
  1. 二一教育资源



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1.How will the weather be tomorrow
A.Windy. B.Fine. C.Rainy.
2.What do we know about the office
A.It is pretty bad. B.It is big. C.It is small.
3.Why does the man refuse to go camping
A.His vacation is over.
B.He wants to see his grandma.
C.He doesn’t like camping at all.
4.What does the woman mean
A.The boy is too thin to go skating.
B.The weather is too cold to go skating.
C.The boy had better not go skating this afternoon.
5.What does the woman feel sorry for
A.She didn’t hand in her report on time.
B.She failed to do experiments.
C.She was late for school.
6.What does the man like to eat
A.Vegetables. B.Eggs. C.Meat.
7.Where will the speakers probably go next
A.To the kitchen. B.To the supermarket. C.To the clothes store.
8.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Mother and son. B.Husband and wife. C.Father and daughter.
9.What do Jane’s classmates think of the exhibition (展览)
A.It’s tiring and boring. B.It’s interesting and helpful. C.It’s funny but useless.
10.What is the man doing
A.Visiting an art show. B.Doing some shopping. C.Watching TV.
11.When was ASIMO made
A.In 1986. B.In 1968. C.In 1886.
12.What can the mini-robots do in the UK
A.Collect waste. B.Make food. C.Stop dangerous people.
13.What does the man ask the woman to do
A.Lend him some money. B.Give him some advice. C.Make friends with Tom.
14.How much did the man lend to Tom
A.50 yuan. B.200 yuan. C.500 yuan.
15.What does the woman advise the man to do
A.Talk to Tom face to face. B.Say sorry to Tom at once. C.Blame Tom for stealing money.
16.How does the man plan to deal with the thing
A.He’ll wait for some time to see what will happen.
B.He’ll go together with the woman to visit Tom.
C.He’ll ask Tom for money right now.
17.What does the speaker probably do
A.A student. B.A teacher. C.A headmaster.
18.Where can visitors learn about the subjects for new students
A.In science labs. B.In the school hall. C.In classrooms.
19.When will visitors have lunch
A.At 11:00 am. B.At 11:30 am. C.At 12:00 pm.
20.What is the speech mainly about
A.The history of the school. B.The courses for the term. C.The plan for the day.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Make full use of your senses, discover hidden talents and enjoy a new interest at the Joseph Regenstein, Jr. School of the Chicago Botanic Garden. Learn the following lessons of the adult education programme. Our expert instructors offer virtual learning in different kinds of topics.
Beginning Watercolor
Wednesday 28 February
Watercolor is a fresh, beautiful way to express the beauty of a sunset or the reflection of trees and clouds on a pond. You will learn to make expressive marks, mix colors, and apply water mindfully to achieve the amazing effects watercolor offers.
Organic Vegetable Gardening Basics
Thursday 29 February
Learn the basic techniques and tools required to grow your own vegetables. Site selection, bed and soil preparation, seed sowing, transplanting, and harvesting techniques will be covered. You will receive a packet of seeds to grow at home.
Essence of Internal Martial Arts (武术)
Friday 22 March
Whether your goal is to improve your practical skills and your well-being, or you are simply interested in the internal martial arts, this class will provide a strong foundation (基础) for your practice. Instead of fixed forms, the class focuses more on the necessary rules and fundamental training. It provides a detailed study into effective ways of body use and a well organized way of building health while connecting the mind and body.
Plants That Attract Beneficial Insects
Sunday 7 April
Are you interested in controlling insect pests (害虫) in your garden naturally You can finish this by planting a variety of beautiful plants that attract pollinators and other beneficial insects. By learning about adult beneficial insects, their hungry larvae and their preferred plants, you can effectively reduce or remove pest populations.
21.What is the right time for attending Beginning Watercolor
A.Wed. 28 Feb. B.Thurs. 29 Feb. C.Fri. 22 Mar. D.Sun. 7 Apr.
22.Which lesson best suits people who want to reduce pests in their gardens
A.Beginning Watercolor. B.Organic Vegetable Gardening Basics.
C.Essence of Internal Martial Arts. D.Plants That Attract Beneficial Insects.
23.What do the listed lessons have in common
A.They are virtual learning. B.They are for children.
C.They are about body health. D.They are designed to show instructors’ talents.
Jordyn Perez was about to turn 8 years old when her mom suggested a new way to celebrate her birthday. “What would you think about donating your gifts to a children’s hospital ” her mom said. At first, Jordyn wasn’t sure. Then she gave it some thought. “I was like,’ Okay, that’s cool,’ ” Jordyn said. “I already had everything I needed, and these
kids that were going through things at the hospital—they needed it more than I did.”
“Just to see these kids’ little faces when Jordyn hands them the gifts at the hospital, that’s always been our favorite part,” says Jordyn’s mother. “Seeing these kids’ reactions just touches our hearts.” Kids can be in the hospital for lots of reasons, for example, asthma, a condition that affects breathing. Whatever the patient’s ailment, a hospital stay can be stressful. Efforts like Jordyn’s are a bright spot during a difficult time.
Since that time, it has kicked off each year in early November, five or six weeks before her birthday. Along with an invitation to her party, Jordyn’s friends get a list of gift ideas for kids at the hospital. For the littlest patients, gifts might include building blocks or toy trains.“And for the teenagers, my age or older,” Jordyn says, “it might be music player or books.”
Natalie Gutierrez works in the public relations office at Baptist Children’s Hospital. She has seen first-hand the effect of Jordyn’s gift-giving. “She puts smiles on the faces of these little patients in our hospital and on our nurses and staff,” Gutierrez says. Jordyn’s efforts to help kids in the hospital have inspired others to follow in her footsteps. More boys and girls have collected and given gifts for their birthdays too. “Giving to others, it’s just a good feeling to have at the end of the day,” Jordyn says. “I want to keep doing this as long as I can.”
24.What can we learn about Jordyn from paragraph 1
A.She wasn’t satisfied with her birthday gifts. B.She accepted her mother’s advice.
C.She was busy choosing gifts for kids in hospital. D.She wanted a new way to celebrate her birthday.
25.What does the underlined word “ailment” in paragraph 2 mean
A.Treatment. B.Expectation. C.Illness. D.Reaction.
26.When is Jordyn’s birthday
A.In January. B.In December. C.In November. D.In October.
27.What is the purpose of mentioning Natalie Gutierrez
A.To introduce her hospital work. B.To recommend some suitable gifts.
C.To explain Jordyn’s great difficulties. D.To show the effect of Jordyn’s behavior.
Soap (肥皂) might seem like a reasonable way to avoid mosquito bites (蚊子叮) on the basis that if mosquitoes can’t smell you, they can’t bite you. However, a recent study has found that rather than protecting you, certain soaps might actually make you more attractive to mosquitoes.
In the study, conducted at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, four volunteers were asked to wear a sleeve before and after washing with four different brands of soap. The researchers then watched female mosquitoes—as only females feed on blood—landing on the fabric sample to show their preference. They found that some people washing with some brands of soap, increased their attractiveness to mosquitoes, while washing with other brands of soap tended to repel (驱除) mosquitoes. The repellent effect of some soap may be due to its coconut scent, as coconut oil is known to act as a natural mosquito repellent.
The reason behind this attraction is believed to be related to mosquitoes’ sugar intake. When mosquitoes are not feeding on blood, they add their diet with plant juice or sweet water from flowers. “The fact we are taking those flowery and fruity smells and putting them on our bodies means that now the same object smells like a flower and a person at the same time,” said Clement Vinauger, who led the study.“It would be like waking up and smelling the smell of coffee and bread. Very attractive.”
Interestingly, the effects of the soap varied among people, possibly due to the interaction (相互作用) between the soap and each person’s unique body scent. “It’s remarkable that the same person that is extremely attractive to mosquitoes when he is unwashed can become even more attractive to mosquitoes with one soap, and then become repellent to mosquitoes with another soap,” said Vinauger. Further research is needed to better understand the interaction between different soap and body scents, as well as to develop more effective mosquito repellents.
28.What has the study found
A.Not all soap can stop mosquito bites. B.Male mosquitoes feed on blood.
C.Some plants drive away mosquitoes. D.Soap attracts many mosquitoes.
29.How did the researchers conduct the study
A.By examining old studies. B.By exploring the history of mosquitoes.
C.By interviewing a lot of volunteers. D.By observing the mosquitoes’ behaviour.
30.Why did Vinauger mention coffee and bread
A.To prove the attractiveness of some soap to mosquitoes.
B.To discuss their probable health benefits.
C.To compare the difference of objects used in the study.
D.To stress the importance of breakfast.
31.In which section of a newspaper may the text appear
A.Tour. B.Chemistry. C.Sports. D.Health.
There are a number of animals that give off light in some way—including several kinds of insects and fish. Some kinds of mushrooms give off light, too. But most plants don’t give out light. Now, scientists are working to change that.
When a living thing gives off light, it’s called bioluminescence (生物发光). Fireflies are a well-known example of bioluminescence. Though less well-known, many mushrooms are also bioluminescent. These bioluminescent creatures light up thanks to chemicals called luciferins (荧光素) inside their bodies. Luciferins cause a chemical reaction that can give off light.
Plants don’t naturally have luciferins, so there are no naturally bioluminescent plants.But that hasn’t stopped scientists from trying to create them. In the past, scientists have created plants that made less bright by adding DNA from shining objects. Scientists have also created plants that can give off light by adding luciferins to plants. But it only works as long as the chemicals last. In 2017, a team was able to cause a plant to give off light for about four hours.
Now, researchers at a Russian company have come up with a new method of creating shining plants. By adding certain parts of the DNA from shining mushrooms to ordinary tobacco plants, the researchers were able to create plants that could make their own luciferins. The scientists reported that the light was about 10 times brighter than in earlier shining plants.
The researchers believe that shining plants could help scientists learn more about the way plants work. For example, the moving patterns or waves of light in the plants may show activity in plants that normally can’t be seen. The shining also helps reveal how plants may be affected by things around them. For example, the plants gave off much more light strongly when a ripe banana skin was nearby. But the researchers don’t think the plants will just be used for science. They think many people may want shining plants for their beauty. So they are working with a company to develop shining plants for sale.
32.What phenomenon does the author describe in paragraph 1
A.Most animals hate giving off light.
B.Many plants give off light through scientists’ efforts.
C.Animals give off light to protect themselves.
D.It’s hard to find plants that give out light.
33.What happens when a firefly lights up
A.It gives off lots of heat to warm itself. B.It has chemical reactions inside its body.
C.It lacks energy due to chemical reactions. D.It informs other fireflies of the danger.
34.How does the author support his viewpoint in the last paragraph
A.By showing numbers. B.By making a comparison.
C.By providing examples. D.By making a summary.
35.What is the best title for the text
A.Human development results in less shining plants
B.People’s lifestyles are reflected in shining plants
C.Scientists manage to create shining plants
D.Geography determines the types of shining plants
In the New Year, we often set goals like getting fitter, doing better in school, or trying new activities. 36 . When we overdo things, we’re trying to protect ourselves from fear—fear of failing, fear of disappointing others, or fear of not being good enough. But this continuous wish for perfection doesn’t actually make us better. It ends up stressing us out more. 37 .
Set new boundaries (界限). Decide to change one habit that makes you overdo things. For example, stop checking your phone after a certain hour. 38 . But with time, your brain will adjust and the anxiety will decrease. This is called habituation—facing your fear until it doesn’t frighten you anymore.
Recognize the difference between danger and discomfort. Creating new boundaries might upset some people around you. 39 , but it doesn’t mean it’s dangerous. Moreover, it’s important to face uncomfortable feelings rather than avoid them. Avoidance can run out of our energy and make things worse.
40 . What needs to recognize is that you are the one in control of your life. Seeking agreement or permission from others for everything we do makes us feel less safe. Learning to trust our own decisions is key to feeling safe and balanced.
As we work on our New Year’s plans, remember that growth is good, but it doesn’t come from fear.
A.You are in charge
B.You won’t be used to it at first
C.It will allow us to solve more problems
D.It’s natural for them to feel uncomfortable
E.Overdoing harms our mental and physical health
F.Here are some ways to help you stop overdoing it in your life
G.While aiming high can be good, it can also lead us to overdo things
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I got a message from my friend, Megan. “This little 41 , Winnie, needed a home,” she said, and then 42 some pictures.
I’d started my animal 43 in 2017 after I’d bought a piece of land and used it to give some 44 animals a home. To give them a better life, I 45 the home with the profits I made running four pet supply stores. My first animal was a sheep, Charlotte, who had a bad back leg. 46 , the farm had grown to feed 200 animals.
Looking at the 47 Megan sent me of the cute disabled dog on my phone, I decided that I had room for one more. Despite his deformed (畸形的) front legs on the pictures, his beautiful brown eyes on the pictures made my heart melt (软化). So I took him to a hospital. The doctor got him to 48 with a cool set of wheels.
“ 49 doggie,” strangers showed pity sometimes when they saw Winnie. But within minutes, they 50 that Winnie was living his best lives on the farm and they didn’t need to feel 51 for him. I 52 Winnie’s own web page where I would share Winnie’s life. And he earned a lot of followers. “He 53 me when I was feeling sad,” one follower commented recently.
Winnie proves that animals with 54 can lead fulfilling (令人心满意足的) lives. He’s my best friend and I’m 55 of everything that he does.
41.A.sheep B.cat C.dog D.deer
42.A.searched for B.swept away C.gave up D.sent over
43.A.shelter B.school C.gallery D.hospital
44.A.unemployed B.unwanted C.unkind D.unsuitable
45.A.limited B.funded C.sold D.rated
46.A.Particularly B.Secretly C.Gradually D.Obviously
47.A.presents B.toys C.awards D.pictures
48.A.cry B.agree C.move D.puzzle
49.A.Poor B.Honest C.Clean D.Funny
50.A.complained B.forgot C.warned D.realized
51.A.sorry B.calm C.threatened D.tired
52.A.attracted B.imagined C.created D.stopped
53.A.challenged B.inspired C.joined D.tracked
54.A.talents B.disabilities C.achievements D.purposes
55.A.sick B.afraid C.distrustful D.proud
Tradition has never lost 56 (it) shine. Although China has achieved the greatest urbanization (城市化) in history, Chinese people’s physical and 57 (emotion) connections to traditions are strong and everywhere. These traditions 58 (become) a precious and unique part of Chinese culture over centuries.
In the past Spring Festival holidays, Chinese people have felt a festive atmosphere both in big cities 59 in the countryside.
The Ming Tombs in Beijing staged a live show inspired by the Ming Dynasty silk painting Ming Emperor Xianzong Enjoying the Lantern Festival, attracting hundreds of visitors. Dozens of 60 (perform) wearing Ming Dynasty clothing staged a sitcom (情景喜剧) style play, performing scenes including the emperor lighting lanterns and other ancient activities usually 61 (hold) during the Lantern Festival. One worker said that it aimed 62 (help) people experience how the Lantern Festival was celebrated and further understand Ming culture.
In addition 63 turning the ancient painting into a sitcom, many other folk arts also became a major draw, even for young people. One young woman Hou traveled all the way from Beijing to Jiexi County, South China’s Guangdong Province, during the holiday to watch a performance of the Yingge Dance, 64 is one of the most representative (有代表性的) folk arts in Chaozhou and Shantou, Guangdong Province.
Many people were deeply moved as traditional cultures could 65 (preserve) until now.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是李华,你校即将举办一场主题为“Music Changes Lives”的讲座。请给你校外教Paul写一封邮件,邀请他参加,内容包括:
Dear Paul, Yours, Li Hua
Jackie was searching for her library book in her room. Outside her house stood her friend Sasha waiting for her to go to the library. But the book was missing.
Jackie then ran into her sister’s bedroom. “Have you seen my library book Last week my book was bitten by your cat. The week before that, you dropped my book in the park,” Jackie asked angrily. Her sister shook her head. Despite her efforts, Jackie found no traces of the book there.
“What’s taking you so long, Jackie ” Mom’s voice rang through the house. “I need to find my library book. It has a red cover. It’s due (到期) today. If I have lost the library book, I am not allowed to check out any books for a whole month,” Jackie sighed, walking down the stairs. She nearly ran into her mom, who was carrying a heavy laundry (待洗衣物) basket.
“Good luck with that book. The library closes in twenty minutes.” Mom stopped to grab Jackie’s clothes from the railing and wrinkled her nose. “I’m putting these in the laundry,” said Mom, disappearing down the basement stairs.
Jackie ran around the house, looking under the sofa, in the fridge, and behind the piano. However, the book was nowhere to be found. Where was that library book The thought of not being able to get into the world of stories and knowledge for a whole month made her feel very sad. Jackie sank onto the living room sofa, her mind racing with thoughts of the result she would soon face.
Just then Mom came into the living room and suddenly said, “Have you searched all the places You need to think carefully and see if you’ve missed anything ” “I’ve searched everywhere I can think of, but I still haven’t found it,” Jackie almost cried. “I looked for you in your painting room in the backyard last night where you were practising your painting. I seemed to see a red thing. Maybe it was in the painting room,” Mom added.
Without wasting another moment, Jackie rushed outside to the painting room. Rushing to the library, Jackie and Sasha found the door still open.
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M: Hello. International Friends Club. Can I help you
W: Oh, hello. I read about your club in the paper today and I thought I’d phone to find out a bit more.
M: Yes, certainly. Well, we are a sort of social club for people from different countries. It’s quite a new club—we have about 50 members at the moment, but we are growing all the time.
W: That sounds interesting. I’m British actually, and I came to Washington about three months ago. I’m looking for ways to meet people. Er, what kinds of events do you organize
M: Well, we have social get-togethers, and sports events, and we also have language evenings.
W: Could you tell me something about the language evenings
M: Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening. People can come and practice their languages—you know, over a drink or something. We have different languages on different evenings. Monday—Spanish; Tuesday—Italian; Wednesday—German; and Friday—French. On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to come.
W: Well, that sounds great. I really need to practice my French.
M: OK. Well, if you can just give me your name and address, I’ll send you the form and some more information. If you join now, you can have the first month free.
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M: Excuse me. Can you tell me how much the shirt is
W: Yes, it’s nine fifteen.
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(Text 1)
M: What will the weather be like tomorrow
W: The rain will stop, and it will be sunny.
(Text 2)
M: Hey, Jenny. Welcome to my new office.
W: It is small, but beautiful, isn’t it
M: Here is coffee for you. Help yourself.
W: Yes, pretty good. Thank you.
(Text 3)
W: Why not go camping with Tom Don’t you like camping, too
M: I’d love to and I like camping very much. But my grandma wants me to go to her farm and I miss her so much. So I’ll spend my vacation there.
(Text 4)
M: Mom, the weather is nice. I’d like to go skating on the lake this afternoon.
W: Don’t you think the ice is too thin to support your weight
M: That’s a pity!
(Text 5)
M: What’s this
W: It’s my lab report, sir.
M: But this should have been handed in last Thursday.
W: Yes, I know, sir. I’m sorry.
听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。现在,你有 10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。
(Text 6)
W: I’m going to make tomato soup for dinner.
M: I suggest we should have something with some meat in it, Eating only vegetables is boring.
W: But vegetables are good for your health.
M: But I like to eat meat. I don’t really like vegetables.
W: OK, I’ll make a dish with meat in it, too. But I’m afraid we’ll buy some meat together.
M: OK, let’s go.
(Text 7)
W: Dad, will you take me to the Capital Museum
M: OK, Jane. But what’s on there
W: There is an exhibition about Qianlong Emperor.
M: You can learn something that happened in Qing Dynasty.
W: Some of my classmates have been there and they’re interested in it and they have learned a lot.
M: When shall we go there
W: Next Saturday morning, OK
M: All right.
(Text 8)
W: Robert, would you like to go shopping with me
M: I’d like to, but could you wait for a moment
W: Why
M: I’m watching a TV show about robots. It says robots have come a long way since the 15th century. We’ve got robots to build cars, carry heavy things and work in dangerous places.
W: But I think things haven’t stopped there.
M: Right. In 1986, Honda made a robot called ASIMO. It can walk, climb and run fast. Isn’t it wonderful
W: Certainly. What other things does the TV show tell you
M: In the UK, the mini-robots can send food, clean floors, collect and throw away waste. These robots can also stop if anything or anyone is in the way.
W: I think the robots will be more and more important in the future.
(Text 9)
M: Hey, Linda, can I talk to you for a minute I need your advice.
W: Of course. What’s up
M: I lend my friend Tom 500 yuan two weeks ago, and he still hasn’t paid me back. I don’t know what to do.
W: Well, you could trust him. Maybe he just forgot about the money.
M: That’s a lot of money. I’m really starting to get angry.
W: I suggest you should sit down and have a talk with him face to face. He really might have forgotten it.
M: I think I’d better not lend him money from now on.
W: Don’t make a decision too fast. Talk to him about it first, and then decide.
M: OK, maybe I’ll wait for another week and see what will happen. I’ll tell you about it.
W: Good luck.
(Text 10)
M: Welcome to Montfort School. I’m Mr Lee, who is teaching in this school. Thank you for choosing our school and for joining the happy Montfort family which has been educating boys since 1916.We are so happy that you have taken time off to be with us today. Here’s the plan for the day. At 9:00 am our headmaster will give a welcome speech. This will be in the school hall. Following the speech is the guided tour of the exhibition at 9:30.Here you can see the history of our school. The exhibition is in the classrooms on the second floor. And then the guided tour of science labs is at 11:00 am. Here you can see the subjects that new students will study. You will also notice that our labs have excellent equipment. At Montfort, we believe in the all-round development of our students. Lunch will be at 11:30 am. It has been specially prepared for our visitors. At 12:00 pm all our teachers and student leaders will answer any questions that you have in your minds. We are so happy that you could be with us today.
1—5 BCBCA 6—10 CBCBC 11—15 AABCA 16—20 ABABC
21—23 ADA 24—27 BCBD 28—31 ADAD 32—35 DBCC
36—40 GFBDA 41—45 CDABB 46—50 CDCAD 51—55 ACBBD
56.its 57.emotional 58.have become 59.and 60.performers
61.held 62.to help 63.to 64.which 65.be preserved
Dear Paul,
How is everything going Knowing your deep appreciation for music, I’m writing to invite you to attend a lecture in our school, which is themed “Music Changes Lives”.
As scheduled, the lecture will be held next Friday in the school hall. First of all, our headmaster will give a speech to us on behalf of the school. Then some experts invited will explore the influence of music on people’s lives. After the lecture, we’ll have a discussion about different kinds of music. Your unique view, rooted in your love for music, would undoubtedly contribute greatly to our discussions.
I sincerely hope you can join us. Your attendance would truly make a difference. Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
Without wasting another moment, Jackie rushed outside to the painting room. After she entered the painting room, she scanned the room for any sign of her missing book. When she scanned the messy shelves, she finally saw a familiar sight. Among her art supplies, there was her library book with the red cover that she had been desperately searching for. A wave of relief washed over her, and she couldn’t believe her luck. She found the book in time. She dashed to Sasha outside, who had been patiently waiting for her all the time.
Rushing to the library, Jackie and Sasha found the door still open. The librarian was about to lock it. Jackie rushed in, with the book held tightly in her hand, and explained the situation hurriedly. The librarian listened, a mixture of amusement and empathy on her face, and then nodded, allowing Jackie to return the book. With the book safely returned, Jackie and Sasha left the library, a weight lifted off their shoulders. Jackie learned the importance of taking care of her belongings, grateful for the lesson learned in such a memorable way.


