Unit4 Protecting our heritage sites Integrated skills(2) Speaking and Writing 课件(共24张PPT)

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Unit4 Protecting our heritage sites Integrated skills(2) Speaking and Writing 课件(共24张PPT)


Unit 4
Protecting our heritage sites
Integrated skills (2)—
Speaking and Writing
1. Summarize the importance of heritage protection;
2. Come up with the measures of protecting heritage sites;
3. Write an article to call for the protection of heritage sites;
4. Develop their awareness of protecting heritage sites.
Learning objectives
In pairs, discuss the protection of heritage sites. Use the following questions to help you.
1. What is the importance of protecting heritage sites
2. What kinds of practical methods can you give to protect them
3. How can we move on to another topic while having a dialogue with others
Moving to another topic
When too much time has been spent on a topic, or your partner has nothing more to say about a topic, you can move on to another topic, e.g.
I think we’ve talked enough about this point. Maybe we could move on to …
I think there’s nothing more to talk about this aspect. Let’s change the topic to …
A: Let’s discuss the importance of protecting heritage sites first. I think heritage sites are a reminder of the power of nature and the genius of man.
B: Absolutely right. Natural heritage sites amaze us with their splendour and command our respect for nature, and cultural heritage sites can connect us with the past.
A: Yes. I think we’ve talked enough about this point. Maybe we could move on to discussing some useful measures.
B: OK. In my opinion, even if UNESCO does declare a place as a heritage site, it offers little protection especially if local communities do not take ownership to preserve their heritage.
A: I agree with you. Local communities should take some measures. For instance, limiting the number of visitors to these sites and regulating how often or how long they’re open to visitors are the first step in the right direction. Can you add anything
B: Yes, I can. Activities like fundraising events can help contribute towards resources required to carry out any restoration and preservation projects.
A: I definitely agree! I’m also thinking how little is being done to educate the general public about their importance. The public might be unaware of the dangers that heritage sites are facing. We need to ensure everyone becomes a part of the solution rather than the problem.
B:Yes, but let’s change the topic to what effective methods can raise public awareness. I think one is to launch awareness campaigns about the dangers to these vulnerable sites and also how to prevent those dangers. Do you have any other ideas
A:Yes, I do. Most people use the Internet nowadays, so it’ll be extremely helpful to set up easily accessible and informative websites about the topic.
B:That’s a great idea. I know that if we all work together to take care of our heritage sites, future generations will get to enjoy them too.
Write an article calling for the protection of heritage sites.
本单元的写作任务是写一篇倡议书,旨在呼吁保护遗址。涉及 文化遗址的重要性以及现状,号召人们积极行动起来保护我们的文化遗址。
1.Heritage sites represent historic development and human civilization.
2.They help us to learn about what happened in the past.
3.Having survived for a long time, they are valuable cultural resources.
4.Nowadays,many heritage sites have already been destroyed and hundreds of others are facing the danger of disappearing.
5.So how to protect them has been our task of top priority.
6.How to protect them has become an urgent need.
7.People’s awareness of...should be improved.
8.The government should shoulder the main responsibility of protecting them.
9.If necessary, laws should be made to...
10.To conclude/In conclusion, ...is at the top of the agenda for the benefit of all mankind.
目前,全世界很多遗址正在受到破坏甚至面临消失的危险。请你以“How to Protect Heritage Sites”为题,用英语写一篇短文并向校英文报投稿。
第一步 审题谋篇
第二步 遣词造句
1. 代表 ____________
2.人类的智慧 ________________________
3.处于……的危险中 _______________
4.保护 _________
5.急需有效的保护 ___________________________________
the wisdom of human
in danger of
in urgent need of effective protection
6.控制/规范 ___________
7.提高人们的意识 __________________________
8.开展活动 ___________________
9.建立信息网站 ________________________________
10.承担主要责任 _______________________________
raise people’s awareness
launch campaigns
setting up informative websites
shoulder the main responsibility
Heritage sites represent __________________________________
Some heritage sites are__________________________.
the power of nature and the wisdom
in danger of disappearing
They are in urgent need of effective protection.
of human
We should __________________________________________
by teaching them publicly.
Laws should___________________________.
raise people’s awareness of protecting heritage sites
Some people destroy them on purpose.
be made to punish those people
第三步 句式升级
It’s urgent that they (should) be protected effectively. .
Laws should be made to punish those who destroy them on purpose.
第四步 组句成篇
Checking your writing
Remember to check your writing after you finish and exchange drafts between you and your partner. Pay attention to the following aspects:
□ Punctuation □ Spelling □ Grammar
□ Choice of words □ Style (formal/informal) □ Structure
What ideas do you give on the protection of our heritage sites
Does your writing have an effective conclusion
Peer review
What does your partner think of the structure of your writing
What suggestions does your partner give for further improvement
Heritage sites represent the power of nature and the wisdom of human, but some heritage sites are in danger of disappearing. So it’s urgent that they (should) be protected effectively.
First of all, we should protect the environment. Besides, we should raise people’s awareness of protecting heritage sites by teaching them publicly. Furthermore, the government should shoulder the main responsibility to protect them. If necessary, laws should be made to punish those who destroy them on purpose.
To conclude, the protection of heritage sites is at the top of the agenda for the benefit of all mankind.
Review what you’ve learned today.


