北师大版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 8 Green living Writing Workshop写作课课件(共22张PPT)

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北师大版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 8 Green living Writing Workshop写作课课件(共22张PPT)


Unit 8 Green Living
Writing Workshop—A Survey Report
Teaching aims
1.To read and understand a survey report.
2.To read and understand graphs.
3.To use expressions relating to quantity.
4.To write a survey report.(outline)
Fast Reading

What should be included in a survey report on environmental protection Discuss your ideas in pairs.
A Survey Report
Was the purpose of the survey clearly stated in the report
Is the report logically organised
Were proper graphs used to report findings
Read the survey report. Look at the two graphs on P. 40. What are the graphs
The first graph is a pie chart, the second is a bar chart.
a. Introduction
c. Negative findings
b. Conclusion
d. Positive findings
Activity 1: Read the survey report. Discuss the questions in pairs.
1. What’s the purpose of the survey
2. What questions are asked
3. What are the findings
Intensive reading
Last August , city officials interviewed about 500 residents to find out....
More than half of those who took part in the survey had done four of the five activities in the past month.
Around 90% (88%) had tried to recycle waste , such as glass, metal
and paper; and more than two thirds (70%) had tried to cut back on the use of disposable packaging, such as plastic, honey bottles and butter and yogurt containers. Also the majority of residents (74%)had
cycled or walked.
Unfortunately, not as many (没有多少人) who took part had taken action to save water and energy in their homes. Just under 40% (38%) try to save water when they were washing dishes or taking showers. Just over half ( 51% ) tried to save energy by reducing the use of air conditioning or turning off lights.
Activity 2: Find the quantity expressions in the survey report. Use the Sentence Builder to help you.
Quantity Expressions
as high as / almost all
The percentage is … as high as 96%.
about / around
Around 90% had tried to recycle waste …
most of / more than / the majority of
More than two thirds (70%) had tried to cut back on the use of disposable packaging …
just under / just over
Just under 40% (38%) tried to save water…
not as many / very few
Not as many were saving water and energy.
How do you express these numbers
What are the ways in the survey report
1. The percentage of those who felt that they needed to help protect the environment is as high as 96%.
2. Very few (4%) felt it was not necessary.
3. More than half of those who took part in…
4. Around 90% had tried to recycle waste…
5. More than two thirds (70%) had tried to cut back on…
6. The majority of residents (74%) had cycled or walked.
7. Not as many (38%)… had taken actions to save…
8. Just under 40% (38%) tried to save water when they…
9. Just over half (51%) tried to save energy by...
10. Almost all (96%) who took part understood the need to help take care of the environment.
11. Most of them (88%) tried to recycle waste…
12. Not as many (38%) were saving water and energy.

1.彼特被他的同学认为是(be regarded as)一位了不起的歌手。
2.他以唱流行歌曲而闻名(be famous for)全校。
3.不幸的是在他20多岁的时候(in his twenties),他因车祸失去了双手(lose his hands)。
4.他第一次(for the first time)陷入(be buried in)了悲痛之中。
6. 但是,老师和同学们的鼓励增加(add to)了他战胜困难的决心。
7.他毫不犹豫地(without hesitation)重新开始新的生活。
8.大多数人不知道(have no idea)他为克服自身的残疾到底付出了多少艰辛。
9.但是,他最终还是主宰了(take charge of)自己的命运,并且取得了成功。
1.彼特被他的同学认为是(be regarded as)一位了不起的歌手。
2.他以唱流行歌曲而闻名(be famous for)全校。
3.不幸的是在他20多岁的时候(in his twenties),他因车祸失去了双手(lose his hands)
Peter is regarded as an amazing singer by his schoolmates.
He is famous for singing popular songs in the whole school.
It was unfortunate that in his twenties he lost his hands in a traffic accident.
4.他第一次(for the first time)陷入(be buried in)了悲痛之中。
6. 但是,老师和同学们的鼓励增加(add to)了他战胜困难的决心。
For the first time he was buried in bitterness.
It seemed like a disaster for him.
But the encouragement from his teachers and schoolmates added to his determination to overcome difficulties.
7.他毫不犹豫地(without hesitation)重新开始新的生活。
8.大多数人不知道(have no idea)他为克服自身的残疾到底付出了多少艰辛。
9. 但是,他最终还是主宰了(take charge of)自己的命运,并且取得了成功。
He started a new life without hesitation.
Most people had no idea how hard he overcame his disability.
But finally he took charge of his own fortune and got success.
Peter is regarded as an amazing singer by his schoolmates. He is famous for singing popular songs in the whole school. It was unfortunate that in his twenties he lost his hands in a traffic accident. For the first time he was buried in bitterness. It seemed like a disaster for him. But the encouragement from his teachers and schoolmates added to his determination to overcome difficulties. He started a new life without hesitation. Most people had no idea how hard he overcame his disability. But finally he took charge of his own fortune and got success.
Write an outline for your report based on Activities 3 and 4, and the data in the textbook.


