
  1. 二一教育资源



1.What is Judy good at?
2.When does Alice's class usually start in the morning?
A.At seven.
B.At eight.
C.At nine.
3.How far is it from Ann's home to school?
A.One kilometer.
B.Three kilometers.
C.Five kilometers.
4.What is their mother doing?
A.She's watching TV.
B.She's visiting their aunt.
C.She's exercising.
5.What is the boy's father doing?
A.He's cooking.
B.He's using the computer.
C.He's listening to music.
二、听较长对话,回答问题。对话念两遍。(计 5分)
6.(1)Can the boy swim?
A.Yes,he can.
B.No,he can't.
C.We don't know.
(2)What club can he boy join?
A.The soccer club.
B.The basketball club.
C.The volleyball club.
7.(1)What is Jack going to do?
A:Visit the Great Wall
B.Do housework at home.
C.Go bike riding.
(2)Why does Lucy have to stay at home for a few days?
A.Because her parents have to work.
B.Because her grandmother is ill.
C.Because her cousins will come.
(3)Who is Lucy going to Beijing with?
A.Her friends.
B.Her cousins.
C.Her parents.
三、听短文,回答问题。短文念两遍。(计 10分)
8.(1)Many villages in China don't have a    .
(2)In our class there are     students.
(3)Miss Cooper teaches Chinese,    ,geography,PE,and art.
(4)There is a     in our village.
B.bus station
(5)Now our dream is that we can have a(an)    .
A.school bus
C.English teacher
9.I don't usually have ________ breakfast,but I have ________ early lunch every day.
A.a;a B./;a C./;an D.a;an
10.—Who is your math teacher?
—Miss Zhang.She teaches ________ math and she is also ________ friend.
A.our;us B.us;ours C.our;ours D.us;our
11.﹣ Excuse me. is it from the park to the East Station?
﹣ About half an hour by taxi.
A.How many B.How long C.How far D.How soon
12.﹣ My grandparents live outside the city.
﹣ It's very there and good for people's health.
A.noisy B.quiet C.terrible D.funny
13.—Have a ________ of this cake to see if you like it.
A.taste B.look C.smell D.watch
14.﹣When shall we go swimming again?
﹣Make it day you like.It's OK for me.
A.any B.one C.either D.every
15.—Hello.Is Alice there?
—No,she isn't.She________ at the supermarket.
A.shops B.shopping
C.is shopping D.shopped
16.For our safety,we must the traffic rules on the way to school.(  )
A.fight B.follow C.make D.break
17.—Doctor,how can I keep healthy?
—Well,you should first________ on smoking.
A.cut up B.cut in C.cut down D.cut off
18.—Don't take photos here,please.
A.No way B.Sorry,I won't
C.Here you are D.It's my pleasure
19.Mr.Clarke works in a middle school.He likes reading and often(1)    some books from the library.He(2)    to the radio every morning and reads(3)   after dinner.So he knows much and teaches well.His(4)    worship (崇拜) him very much.
Mike,Mr.Clarke's little son,is only nine.He(5)   likes reading books.And he often asks his father some questions.But Mr.Clarke always.thinks the boy is too.(6)   to understand so he chooses(7)    ones to answer.Of course the boy is not satisfied(满意的)with it.
One day,Mike(8)    something about the electric lights (电灯)and is(9)    it.
When his father tells him to do some housework,the son goes on thinking of it.He asks the father a few questions,and his father answers(10)   .
Then his father says proudly(自豪地),"Fathers always know(11)    than sons!"
The boy thinks fora while and says,"(12)   ."
Mike doesn't answer but asks(13)    "Who invented(发明)the electric lights?"
"Thomas Edison." answers Mr.Clarke.
"Why didn't his(14)    invent them,then?"
Looking at his son,Mr.Clarke doesn't know(15)   to answer it.
(1) A.finds B.sells C.buys D.borrows
(2) A.hears B.listens C.says D.reads
(3) A.newspapers B.letters C.stories D.messages
(4) A.teachers B.parents C.students D.classmates
(5) A.also B.never C.even D.only
(6) A.old B.young C.clever D.smart
(7) A.difficult B.different C.easy D.same
(8) A.watches B.looks C.reads D.sees
(9) A.good at B.interested in C.afraid of D.good for
(10) A.little B.all C.no D.much
(11) A.smaller B.bigger C.less D.more
(12) A.I don't think so B.I don't know C.I think so D.I agree
(13) A.luckily B.nicely C.quickly D.happily
(14) A.teacher B.son C.father D.friend
(15) A.when B.how C.where D.what
20.Spanish Dancing
Spanish dancing is fun and easy to learn.Come and learn this wonderful dance from Spain. Place:John Smith's Date:July 1st﹣﹣﹣31st Price: $60 Time:7:30 pm﹣9:30 pm Tel:301 ﹣2768
Live Pop Music
Enjoy the music from Justin Bieber,the famous pop singer. Place:The music hall Date:July20th﹣﹣﹣22nd Price: $200 ﹣$250 Time:8:00 pm﹣10:00 pm Tel:231﹣2899
Shows in Guanfu Museum
There are over 1,000 pieces on display e and enjoy the whole Chinese history ! Place:Guanfu Museum Date:July 1st ﹣﹣﹣ August 31st Price: $50 (half for students) Tel:271﹣1399 Time:Monday to Friday:8:30am ﹣ 5 :30 pm Weekends:9:00 am ﹣ 8:00 pm
(1)You can learn Spanish dancing at    .
A.7:00 pm on July 1st
B.9:00 pm on July 23rd
C.7:30 pm on August 31st
D.8:00 am on July 20th
(2)If you want to enjoy Justin Bieber's music,you can call at    .
A.231 ﹣1399
B.301 ﹣2769
C.231 ﹣2899
D.271 ﹣1399
(3)Zhang and his wife want to go to Guanfu Museum with his ten﹣year﹣old daughter .They should pay    .
A. $75
B. $100
C. $125
D. $150
21.It's 5 o'clock in the afternoon.There are many people on the bus.Some have seats,but some have to stand.At a bus stop,a woman gets on the bus.An old man near the door tries to stand up.
"Oh,no,thank you," the woman made him sit back to the seat. "Please don't do that.I can stand."
"But,madam,let me..." says the man.
"I ask you to keep your seat," the woman says.She puts her hands on the old man's shoulder(肩膀).But the man still tries to stand up,will you please let me...?" "Oh,no," says the woman.She again asks the man to sit down.At last,the old man shouts angrily, "I wants to get off the bus!" After the woman hears the old man's words,she feels very sorry.
(1)The story happens(发生)    .
A.in the street
B.at home
C.on the bus
D.in the school
(2)What does the woman ask the old man to do?    
A.She asks him to stand up.
B.She asks him to sit down.
C.She asks him to get off the bus.
D.She asks him to talk with her.
(3)The old man wants to    .
A.give his seat to the woman
B.stand up to go home
C.keep his seat
D.get off the bus
(4)How is the woman in the end?She is    .
22.After a relaxing weekend,children have to go back to school on Mondays.For parents,they should do something helpful to let their children get to school on time.
Let children take a good shower.It's good for children to take a shower before they go to bed.It can not only help them sleep well but also save time next morning.
Ask children to go to bed early.School generally starts at 8:00 a.m.So please let your children go to bed before 9:30 p.m.Your children should sleep for about nine hours every day.This is quite important as they have to get up early next day.
Make a good breakfast for children.Breakfast can help children study better in the day.It can help students listen to teachers carefully and think well in class.Also,it's good for their health.
Getting to school on time is very important for your children.So please try your best to help them.If you can do the things above,they will study and live happily.
(1)How many hours do children need to sleep every day according to the passage?    
(2)Who does the writer want to write the passage for?    
(3)What's the main(主要的) idea of the passage?    
A.Parents need to ask children go to bed early.
B.Children have to take a shower before sleeping.
C.Children must have a good breakfast before going to school.
D.Parents should do something to help children get to school on time.
(4)The structure of the passage is    .
23.There are lots of different kinds of ants (蚂蚁) and they are in different colors,too.They can be red,brown or black.Some are very small,and others are quite big.They live in large groups.Some of the groups are very big.
There are different kinds of ants in a group. .
The queen lays eggs (产卵).Soldier ants keep the queen and other ants in the group away from (远离)danger.They also get food and attack ants of other groups if they need living places.Worker ants look after baby ants,look for food and build homes.Soldier and worker ants are women.Men ants' only job is to make eggs with the queen.They also should make the eggs become baby ants.
Ants are busy.It's easy to see them moving quickly here and there.Sometimes you can see them with a leaf somewhere.Sometimes you even see two ants helping each other and moving something.But where are they going and what are they doing?People see them just walking around,but they are really important parts of the ecosystem(生态系统).Their world is under our feet.
(1)Which of the following sentences can be put in the ?    
A.They usually help each other.
B.They have different jobs.
C.They live in the same places.
D.They are in great danger.
(2)The underlined word "attack means "   " in Chinese.
A.支援 B.攻击 C.逃亡 D.吸引
(3)What can we infer(推断) from the passage?    
A.The queen ant is strict with other ants.
B.Ants love doing exercise.
C.People doesn't like small ants.
D.Ants help the ecosystem a lot.
(4)Why did the writer write the passage?    
A.To tell us what is good for the ecosystem.
B.To tell us why animals are always so busy.
C.To give us ideas about keeping animals safe.
D.To let us know something about a kind of animal.
24.As we all know,health is very important in one's life.If you want to have a happy life,you must have a healthy lifestyle first.Here are some ways to help you keep healthy.
(1)   People always say, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Just eat more fruit and vegetables.They have lots of vitamins.They're good for your health.
(2)    It can make you relaxed.There are many ways to exercise.You can run,swim,play ball games or just take a walk.It's good to exercise every day.But don't exercise too much in one day.That's bad for your health.
(3)   There is an old English saying:Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.It means that you should go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning.That can make sure you have energy(精力) for the next day.
(4)   Take a shower often.Brush your teeth twice a day.Wash your hands before having dinner.Keep your room clean and tidy.All these can make you away from germ(病菌) and keep healthy.
(5)   Taking some time off your work is important to your health.Have a hobby,get out of your house and walk in nature.Or just take a trip with your friends when you are free.They are all good for your health.
A.A good sleeping habit is good for you. B.Take some time to relax. C.Keep yourself clean. D.Exercise is a key to the healthy life. E.Be happy every day. F.A good eating habit is very important.
25.Clean the room,Andy.It's too    (脏的).
26.My grandma is busy making delicious food in the    (厨房).
27.Sarah always dreams of    (写)a great novel on her own.
28.You can see two big    (钢琴) in the music room.
29.Mother asks her four sons to share the cake in average and everyone can get a    (四分之一)of the cake.
30.In order to join in the competition,Lisa    (练习) playing the piano two hours a day.
31.She often    (想念)her family and friends when she's away from home.
32.He usually goes to school by    (地铁)instead of riding a bike.
33.   (到达) at school on time is an important rule for every student.
34.It's dangerous to    (横过) the road when a car is coming.
There is a park near my home.Everyone(1)    to go to this park after work.Some of(2)   go the park every day.Look!Mr King is(3)   on a chair.He is happy to watch the(4)   playing around.There is a small river in the park.We can see some boats on the water.Some kids are staying in the boats(5)   their parents.They are having a good time.
36.It's my honor to stand here and talk to you.As(1)   student in my school,I'd like to introduce our school to you.One of my favorite(2)   (place)is the library.Do you know(3)   to be a good reader in the library?Of course,you have to follow the rules in the library.
Rules are important for any other(4)   (student),even for teachers.Look,some students (5)    (run)on the playground.It's a P.E.class.You can(6)   play volleyball or basketball in the P.E.class.There's even a swimming pool in our(7)   (sport)Center.And we also have a beautiful park.My friend often comes there(8)   (read)books after class.I'm never late(9)   school because I love my school and teachers so much.And they are all(10)   (friend)to me.
1)Peter 是一名中学生,爱好广泛,擅长弹吉他,会下国际象棋。
注意: (1)要求语意连贯,语句通顺;
My Pen Pal
Hello,boys and girls!I have a pen pal from_______.

a/places/how/students/are running/either/sports/to read/for/friendly


