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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Who is the man probably speaking to
A. His manager. B. His colleague. C. His grandmother.
2. How much should the man pay
A. $17. B. $18. C. $19.
3. Why does the woman prefer to buy clothes on the website
A. It offers the latest style.
B. Orders always arrive quickly.
C. The discounts are excellent.
4. What time is it now
A. It is 10:00. B. It is 9:10. C. It is 10:50.
5. How did the woman feel about the wedding reception
A. Enjoyable. B. Bad. C. Funny.
6. Who is the woman probably talking to
A. A travel agent. B. Her employer. C. Her husband.
7. What does the man ask the woman to do
A. Hand in some documents. B. Take some time off. C. Make a phone call.
8. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Family life. B. A weekend plan. C. Their new hobbies.
9. What do the children like to do now
A. Play with their friends.
B. Stay at home with parents.
C. Spend more time on movies.
10. Where does the woman suggest having fun next weekend
A. In the park. B. In the cinema. C. At her home.
11. When did the man’s symptoms get worse
A. Four days ago. B. Yesterday. C. This morning.
12. What made the man unable to sleep well at night
A. His sore throat. B. His serious headache. C. His bad cough.
13. What is the man likely to do next
A. Get some medicine. B. Drink some water. C. Schedule an appointment.
14. Where has the man travelled with his parents
A. China. B. Thailand. C. Mexico.
15. What makes the woman’s parents’ travel easier
A. Smartphone apps. B. Travel brochures. C. Friendly local guides.
16. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Their parents. B. Different cities. C. A travel plan.
17. What will the man do this summer vacation
A. Work hard to earn extra money.
B. Explore tourist attractions.
C. Have a rest at home.
18. What does the man give the speech for
A. To introduce the sales and marketing director.
B. To congratulate the employees on their achievement.
C. To express his gratitude for everyone’s hard work.
19. What will the listeners receive today
A. More vacation days. B. Three new products. C. An extra payment.
20. What is the speaker most proud of
A. The teamwork of the employees.
B. The development of their product.
C. The performance of the team.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Based on 2023’s new book releases, we have a feeling that we’ll be reading all year long. Below, we re highlighting just a few of the new books coming out in 2023 that you may want to check out.
The People Who Report More Stress
By Alejandro Valero
Alejandro’s first novel The Town of Babylon came out in 2022, and this forthcoming short story collection, full of memorable personalities, explores similar themes: community, relationships, modern incredible life, racism and parenthood.
When Trying to Return Home
By Jennifer Maritza McCauley
Spanning (跨越) between Puerto Rico, Pittsburgh, Louisiana and Miami, this short story collection explores the complexities of belonging and the true meaning of home. Each individual story and the themes mentioned are written through the Black American and Afro-Latino experiences.
The Last Tale of the Flower Bride
By Roshani Chokshi
Roshani Chokshi’s first surprising novel for adults is a fairy tale-filled story about marriage and the secrets couples keep from each other. That, and an enchanted (施过魔法的) house off the coast of Washington and hotel fortune.
I Have Some Questions for You
By Rebecca Makkai
Imagine if your life was the stuff of a true crime documentary. Bodie Kane has tried to move on past the 1995 murder of her boarding school roommate. When she returns to the boarding school as an adult, Bodie realizes there are still mysteries about how the case was wrapped up and justice was served.
1. What do we know about The People Who Report More Stress
A. It’s the second expensive of the four.
B. It’s Alejandro Valero’s first novel.
C. It consists of some short stories.
D. It deals with several different themes.
2. What is special about When Trying to Return Home
A. It explores community, relationships and so on.
B. It tells the true meaning of home by experiences.
C. It tells an enchanted house off the coast of Washington.
D. It describes how a Black American returns to his home.
3. Which of the following books best suits a detective story lover
A. The People Who Report More Stress
B. When Trying to Return Home
C. The Last Tale of the Flower Bride
D. I Have Some Questions for You
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D
细节理解题。根据The People Who Report More Stress部分的“Alejandro’s first novel The Town of Babylon came out in 2022,and this forthcoming short story collection (亚历杭德罗的第一部小说《巴比伦城》于2022年出版,这本即将出版的短篇故事集)”可知,这本书是短篇故事集。故选C。
细节理解题。从When Trying to Return Home部分中的“this short story collection explores the complexities of belonging and the true meaning of home. Each individual story and the themes mentioned are written through the Black American and Afro-Latino experiences. (这本短篇小说集探讨了归属的复杂性和家的真正意义。每个人的故事和提到的主题都是通过美国黑人和非裔拉丁美洲人的经历写成的)”可知,此书通过主人公的经历告诉我们家的意义。故选B。
细节理解题。从最后一段“Bodie Kane has tried to move on past the 1995 murder of her boarding school roommate. When she returns to the boarding school as an adult, Bodie realizes there are still mysteries about how the case was wrapped up and justice was served. (博迪·凯恩试图忘掉1995年她寄宿学校室友被谋杀的事。当她成年后回到寄宿学校时,博迪意识到案件是如何结束的,正义是如何得到伸张的,这仍然是一个谜)”可知,I Have Some Questions for You是一本侦探小说,适合侦探故事爱好者。故选D。
Working robots are typically big, simple and strong. They are large preprogrammed units working in dangerous jobs. But the idea of putting “cobots” which work in harmony with humans into use has become a reality and has changed robotic products worldwide.
Cobots include robots made of tough materials that provide support for the disabled and software-based assistants for home of online services. With their operating software updated from the Internet,these helpers will become an extension of mobile devices.
Most industrial robots are not designed to deal with unpredictable human jobs. However, by reducing robots down to desktop size and planting them with AI, the next generation of cobots will learn from us and cooperate with us better. Lightweight cobots can work in less space and share themselves with people rather than being caged off. Decreasing costs for robotic systems make them more suitable for small businesses, and their easy set-up makes them simple to deploy. Typical industrial uses for cobots include packing and machine tending. More detailed uses include cleaning dirty samples, picking plants, making tea and coffee and so on.
Still, experts thought that introducing robots would lead to job losses. Some people said that 20 million industrial jobs would be lost worldwide by 2030.Actually,it was not the case. What big companies such as Germany’s Mercedes-Benz discovered was that robots alone were not intelligent enough to keep pace with the demand for special products, which still depends on a large number of skilled staff to control and push the whole progress.
“Unplanned changes to production and safer interaction with humans will then require a step change in robot improvements. It has become necessary to use the new generation of cobots in people’s daily life, and cooperation should be considered as an applicable strategy. When we make people and machines cooperate, we can produce many more products on one production line,” said Markus Schaefer, head of production planning.
4. What can we know about cobots from Paragraph 2
A. They can do many boring tasks for people. B. They are still at the experimental stage.
C. They are designed to serve the injured. D. They can meet a variety of needs in daily life.
5. Which of the following words can best describe the newly designed cobots
A. Complex but creative. B. High-cost but useful.
C. Affordable and convenient. D. Small-sized and energy-saving.
6. What can be inferred from Schaefer’s words in the last paragraph
A. Cobots attract a large number of buyers.
B. Cobots may cause rising unemployment.
C. Cobots bring both benefits and disadvantages.
D. Cobots promoting human-robot cooperation is a trend.
7. What is the purpose of the text
A. To stress the influence of cobots.
B. To discuss the development of cobots.
C. To enourage improvements in smart technology.
D. To introduce some methods to improve life quality.
【答案】4. D 5. C 6. D 7. B
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Cobots include robots made of tough materials that provide support for the disabled and software-based assistants for home of online services.(合作机器人包括用坚硬的材料制成的机器人,为残疾人提供支持,以及基于软件的在线服务家庭助手)”可知,合作机器人可以满足日常生活中的各种需求。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“Decreasing costs for robotic systems make them more suitable for small businesses, and their easy set-up makes them simple to deploy.(机器人系统成本的降低使它们更适合小型企业,而且它们易于安装,便于部署)”可知,新设计的协作机器人价格实惠,方便。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“It has become necessary to use the new generation of cobots in people’s daily life, and cooperation should be considered as an applicable strategy. When we make people and machines cooperate, we can produce many more products on one production line(在人们的日常生活中使用新一代的合作机器人已经成为必要的,合作应该被视为一种适用的策略。当我们让人和机器合作时,我们可以在一条生产线上生产更多的产品)”可推知,Cobots促进人-机器人合作是一种趋势。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第一段中“But the idea of putting “cobots” which work in harmony with humans into use has become a reality and has changed robotic products worldwide.(但是,将与人类和谐合作的“协作机器人”投入使用的想法已经成为现实,并改变了全球的机器人产品)”结合文章还介绍了“协作机器人”的特点、优势以及发展前景等。可推知,这篇文章的目的是讨论合作机器人的发展。故选B。
On the night of June seventeenth, happily unaware that I was now less than forty-eight hours from my little “date” with Bryan Smith, I sat down at our dining room table and listed all the questions I wanted to answer, all the points I wanted to address in my book On Writing—A Memoir of the Craft.
On the eighteenth, I wrote the first four pages of the “On Writing” section. That was where my writing still stood in late July, when I decided I’d better get back to work, or at least try.
My wife Tabby is the person in my life who’s most likely to say I’m working too hard, it’s time to slow down, stay away from that disgusting PowerBook for a little while. When I told her on that July morning that I thought I’d better go back to work, I expected a lecture. Instead, she asked me where I wanted to set up.
She thought about it, and said: “I can lay a table for you in the back hall. There are plenty of plugins so you can have your laptop, the little printer, and a fan.” A couple of hours later, she had made me a wonderful little nest there: laptop and printer, my notes, pens, and reference materials… Standing on the corner of the desk was a framed picture of our younger son, which she had taken earlier that summer.
“Is it all right ” she asked.
“It’s wonderful,” I said, and hugged her. It was wonderful. So is she.
That first writing session lasted an hour and forty minutes, by far the longest period I’d spent sitting upright since being struck by Bryan Smith’s car. When it was over, I was sweating and almost too tired to sit up straight in my wheelchair. And the first five hundred words were uniquely terrifying—it was as if I’d never written anything before them in my life. All my old tricks seemed to have deserted me. I stepped from one word to the next like a very old man finding his way across a stream on a winding line of wet stones. There was no inspiration that first afternoon, only a kind of stubborn determination and the hope that things would get better if I kept at it.
There was no breakthrough that afternoon, unless it was the ordinary miracle that comes with any attempt to create something. All I know is that the words started coming a little faster after a while, then a little faster still. My back still hurt, my leg, too, but those hurts began to seem a little farther away. I started to get on top of them. There was no sense of excitement—not that day—but there was a sense of accomplishment that was almost as good.
After that, things can only get better.
8. What happened to the writer on June the nineteenth
A. He had an appointment with Bryan Smith.
B. He listed all the questions he wanted to answer.
C. He wrote the first four pages of the “On Writing” section.
D. He was struck by a vehicle driven by Bryan Smith.
9. When did the author decide to continue his writing
A. In late June. B. In late July. C. On June 18th. D. On June 17th.
10. What does the underlined sentence “I expected a lecture.” in paragraph 3 mean
A. I was expecting my wife to advise me what to write about.
B. I thought my wife would talk a lot to discourage me from writing.
C. I had prepared a lecture to get myself back to work.
D. I was waiting for my wife to show me where to set up.
11. What made the words start coming a little faster after a while
A. All his old tricks that had come back.
B. His determination to create something.
C. His pains that had gone a little farther away.
D. His wonderful little nest made by his wife.
【答案】8. D 9. B 10. B 11. B
推理判断题。根据文章第一段开头“On the night of June seventeenth, happily unaware that I was now less than forty-eight hours from my little “date” with Bryan Smith. (6月17日晚,我很高兴,不知道到自己离和布Bryan Smith的小“见面”还不到四十八小时的时间) ”可知,作者遇到Bryan Smith是在6月19日。根据第六段中“That first writing session lasted an hour and forty minutes, by far the longest period I’d spent sitting upright since being struck by Bryan Smith’s car. (第一次写作持续了一小时四十分钟,这是我被Bryan Smith的车撞倒后直坐着的时间最长的一次)”可知作者是被Bryan Smith的车撞了。综合可知,作者在6月19日这天和Bryan Smith的“见面”是指作者被Bryan Smith的车撞了,故选D。
细节理解题。根据第一段中“That was where my writing still stood in late July, when I decided I’d better get back to work, or at least try. (直到7月下旬,我的写作仍然停留在那里,当时我决定最好回去工作,或者至少尝试一下。)”可知作者是在七月底决定继续写作的,故选B。
词句猜测题。根据第二段开头“My wife Tabby is the person in my life who’s most likely to say I'm working too hard, it’s time to slow down, stay away from that disgusting PowerBook for a little while. (我妻子Tabby是我生活中最有可能说我工作太辛苦,是时候放慢脚步了,离那恶心的笔记本远一点的人) ”可知,作者的妻子经常唠叨作者工作太辛苦,需要休息。所以当出了车祸的他重新决定开始写作的时候,以为妻子更会唠叨,长篇大论阻止他写作。故选B。
细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中“There was no inspiration that first afternoon, only a kind of stubborn determination and the hope that things would get better I kept at it. (第一个下午没有任何灵感,只有一种坚定的决心和事情会好起来的希望)”以及倒数第二段中“There was no breakthrough that afternoon, unless it was the ordinary miracle that comes with any attempt to create something. All I know is that the words started coming a little faster after a while, then a little faster still. (那天下午并没有什么突破,除非是任何创造尝试都会带来的普通奇迹。我所知道的是,过了一段时间,文字开始出现得更快一些,然后又更快一些) ”可知,虽然车祸后第一次尝试写作,没有突破,但是作者有坚定的决心,一直尝试创造出一些东西,所以坚持写,然后写得越来越快,情况越来越好。所以就是作者想要创造出一些东西的决心让他写得越来越快,故选B。
If carbon dioxide(CO2) were a politician, it would be worried about its bad press. This greenhouse gas is the primary pollutant responsible for global warming. Scientists, leaders, and activists are trying to stop its production. This gas, however, also plays a key role in life on Earth.
Carbon helps form the protein and DNA found in living things. In the atmosphere, it combines with two oxygen atoms (原子) to form carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis (光合作用) . In the process, plants use energy from the sun to turn water and carbon dioxide into sugar. In return, plants give off oxygen. As carbon dioxide concentrations increase in the atmosphere, scientists are trying to employ photosynthesis to promote plant growth. Laboratory studies show a higher concentration of the gas is making some plants grow more quickly in certain conditions, but in the wild and on outdoor farms the overall benefit is unclear. In the Netherlands, some commercial greenhouses are experimenting with ways to send carbon dioxide released from industry into greenhouses along a particular way where plants use the extra gas as fertilizer (肥料).
The first person to assume the existence of carbon dioxide was 16th-century Belgian scientist Jan Baptist van Helmont. After coal was burned, he noted, the weight of the remains was lower than the coal’s initial weight, which means some mass had been lost in the process. He was the first scientist to recognize different gases present in the air we breathe. It wasn’t until 1896 that Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius linked the carbon dioxide released from burning coal and oil to atmospheric warming.
Yet, despite its being plentiful in the atmosphere, we have been light on commercially produced carbon dioxide because of rising energy costs. As a result, carbonated drink (碳酸饮料) companies have had to raise prices or reduce production.
12. What function does CO2 have according to paragraph 2
A. Saving energy. B. Increasing fertilizer.
C. Supporting life. D. Commercializing agriculture.
13. Why is Jan Baptist van Helmont mentioned
A. To clarify the origins of CO2. B. To tell an unknown story.
C. To explain the applications of CO2. D. To show an early discovery.
14. What problem do carbonated drink companies face
A. Commercial CO2 is in short supply. B. Sales of their drinks are extremely poor.
C. It’s difficult to increase their production. D. There’s too much CO2 in the atmosphere.
15. Which can be the best title for the text
A. Climate Change: Affected by CO2 B. CO2: Both an Enemy and Friend
C. Greenhouse Gas: Having a Bad Press D. Carbon: Misunderstood Substance
【答案】12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B
推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Carbon helps form the protein and DNA found in living things. In the atmosphere, it combines with two oxygen atoms (原子) to form carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis (光合作用). In the process, plants use energy from the sun to turn water and carbon dioxide into sugar (碳有助于形成生物体内的蛋白质和DNA。在大气中,它与两个氧原子结合形成二氧化碳。二氧化碳是光合作用所必需的。在这个过程中,植物利用来自太阳的能量将水和二氧化碳转化为糖)”可知,二氧化碳有益于生物,具有维持生命的功能,故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章第三段“The first person to assume the existence of carbon dioxide was 16th-century Belgian scientist Jan Baptist van Helmont. After coal was burned, he noted, the weight of the remains was lower than the coal’s initial weight, which means some mass had been lost in the process. He was the first scientist to recognize different gases present in the air we breathe.(第一个假设二氧化碳存在的人是16世纪的比利时科学家Jan Baptist van Helmont。他指出,煤燃烧后,残留物的重量低于煤的初始重量,这意味着在燃烧过程中损失了一些质量。他是第一个认识到我们呼吸的空气中存在不同气体的科学家)”可知,Jan Baptist van Helmont是第一个认识到我们呼吸的空气中存在不同气体的科学家,提到他是为了说明早期的发现。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“Yet, despite its being plentiful in the atmosphere, we have been light on commercially produced carbon dioxide because of rising energy costs. As a result, carbonated drink(碳酸饮料) companies have had to raise prices or reduce production.(然而,尽管大气中有大量的二氧化碳,但由于能源成本的上升,我们对商业生产的二氧化碳的利用很少。因此,碳酸饮料公司不得不提高价格或减少产量)”可知,商用二氧化碳供应不足,碳酸饮料公司不得不提高价格或减少产量。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“If carbon dioxide (CO2) were a politician, it would be worried about its bad press. This greenhouse gas is the primary pollutant responsible for global warming. Scientists, leaders, and activists are trying to stop its production. This gas, however, also plays a key role in life on Earth.(如果二氧化碳(CO2)是一位政治家,它会担心自己的负面报道。这种温室气体是造成全球变暖的主要污染物。科学家、领导人和活动人士正试图阻止它的生产。然而,这种气体对地球上的生命也起着关键作用)”以及后文可知,文章主要讲述的是二氧化碳(CO2)这种温室气体是造成全球变暖的主要污染物,但是这种气体对地球上的生命也起着关键作用。由此可知,B项:CO2: Both an Enemy and Friend(二氧化碳:既是敌人又是朋友)适合作本文最佳标题。故选B。
Benefits of sharing jokes as a family
A well-chosen joke can have a big impact when speaking to a crowd or attempting to redirect a tense meeting. ____16____ Our family started regularly enjoying jokes when my son began sharing the “Joke of the Day” read On the morning announcements his school with us at dinner. A burst of laughter prevents us from complaining about the menu. ____17____ The benefits of sharing jokes definitely go beyond mealtime conversation matter, though. Here are some reasons to make joking around a regular family habit:
____18____ Knowing a good joke can help a kid connect with other kids at the cafeteria table or start a conversation on the school bus. Enjoying jokes and practicing the art of humorous delivery in the safety of their home can give kids tools for social situations, especially if this is an area of difficulty.
Jokes improve language skills. ____19____ Consider the learning potential in these samples from Funology.com: “What do you call a cow that eats your grass A lawn mower.” “When is a door not a door When it’s ajar (半开着).”
Jokes encourage reading and learning. Many parents and teachers report that joke books help motivate their reluctant or struggling readers to read more. Since jokes by design, are for sharing, reading them aloud is particularly good practice for kids who struggle with reading fluently. ____20____ If your child needs help remembering a difficult concept, a joke might do it. For instance, try another joke from Funology.com: “Two atoms are playing together when on tells the other, ‘I lost an electron.’ The second atom asks, ‘Are you sure ’ The first atom replies ‘I’m positive!’”
A. Jokes help kids build social relationships.
B. Jokes aren’t just for the public stage, though.
C. Humor can even help a person deal with mood disorders.
D. Studies show humor can make information more memorable, too.
E. Jokes are quick lessons about sounds in words and word meanings.
F. Humor encourages family connection and can help ease kids’ anxiety.
G. Also, it’s been a good chance to explain jokes he didn’t quite understand.
【答案】16. B 17. G 18. A 19. E 20. D
根据上文“A well-chosen joke can have a big impact when speaking to a crowd or attempting to redirect a tense meeting.(一个精心挑选的笑话在对一群人讲话或试图改变紧张会议的方向时可以产生很大的影响)”以及后文“Our family started regularly enjoying jokes when my son began sharing the “Joke of the Day” read On the morning announcements his school with us at dinner.(当我儿子开始在晚餐时和我们分享他在学校早上广播上读的“每日笑话”时,我们全家开始经常享受笑话)”可知,上文提到了笑话可以产生很大影响,后文则提到儿子在晚餐时讲笑话,可知本句与讲笑话的场合有关系,故B选项“不过,笑话不只是在公共场合才讲的”符合语境,故选B。
根据上文“Our family started regularly enjoying jokes when my son began sharing the “Joke of the Day” read On the morning announcements his school with us at dinner. A burst of laughter prevents us from complaining about the menu.(当我儿子开始在晚餐时和我们分享他在学校早上广播上读的“每日笑话”时,我们全家开始经常享受笑话。一阵笑声阻止了我们对菜单的抱怨)”以及后文“The benefits of sharing jokes definitely go beyond mealtime conversation matter, though.(不过,分享笑话的好处绝对不止于吃饭时的谈话)”可知,上文提到了儿子的笑话阻止了抱怨,后文总结了分享笑话的好处,可知本句与上文并列,都是在说明儿子这一举动的好处。故G选项“而且,这也是解释他不太懂的笑话的好机会”符合语境,故选G。
根据本段内容“Knowing a good joke can help a kid connect with other kids at the cafeteria table or start a conversation on the school bus. Enjoying jokes and practicing the art of humorous delivery in the safety of their home can give kids tools for social situations, especially if this is an area of difficulty.(知道一个好笑话可以帮助孩子在自助餐厅的餐桌上与其他孩子建立联系,或者在校车上开始交谈。在安全的家中享受笑话和练习幽默的艺术可以给孩子提供社交场合的工具,特别是如果这是一个困难的领域)”可知,本段提到笑话可以帮助孩子在自助餐厅的餐桌上与其他孩子建立联系,或者在校车上开始交谈,即有助于孩子社交,建立社会关系。故A选项“笑话有助于孩子建立社会关系”符合语境,故选A。
根据后文“Consider the learning potential in these samples from Funology.com: “What do you call a cow that eats your grass A lawn mower.” “When is a door not a door When it’s ajar (半开着).”(想想Funology.com网站上的这些例子中的学习潜力:“你怎么称呼一头吃你草的牛?——割草机。”“什么时候门不是门?当它半开的时候。”)”可知,后文的笑话例子主要关于单词,说明笑话有助于学习单词,故E选项“笑话是关于单词发音和词义的快速课程”符合语境,故选E。
根据后文“If your child needs help remembering a difficult concept, a joke might do it.(如果你的孩子需要帮助记住一个困难的概念,一个笑话可能会帮助他)”可知,后文提到笑话有助于孩子记住困难的概念,说明幽默可以让信息更容易被记住。故D选项“研究表明幽默也能使信息更容易被记住”符合语境,故选D。
第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分50分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
When I got my first smartphone, I loved it.It gave me instant ___21___ to my music, thousands of photos and videos and a(n) ___22___ of information. But over time, my feelings became controversial. I would repeatedly ___23___ my email, shop online for stuff I didn’t need and ___24___ click on links to websites. I’d often ___25___ to my husband and to my seven-year-old son, Louis, that I felt trapped by it.
So I began to research studies on the mental health effects of smartphone use. I ___26___ that smartphones are linked with anxiety, depression and poor sleep quality. Unsurprisingly, they also impact your ability to ___27___ and to remain in the present moment with your kids.
___28___, one day last summer, while I was playing with Louis, I was once again distracted (分心) by dings and pings. He finally related to my complaints about my smartphone: “Mommy, just ___29___, please!”
I decided to try. Instead of going cold turkey — no ___30___at all — I bought a flip phone (翻盖手机) and cell plan for $30 a month. With no touch screen, texting is ___31___. I can’t access email, music or social media and don’t even try browsing the web without a touch screen. While the adjustment hasn’t always been smooth sailing, it’s ___32___ than I thought it would be and the benefits are worth it. Now when I’m playing with my son, I can see the positive effect ___33___ his smiles. And after he’s gone to bed, instead of fixing my eyes on the ___34___, I light candles, grab a book and ___35___ the atmosphere of the room I’m in.
21. A. solution B. response C. access D. reaction
22. A. world B. form C. exchange D. piece
23. A. receive B. write C. answer D. refresh
24. A. skillfully B. occasionally C. hurriedly D. constantly
25. A. talk B. complain C. prove D. return
26. A. predicted B. discovered C. considered D. claimed
27. A. email B. reply C. smile D. parent
28. A. Hence B. However C. Then D. Still
29. A. take it back B. give it up C. break it down D. sort it out
30. A. charge B. money C. cellphone D. plan
31. A. heart-breaking B. time-consuming C. eye-opening D. energy-saving
32. A. easier B. cooler C. stricter D. longer
33. A. in B. of C. on D. with
34. A. face B. bed C. screen D. book
35. A. create B. lighten C. change D. enjoy
【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D 24. D 25. B 26. B 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. A 34. C 35. D
考查名词词义辨析。句意:它让我可以立即访问我的音乐,成千上万的照片和视频,以及一个信息的世界。A. solution解决方案;B. response回答;C. access入口;D. reaction反应。根据后文“to my music, thousands of photos and videos”指可以访问音乐、照片和视频,应用access to。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:它让我可以立即访问我的音乐,成千上万的照片和视频,以及一个信息的世界。A. world世界;B. form表格;C. exchange交换;D. piece片。根据后文“of information”可知手机让作者可以进入一个信息的世界。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我会反复刷新我的电子邮件,在网上购买我不需要的东西,不断点击网站链接。A. receive收到;B. write写;C. answer回答;D. refresh使恢复精神,刷新。根据后文“my email, shop online for stuff I didn’t need”指反复刷新电子邮件,故选D。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我会反复刷新我电子邮件,在网上购买我不需要的东西,不断点击网站链接。A. skillfully巧妙地;B. occasionally偶尔;C. hurriedly匆忙地;D. constantly不断地。根据后文“click on links to websites”可知此处是在说明手机带来的问题,让作者反复刷新电子邮件、在网上购买不需要的东西以及不断点击网站链接。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我经常向我的丈夫和我7岁的儿子路易斯抱怨,我觉得自己被它困住了。A. talk谈话;B. complain抱怨;C. prove证明;D. return返回。根据后文“that I felt trapped by it”可知作者在抱怨被手机困住了。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我发现智能手机与焦虑、抑郁和睡眠质量差有关。A. predicted预测;B. discovered发现;C. considered考虑;D. claimed声称。根据后文“that smartphones are linked with anxiety, depression and poor sleep quality”可知,作者发现了智能手机与焦虑、抑郁和睡眠质量差有关。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:不出所料,它们也会影响你为人父母的能力,影响你和孩子呆在当下的能力。A. email邮件;B. reply回答;C. smile微笑;D. parent父亲(或母亲),为人父母。根据后文“remain in the present moment with your kids”可知手机影响了为人父母的能力,故选D。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后,去年夏天的一天,当我和路易斯玩的时候,我又一次被叮叮叮的声音分散了注意力。A. Hence因此;B. However然而;C. Then然后;D. Still仍然。作者和儿子玩耍是之后发生的事情,then符合语境。故选C。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:他最后谈到了我对智能手机的抱怨:“妈妈,拜托你放弃使用手机吧!”A. take it back拿回来;B. give it up放弃;C. break it down出故障;D. sort it out分类。上文提到作者被手机分散了注意力,所以儿子这里表示让作者放弃使用手机。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我没有突然戒掉手机,而是每月花30美元买了一个翻盖手机和手机套餐。A. charge电量;B. money钱;C. cellphone手机;D. plan计划。根据后文“I bought a flip phone and cell plan for $30 a month”可知,作者没有突然戒掉手机,而是每月花30美元买了一个翻盖手机和手机套餐。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:由于没有触摸屏,发短信非常耗时。A. heart-breaking令人心碎的;B. time-consuming耗时的;C. eye-opening大开眼界的;D. energy-saving节省能源的。根据上文“With no touch screen”可知,用翻盖手机发短信非常耗时。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然调整过程并不总是一帆风顺,但比我想象的要容易得多,而且好处是值得的。A. easier更容易的;B. cooler更凉爽的;C. stricter更严格的;D. longer更长的。上文“While the adjustment hasn’t always been smooth sailing”中while引导让步状语从句,说明虽然调整过程并不总是一帆风顺,但比想象的要容易得多,故选A。
考查介词词义辨析。句意:现在当我和儿子一起玩的时候,我能从他的微笑中看到积极的影响。A. in在里面;B. of属于;C. on在上面;D. with和。根据后文“his smiles”指在微笑中看到积极的影响,应用介词in。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在他上床睡觉后,我不再盯着屏幕,而是点上蜡烛,拿起一本书,享受房间里的气氛。A. face脸;B. bed床;C. screen屏幕;D. book书籍。根据上文“And after he’s gone to bed, instead of fixing my eyes on the”以及作者适应了不适用智能机,所以不再盯着屏幕。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在他上床睡觉后,我不再盯着屏幕,而是点上蜡烛,拿起一本书,享受房间里的气氛。A. create创造;B. lighten点亮;C. change改变;D. enjoy享受。根据后文“the atmosphere of the room I’m in”指享受房间的氛围,应用enjoy。故选D。
第二节 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
A group of young Chinese are trying to breathe new life into ancient texts about traditional music by creating ____36____ (origin) music and stylish music videos ____37____ (feature) traditional instruments. Zi De Guqin Studio has recently become famous for stylish music videos ____38____ all the songs are played using traditional instruments.
Guqin, a plucked seven-stringed instrument (弹拨的七弦乐器), is one of the most frequently appearing instruments in these videos. This instrument ____39____ (record) in a wealth of books and materials over the centuries, with more than 3,000 guqin songs ____40____ (keep) in ancient texts.
The studio’s ____41____ (adapt) of ancient songs have grown popular among young people in China. According to the studio’s members, their success is owing ____42____ two main factors: the recent rise in the ____43____ (popular) of traditional Chinese culture and their own innovation. Traditional culture has been making an obvious revival (复兴) as more young people have ____44____ stronger sense of national identity.
“In the process of making videos, we absorb some fun and interesting elements and attempt _____45_____ (give) these works a great aesthetic (审美的) appeal in terms of visual effects,” a member of the studio said.
【答案】36. original
37. featuring
38. where 39. has been recorded
40. kept 41. adaptations
42 to 43. popularity
44. a 45. to give
考查被动语态。句意:几个世纪以来,这种乐器被记录在丰富的书籍和材料中,有3000多首古琴歌曲被保存在古代文本中。分析句子结构,空白处在句子中作谓语,因与主语之间为被动关系,使用被动语态,根据时间状语over the centuries可知,本句表示的是过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,谓语动词使用现在完成时的被动语态,故填has been recorded。
考查非谓语动词。句意:同上。分析句子结构,空白处在句子中作后置定语,因与其逻辑主语guqin songs之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,使用过去分词,故填kept。
考查名词。句意:工作室对古代歌曲的改编在中国年轻人中越来越受欢迎。分析句子结构,空白处在句子中做主语,使用名词,根据谓语动词have grown未使用单数第三人称形式,可推理出主语为复数,空白处填名词的复数形式,故填adaptations。
考查介词。句意:工作室成员表示,他们的成功主要归功于两个因素:最近中国传统文化的流行和他们自己的创新。分析句子结构,owing to为固定短语,含义为“由于”,符合句意,故填to。
考查冠词。句意:随着越来越多的年轻人有了更强的民族认同感,传统文化正在明显复兴。分析句子结构,have a sense of为固定短语,含义为“有一种……的感觉”,符合句意,故填a。
考查非谓语动词。句意:在制作视频的过程中,我们吸收了一些有趣的元素,并试图在视觉效果方面赋予这些作品巨大的美学吸引力。分析句子结构,attempt to do为固定短语,含义为“试图……”,符合句意,空白处填动词不定式,故填to give。
第三节 单句语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
46. __________ (devote) considerable efforts to providing tourists with a better travel experience, Harbin has become an attractive tourism destination.(所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:哈尔滨致力于为游客提供更好的旅游体验,已成为一个有吸引力的旅游目的地。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词has become,所以devote用非谓语形式作状语,和逻辑主语Harbin之间是主动关系,用现在分词形式,位于句首,首字母应大写。故填Devoting。
47. These tests are beyond the __________ (capable) of an average twelve-year-old. (所给词的适当形式填空)
48. At present, lots of food, water, tents and medicine ________ (transport) from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken area. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【答案】are being transported
【详解】考查谓语动词。句意:目前,大量的食品、水、帐篷和药品正从中国各地和世界各地运往地震灾区。设空处在句中作谓语,和句子的主语之间是被动关系,结合时间状语at present在目前,可知为现在进行时的被动。故答案为are being transported。
49. As we know, massive __________ (destroy) of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man’s existence. (所给词的适当形式填空)
50. With the loss of blood, he couldn’t __________ (survive) for very long after being shot. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【答案】have survived
【详解】考查推测句。句意:由于失血过多,他中枪后不可能活太久。根据“With the loss of blood”可知,此处是指本中枪后不可能活很久,对过去情况的推测用couldn’t have done。故填have survived。
51. Many scientists connect higher surface water temperature resulting from global warming to greater and more __________ (damage) storms. (所给词的适当形式填空)
52. Such knowledge is still useful when ____________ (apply) to similar situations in other countries. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查省略句。句意:这些知识在应用于其他国家的类似情况时仍然是有用的。when引导时间状语从句中,当从句主语与主句主语一致,可以省略从句主语及部分谓语。由于apply与所修饰词之间是被动关系,应使用被动语态be applied。从句中省略主语及be动词。故填applied。
53. All the shops were closed, and __________ (consequence) we couldn’t buy any food. (所给词的适当形式填空)
54. Several train passengers suffered serious __________ (injure) in the crash. (所给词的适当形式填空)
55. They emphasize, however, that the findings need __________ (confirm) with further analysis. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【答案】to be confirmed
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他们强调,然而,这些发现需要通过进一步的分析来确认。分析句子结构,当need表示“需要”时,它后面通常接动词不定式,即need to do sth,但在这个句子中,空白处与逻辑主语the findings之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,使用动词不定式的被动式,故填to be confirmed。
第四节 完成句子(共5题;每题2分,满分10分)
56. 体育运动已成为一种重要的娱乐形式,吸引着男男女女。
Sport has become an important form of entertainment, ________ ________ both men and women.
【答案】 ①. appealing ②. to
【详解】考查固定短语和非谓语动词。句意:体育运动已成为一种重要的娱乐形式,吸引着男男女女。根据中英文提示,需要翻译的设空部分为:吸引。appeal to为固定短语,意为“吸引”,句子已有谓语动词has become,空处需填非谓语动词作状语,sport和appeal to为逻辑主谓关系,需用现在分词形式。故填①appealing;②to。
57. 他们正要签合同,突然注意到有一项条款需要协商。
They were __________ __________ __________ __________ signing the contract when they noticed a clause that they wanted to negotiate.
【答案】 ①. on ②. the ③. point ④. of
【详解】考查介词短语。根据汉语提示,表示“正要……”含义的表达为:on the point of doing,故填on;the;point;of。
58. 人工智能正在提供个性化学习,通过打破文化和语言障碍来满足儿童的需求。
Artificial intelligence is delivering personalized learning, tailored to children’s needs by __________ __________ cultural and language barriers.
【答案】 ①. breaking ②. down
【详解】考查非谓语动词和动词短语。分析句子意思可知,空处缺少“打破”用break down,by后用动名词作宾语。故填breaking,down。
59. 一提起夏威夷,脑海中立刻呈现出沙滩和蔚蓝的大海。
When it comes to Hawaii, a vision of beaches and blue seas immediately __________ __________ __________.
【答案】 ①. springs ②. to ③. mind
【详解】考查短语和时态。分析可知,空处缺少“立刻想到”的短语表达spring to mind,结合When it comes to…可知,句子为一般现在时,主句主语vision为单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填springs,to,mind。
60. 我们应该向保卫祖国而牺牲的战士们表示敬意。
We should pay tribute to soldiers who sacrificed their lives __________ __________ __________ our country.
【答案】 ①. in ②. defence/defense ③. of
【详解】考查介词短语。分析句子和句意可知,空处缺少介词短语,表示“保卫”用in defence/defense of。故填in,defence/defense,of。
第四部分 书面表达(满分20分)
61. 假定你是李华,你的外教Wilson明天下午要做一个关于“互联网+”(Internet Plus)的讲座,你因故不能参加,请根据以下要点,用英语给他写一封邮件表示歉意。
1. 表示歉意;2. 解释原因;3. 询问是否有讲座的相关资料。
注意:1. 词数100左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Wilson,
【答案】Dear Wilson,
I am writing to express my sincere apologies for being unable to attend your lecture on “Internet Plus” tomorrow afternoon.
I have always been interested in the topic of “Internet Plus” and was looking forward to hearing your insights on the subject. However, due to my current health condition, I am unable to leave my bed and attend the lecture.
The question that I had been pondering over was whether it would be possible for you to offer me any materials or slides from the lecture. This would greatly help me understand the content and stay up to date with the topic.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Best regards,
Li Hua
【导语】这是一封道歉信。要求考生以李华的名义,对于不能参加你的外教Wilson明天下午做的关于“互联网+”(Internet Plus)的讲座一事,用英语给他写一封邮件表示歉意。
对……感兴趣:be interested in→ have a passion for
期望:look forward to → have high expectations for
能够:be able to→ have the capacity to
帮助:help→ assist
原句:However, due to my current health condition, I am unable to leave my bed and attend the lecture.
拓展句:However, owing to my present health status, I am incapacitated and unable to arise from my bed and participate in the lecture.
【点睛】【高分句型1】I am writing to express my sincere apologies for being unable to attend your lecture on “Internet Plus” tomorrow afternoon.(使用了非谓语动词短语作宾语)
【高分句型2】The question that I had been pondering over was whether it would be possible for you to offer me any materials or slides from the lecture.(使用了以question为先行词、关系代词that为引导词的定语从句和whether引导的宾语从句)扬州中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考
1. 作答第Ⅰ卷前,请考生务必将自己的姓名、考试证号等写在答题卡上并粘贴上条形码。
2. 将选择题答案填写在答题卡的指定位置(使用机读卡的用2B铅笔在机读卡上填涂),非选择题一律在答题卡上作答,在试卷上答题无效。
3. 考试结束后,将机读卡和答题卡交监考人员。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Who is the man probably speaking to
A. His manager. B. His colleague. C. His grandmother.
2. How much should the man pay
A. $17. B. $18. C. $19.
3. Why does the woman prefer to buy clothes on the website
A. It offers the latest style.
B. Orders always arrive quickly.
C. The discounts are excellent.
4 What time is it now
A. It is 10:00. B. It is 9:10. C. It is 10:50.
5. How did the woman feel about the wedding reception
A. Enjoyable. B. Bad. C. Funny.
6. Who is the woman probably talking to
A. A travel agent. B. Her employer. C. Her husband.
7. What does the man ask the woman to do
A. Hand in some documents. B. Take some time off. C. Make a phone call.
8. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Family life. B. A weekend plan. C. Their new hobbies.
9. What do the children like to do now
A. Play with their friends.
B. Stay at home with parents.
C. Spend more time on movies.
10. Where does the woman suggest having fun next weekend
A. In the park. B. In the cinema. C. At her home.
11. When did the man’s symptoms get worse
A. Four days ago. B. Yesterday. C. This morning.
12. What made the man unable to sleep well at night
A. His sore throat. B. His serious headache. C. His bad cough.
13. What is the man likely to do next
A. Get some medicine. B. Drink some water. C. Schedule an appointment.
14. Where has the man travelled with his parents
A. China. B. Thailand. C. Mexico.
15. What makes the woman’s parents’ travel easier
A Smartphone apps. B. Travel brochures. C. Friendly local guides.
16. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Their parents. B. Different cities. C. A travel plan.
17. What will the man do this summer vacation
A. Work hard to earn extra money.
B. Explore tourist attractions.
C. Have a rest at home.
18. What does the man give the speech for
A. To introduce the sales and marketing director.
B To congratulate the employees on their achievement.
C. To express his gratitude for everyone’s hard work.
19. What will the listeners receive today
A. More vacation days. B. Three new products. C. An extra payment.
20. What is the speaker most proud of
A. The teamwork of the employees.
B. The development of their product.
C. The performance of the team.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Based on 2023’s new book releases, we have a feeling that we’ll be reading all year long. Below, we re highlighting just a few of the new books coming out in 2023 that you may want to check out.
The People Who Report More Stress
By Alejandro Valero
Alejandro’s first novel The Town of Babylon came out in 2022, and this forthcoming short story collection, full of memorable personalities, explores similar themes: community, relationships, modern incredible life, racism and parenthood.
When Trying to Return Home
By Jennifer Maritza McCauley
Spanning (跨越) between Puerto Rico, Pittsburgh, Louisiana and Miami, this short story collection explores the complexities of belonging and the true meaning of home. Each individual story and the themes mentioned are written through the Black American and Afro-Latino experiences.
The Last Tale of the Flower Bride
By Roshani Chokshi
Roshani Chokshi’s first surprising novel for adults is a fairy tale-filled story about marriage and the secrets couples keep from each other. That, and an enchanted (施过魔法的) house off the coast of Washington and hotel fortune.
I Have Some Questions for You
By Rebecca Makkai
Imagine if your life was the stuff of a true crime documentary. Bodie Kane has tried to move on past the 1995 murder of her boarding school roommate. When she returns to the boarding school as an adult, Bodie realizes there are still mysteries about how the case was wrapped up and justice was served.
1. What do we know about The People Who Report More Stress
A. It’s the second expensive of the four.
B. It’s Alejandro Valero’s first novel.
C. It consists of some short stories.
D. It deals with several different themes.
2. What is special about When Trying to Return Home
A. It explores community, relationships and so on.
B. It tells the true meaning of home by experiences.
C. It tells an enchanted house off the coast of Washington.
D. It describes how a Black American returns to his home.
3. Which of the following books best suits a detective story lover
A. The People Who Report More Stress
B. When Trying to Return Home
C. The Last Tale of the Flower Bride
D. I Have Some Questions for You
Working robots are typically big, simple and strong. They are large preprogrammed units working in dangerous jobs. But the idea of putting “cobots” which work in harmony with humans into use has become a reality and has changed robotic products worldwide.
Cobots include robots made of tough materials that provide support for the disabled and software-based assistants for home of online services. With their operating software updated from the Internet,these helpers will become an extension of mobile devices.
Most industrial robots are not designed to deal with unpredictable human jobs. However, by reducing robots down to desktop size and planting them with AI, the next generation of cobots will learn from us and cooperate with us better. Lightweight cobots can work in less space and share themselves with people rather than being caged off. Decreasing costs for robotic systems make them more suitable for small businesses, and their easy set-up makes them simple to deploy. Typical industrial uses for cobots include packing and machine tending. More detailed uses include cleaning dirty samples, picking plants, making tea and coffee and so on.
Still, experts thought that introducing robots would lead to job losses. Some people said that 20 million industrial jobs would be lost worldwide by 2030.Actually,it was not the case. What big companies such as Germany’s Mercedes-Benz discovered was that robots alone were not intelligent enough to keep pace with the demand for special products, which still depends on a large number of skilled staff to control and push the whole progress.
“Unplanned changes to production and safer interaction with humans will then require a step change in robot improvements. It has become necessary to use the new generation of cobots in people’s daily life, and cooperation should be considered as an applicable strategy. When we make people and machines cooperate, we can produce many more products on one production line,” said Markus Schaefer, head of production planning.
4. What can we know about cobots from Paragraph 2
A. They can do many boring tasks for people. B. They are still at the experimental stage.
C. They are designed to serve the injured. D. They can meet a variety of needs in daily life.
5. Which of the following words can best describe the newly designed cobots
A. Complex but creative. B. High-cost but useful.
C. Affordable and convenient. D. Small-sized and energy-saving.
6. What can be inferred from Schaefer’s words in the last paragraph
A. Cobots attract a large number of buyers.
B. Cobots may cause rising unemployment.
C. Cobots bring both benefits and disadvantages.
D. Cobots promoting human-robot cooperation is a trend.
7. What is the purpose of the text
A. To stress the influence of cobots.
B. To discuss the development of cobots.
C. To enourage improvements in smart technology.
D. To introduce some methods to improve life quality.
On the night of June seventeenth, happily unaware that I was now less than forty-eight hours from my little “date” with Bryan Smith, I sat down at our dining room table and listed all the questions I wanted to answer, all the points I wanted to address in my book On Writing—A Memoir of the Craft.
On the eighteenth, I wrote the first four pages of the “On Writing” section. That was where my writing still stood in late July, when I decided I’d better get back to work, or at least try.
My wife Tabby is the person in my life who’s most likely to say I’m working too hard, it’s time to slow down, stay away from that disgusting PowerBook for a little while. When I told her on that July morning that I thought I’d better go back to work, I expected a lecture. Instead, she asked me where I wanted to set up.
She thought about it, and said: “I can lay a table for you in the back hall. There are plenty of plugins so you can have your laptop, the little printer, and a fan.” A couple of hours later, she had made me a wonderful little nest there: laptop and printer, my notes, pens, and reference materials… Standing on the corner of the desk was a framed picture of our younger son, which she had taken earlier that summer.
“Is it all right ” she asked.
“It’s wonderful,” I said, and hugged her. It was wonderful. So is she.
That first writing session lasted an hour and forty minutes, by far the longest period I’d spent sitting upright since being struck by Bryan Smith’s car. When it was over, I was sweating and almost too tired to sit up straight in my wheelchair. And the first five hundred words were uniquely terrifying—it was as if I’d never written anything before them in my life. All my old tricks seemed to have deserted me. I stepped from one word to the next like a very old man finding his way across a stream on a winding line of wet stones. There was no inspiration that first afternoon, only a kind of stubborn determination and the hope that things would get better if I kept at it.
There was no breakthrough that afternoon, unless it was the ordinary miracle that comes with any attempt to create something. All I know is that the words started coming a little faster after a while, then a little faster still. My back still hurt, my leg, too, but those hurts began to seem a little farther away. I started to get on top of them. There was no sense of excitement—not that day—but there was a sense of accomplishment that was almost as good.
After that, things can only get better.
8. What happened to the writer on June the nineteenth
A. He had an appointment with Bryan Smith.
B. He listed all the questions he wanted to answer.
C. He wrote the first four pages of the “On Writing” section.
D. He was struck by a vehicle driven by Bryan Smith.
9. When did the author decide to continue his writing
A. In late June. B. In late July. C. On June 18th. D. On June 17th.
10. What does the underlined sentence “I expected a lecture.” in paragraph 3 mean
A. I was expecting my wife to advise me what to write about.
B. I thought my wife would talk a lot to discourage me from writing.
C. I had prepared a lecture to get myself back to work.
D. I was waiting for my wife to show me where to set up.
11. What made the words start coming a little faster after a while
A. All his old tricks that had come back.
B. His determination to create something.
C. His pains that had gone a little farther away.
D. His wonderful little nest made by his wife.
If carbon dioxide(CO2) were a politician, it would be worried about its bad press. This greenhouse gas is the primary pollutant responsible for global warming. Scientists, leaders, and activists are trying to stop its production. This gas, however, also plays a key role in life on Earth.
Carbon helps form the protein and DNA found in living things. In the atmosphere, it combines with two oxygen atoms (原子) to form carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis (光合作用) . In the process, plants use energy from the sun to turn water and carbon dioxide into sugar. In return, plants give off oxygen. As carbon dioxide concentrations increase in the atmosphere, scientists are trying to employ photosynthesis to promote plant growth. Laboratory studies show a higher concentration of the gas is making some plants grow more quickly in certain conditions, but in the wild and on outdoor farms the overall benefit is unclear. In the Netherlands, some commercial greenhouses are experimenting with ways to send carbon dioxide released from industry into greenhouses along a particular way where plants use the extra gas as fertilizer (肥料).
The first person to assume the existence of carbon dioxide was 16th-century Belgian scientist Jan Baptist van Helmont. After coal was burned, he noted, the weight of the remains was lower than the coal’s initial weight, which means some mass had been lost in the process. He was the first scientist to recognize different gases present in the air we breathe. It wasn’t until 1896 that Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius linked the carbon dioxide released from burning coal and oil to atmospheric warming.
Yet, despite its being plentiful in the atmosphere, we have been light on commercially produced carbon dioxide because of rising energy costs. As a result, carbonated drink (碳酸饮料) companies have had to raise prices or reduce production.
12. What function does CO2 have according to paragraph 2
A. Saving energy. B. Increasing fertilizer.
C. Supporting life. D. Commercializing agriculture.
13. Why is Jan Baptist van Helmont mentioned
A. To clarify the origins of CO2. B. To tell an unknown story.
C. To explain the applications of CO2. D. To show an early discovery.
14. What problem do carbonated drink companies face
A. Commercial CO2 is in short supply. B. Sales of their drinks are extremely poor.
C. It’s difficult to increase their production. D. There’s too much CO2 in the atmosphere.
15. Which can be the best title for the text
A. Climate Change: Affected by CO2 B. CO2: Both an Enemy and Friend
C. Greenhouse Gas: Having a Bad Press D. Carbon: Misunderstood Substance
Benefits of sharing jokes as a family
A well-chosen joke can have a big impact when speaking to a crowd or attempting to redirect a tense meeting. ____16____ Our family started regularly enjoying jokes when my son began sharing the “Joke of the Day” read On the morning announcements his school with us at dinner. A burst of laughter prevents us from complaining about the menu. ____17____ The benefits of sharing jokes definitely go beyond mealtime conversation matter, though. Here are some reasons to make joking around a regular family habit:
____18____ Knowing a good joke can help a kid connect with other kids at the cafeteria table or start a conversation on the school bus. Enjoying jokes and practicing the art of humorous delivery in the safety of their home can give kids tools for social situations, especially if this is an area of difficulty.
Jokes improve language skills. ____19____ Consider the learning potential in these samples from Funology.com: “What do you call a cow that eats your grass A lawn mower.” “When is a door not a door When it’s ajar (半开着).”
Jokes encourage reading and learning. Many parents and teachers report that joke books help motivate their reluctant or struggling readers to read more. Since jokes, by design, are for sharing, reading them aloud is particularly good practice for kids who struggle with reading fluently. ____20____ If your child needs help remembering a difficult concept, a joke might do it. For instance, try another joke from Funology.com: “Two atoms are playing together when on tells the other, ‘I lost an electron.’ The second atom asks, ‘Are you sure ’ The first atom replies ‘I’m positive!’”
A. Jokes help kids build social relationships.
B. Jokes aren’t just for the public stage, though.
C. Humor can even help a person deal with mood disorders.
D. Studies show humor can make information more memorable, too.
E. Jokes are quick lessons about sounds in words and word meanings.
F. Humor encourages family connection and can help ease kids’ anxiety.
G. Also, it’s been a good chance to explain jokes he didn’t quite understand.
第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分50分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
When I got my first smartphone, I loved it.It gave me instant ___21___ to my music, thousands of photos and videos and a(n) ___22___ of information. But over time, my feelings became controversial. I would repeatedly ___23___ my email, shop online for stuff I didn’t need and ___24___ click on links to websites. I’d often ___25___ to my husband and to my seven-year-old son, Louis, that I felt trapped by it.
So I began to research studies on the mental health effects of smartphone use. I ___26___ that smartphones are linked with anxiety, depression and poor sleep quality. Unsurprisingly, they also impact your ability to ___27___ and to remain in the present moment with your kids.
___28___, one day last summer, while I was playing with Louis, I was once again distracted (分心) by dings and pings. He finally related to my complaints about my smartphone: “Mommy, just ___29___, please!”
I decided to try. Instead of going cold turkey — no ___30___at all — I bought a flip phone (翻盖手机) and cell plan for $30 a month. With no touch screen, texting is ___31___. I can’t access email, music or social media and don’t even try browsing the web without a touch screen. While the adjustment hasn’t always been smooth sailing, it’s ___32___ than I thought it would be and the benefits are worth it. Now when I’m playing with my son, I can see the positive effect ___33___ his smiles. And after he’s gone to bed, instead of fixing my eyes on the ___34___, I light candles, grab a book and ___35___ the atmosphere of the room I’m in.
21. A. solution B. response C. access D. reaction
22. A. world B. form C. exchange D. piece
23. A. receive B. write C. answer D. refresh
24. A. skillfully B. occasionally C. hurriedly D. constantly
25. A. talk B. complain C. prove D. return
26. A. predicted B. discovered C. considered D. claimed
27. A. email B. reply C. smile D. parent
28. A. Hence B. However C. Then D. Still
29. A. take it back B. give it up C. break it down D. sort it out
30. A. charge B. money C. cellphone D. plan
31. A. heart-breaking B. time-consuming C. eye-opening D. energy-saving
32. A. easier B. cooler C. stricter D. longer
33. A. in B. of C. on D. with
34. A. face B. bed C. screen D. book
35. A. create B. lighten C. change D. enjoy
第二节 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
A group of young Chinese are trying to breathe new life into ancient texts about traditional music by creating ____36____ (origin) music and stylish music videos ____37____ (feature) traditional instruments. Zi De Guqin Studio has recently become famous for stylish music videos ____38____ all the songs are played using traditional instruments.
Guqin, a plucked seven-stringed instrument (弹拨的七弦乐器), is one of the most frequently appearing instruments in these videos. This instrument ____39____ (record) in a wealth of books and materials over the centuries, with more than 3,000 guqin songs ____40____ (keep) in ancient texts.
The studio’s ____41____ (adapt) of ancient songs have grown popular among young people in China. According to the studio’s members, their success is owing ____42____ two main factors: the recent rise in the ____43____ (popular) of traditional Chinese culture and their own innovation. Traditional culture has been making an obvious revival (复兴) as more young people have ____44____ stronger sense of national identity.
“In the process of making videos, we absorb some fun and interesting elements and attempt _____45_____ (give) these works a great aesthetic (审美的) appeal in terms of visual effects,” a member of the studio said.
第三节 单句语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
46. __________ (devote) considerable efforts to providing tourists with a better travel experience, Harbin has become an attractive tourism destination.(所给词的适当形式填空)
47. These tests are beyond the __________ (capable) of an average twelve-year-old. (所给词的适当形式填空)
48. At present, lots of food, water, tents and medicine ________ (transport) from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken area. (所给词适当形式填空)
49. As we know, massive __________ (destroy) of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man’s existence. (所给词的适当形式填空)
50. With the loss of blood, he couldn’t __________ (survive) for very long after being shot. (所给词的适当形式填空)
51. Many scientists connect higher surface water temperature resulting from global warming to greater and more __________ (damage) storms. (所给词的适当形式填空)
52. Such knowledge is still useful when ____________ (apply) to similar situations in other countries. (所给词的适当形式填空)
53. All the shops were closed, and __________ (consequence) we couldn’t buy any food. (所给词的适当形式填空)
54. Several train passengers suffered serious __________ (injure) in the crash. (所给词的适当形式填空)
55. They emphasize, however, that the findings need __________ (confirm) with further analysis. (所给词的适当形式填空)
第四节 完成句子(共5题;每题2分,满分10分)
56. 体育运动已成为一种重要的娱乐形式,吸引着男男女女。
Sport has become an important form of entertainment, ________ ________ both men and women.
57. 他们正要签合同,突然注意到有一项条款需要协商。
They were __________ __________ __________ __________ signing the contract when they noticed a clause that they wanted to negotiate.
58. 人工智能正在提供个性化学习,通过打破文化和语言障碍来满足儿童的需求。
Artificial intelligence is delivering personalized learning, tailored to children’s needs by __________ __________ cultural and language barriers.
59. 一提起夏威夷,脑海中立刻呈现出沙滩和蔚蓝的大海。
When it comes to Hawaii, a vision of beaches and blue seas immediately __________ __________ __________.
60. 我们应该向保卫祖国而牺牲的战士们表示敬意。
We should pay tribute to soldiers who sacrificed their lives __________ __________ __________ our country.
第四部分 书面表达(满分20分)
61. 假定你是李华,你的外教Wilson明天下午要做一个关于“互联网+”(Internet Plus)的讲座,你因故不能参加,请根据以下要点,用英语给他写一封邮件表示歉意。
1. 表示歉意;2. 解释原因;3. 询问是否有讲座的相关资料。
注意:1. 词数100左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Wilson,


