Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 频度副词感知预习及习练 人教版英语八年级上册

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Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 频度副词感知预习及习练 人教版英语八年级上册


频度副词(Adverbs of Frequency)
一 定义
属英语中时间副词(Adverbs of Time)的一种。顾名思义,它表示动作发生的频率。按照频率从高到低的标准,可排列如下:
1. always 总是,一直
The buses are always crowded during rush hours.
2. usually 通常,平常
We usually eat out on Sundays.
3. often 常常,经常
He is often late for school.
4. frequently 屡次地,频繁地(比often 正式)
Buses run frequently from the city to the airport.
5. sometimes 有时
Sometimes he goes to school by bike and sometimes by bus.
6. occasionally 偶尔地,有时地
I occasionally go to the movies with her.
7. seldom 很少,不常
I have seldom met her recently.
8. rarely 很少,难得
He rarely goes out for dinner.
9. scarcely
They have scarcely gone out since the baby was born.
10. never 从不,一次也没有
He is never late for his appointments.
1. 频度副词通常位于实义动词之前,动词be、助动词、情态动词等之后。
如:We often get together.
Jane usually goes to work by bike. unt:
He sometimes goes there on business.
He can never understand.
I was never very good at maths.
如:We have never been invited to one of their parties. 他们聚会,一次也没邀请过我们。
She must sometimes have wanted to run away. 她有时候一定想到过要逃走。

1). sometimes常可用于句首。
如:Sometimes she comes late. 有时她来得晚。
Sometimes she didn’t agree with me. 有时她和我意见不一致。
2). often用于句首时,通常表示强调,且其前一般有quite, very修饰。
如:Very often he comes in late. 他常常迟到。
Quite often the phone rings when I’m in the bath. 电话经常在我洗澡时响。
3) usually有时也用于句首,其前不用修饰语。
如:Usually I get Roman'我平时起得早。
一. 写出频度副词
1.总是,一直 2.通常 3.经常
4.有时 5.很少 6.稀少
7.几乎不 8.从不
二. 把句子填写完整
1. You forgot to do your homework. (rarely) 你几乎忘记了做你的作业。

2. English people shake hands. (seldom) 英国人很少握手。

3. He gets up at 6 o’clock every morning.(never)

4. We have seen such a beautiful sunset. (rarely)

5. They have breakfast at home. (seldom) 他们很少在家里吃早餐。

6. She is on time.( never) 她从来不守时。

7. Your grandparents go out for a walk. (hardly)

8. The sun rises in the west. (never) 太阳从来不在西边升起。


