
  1. 二一教育资源



第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Community Volunteers Program
Community Volunteers Program is a brand new service opportunity that engages volunteers in weekly service with community-based organizations in neighborhoods surrounding the Boston campus.It offers various volunteer placements that will allow you to connect your skills, passions, and interests with weekly service!
826 Boston
It is a nonprofit kids writing and publishing organization empowering traditionally under-served students(age 2 to 13)to find their voices,tell their stories,and gain communication skills to succeed in school and in future life.
·Primary Focus:After-school enrichment/tutoring.
·Opportunity Type:Remote.
Family Gym Program
Family Gym’s goal is to provide families with young children(age 0 to 10)with a safe, accessible space to engage in fun,and age-appropriate physical activity.
·Primary Focus: Nutrition and Meal Assistance, Nutrition and Physical Education.
·Opportunity Type:Virtual/Remote.
Community Servings
Community Servings actively engages the community to provide medically tailored, nutritious, scratch-made meals to critically ill kids(age 6 to 10)and their families.
·Primary Focus:Food Security,Nutrition and Meal Assistance.
·Opportunity Type:In person.
Hernández After School Program
HASP involves youth from the Rafael Hernández Two-Way Bilingual School to provide the highest quality of specialized services to meet the educational,social, emotional,cultural,and recreational needs of its students(age 5 to 12) in the surrounding communities.
·Primary Focus: After-school enrichment/tutoring for multilingual students.
·Opportunity Type: Remote.
1. What is the main job of volunteers in 826 Boston
A. To teach students expressive skills. B. To provide kids with physical training.
C. To offer teenagers social assistance. D. To help youth with emotional problems.
2. Which program may prefer volunteers with medical knowledge
A. 826 Boston. B. Family Gym Program.
C. Community Servings. D. Hernndez After School Program.
3. What do the four programs have in common
A. They advocate healthy diets. B. They focus on education.
C. They feature online service. D. They center around children.
Once the choice of royal household, the watermelon has gained popularity rapidly over the years, and an online grocer reported that the fruit’s sales on the platform had increased sixfold from 2020 to 2022, resulting in increasingly high demand for watermelon quality testers.
Lee, 32, is extremely busy in the summer months. Just by holding the watermelon near his ear and knocking on the surface with his fingers, Lee says, he can tell by the sound if the fruit is ripe enough to be eaten or not. He works for a rural cooperative set up by a group of watermelon farmers, and puts thousands of watermelons through the “knock test” daily, before they are shipped to downtown warehouses where the platform sources its supplies.
The practice of knocking on watermelons to determine their ripeness can be found across cultures. In China, it is considered a national habit. Smart buyers tap on the fruit before purchase to ensure their money is well-spent. Some buyers knock on the fruit despite not knowing what the hollow sound means just to negotiate a better deal from the seller.
As fruit sales have moved to online platforms in a big way, those who make a living by checking the quality of the fruits with their fingers are much in demand. Lee is one among the growing group. Their task is to conduct knock tests on behalf of e-buyers and ensure that the fruits selected to be sold online are uniform in size and quality.
Lee, who was once an award-winning soccer player, now describes himself as a “goalkeeper for watermelons”. He quit soccer about four years ago and learned about melon-knocking as an emerging profession and decided to become an apprentice(学徒) to an experienced farmer.
After a year’s trial and error, Lee worked independently as a quality checker. “It is a highly demanding task. During the apprenticeship, I often cracked open melons to confirm my judgment. There are just no shortcuts, ” he said.
4. What is the main purpose of the text
A. To introduce an emerging profession.
B. To describe Lee’s career transformation.
C. To discuss the importance of fruit quality testers.
D. To explain the cultural role of watermelon-knocking.
5. What has led to the high demand for watermelon quality testers
A. The popularity of watermelons. B. The big harvest of watermelons.
C. An increase in watermelon prices. D. A rapid rise in online watermelon sales.
6. Why does Lee describe himself as a “goalkeeper for watermelons”
A. He was once an award-winning soccer player.
B. He dreams of being a professional melon-knocker.
C. He was taught by an experienced watermelon farmer.
D. He ensures that customers enjoy watermelons of quality.
7. What can we learn from Lee’s words in the last paragraph
A. Seeing is believing. B. Every man has his value.
C. Great efforts and practice matter. D. Excellence can be found in any profession.
It’s no secret now that the more time we spend on social media, the more we feel dissatisfied with ourselves. We tend to compare ourselves to influences and celebrities- so it’s easy to understand how that can affect our confidence.
But, how often have you found yourself comparing your life to your friends Engaging with social media shared by our friends can be more damaging than looking at content shared by celebrities, new research has found.
The study looking at how social media affects body image found that any social media engagement was significantly associated with lower “appearance satisfaction”. Additionally, it found that engaging with content posted by people the participants knew was more than twice as damaging as looking at content posted by strangers, including celebrities.
Viren Swami, Professor of Social Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University, believes this is partly because we know it’s hard to attain the lives of celebrities or influences, but when we’re comparing ourselves to our friends, it feels like we should- or could-live the way they do.
“One possible explanation is that people may perceive a post showing appearance as being much more attainable if it comes from someone they know, adding expectation or pressure on the person engaging in the post, ” he said. “At the same time, people may be more critically engaged with posts by the likes of models and celebrities, and therefore perceive the images they share to be more unrealistic."
This is not just confined to body image though. We all have one area in our lives that triggers(触 发)us. Maybe you’ve been searching for a new job for months and you find yourself on social media, envying your school friend who just landed their dream role. Maybe. . .
All this is to say the obvious: we only see part of people’s lives -and if it’s getting you down, you’re probably comparing your insides to other people’s outsides. Everyone has their struggles and life is indeed not perfect for anyone. So, put down your phone, get offline, be thankful and try to live your own life.
8. What did the new study find
A. Social media invites unfavorable comments.
B. Friends’ posts affect us more than celebrities’.
C. Celebrities have a negative influence on our life.
D. Body image causes more concern than social life.
9. Why are we more likely to compare with our friends according to Swami
A. They serve as role models.
B. We know the way they live. ,
C. Their lifestyles are accessible.
D. We are curious about their life.
10 What does the underlined word in Paragraph 6 probably mean
A. Restricted.
B. Related.
C. Devoted.
D. Exposed.
11. What does the author suggest people do
A. Find your dream and fight for it.
B. Stop comparing and be yourself.
C. Be grateful and lead a perfect life.
D. Stop complaining and get down to work.
Small-scale fisheries supply many people with food. Almost all of those in this trade rely on gillnets (刺网) to trap fish. But gillnets trap other things, for example, endangered animals such as turtles; dangerous ones, such as Humboldt squid; and ones that are both endangered and dangerous, such as several types of sharks. Everyone involved would be better off if this did not happen.
Building on studies done both by himself and by others, to try to avoid the accidental netting of turtles, Jesse Senko, a marine-conservation biologist at Arizona State University, has been investigating the idea of fitting LEDs (发光二极管) to nets to avoid netting other unwanted by-catch without discouraging target animals. And, as he reports in Current Biology, it seems to work.
Dr. Senko and his colleagues set up an experiment in the Gulf of Ulloa, in Mexico, in which they cooperated with local fisher folks to employ over 10,000 meters of net s that had had net s battery-powered waterproof green LEDs fitted onto them every ten meters. In half of the these, lights were lit. The other half were left unlit, as controls. Each lit net was paired with an unlit one, and the two were employed alongside one another at prime fishing locations. The fishers' target fish were large groupers. Dr. Senko was interested both in what else got caught and whether the lights decreased catches of the target species.
On the latter point, to his relief, they did not. On the former, the lit net s caught 95% fewer kilograms of shark-related species. In particular, several threatened species turned up less often in the lit than the unlit nets.
The advantage from the point of view of fisher folks was that they needed to spend a lot less time clearing these dangerous by-catches from their nets. And, crucially, the LEDs concerned are cheap, hard-wearing, and easy to fit. There are also plans to make them solar powered, for easy recharging. Here, then, is a conservation idea from which everyone wins.
12. What is the problem with gillnets
A. They are costly to maintain. B. They discourage target catches.
C. They need more time to be cleaned. D. They trap unwanted by-catches.
13. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about
A. The principle of the experiment. B. The effect of the experiment.
C. The purpose of the experiment. D. The process of the experiment.
14. What can be inferred from Dr. Senko's experiment
A. The LEDs are easy to recharge.
B. Gillnets will soon be out of date.
C. Fitting LEDs to gillnets is a win-win idea.
D Fisher folks benefit the most from the idea.
15. What was the author s attitude to the prospect of the LEDs idea
A. Indifferent. B. Hopeful. C. Ambiguous. D. Doubtful.
We clearly live in an era with little patience. Entire TV series are available at once on streaming services, and burning questions are solved in seconds via a search engine. This instant satisfaction, undoubtedly, is killing our ability to wait.___16___. Here are some strategies to pick up that magic mix if you weren’t born with it.
● Visualize success
There’s no need to set a real situation where you wait in a super long grocery checkout line to test yourself. Simply visualizing it helps a lot. See yourself smiling and breathing as you wait for the line to move.___17___. For example, you could say, “it’s not bad to enjoy this magazine while waiting”. Your mind will start to process the picture as a real experience and help to set you up for future successes.
● Slow down
Racing around is not necessarily the only way to get what you want. ___18___. Most adults do not feel happy when they’re rushing, and children are even less capable of doing it with a good attitude. Instead of sweating through your routine, turn on some background music you like and move at a normal pace.
The ability to let your mind wander, whether daydreaming or actively applying your imagination, is a skill that improves patience.___20___. Take a break and do something that could free your brain from the work that takes tons of energy. This helps you build up your staying power, so next time you might be more patient and more likely to focus on your task.
A. Learn to distract yourself
B. Add some positive words if possible
C. Therefore, we are getting more and more impatient
D. You don’t have to get the whole paper done in one go
E. We get so caught up in hurrying that we get stuck in that mode
F. But sometimes, a fast pace does improve our working efficiency
G. Thus, the loss of this mixed quality of tolerance and calmness is unavoidable
Every August teams with players about 10 years old play baseball across the US, with the aim to become Little League ___21___. In this year’s game, Isaiah Jarvis, a Little League batter (击球手), ___22___ the pitcher (投球手), Kaiden Shelton, who threw a baseball that hit him in the head. The ___23___ scene brought tears to the eyes of the crowd in the stadium.
On August 7th, Kaiden Shelton, from Texas, ___24___ Isaiah Jarvis, from Oklahoma, at the plate. With two strikes against Isaiah, Kaiden ___25___ lost control of his pitch. The ball hit Isaiah in his helmet, sending him to the ground. The field staff immediately ___26___ him and found him to be OK. He decided to remain in the ___27___. Yet Kaiden, the pitcher, appeared to be ___28___.
Isaiah called a timeout upon seeing his ___29___ battling emotions. He calmly walked toward Kaiden and gave him a big hug, trying to ____30____ him. “Hey, you’re doing just great.” Kaiden later shared with NBC News. “These ____31____ words from him really helped me.”
A video of the moment was posted online and attracted more than 6.5 million views. Danny Graves, a sports announcer, said Isaiah’s ____32____ was the best thing he had ever seen in Little League baseball.
The Texas team won the game 9-4 to ____33____ to the Little League World Series. And Isaiah was also ____34____ to the game to celebrate its 75th anniversary. The pair told NBC News they think their newfound ____35____ will last beyond any tournament.
21. A. candidates B. volunteers C. champions D. reporters
22. A. replaced B. hugged C. challenged D. identified
23. A. embarrassing B. confusing C. amusing D. touching
24. A. faced B. saved C. assisted D. needed
25. A. possibly B. suddenly C. gradually D. nearly
26. A. attended to B. appealed to C. referred to D. objected to
27. A. video B. celebration C. game D. tournament
28 A. disappointed B. annoyed C. surprised D. panicked
29. A. partner B. opponent C. coach D. fan
30. A. protect B. rescue C. comfort D. instruct
31. A. powerful B. typical C. familiar D. contradictory
32. A. strength B. sportsmanship C. generosity D. politeness
33. A. apply B. return C. connect D. head
34. A. linked B. admitted C. invited D. selected
35. A. friendship B. popularity C. wealth D. freedom
第二节 语篇填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Delicate strokes (笔画), carved from wood, with ultimate precision. This is woodblock printing (木版印刷),____36____ancient printing technique that has promoted human civilization.
Certain people are believed ____37____(bring) Buddhism into China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), when there was a strong need to produce a large number of Buddhist scriptures (经文), and copying by hand could not meet the ____38____(rise) demand. Ancient Chinese craftsmen thus came up ____39____a novel way to create printed works massively. Hence came the ____40____(origin) version of woodblock printing.
Traditional wooddblock printing can be divided into four major steps: writing, engraving, printing, and binding. With each step then sub-divided into several procedures,____41____takes roughly 30 steps to produce a woodblock print. Characters and images ____42____(carve) to produce raised areas or lines, which calls for skilled hands.
The Buddhist scripture Diamond Sutra, the “earliest dated printed book”, can only be seen in the British Library,____43____a lot of Chinese treasures are stored. It is just one example of ancient works of art that not only tells the ____44____(wise) of our ancestors, but also is a witness to the pursuit of beauty by Chinese craftsmen throughout centuries.
The invention of writing gave life to great thoughts,_____45_____it was the invention of printing that made knowledge a shareable fruit for all humankind.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,你校外教Smith准备利用即将到来的中秋节假期去北京游玩,想征询你们的建议。请你给他写一封英文邮件,内容包括:
Dear Mr Smith,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Cheemi was a poor orphan living in Pune. Nobody knew where she had come from. Yet everyone accepted the frail little girl and named her Cheemi — the little sparrow. She helped people by doing odd jobs for them such as fetching vegetables from the corner shop or looking after babies when their mothers went shopping.
Everybody in the neighbourhood liked Cheemi, except Kaki. Kaki was the richest woman there. Cheemi, in her eyes, was dirty and inferior to her. Therefore, she would not allow Cheemi into her big house. The house was almost like a mansion with big wooden carved doors and huge halls. Surprisingly, the windows of the rooms decorated with beads and curtains, were very small.
Kaki lived with her son, her daughter-in-law Gauri and her little grandson, Chotu. Chotu was a great favourite with the girls. Gauri was a very nice, educated lady and didn’t mind Chotu being carried by others. Kaki, however, never allowed Cheemi to touch Chotu. How Cheemi wished she could play with him!
That year, Panshet Dam collapsed and the waters of the Mutha river, near Pune, had entered the city. The water rose fast. There was confusion everywhere. Police vans were trying to help.
When water entered their house, Kaki and Gauri were on the ground floor. Within seconds the water rose. The police persuaded Kaki and Gauri to climb to the top floor. In the hurry and confusion, they forgot that Chotu was sleeping on the first floor!
The staircases were flooded. It was impossible to get to the bedroom on the first floor. The door to the room was closed but not bolted. Any moment the water could rush in. The women panicked. “Chotu!” they cried. “What’ll happen to our Chotu ”
Suddenly the police discovered that one of the bedroom windows was open, but it was too small for an adult to crawl (爬) in. Only a child could. But no one was willing to let their children take the risk.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Out of nowhere, Cheemi appeared.
Loud cheers greeted Cheemi.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Community Volunteers Program
Community Volunteers Program is a brand new service opportunity that engages volunteers in weekly service with community-based organizations in neighborhoods surrounding the Boston campus.It offers various volunteer placements that will allow you to connect your skills, passions, and interests with weekly service!
826 Boston
It is a nonprofit kids writing and publishing organization empowering traditionally under-served students(age 2 to 13)to find their voices,tell their stories,and gain communication skills to succeed in school and in future life.
·Primary Focus:After-school enrichment/tutoring.
·Opportunity Type:Remote.
Family Gym Program
Family Gym’s goal is to provide families with young children(age 0 to 10)with a safe, accessible space to engage in fun,and age-appropriate physical activity.
·Primary Focus: Nutrition and Meal Assistance, Nutrition and Physical Education.
·Opportunity Type:Virtual/Remote.
Community Servings
Community Servings actively engages the community to provide medically tailored, nutritious, scratch-made meals to critically ill kids(age 6 to 10)and their families.
·Primary Focus:Food Security,Nutrition and Meal Assistance.
·Opportunity Type:In person.
Hernández After School Program
HASP involves youth from the Rafael Hernández Two-Way Bilingual School to provide the highest quality of specialized services to meet the educational,social, emotional,cultural,and recreational needs of its students(age 5 to 12) in the surrounding communities.
·Primary Focus: After-school enrichment/tutoring for multilingual students.
·Opportunity Type: Remote.
1. What is the main job of volunteers in 826 Boston
A. To teach students expressive skills. B. To provide kids with physical training.
C. To offer teenagers social assistance. D. To help youth with emotional problems.
2. Which program may prefer volunteers with medical knowledge
A. 826 Boston. B. Family Gym Program.
C. Community Servings. D. Hernndez After School Program.
3. What do the four programs have in common
A. They advocate healthy diets. B. They focus on education.
C. They feature online service. D. They center around children.
【答案】1 A 2. C 3. D
细节理解题。根据826 Boston部分中的“It is a nonprofit kids writing and publishing organization empowering traditionally under-served students(age 2 to 13)to find their voices, tell their stories, and gain communication skills to succeed in school and in future life.(这是一个非营利性的儿童写作和出版组织,让传统上未受到政府足够关心的学生(2至13岁)找到自己的声音,讲述自己的故事,并获得沟通技巧,从而在学校和未来的生活中取得成功。)”可知,该项目主要是教孩子如何表达。故选A。
细节理解题。根据Community Servings部分中的“Community Servings actively engages the community to provide medically tailored, nutritious, scratch-made meals to critically ill kids(age 6 to 10)and their families.(社区服务积极动员社区为危重儿童(6至10岁)及其家人提供医疗上量身定制的营养即食餐食。)”可知,该项目为社区危重儿童及其家人提供定制餐,所以该项目倾向于选择有医学知识的志愿者。故选C。
推理判断题。根据826 Boston部分中的“It is a nonprofit kids writing and publishing organization empowering traditionally under-served students(age 2 to 13)to find their voices, tell their stories, and gain communication skills to succeed in school and in future life.(这是一个非营利性的儿童写作和出版组织,让传统上未受到政府足够关心的学生(2至13岁)找到自己的声音,讲述自己的故事,并获得沟通技巧,从而在学校和未来的生活中取得成功。)”、Family Gym Program部分中的“Family Gym’s goal is to provide families with young children(age 0 to 10)with a safe, accessible space to engage in fun, and age-appropriate physical activity.(家庭健身房的目标是为有孩子(0到10岁)的家庭提供一个安全、方便的空间,让他们从事有趣的、适合年龄的体育活动。)”、Community Servings部分中的“Community Servings actively engages the community to provide medically tailored, nutritious, scratch-made meals to critically ill kids(age 6 to 10)and their families.(社区服务积极动员社区为危重儿童(6至10岁)及其家人提供医疗上量身定制的营养即食餐食。)”以及Hernández After School Program部分中的“HASP involves youth from the Rafael Hernández Two-Way Bilingual School to provide the highest quality of specialized services to meet the educational, social, emotional, cultural, and recreational needs of its students(age 5 to 12) in the surrounding communities.(HASP涉及来自Rafael Hernández双向双语学校的青少年,提供最高质量的专业服务,以满足周边社区学生(5至12岁)的教育,社交,情感,文化和娱乐需求。)”可推测,这四个项目都是以孩子为服务的对象。故选D。
Once the choice of royal household, the watermelon has gained popularity rapidly over the years, and an online grocer reported that the fruit’s sales on the platform had increased sixfold from 2020 to 2022, resulting in increasingly high demand for watermelon quality testers.
Lee, 32, is extremely busy in the summer months. Just by holding the watermelon near his ear and knocking on the surface with his fingers, Lee says, he can tell by the sound if the fruit is ripe enough to be eaten or not. He works for a rural cooperative set up by a group of watermelon farmers, and puts thousands of watermelons through the “knock test” daily, before they are shipped to downtown warehouses where the platform sources its supplies.
The practice of knocking on watermelons to determine their ripeness can be found across cultures. In China, it is considered a national habit. Smart buyers tap on the fruit before purchase to ensure their money is well-spent. Some buyers knock on the fruit despite not knowing what the hollow sound means just to negotiate a better deal from the seller.
As fruit sales have moved to online platforms in a big way, those who make a living by checking the quality of the fruits with their fingers are much in demand. Lee is one among the growing group. Their task is to conduct knock tests on behalf of e-buyers and ensure that the fruits selected to be sold online are uniform in size and quality.
Lee, who was once an award-winning soccer player, now describes himself as a “goalkeeper for watermelons”. He quit soccer about four years ago and learned about melon-knocking as an emerging profession and decided to become an apprentice(学徒) to an experienced farmer.
After a year’s trial and error, Lee worked independently as a quality checker. “It is a highly demanding task. During the apprenticeship, I often cracked open melons to confirm my judgment. There are just no shortcuts, ” he said.
4. What is the main purpose of the text
A. To introduce an emerging profession.
B. To describe Lee’s career transformation.
C. To discuss the importance of fruit quality testers.
D. To explain the cultural role of watermelon-knocking.
5. What has led to the high demand for watermelon quality testers
A. The popularity of watermelons. B. The big harvest of watermelons.
C. An increase in watermelon prices. D. A rapid rise in online watermelon sales.
6. Why does Lee describe himself as a “goalkeeper for watermelons”
A. He was once an award-winning soccer player.
B. He dreams of being a professional melon-knocker.
C. He was taught by an experienced watermelon farmer.
D. He ensures that customers enjoy watermelons of quality.
7. What can we learn from Lee’s words in the last paragraph
A. Seeing is believing. B. Every man has his value.
C. Great efforts and practice matter. D. Excellence can be found in any profession.
【答案】4. A 5. D 6. D 7. C
推理判断题。通读全文,根据第一段“Once the choice of royal household, the watermelon has gained popularity rapidly over the years, and an online grocer reported that the fruit’s sales on the platform had increased sixfold from 2020 to 2022, resulting in increasingly high demand for watermelon quality testers. (西瓜曾经是皇室的首选,近年来迅速流行起来,一家在线杂货商报告称,从2020年到2022年,西瓜在该平台上的销量增长了六倍,导致对西瓜质量检查员的需求越来越高。)”可知,这篇文章的主要目的是介绍西瓜质量检查员这一新兴职业。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据“Once the choice of royal household, the watermelon has gained popularity rapidly over the years, and an online grocer reported that the fruit’s sales on the platform had increased sixfold from 2020 to 2022, resulting in increasingly high demand for watermelon quality testers. (西瓜曾经是皇室的首选,近年来迅速流行起来,一家在线杂货商报告称,从2020年到2022年,西瓜在该平台上的销量增长了六倍,导致对西瓜质量检查员的需求越来越高。)”及第四段中“As fruit sales have moved to online platforms in a big way, those who make a living by checking the quality of the fruits with their fingers are much in demand. (随着水果销售大规模转移到网络平台,那些以用手指检查水果质量为生的人需求量很大。)”可知,网上西瓜销量的快速增长导致了对西瓜质量检查员的高需求。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“He quit soccer about four years ago and learned about melon-knocking as an emerging profession and decided to become an apprentice(学徒) to an experienced farmer. (大约四年前,他退出了足球,了解到敲瓜是一项新兴职业,并决定成为一位经验丰富的农民的学徒。)”可知,李作为西瓜质量检测员的主要任务是确保水果质量。这意味着他在销售之前维护水果的质量方面发挥着关键作用,类似于足球门将在保护球门方面的作用,所以李描述自己是一个“西瓜的门将”,是因为他确保顾客享受到优质的西瓜。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“After a year’s trial and error, Lee worked independently as a quality checker. ‘It is a highly demanding task. During the apprenticeship, I often cracked open melons to confirm my judgment. There are just no shortcuts, ’ he said. (经过一年的反复试验,李作为一名质量检查员独立工作。‘这是一项要求很高的任务。当学徒时,我经常敲开瓜来证实自己的判断。没有捷径,’他说。)”可知,在掌握这一技术中,持续的努力和实践是至关重要的。故选C项。
It’s no secret now that the more time we spend on social media, the more we feel dissatisfied with ourselves. We tend to compare ourselves to influences and celebrities- so it’s easy to understand how that can affect our confidence.
But, how often have you found yourself comparing your life to your friends Engaging with social media shared by our friends can be more damaging than looking at content shared by celebrities, new research has found.
The study looking at how social media affects body image found that any social media engagement was significantly associated with lower “appearance satisfaction”. Additionally, it found that engaging with content posted by people the participants knew was more than twice as damaging as looking at content posted by strangers, including celebrities.
Viren Swami, Professor of Social Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University, believes this is partly because we know it’s hard to attain the lives of celebrities or influences, but when we’re comparing ourselves to our friends, it feels like we should- or could-live the way they do.
“One possible explanation is that people may perceive a post showing appearance as being much more attainable if it comes from someone they know, adding expectation or pressure on the person engaging in the post, ” he said. “At the same time, people may be more critically engaged with posts by the likes of models and celebrities, and therefore perceive the images they share to be more unrealistic."
This is not just confined to body image though. We all have one area in our lives that triggers(触 发)us. Maybe you’ve been searching for a new job for months and you find yourself on social media, envying your school friend who just landed their dream role. Maybe. . .
All this is to say the obvious: we only see part of people’s lives -and if it’s getting you down, you’re probably comparing your insides to other people’s outsides. Everyone has their struggles and life is indeed not perfect for anyone. So, put down your phone, get offline, be thankful and try to live your own life.
8. What did the new study find
A. Social media invites unfavorable comments.
B. Friends’ posts affect us more than celebrities’.
C. Celebrities have a negative influence on our life.
D. Body image causes more concern than social life.
9. Why are we more likely to compare with our friends according to Swami
A. They serve as role models.
B. We know the way they live. ,
C. Their lifestyles are accessible.
D. We are curious about their life.
10. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 6 probably mean
A. Restricted.
B. Related.
C. Devoted.
D. Exposed.
11 What does the author suggest people do
A. Find your dream and fight for it.
B. Stop comparing and be yourself.
C. Be grateful and lead a perfect life.
D. Stop complaining and get down to work.
【答案】8. B 9. C 10. A 11. B
细节理解题。文章第二段讲到“Engaging with social media shared by our friends can be more damaging than looking at content shared by celebrities, new research has found. (一项新的研究发现,与看名人分享的内容相比,参与朋友分享的社交媒体可能更具破坏性)”可知新研究发现朋友的帖子对我们的影响比名人的更大,故选B。
推理判断题。文章第二段讲到“Viren Swami, Professor of Social Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University, believes this is partly because we know it’s hard to attain the lives of celebrities or influences, but when we’re comparing ourselves to our friends, it feels like we should- or could-live the way they do. (Anglia Ruskin大学社会心理学教授Viren Swami认为,这部分是因为我们知道很难获得名人或影响力的生活,但当我们将自己与朋友进行比较时,感觉我们应该或者可以像他们那样生活)”可知根据Swam的说法,我们更容易与朋友进行比较是因为他们的生活方式更容易见得到,故选C。
词义猜测题。文章划线单词下一句讲到“We all have one area in our lives that triggers(触 发)us. Maybe you’ve been searching for a new job for months and you find yourself on social media, envying your school friend who just landed their dream role. (我们的生活中都有一个领域触发了我们。也许你已经找了好几个月的新工作,你在社交媒体上发现自己,羡慕你的学校朋友,他刚刚找到了他们梦想中的角色。)”可知划线单词所在句子的意思是:但这不仅仅局限于身体形象。所以第六段中带下划线的单词可能的意思是“受限制的”,故选A。
推理判断题。文章最后一段讲到“Everyone has their struggles and life is indeed not perfect for anyone. So, put down your phone, get offline, be thankful and try to live your own life. (每个人都有自己的奋斗,生活对任何人来说都不完美。所以,放下手机,下线,心存感激,努力过自己的生活。)”可知作者建议人们停止比较,做你自己,故选B。
Small-scale fisheries supply many people with food. Almost all of those in this trade rely on gillnets (刺网) to trap fish. But gillnets trap other things, for example, endangered animals such as turtles; dangerous ones, such as Humboldt squid; and ones that are both endangered and dangerous, such as several types of sharks. Everyone involved would be better off if this did not happen.
Building on studies done both by himself and by others, to try to avoid the accidental netting of turtles, Jesse Senko, a marine-conservation biologist at Arizona State University, has been investigating the idea of fitting LEDs (发光二极管) to nets to avoid netting other unwanted by-catch without discouraging target animals. And, as he reports in Current Biology, it seems to work.
Dr. Senko and his colleagues set up an experiment in the Gulf of Ulloa, in Mexico, in which they cooperated with local fisher folks to employ over 10,000 meters of net s that had had net s battery-powered waterproof green LEDs fitted onto them every ten meters. In half of the these, lights were lit. The other half were left unlit, as controls. Each lit net was paired with an unlit one, and the two were employed alongside one another at prime fishing locations. The fishers' target fish were large groupers. Dr. Senko was interested both in what else got caught and whether the lights decreased catches of the target species.
On the latter point, to his relief, they did not. On the former, the lit net s caught 95% fewer kilograms of shark-related species. In particular, several threatened species turned up less often in the lit than the unlit nets.
The advantage from the point of view of fisher folks was that they needed to spend a lot less time clearing these dangerous by-catches from their nets. And, crucially, the LEDs concerned are cheap, hard-wearing, and easy to fit. There are also plans to make them solar powered, for easy recharging. Here, then, is a conservation idea from which everyone wins.
12. What is the problem with gillnets
A. They are costly to maintain. B. They discourage target catches.
C. They need more time to be cleaned. D. They trap unwanted by-catches.
13. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about
A. The principle of the experiment. B. The effect of the experiment.
C. The purpose of the experiment. D. The process of the experiment.
14. What can be inferred from Dr. Senko's experiment
A. The LEDs are easy to recharge.
B. Gillnets will soon be out of date.
C. Fitting LEDs to gillnets is a win-win idea.
D. Fisher folks benefit the most from the idea.
15. What was the author s attitude to the prospect of the LEDs idea
A. Indifferent. B. Hopeful. C. Ambiguous. D. Doubtful.
【答案】12. D 13. D 14. C 15. B
细节理解题。根据第一段“But gillnets trap other things, for example, endangered animals such as turtles; dangerous ones, such as Humboldt squid; and ones that are both endangered and dangerous, such as several types of sharks.(但是刺网也会捕获其他东西,例如,濒危动物,如海龟;危险的动物,如洪堡乌贼;还有那些既濒危又危险的鲨鱼,比如几种鲨鱼)”可知,刺网的问题是常常打捞上来我们并不想要的东西,比如濒危物种和危险动物。故选D。
主旨大意题。根据第三段“Dr.Senko and his colleagues set up an experiment in the Gulf of Ulloa, in Mexico, in which they cooperated with local fisher folks to employ over 10,000 meters of nets that had had nets battery-powered waterproof green LEDs fitted onto them every ten meters. In half of the these lights were lit. The other half were left unlit, as controls. Each lit net was paired with an unlit one, and the two were employed alongside one another at prime fishing locations. The fishers’ target fish were large groupers. Dr. Senko was interested both in what else got caught and whether the lights decreased catches of the target species.(森科博士和他的同事们在墨西哥乌洛亚湾进行了一项实验,他们与当地渔民合作,使用了超过10000米长的渔网,这些渔网上每隔10米就安装有电池供电的防水绿色LED灯。其中一半的灯是亮着的,另一半是不亮的作为对照。每一张亮着的渔网都与另一张不亮着的渔网配对,这两张渔网在主要的捕鱼地点一起使用。渔民的目标鱼是大型石斑鱼。森科博士感兴趣的是还捕获了什么,以及灯光是否减少了目标物种的捕获)”可知,本段详细阐述了博士进行实验的整个操作过程。故选D。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“On the latter point, to his relief, they did not. On the former, the lit nets caught 95% fewer kilograms of shark-related species. In particular, several threatened species turned up less often in the lit than the unlit nets.(在后一点上,使他松了一口气的是,他们并没有做。在前者中,照明网捕获的与鲨鱼相关的物种的公斤数减少了95%。特别是,一些受威胁的物种在没有光照的网中出现的次数少)”可知,安装LED灯后,非相关物种的被捕量明显得到了减少。根据最后一段的“The advantage from the point of view of fisher folks was that they needed to spend a lot less time clearing these dangerous by-catches from their nets. And, crucially, the LEDs concerned are cheap, hard-wearing, and easy to fit. (从渔民的角度来看,这样做的好处是他们需要花更少的时间从渔网中清除这些危险的副渔获物。而且,最关键的是,相关的LED便宜,耐用,易于安装)”可知,LED灯带来的效率不仅能为渔民节省大量时间,并且亦十分经济实惠。由此推知,在刺网中装上LED灯的做法达到了双赢。故选C。
推理判断题。 根据最后一段作者的结语“Here, then, is a conservation idea from which everyone wins.(因此,这是一个皆大欢喜的环保理念)”可推知,作者对其效果及未来发展持积极乐观的态度。故选B。
We clearly live in an era with little patience. Entire TV series are available at once on streaming services, and burning questions are solved in seconds via a search engine. This instant satisfaction, undoubtedly, is killing our ability to wait.___16___. Here are some strategies to pick up that magic mix if you weren’t born with it.
● Visualize success
There’s no need to set a real situation where you wait in a super long grocery checkout line to test yourself. Simply visualizing it helps a lot. See yourself smiling and breathing as you wait for the line to move.___17___. For example, you could say, “it’s not bad to enjoy this magazine while waiting”. Your mind will start to process the picture as a real experience and help to set you up for future successes.
● Slow down
Racing around is not necessarily the only way to get what you want. ___18___. Most adults do not feel happy when they’re rushing, and children are even less capable of doing it with a good attitude. Instead of sweating through your routine, turn on some background music you like and move at a normal pace.
The ability to let your mind wander, whether daydreaming or actively applying your imagination, is a skill that improves patience.___20___. Take a break and do something that could free your brain from the work that takes tons of energy. This helps you build up your staying power, so next time you might be more patient and more likely to focus on your task.
A. Learn to distract yourself
B. Add some positive words if possible
C. Therefore, we are getting more and more impatient
D. You don’t have to get the whole paper done in one go
E. We get so caught up in hurrying that we get stuck in that mode
F. But sometimes, a fast pace does improve our working efficiency
G. Thus, the loss of this mixed quality of tolerance and calmness is unavoidable
【答案】16. G 17. B 18. E 19. A 20. D
根据上文“This instant satisfaction, undoubtedly, is killing our ability to wait.(这种即时的满足感正在扼杀我们等待的能力)”可知,即时的满足感正在扼杀我们等待的能力,导致我们等待能力的丧失不可避免,与G项“Thus, the loss of this mixed quality of tolerance and calmness is unavoidable(因此,这种宽容和冷静的复杂的品质的丧失是不可避免的)”表达的含义一致,故选G项。
根据下文“For example, you could say, ‘it’s not bad to enjoy this magazine while waiting’.(例如,你可以说,‘在等待的时候欣赏这本杂志还不错’)”可推理出上文讲的是要说一些积极的话语,与B项“Add some positive words if possible(如果可能的话,添加一些积极的词语)”表达的含义一致,故选B项。
根据上文“Racing around is not necessarily the only way to get what you want.(四处奔波不一定是得到你想要的东西的唯一途径)”可知,上文提到了四处奔波的模式,因此E项“We get so caught up in hurrying that we get stuck in that mode(我们太匆忙了,以至于陷入了那种模式)”符合题意,选项中的that mode指代上文提到的“四处奔波”。故选E项。
根据下文“Take a break and do something that could free your brain from the work that takes tons of energy. (休息一下,做一些可以让你的大脑从消耗大量能量的工作中解放出来的事情)”可知本段建议的方法是要学会分散注意力,与A项“Learn to distract yourself(学会分散自己的注意力)”表达的含义一致,故选A项。
根据上文“The ability to let your mind wander, whether daydreaming or actively applying your imagination, is a skill that improves patience.(无论是做白日梦还是积极发挥想象力,这些让你的思维开小差的能力都是一种提高耐心的技能)”可知,此处上下文说的是要学会让大脑适时放松,以利于提高自己的耐心,分析待选项,D项“You don’t have to get the whole paper clone in one go(你不必一次搞定整个论文)”符合语境,一次性搞定整个论文不利于提高自己的耐心,所以D项是上文的支持性信息。故选D项。
Every August, teams with players about 10 years old play baseball across the US, with the aim to become Little League ___21___. In this year’s game, Isaiah Jarvis, a Little League batter (击球手), ___22___ the pitcher (投球手), Kaiden Shelton, who threw a baseball that hit him in the head. The ___23___ scene brought tears to the eyes of the crowd in the stadium.
On August 7th, Kaiden Shelton, from Texas, ___24___ Isaiah Jarvis, from Oklahoma, at the plate. With two strikes against Isaiah, Kaiden ___25___ lost control of his pitch. The ball hit Isaiah in his helmet, sending him to the ground. The field staff immediately ___26___ him and found him to be OK. He decided to remain in the ___27___. Yet Kaiden, the pitcher, appeared to be ___28___.
Isaiah called a timeout upon seeing his ___29___ battling emotions. He calmly walked toward Kaiden and gave him a big hug, trying to ____30____ him. “Hey, you’re doing just great.” Kaiden later shared with NBC News. “These ____31____ words from him really helped me.”
A video of the moment was posted online and attracted more than 6.5 million views. Danny Graves, a sports announcer, said Isaiah’s ____32____ was the best thing he had ever seen in Little League baseball.
The Texas team won the game 9-4 to ____33____ to the Little League World Series. And Isaiah was also ____34____ to the game to celebrate its 75th anniversary. The pair told NBC News they think their newfound ____35____ will last beyond any tournament.
21. A. candidates B. volunteers C. champions D. reporters
22. A. replaced B. hugged C. challenged D. identified
23. A. embarrassing B. confusing C. amusing D. touching
24. A. faced B. saved C. assisted D. needed
25. A. possibly B. suddenly C. gradually D. nearly
26. A. attended to B. appealed to C. referred to D. objected to
27. A. video B. celebration C. game D. tournament
28. A. disappointed B. annoyed C. surprised D. panicked
29. A. partner B. opponent C. coach D. fan
30. A. protect B. rescue C. comfort D. instruct
31. A. powerful B. typical C. familiar D. contradictory
32. A. strength B. sportsmanship C. generosity D. politeness
33. A. apply B. return C. connect D. head
34. A. linked B. admitted C. invited D. selected
35. A. friendship B. popularity C. wealth D. freedom
【答案】21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. A
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。在今年少年棒球联盟比赛中,Kaiden Shelton不小心砸中了对手Isaiah Jarvis,虽然Isaiah Jarvis没事,但Kaiden Shelton吓坏了,于是Isaiah Jarvis拥抱了他,并给他安慰,这一幕感动了许多人,两人也收获了珍贵的友谊。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:每年八月,拥有10岁左右球员的球队都会在美国各地进行棒球比赛,目标是成为少年棒球联盟比赛冠军。A. candidates候选人;B. volunteers志愿者;C. champions冠军;D. reporters记者。根据句中的“play baseball across the US”和“the aim”以及常识可知,参加棒球比赛的目的是获得冠军。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在今年的比赛中,少年棒球联盟击球手Isaiah Jarvis拥抱了投球手Kaiden Shelton,Kaiden Shelton扔了一个棒球,击中了他的头部。A. replaced代替;B. hugged拥抱;C. challenged向……挑战;D. identified认出。根据下文中的“He calmly walked toward Kaiden and gave him a big hug”可知,此处为hug的信息复现,表示Isaiah Jarvis拥抱了Kaiden Shelton。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这感人的一幕使体育场里的观众热泪盈眶。A. embarrassing令人尴尬的;B. confusing令人困惑的;C. amusing好笑的;D. touching感人的。根据下文中的“He calmly walked toward Kaiden and gave him a big hug”和空后的“brought tears”可知,此处是说这种场景非常感人。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:8月7日,来自得克萨斯州的Kaiden Shelton在本垒板上对阵来自俄克拉荷马州的Isaiah Jarvis。A. faced面对;B. saved拯救;C. assisted援助;D. needed需要。根据上文中的“Isaiah Jarvis, a Little League batter (击球手)”和“the pitcher (投球手), Kaiden Shelton”及常识可知,在棒球比赛中,一方的击球手和对方的投球手处于面对面防守和进攻的位置。故选A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:在对Isaiah的两次进攻中,Kaiden突然失去了对球场的控制。A. possibly可能;B. suddenly突然;C. gradually逐渐;D. nearly差不多。根据下文的“The ball hit Isaiah in his helmet, sending him to the ground. (球击中了Isaiah的头盔,将他摔倒在地。)”可知,这次投球出现了一个事故,这说明Kaiden突然失去了对球场的控制。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:现场工作人员立即对他进行了护理,发现他没事。A. attended to处理,照料;B. appealed to对……有吸引力;C. referred to指的是;D. objected to反对。根据空后的“found him to be OK”和常识可知,现场工作人员在有人受伤的情况下应立即赶去处理。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他决定继续参与比赛。A. video视频;B. celebration庆祝活动;C. game比赛;D. tournament锦标赛。根据上文中的“found him to be OK”和空前的“decided to remain”可知,发现自己没事后,他决定继续比赛。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,投球手 Kaiden似乎惊慌失措。A. disappointed失望的;B. annoyed生气的;C. surprised惊讶的;D. panicked惊慌失措。根据下文中的“battling emotions”可知,Kaiden因为这种事故的发生而变得惊慌失措。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:Isaiah看到对手情绪激动,于是叫了暂停。A. partner伙伴;B. opponent对手;C. coach教练;D. fan狂热爱好者。结合第4题解析可知,Isaiah和Kaiden是对手。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他平静地走向Kaiden,给了他一个大大的拥抱,试图安慰他。A. protect保护;B. rescue救援;C. comfort安慰;D. instruct指示。根据下文中的“Hey, you’re doing just great. (嘿,你做得很好。)”可知,他想要安慰Kaiden。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他说的这些强有力的话真的帮助了我。A. powerful强有力的;B. typical典型的;C. familiar熟悉的;D. contradictory相互矛盾的。根据空后的“really helped me”可知,Isaiah说的话非常有力,安慰了Kaiden。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:体育播音员Danny Graves说,Isaiah的体育精神是他少年棒球联盟赛中见过的最好的东西。A. strength体力;B. sportsmanship体育精神;C. generosity慷慨;D. politeness礼貌。根据第三段中的“He calmly walked toward Kaiden and gave him a big hug”,在看到对手情绪激动后,Isaiah主动暂停比赛去给对手送安慰,这是一种体育精神。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:得克萨斯队以9比4获胜,晋级少年棒球联盟世界大赛。A. apply运用;B. return返回;C. connect联系;D. head朝(某方向)行进。根据空前的“won the game”和空后的“the Little League World Series”,此处是说朝着少年棒球联盟世界大赛前进,即晋级。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:Isaiah也被邀请观看比赛,庆祝比赛75周年。A. linked连接;B. admitted承认;C. invited邀请;D. selected挑选。根据第二段中的“Kaiden Shelton, from Texas, ___4___ Isaiah Jarvis, from Oklahoma”和最后一段中的“The Texas team won the game”可知,Kaiden所在的得克萨斯州球队赢得比赛,并顺利晋级,所以Isaiah没有参加接下来的比赛,而是被邀请来观看。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:两人告诉NBC新闻,他们认为他们新建立的友谊将持续下去,超越任何锦标赛。A. friendship友谊;B. popularity流行;C. wealth财富;D. freedom自由。通读全文并结合空前的newfound可知,Kaiden和Isaiah经过这次比赛后成了好朋友。故选A。
第二节 语篇填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Delicate strokes (笔画), carved from wood, with ultimate precision. This is woodblock printing (木版印刷),____36____ancient printing technique that has promoted human civilization.
Certain people are believed ____37____(bring) Buddhism into China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), when there was a strong need to produce a large number of Buddhist scriptures (经文), and copying by hand could not meet the ____38____(rise) demand. Ancient Chinese craftsmen thus came up ____39____a novel way to create printed works massively. Hence came the ____40____(origin) version of woodblock printing.
Traditional wooddblock printing can be divided into four major steps: writing, engraving, printing, and binding. With each step then sub-divided into several procedures,____41____takes roughly 30 steps to produce a woodblock print. Characters and images ____42____(carve) to produce raised areas or lines, which calls for skilled hands.
The Buddhist scripture Diamond Sutra, the “earliest dated printed book”, can only be seen in the British Library,____43____a lot of Chinese treasures are stored. It is just one example of ancient works of art that not only tells the ____44____(wise) of our ancestors, but also is a witness to the pursuit of beauty by Chinese craftsmen throughout centuries.
The invention of writing gave life to great thoughts,_____45_____it was the invention of printing that made knowledge a shareable fruit for all humankind.
【答案】36. an 37. to have brought
38. rising 39. with
40. original
41. it 42. are carved
43. where 44. wisdom
45. but
考查非谓语动词。句意:据信,有人在唐朝(618-907)把佛教带入中国,当时需要制作大量佛经,手工复制无法满足日益增长的需求。be believed to do sth.是固定结构,bring这个动作发生在believe之前,应用不定式的完成式to have done。故填to have brought。
考查介词。因此,中国古代的工匠们想出了一种新颖的方法来大量地制作印刷品。come up with“提出,相处”为固定短语。故填with。
考查it作形式主语。句意:然后将每个步骤细分为几个过程, 制作一幅木版画大约需要30个步骤。It takes sth. to do sth.“做某事花费……”是固定结构,it在句中作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。故填it。
考查时态,语态和主谓一致。句意:文字和图像被雕刻成凸起的区域或线条,这需要熟练的工人。由下文calls可知,该句应用一般现在时,空处在句中作谓语,与主语构成被动关系,应用被动语态,主语Characters and images是复数,be动词使用are。故填are carved。
考查定语从句。句意:佛经《金刚经》是“年代最早的印刷本”,只有在大英图书馆才能看到,那里存放着许多中国珍宝。分析句子结构可知,此处是非限定性定语从句,先行词是the British Library,关系词从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导。故填where。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,你校外教Smith准备利用即将到来的中秋节假期去北京游玩,想征询你们的建议。请你给他写一封英文邮件,内容包括:
Dear Mr Smith,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Mr Smith,
I’m glad to provide you with some suggestions on your upcoming trip to Beijing during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Beijing, as the capital of China, offers a rich cultural experience. The Forbidden City showcases Chinese history. The Tiananmen Square is a symbol of China. The Great Wall offers breathtaking views. You can also visit temples like the Yonghe Temple and explore hutongs (traditional alleyways) to experience traditional Chinese culture.
As for fine food, you can try Peking duck, Zhajiangmian and Bingtanghulu. By the way, use the subway, buses or taxis to get around. Renting a bike or using shared bicycles is also convenient.
I hope these suggestions will be helpful. Enjoy your trip to Beijing during the Mid-Autumm Festival!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
原句:Beijing, as the capital of China, offers a rich cultural experience.
拓展句:Beijing, which is the capital of China, offers a rich cultural experience.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Renting a bike or using shared bicycles is also convenient. (运用了动名词作主语)
[高分句型2] I hope these suggestions will be helpful. (运用了省略that的宾语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Cheemi was a poor orphan living in Pune. Nobody knew where she had come from. Yet everyone accepted the frail little girl and named her Cheemi — the little sparrow. She helped people by doing odd jobs for them, such as fetching vegetables from the corner shop or looking after babies when their mothers went shopping.
Everybody in the neighbourhood liked Cheemi, except Kaki. Kaki was the richest woman there. Cheemi, in her eyes, was dirty and inferior to her. Therefore, she would not allow Cheemi into her big house. The house was almost like a mansion with big wooden carved doors and huge halls. Surprisingly, the windows of the rooms decorated with beads and curtains, were very small.
Kaki lived with her son, her daughter-in-law Gauri and her little grandson, Chotu. Chotu was a great favourite with the girls. Gauri was a very nice, educated lady and didn’t mind Chotu being carried by others. Kaki, however, never allowed Cheemi to touch Chotu. How Cheemi wished she could play with him!
That year, Panshet Dam collapsed and the waters of the Mutha river, near Pune, had entered the city. The water rose fast. There was confusion everywhere. Police vans were trying to help.
When water entered their house, Kaki and Gauri were on the ground floor. Within seconds the water rose. The police persuaded Kaki and Gauri to climb to the top floor. In the hurry and confusion, they forgot that Chotu was sleeping on the first floor!
The staircases were flooded. It was impossible to get to the bedroom on the first floor. The door to the room was closed but not bolted. Any moment the water could rush in. The women panicked. “Chotu!” they cried. “What’ll happen to our Chotu ”
Suddenly the police discovered that one of the bedroom windows was open, but it was too small for an adult to crawl (爬) in. Only a child could. But no one was willing to let their children take the risk.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Out of nowhere, Cheemi appeared.
Loud cheers greeted Cheemi.
Out of nowhere, Cheemi appeared. “Let me help. I can easily crawl in and get Chotu out,” she offered without a second thought. There was no time to waste. The policemen assisted Cheemi to the window: “Jump!” they told her in a determined tone. “We will drop you a rope ladder through the window.” Without a moment’s hesitation, Cheemi jumped through the window. Chotu was sleeping soundly. Picking him up, Cheemi put him on her back and tied him lightly to herself with a bed sheet. Slowly she scaled the ladder and peeped through the window. Carefully she undid the bed sheet and handed it, with the child, to a policeman. Then she exerted the last ounce of strength to crawl out of the window.
Loud cheers greeted Cheemi. Seeing everyone clapping for her, Cheemi was stunned to a halt and did not know what the fuss was all about. It was at this point that Kaki dragged Cheemi to her and hugged her tightly. Feeling immensely grateful to Cheemi. Kali learned what mattered a lot was a person’s courage and humanity. Then she asked Cheemi what reward she would like to have for her bravery. To her surprise, Cheemi said in a low voice. “I want to have an opportunity to play with Chotu.” Kaki told her that she could stay with her family as long as she wanted. On hearing this, Chemi gave a jump in the air, twirling round and round. At last she had a place to stay and play with little Chota.
熟睡:sleep soundly/ sleep on both ears
惊讶:stunned /shocked
感谢:grateful /thankful
【点睛】[高分句型1] Picking him up, Cheemi put him on her back and tied him lightly to herself with a bed sheet. (运用了现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2] Then she asked Cheemi what reward she would like to have for her bravery. (运用了what引导宾语从句)


