人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Reading (2)课件(共10张PPT)

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人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Reading (2)课件(共10张PPT)


Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Living Legends(2)
Josie Du & 1.1
1.Review the content of the article .
2.Learn and use the language expressions in the text.
3.Feel the sports spirit and guide ourselves in learning and life.
Studying objectives
Living Legends
Pair work to read the passage and finish the tasks below.
1. Underline and write down the important or useful words and phrases.
2.Underline and write down the sentences according to the requirements.
Adverbial Clauses: 1 --- 3
Objective Clauses: 1 --- 2
Attributive Clauses: 1 --- 5
Underline and write down the important or useful words and phrases.
determination (determine、determined)
at home and abroad prepare for fall apart lose heart change…with mental strength make +O+Oc the secret to … share …with
2.Underline and write down the sentences according to the requirements.
Adverbial Clauses: 1 --- 3
2) Objective Clauses: 1 --- 2
3) Attributive Clauses: 1 --- 5
when * 2 if * 1
that * 2
①They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others .
②The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart.
( )
Living Legends
Pair work to read the passage and finish the tasks below.
1. Underline and write down the important or useful words and phrases.
2.Underline and write down the sentences according to the requirements.
Adverbial Clauses: 1 --- 3
Objective Clauses: 1 --- 2
Attributive Clauses: 1 --- 5
2.Underline and write down the sentences according to the requirements.
Adverbial Clauses: 1 --- 3
2) Objective Clauses: 1 --- 2
3) Attributive Clauses: 1 --- 5
when * 2 if * 1
that * 2
③The player who became known as “ Air Jordan”changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps
( )
④The mental strength that he showed made him unique.
( )
⑤The Boys and Girls Club which he started in Chicago has been helping young people since 1996.
( )
The Boys and Girls Club
Living Legends
Pair work to read the passage and finish the tasks below.
1. Underline and write down the important or useful words and phrases.
2.Underline and write down the sentences according to the requirements.
Adverbial Clauses: 1 --- 3
Objective Clauses: 1 --- 2
Attributive Clauses: 1 --- 5
2.Underline and write down the sentences according to the requirements.
Adverbial Clauses: 1 --- 3
2) Objective Clauses: 1 --- 2
3) Attributive Clauses: 1 --- 5
when * 2 if * 1
that * 2
The player who became known as “ Air Jordan”changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps
( )
The mental strength that he showed made him unique.
( )
The Boys and Girls Club which he started in Chicago has been helping young people since 1996.
( )
The Boys and Girls Club
2.Underline and write down the sentences according to the requirements.
4)Observe and summarize
Losing two important players was a big challenge.
Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up.
The conclusion:_______________________
Doing S
Living Legends
Pair work to read the passage and finish the tasks below.
1. Underline and write down the important or useful words and phrases.
2.Underline and write down the sentences according to the requirements.
Adverbial Clauses: 1 --- 3
Objective Clauses: 1 --- 2
Attributive Clauses: 1 --- 5
2.Underline and write down the sentences according to the requirements.
Adverbial Clauses: 1 --- 3
2) Objective Clauses: 1 --- 2
3) Attributive Clauses: 1 --- 5
when * 2 if * 1
that * 2
The player who became known as “ Air Jordan”changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps
( )
The mental strength that he showed made him unique.
( )
The Boys and Girls Club which he started in Chicago has been helping young people since 1996.
( )
The Boys and Girls Club
2.Underline and write down the sentences according to the requirements.
4)Observe and summarize
Losing two important players was a big challenge.
Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up.
The conclusion:_______________________
Doing S
1.Write a short piece of writing (3-5sentences) to describe a person you like by using the language expressions.
2.Write a short piece of writing (3-5sentences)to describe what you have learnt from them and what you will do in your daily learning and life .
1.Review the content of the article .
2.Learn and use the language expressions in the text.
3.Feel the sports spirit and guide ourselves in learning and life.
Studying objectives
1.Review the content of the article .
2.Learn and use the language expressions in the text.
3.Feel the sports spirit and guide ourselves in learning and life.
Studying objectives
I can accept failure ,
but I can’t accept not trying!


