贵州省贵阳市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(PDF版含解析 无听力音频 含听力原文)

  1. 二一教育资源

贵州省贵阳市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(PDF版含解析 无听力音频 含听力原文)


贵阳一中 2022 级高二年级教学质量监测卷(三)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
1~5 CABCA 6~10 CBABC 11~15 BCBAB 16~20 ACAAC
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
21~25 BDACB 26~30 DADBA 31~35 BABCA
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
36~40 GDFCA
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
41~45 CDABC 46~50 ADBAC 51~55 DBACD
第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
56.fifth 57.was honored 58.It 59.arranging 60.globally
61.to/across 62.a 63.and 64.that/which 65.shared
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节(满分 15 分)
The Importance of Goals
Good morning,everyone,
It’s a great honor for me to stand here and address my speech titled“The Importance of Goals”.
As a saying goes,“Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.”Obviously,goals
play an essential role in our life.In the first place,goals guide us towards where we want to head,
providing a way to our successful journey.In addition,people who are aware of their goals tend to
stay motivated and inspired when faced with adversity.Last but not least,we are becoming
physically and spiritually fulfilled when focusing on our goals.Hence,if you still don’t have a goal,
set an appropriate one and try to accomplish it.
Thanks for listening!
高二英语参考答案·第 1 页(共 11 页)
第二节(满分 25 分)
Then Kelly began her training,keeping it a secret from her mom.Every day after school,Kelly
dashed to the boxing gym,occupying herself with the intense training.Stretching legs,practicing her
footwork and improving endurance had become the bittersweet routine of her life.Even when she
was made fun of by boys in the gym,she bit her lip tightly and continued her training.Finally,the
tryout came.Extremely nervous though,she stepped into the boxing ring,moved fast and punched
hard to the surprise of other candidates.After the tryout,Kelly left the gym confidently,knowing she
did her best.
The following Monday,results of the boxing tryout were posted.To her delight,Kelly found
her name on the list.Thrilled,she shared the news with Serena,both ready to reveal the secret to
their mom.At dinner that day,Kelly gathered her courage and said to her mom,“I’m sorry,
Mom.I’ve made the boxing team and I’m ready to carve my own path.”At first,a flicker of
disbelief and shock crossed her mom’s face,but after a long,heart-to-heart talk,she gave Kelly
a bear hug and whispered softly,“I’m so proud of you for being yourself.”
第二部分 阅读
21.B 细节理解题。根据题干中的 music 定位到第二段第二句,由“…with music by David
Kisor.”可知,该戏剧由 David Kisor 作曲。
22.D 推理判断题。根据第四段第一句“Turner,a 10th-grader at School for Creative and
Performing Arts,is a familiar presence on Cincinnati’s stages.”和第五段第二句“He was
in the cast of‘Tom Sawyer’when…with five shows to his credit.”可知,这两位演员
23.A 推理判断题。根据题干中的 teachers 定位到最后一段,由“Note to teachers:Children’s
Theatre has a study guide demonstrating how math and science can be taught…”和“For
downloadable lessons…”可知,儿童剧院为老师提供的“学习指南”和“可下载的
高二英语参考答案·第 2 页(共 11 页)
【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了著名的喜剧演员 Leslie Jones 的喜剧经历,
24.C 细节理解题。根据第一段“Leslie Jones is a well-known comedian and actress(Leslie
Jones 是一位著名的喜剧演员和女演员)”可知,Leslie Jones 以表演喜剧而闻名。故
选 C。
25.B 细节理解题。根据第三段“At the age of 19,she received advice from Jamie Foxx,
who suggested that she needed more life experiences to draw material from for her
comedy.Foxx advised her to go out,live life,work various jobs,and gain a broader range
of experiences to enrich her comedy.Jones took Foxx’s advice to heart and took on a
series of jobs(19 岁时,她接受了 Jamie Foxx 的建议,他建议她需要更多的生活经
历来为她的喜剧汲取素材。Foxx 建议她走出去,去生活,从事各种工作……)”可
知,Leslie Jones 去从事各种各样的工作是为了积累生活经历,让她的喜剧更加丰富
多彩。故选 B。
26.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段“Her devotion to physical comedy and her unique approach
have contributed to her success in the entertainment industry.(她对身体喜剧的热爱和
她独特的方法为她在娱乐界的成功做出了贡献。)”可知,Leslie Jones 独特的身体表
演让自己的喜剧获得成功。故选 D。
27.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段“ In summary,Leslie Jones’ comedy career began
unexpectedly in college,and despite facing initial challenges,she pursued a variety of life
experiences to enrich her comedy.(综上所述,Leslie Jones 的喜剧生涯意外地在大学
Leslie Jones 并非科班出身的喜剧演员,最初面临挑战,她通过不同的生活经历丰富
非常努力的人。故选 A。
28.D 主旨大意题。文章第二段讲到“…in which he imagined a world where scientists were
able to bring dinosaurs back to life.Crichton imagined that polymerase chain reaction
(PCR)technology could be a way to amplify(放大)tiny quantities of dinosaur DNA
and thus build a living embryo.(在小说里,他想象了一个科学家能够让恐龙复活的
高二英语参考答案·第 3 页(共 11 页)
世界。克莱顿设想聚合酶链式反应技术可能是一种扩增微小数量的恐龙 DNA,从而
测。故选 D。
29.B 细节理解题。文章第三段讲到“Sadly,biologists soon realized that DNA in fact breaks
down super-fast;even after 100 years,DNA from museum skins of dodos was decayed
(腐烂)beyond repair.(可悲的是,生物学家很快意识到 DNA 实际上分解得非常
快;即使在 100 年后,博物馆里渡渡鸟皮肤上的 DNA 也腐烂得无法修复。)”可知,
克隆活胚胎的障碍是 DNA 很难长期保存。故选 B。
30.A 细节理解题。文章第五段讲到“Without the mammoths,that diversity disappeared.Return
them and landscapes would once again be with a variety of species,including flowers and
多样性。故选 A。
31.B 推理判断题。文章最后一段讲到“The slowdown gives us time to consider the
outcomes—and hopefully avoid some of Michael Crichton’s more fevered
一些更狂热的想象。)”可知,作者对克隆灭绝动物持谨慎的观点。故选 B。
32.A 细节理解题。根据第四段“Moenjodaro’s significance can’t be underestimated.When
it was added to UNESCO’s register in 1980,the organization wrote that Moenjodaro
‘bears exceptional proof to the Indus civilization,’making up of‘the most ancient
planned city on the Indian subcontinent’”.(它的重要性不容小觑。1980 年,当门佐
历史和建筑上的价值使它对巴基斯坦来说很特别。故选 A。
33.B 词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“The letter explains some of the immediate actions the
site team has taken(这封信解释了现场团队立即采取的一些行动)”及下文“…like
bringing in water pumps and repairing brickwork.But it’s clear that these measures will
not be enough.(比如引进水泵和修复砖墙。但很明显,这些措施还不够。)”可知,
高二英语参考答案·第 4 页(共 11 页)
现场团队立即采取了一些措施来减轻洪水破坏。由此可知,划线词 mitigate 与 reduce
“减少,降低”意思接近。故选 B。
34.C 推理判断题。根据第五段中的“But it’s clear that these measures will not be enough.(但
很明显,这些措施还不够。)“及倒数第二段中的“While the sum is far less than needed
to fully repair the sites,it will pay for urgent work while UNESCO and the local
organization consider the best way forward.(虽然这笔钱远远少于完全修复遗址所需
及最后一段“In their letter,Abbasi and Sangah express concern that Moenjodaro could
be added to the list of UNESCO sites in danger,which the preservation body updates
periodically to highlight historic places that are at severe risk of ruin.(在他们的信中,
Abbasi 和 Sangah 表达了对门佐达罗可能被列入联合国教科文组织濒危遗址名单的
可推知,到目前为止,维修工作的情况令人担忧。故选 C。
35.A 主旨大意题。根据第一段“One of the world’s oldest preserved human settlements has
been significantly damaged by pouring rain in Pakistan as the country battles the worst
floods in its history.(巴基斯坦正在与历史上最严重的洪水作斗争,世界上保存最古
严重破坏和拯救方法。由此可知,A.Pakistan UNESCO Site Moenjodaro Badly
Damaged by Flooding(巴基斯坦联合国教科文组织世界遗产地门佐达罗被洪水严重
破坏)适合作本文最佳标题。故选 A。
36.G 上文“We’re lucky to live in an age when the sum total of human knowledge is pretty
available at the click of a button.(我们很幸运地生活在一个只需点击一下按钮就可以
的时代。下文“So here are a few strategies to sharpen your critical thinking.(因此,
合题意。故选 G。
高二英语参考答案·第 5 页(共 11 页)
37.D 上文“Watch out for confirmation prejudice.(谨防确认偏见。)”说明要防止偏见。下
文“In repeated experiments,psychologists have shown we’re much more likely to accept
something as evidence if it confirms what we already think we know.(在重复的实验
它作为证据。)”说明对于已经知道的东西,我们就更可能接受它是对的,D 项“我
们都喜欢感觉自己是对的”引出下文,符合题意。故选 D。
38.F 上文“Acknowledge small differences. In life,most situations are varying and
complicated.Admitting that can enrich the way that we view the world.(承认微小差异。
式。)”说明要承认差异,F 项中“differences”是关键词,F 项“因此,请注意许多
情况下的差异”承接上文,符合题意。故选 F。
39.C 下文“Really try to understand where the other person is coming from.(真正试着去理
解其他人的想法。)”说明要站在其他人的角度思考问题。C 项中“设身处地为他人
意。故选 C。
40.A 下文“It’s more important than ever to know where your information is coming from.(知
道你的信息来源比以往任何时候都重要。)”说明知道信息的来源是很重要的。A 项
“核实你的信息来源”引出下文,符合题意。故选 A。
第三部分 语言运用
41.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:每当我走上网球场,就好像一个黏糊糊的名字标签永远
贴在我身上。A.marched 行进;B.jumped 跳;C.stepped 迈步;D.rushed 冲。
由下文“onto a tennis court”以及语境可知,这里指作者“迈步”走进网球场,step
onto 表“踏上”,为固定搭配,符合句意。故选 C。
42.D 考查副词词义辨析。句意:每当我走上网球场,就好像一个黏糊糊的名字标签永远
贴在我身上。A.frequently 经常地;B.originally 最初地;C.occasionally 偶尔地;
D.permanently 永久地。由上文“it was as though a gluey name label”可知,这里指
这个黏糊糊的名字标签“永远”贴在作者身上。故选 D。
高二英语参考答案·第 6 页(共 11 页)
43.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想打败我的哥哥亚伦,他的名气使我变成了一个无名
的网球运动员。A.defeat 击败;B.praise 赞扬;C.evaluate 评估;D.recommend
推荐。由下文“whose fame had reduced me to a 44 tennis player”可知,这里指
作者想“打败”哥哥亚伦,走出他的阴影。故选 A。
44.B 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我想打败我的哥哥亚伦,他的名气使我变成了一个无
名的网球运动员。A.hopeless 无望的;B.nameless 无名的;C.worthless 毫无价
值的;D.fearless 无所畏惧的。由上文“The title of‘Aaron’s younger brother’was
earned when I had won the second place in my first tennis tournament at the age of
six.”可知,作者哥哥的名气使作者变成了一个“无名的”网球运动员。故选 B。
45.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:比赛开始时,当我和亚伦握手时,我凝视着他,专注于
这场比赛将如何改变一切。A.appreciate 感谢;B.explore 探索;C.change 改变;
D.settle 解决。由上文“I wanted to 43 Aaron,my older brother”可知,这里
指作者想打败哥哥“改变”一切。故选 C。
46.A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:网球场似乎比平时伸得更远,但我仍然能辨认出亚伦脸
上自信的表情。A.make out 辨认出;B.pull out 拔出;C.take up 占用;D.put down
放下。由上文“further than usual”以及“but”表转折可知,这里指虽然距离远,但
是作者还是能“辨认出”亚伦脸上自信的表情。故选 A。
47.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他知道我的荣誉与他的相比显得微不足道。A.disappeared
消失;B.wrinkled 皱起;C.doubled 加倍;D.paled 变苍白。由下文“in comparison
to his”可知,这里指作者的荣誉不如哥哥的,相对于哥哥的荣誉,变得非常“苍白,
逊色”。故选 D。
48.B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在那时,落日把他的身影投射到我身上,提醒我,如
果我不证明自己,我将永远走在他的阴影下。A.ordering 订购;B.reminding 提醒;
C.instructing 指导;D.expecting 期待。由上文“the setting sun cast his figure over me”
可知,这里指落日“提醒”了作者生活在哥哥的阴影下。故选 B。
49.A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:就在那时,落日把他的身影投射到我身上,提醒我,如
果我不证明自己,我将永远走在他的阴影下。A.shadow 阴影;B.shelter 避难所;
C.credit 信用;D.trust 信任。由下文“if I did not prove myself”可知,这里指如
果作者不证明自己,就会活在哥哥的“阴影”下。故选 A。
50.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:为最后一击做好了准备,当我回忆起他扣杀的弱点时,
亚伦过去比赛的画面充斥着我的脑海—球总是飞向球场左侧。A.scores 得分;
高二英语参考答案·第 7 页(共 11 页)
B.records 记录;C.images 画面;D.highlights 亮点。由下文“of Aaron’s past matches”
可知,这里指亚伦过去比赛的“画面”出现在作者的脑海里。故选 C。
51.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:为最后一击做好了准备,当我回忆起他扣杀的弱点时,
亚伦过去比赛的画面充斥着我的脑海—球总是飞向球场左侧。A.hid 隐藏;
B.admitted 承认;C.overcame 克服;D.recalled 回忆。由上文“flooding through
my mind”可知,作者这里在“回忆”亚伦扣杀的弱点。故选 D。
52.B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:球碰到了我的球拍,成功地从亚伦的头上飞过。
A.progress 进度;B.contact 接触;C.movement 运动;D.adjustment 调整。
由下文“with my racket and was lobbed(把球挑高)over Aaron’s head successfully”
可知,这里表示球“触碰到”作者的球拍,然后作者成功击出了球。故选 B。
53.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他只能目睹自己不败的冠军身份被弟弟夺走。A.witness
目睹;B.improve 提高;C.confirm 确认;D.maintain 维护。由上文“could do nothing”
可知,作者哥哥亚伦只能“目睹”自己的失败,什么也做不了。故选 A。
54.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:比赛结束几分钟后,当我还在享受这种陌生的成功感时,
一个我隐约认出是来自一家著名网球俱乐部的男人走近了我。A.harmony 和谐;
B.competition 竞争;C.success 成功;D.relief 宽慰。由上文“champion being removed
by his younger brother”可知,这里指作者享受打败哥哥的“成功”感。故选 C。
55.D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:比赛结束几分钟后,当我还在享受这种陌生的成功感
时,一个我隐约认出是来自一家著名网球俱乐部的男人走近了我。A.previous 以前
的;B.special 特殊的;C.tiny 极小的;D.famous 著名的。由下文“What is your
意。故选 D。
Text 1
M:That’s fantastic!Several reporters took photos throughout the event.It’s great to get so much
coverage of our charity’s efforts.
W:Exactly.Now all of the rubbish from the storm has been removed from the park.Our team has
been working hard.
Text 2
M:Hey,Laura.It’s really a surprise to run into you at the traffic lights.Where are you going?
高二英语参考答案·第 8 页(共 11 页)
W:I’m heading to the department store.I need to buy my sister a new necklace.I accidentally lost her
necklace probably at work.
Text 3
W:Did you ever take History 231?
M:Yeah.Last term.And the professor was Mr. Johnson.
W:What do you think about him?
M:He always pushed us to reach our full potential,but fortunately,he was an easy grader.So it
was not difficult to pass it.
Text 4
M:How was your vacation?
W:Oh,it was wonderful.I walked around this garden.
M:Really?I didn’t know you liked gardening.
W:Oh,I’m not into gardening.It’s too much work.But I love to look at beautiful flowers.
Text 5
W:The office software is finally starting to build a solid reputation.I think it’s the perfect time to
start selling it in other countries.
M:That would be a great way to increase our customer base.We have to have the instructions
translated into other languages.
Text 6
W:John,now that Frank has retired and Sally is taking annual leave,we are two people shorter than
usual.Are we planning to hire soon?
M:I hope so.We’re already understaffed and the order we got yesterday from Mayhem Electronics
will mean more work for everyone.
W:I agree.Maybe they can move someone from the sales department over here while we’re
looking for a suitable person to fill Frank’s position.
M:That’s actually a good idea.
Text 7
M:Mrs Brown,I want to speak to you about Billy’s work.I think Billy has made some good
improvement this year compared to last year.
W:Well,of course.Last year,we moved here and it wasn’t a very settled time for Billy.So
Billy probably didn’t do his best work.
高二英语参考答案·第 9 页(共 11 页)
M:I see.We’ve put a story that he wrote back in March in the school newspaper.You should’ve
read it.But there were many words spelt wrong in his work.
W:Yes,we have tried at home to help him.His sister,Kathy,often tests him on words that
he often gets wrong.I’m sure that’s helpful,isn’t it?
M:Oh yes,without a doubt.
Text 8
M:How was the hotel during your holiday?
W:It was awful.We had to switch rooms a couple of times.
W:Well,we found the first room totally a mess with empty food containers left on the floor and
desk.So,we had to ask for another room.
M:What was wrong with the second room?
W:We paid for a garden room and it was a view of the parking lot.And they were out of garden
view rooms,so they upgraded us to an ocean view room without extra charge.
M:That’s nice!
W:But our next-door neighbor watched TV late every night and it was noisy.It kept us awake
every night.
M:Did you ask for another room?
W:Yes,but they said that there were no more rooms available.But the manager was really nice
about it.He offered us a free stay next time.
M:Are you going to go back there?
W:Of course.
Text 9
M:Hey,Karen!Did you meet Bonnie in our class?
W:Yes,I did!I thought she was very shy at first,but when the teacher started a class discussion,
she was the first to speak up.
M:Right.She may be the smartest student in our class because every time she answered,all of her
answers were correct.We should invite her to join our study group!
W:That’s a great idea.Do you know what She also enjoys the outdoors.Why don’t we ask her to
come hiking with us this Saturday?
M:Actually,I already asked her to come!She said she wanted to come.
高二英语参考答案·第 10 页(共 11 页)
W:That was quick,Toby.Who is supposed to bring snacks for this weekend’s hiking trip?
M:I think Jenny is supposed to bring them.She is a true master in the kitchen.Her food is
out of this world.
W:And she is very thoughtful! When I had an upset stomach last week,she noticed and
brought me some hot orange juice and vitamins.
Text 10
W:The Beatles have released the last song they recorded.The song is titled Now and Then.It was
written by John Lennon in 1977.He sang it at the piano and recorded it two years later at his
home.Recording engineers used AI technology to bring the song to life,resulting in a sound
like the four Beatles recorded it together in a studio.Now and Then will be the final track on a
new edition of the Beatles’ greatest hits blue album.This is a collection of their classics from
1967 1970.
Beatles member Paul McCartney spoke to reporters about the new song.He said it’s quite
emotional.He spoke about his excitement at being able to release a new song,and to still be
working on Beatles music.McCartney was also excited about hearing John Lennon’s
voice.Lennon died in 1980,which brought endless sorrow to people loving him.Beatles
drummer Ringo Starr said recording the song was the closest they’ll ever come to having John
Lennon back in the room.He said it was very emotional for all of them.
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