解答】答案:devotion/dedication.例如:Her dedication to her work was admirable.她对工作的奉献精神可钦可佩。故填:devotion/dedication.
32.【解答】答案是hydrogen;考查词义识记 n.氢.氢和氧是气体.


