Module 7 Unit 1 My father goes to work at eight o’clock every morning大单元整体教学设计(表格式)

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Module 7 Unit 1 My father goes to work at eight o’clock every morning大单元整体教学设计(表格式)


Module 7 My father goes to work at eight o’clock every morning.
课程标准二级要求:对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好。能用简单的英语互致问候、交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息。能根据所学内容表演小对话或歌谣。能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事。能根 据图片或提示写简单的句子。在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教,了解警察,工人,护士和出租车司机的工作时间,拓展学生的认知。
1. 知识储备:五年级的学生经过两年半的英语学习,有了一定的英语视听说基础,积累了对英语的语法现象和语言认知。在以往的学习中对“一般现在时,将来时”这一语法现象有了基本的了解,对时间职业等词汇也有了一定的稳固积累。职业是学生生活中经常会谈到的话题,对各种社会分工也有一定的认识和兴趣本课话题能激起学生们的学习兴趣。
4.预设难点:新知识(能用本模块核心句型进行询问、应答、讲述并书写, 运用一般现在时描述生活工作学习状态,能够运用核心句型询问职业和工作时间。)
新技能(总结归纳、联系实际, 提升自我认知,树立守时不迟到的好习惯。)
第一课时采用主题式教学,课时主题是My father and mother's job.通过设置场景,聆听Daming和Fangfang上学放学路上的对话,了解Daming和Fangfang的父母分别是做什么工作的,以及工作时间。通过对工作时间的描述,拓展了学生的社会认知,
第二课时以项目式教学为主要方法,课时主题是Keeping time.通过Daming1上学迟到,又着急又难过的小故事,还有爸爸承诺7点回家,信守承诺7点回家的小故事,讲述了守时的重要性。
第三课时实施探究式教学。课时主题是How to manage your time.通过阅读绘本《Time for school》,观看小视频等形式,增加文本的趣味性,运用听说读写等各种途径,提升学生的英语核心素养。深度挖掘课文内容,发现文本中都蕴含着如何管理时间的理念。通过文本总结出文中的情感态度和价值观。让同学们树立合理安排时间,珍惜时间的观念。可以和你的同学分享你的一天是怎麽安排的。
语言能力 学习能力 思维品质 文化品格
学生能够运用核心词汇evening,late,worker,factory,early,taxi,quarter. 学生能够运用核心句型My father goes to work at... He’s a... I’ll be home at... 通过前置学习,能在语境中借助图片,音频等,理解核心词汇的词义,通过听录音跟读,结伴及自主朗读,角色扮演等,朗读课文小片段。 通过思考,判断与评价,能够对所学内容主动进行信息提取,复习与归纳,提高思维逻辑性。 学生能够通过视频和阅读资料,学会合理安排自己的时间,珍惜时间,并做到守时,惜时。
能听懂,读懂并模仿朗读核心句型2.My father goes to work at...He’s a...I’ll be home at...
单课,再通过反复讨论,深度阅读课文,反复上网查找资料等方式确定单元课时小观念,同时深度挖掘文本上下模块,上下册,以及不同年级内容之间的联系,用多种方式呈现文章内容。如维恩图,思维导图,鱼骨图,结构图,小视频等方式,使学生能对知识内在架构一目了然,这既符合学生身心发展的特点和认知规律,也符合国家“双减”的政策要求。各课时之间密切联系,课时与课时之间情境一贯, 内容衔接,思维递进,能力递增。同一个单元的几个课时既和谐统一,又在深度和广度上呈现阶梯上升的趋势。
课时 话题 课时小观念 内容和目标 课型 教材页码 知识链接
P 1 父母的职业和上班时间。 了解不同职业工作时间的不同,知道父母的辛苦。 Unit 1大明和芳芳父母的职业以及工作时间。 新授(听说课) P38,39 五上M8 U1
P2 我的时间安排。 养成守时的好习惯。 Unit2.I will be home at seven o’clock. 新授(听说课) P41 五上 M8 U2
P 3 如何高效的安排时间。 珍惜时间,学会合理的安排时间。 Cherish time like gold,hold it as learning. 综合运用 拓展运用 六下M2U1
2.能听懂、会说运用“My father//mother goes to work at eight o’clock every morning.”以及“He’s //She’s a ...”这类句子表达人物工作的时间和职业。
教学环节 教学过程 学生活动 设计意图
Step 1: Warm-up 1.Greetings 2.Lead-in Enjoy the song: What’s the time Playgames: ①What time is it Revision: He gets up at seven o’clock. He reads at eight o'clock. He does his homework at four o'clock. He sleeps at nine o'clock. ②Guess jobs. 1.Greetings 2.Enjoy the song. 教师引出"what does he//she do "句式,并引导学生用"He///She is a..."句式回答。 创设轻松的学习氛围,活跃课堂气氛,引入话题。 带领同学们复习学习过的时间表达方法。并导入新的有关职业的单词和句式的表达方法。
Step 2: Presentation (Activity 1) Let’s guess ! What are they talking about Watch the video and try to find: What time will Dad take them to the park 2.What time will Dad take them to the park (Get students to listen it again ,then watch the video and answer .)) (Check the answer .) ((Activity 2)) Watch and answer. Watch the video of Activity 2 and then answer: What are they talking about ((Have students watch the video and prompt students to think and try to describe .)) They are talking about their parents . Read and find: Listen to Paragraph1 and answer the questions: ①What time does Daming’s father go to work ② What does he do Watch Paragraph 2 and find the answers: 1.What time does Fangfang’s father go to work 2.What does he do 3.Learn new words. ((Learn the words “evening” ,“late”,“worker” and ”factory” while you are watching).) Ask students to watch the video for the third time and fill in the blanks. ) Daming: My mother goes to work at _____ o'clock every night. She's a _____. Fangfang: My mother goes to work at ______ o'clock every morning. That's very _____. She's a _____ driver. Read and imitate. Read by themselves. They're talking about going to the park. Watch the video and answer . Check. Watch the video for the first time to get the answer. They are talking about their parents . Watch the video for the second time and answer the questions . 再听课文,自主探究。 Watch and answer the questions . 通过提出问题,让学生带着问题去听课文的每一部分,这样不仅有助于课文的理解,还可以激发学生的好奇心,带着探索新知的欲望去学习效果会更好。 让学生带着问题整体感知课文,领略文本内容大意,为细读做准备。 听录音填空描述,最后齐读,扎实学习。 让学生自读课文,利用课文信息操练细读和推读的阅读技巧,训练学生逻辑思维能力。
Step 3: Practise 1.Read and imitate. 2.Read by themselves. T or F Listen and answer. (Get students to repeat .) Describethe dialogue according to the form.) 3)(Game : Sharp eyes . Have students to look and say out the words carefully and quickly .) 4))Exercises. For example: ①My uncle goes to work at... He is a... ②My father goes to work at... He is a... ③My mother goes to work at... She is a... Watch and Check,then describe . Listen to the video and read for the third time. Look and say out the words carefully and quickly . Make sentences according to the examples. 通过“Sharp eyes”游戏,把主题句型寓教于乐。
Step 4: Summary Summarize the important sentence patterns we’ve learnt. Retell the dialogue with the key words. Watch and feel . 回顾所学重点句型并能够熟练表达。 总结本单元所学重点句型,能让学生在情境中运用所学句型。
Step 5: Homework. 1.Read the text as fluently as you can. 2. Let students imitate the model and talk about their families. 3.Write them down and share with your friends.
板书设计 Module 7 Unit 1 My father goes to work at eight o’clock every morning. evening late worker factory early taxi My father goes to work at eight o’clock every morning. My mother goes to work at eleven o’clock every night. ------What does he///she do ----He’s //She’s a ...
2.学生能掌握时间的表达方法:a quarter to ...
3.学生能听、说、认读主要句型:Will you be home at seven o’clock 以及I’ll be home at seven o’clock.
4.能运用Will you be home at seven o’clock 询问别人的时间安排,用I’ll be home at seven o’clock来告诉别人自己的时间安排。
教学环节 教学过程 学生活动 设计意图
Step 1 Warm up 转盘游戏,复习句型:--What does she do everyday . 学生回答 She…at…everyday. 通过转盘游戏复习已经学过的句型,激发学生兴趣,并激活学生已有知识储备。
Step 2: Lead in 看钟表,复习时间表达方式,句型:What time is it 引出quarter的用法,并进行练习。 出示活动一中钟表的图片,让学生描述时间,T:It’s a quarter to eight.What will happen Let’s listen. 播放活动一的音频,学生听并作选择题。① What time is it now ②Is Daming late for school 然后教师播放动画,学习课文内容并学习语法I’ll的用法。 1学生看表,描述时间 学会用句型It's a quarter to...来描述时间。 2.学生根据播放的音频回答问题。 让学生掌握quarter在描述时间时的用法。 通过出示活动一钟表的图片来引出活动一的内容,学生通过听音频感知课文内容,练习学生的听力。 学习语法I’ll 为学习活动二的课文内容打下基础。
Step 3: Presentation Look,listen and number.听课文活动二的音频。 针对课文内容预设问题后播放动画。 针对课文中出现的语法点进行学习。 找学生回答预设问题。 再次播放动画,学生跟读课文。 Mind map。学生根据课文脉络复述课文。 学生根据所听内容对图片进行排序。 学生看动画找答案。 初步感知课文内容。 深入了解课文内容。 通过课文图片环游整理课文脉络,复述课文内容。
Step 4: Practice Look and write.看图说话,仿照示例完成课文活动三的练习。 选择题练习。 Listen and chant. 检查学生是否掌握了本课课文中出现的语法点并进行巩固。
Step 5: Phonics 学生感知字母组合ch,tch,ck,kn在单词中的发音。 游戏练习。
Step 6: Homework. Writing. 小组任务,组员之间互相用句型What time does your mum/dad getup/ 进行提问,其余组员用He/回答,根据组员的回答进行描述。
板书设计 I’ll be home at seven o’clock. Sam Will you be home at seven o’clock Amy Ms.Smart Mr.Smart Don’t worry. I’ll be home at seven o’clock
Students can master how to describe what you do a day at the specific time by using the present tense.
Student’s ability of listening and reading will be improved.
Students will understand that time is limited,and we should try to make full use of the time.
教学环节 教学过程 学生活动 设计意图
Step 1: Warm up & Lead in. Greeting. Good morning.How are you... Enjoy a chant. Students listen to the chant《What did you do 》Then ask students what the boy and girl do in the video,so lead in the new class naturally. Review Guide the students to review what Daming’s father and mother do,Fangfang’s father and mother do.Then fill the blanks. 4.Watch the video and imitate. 1.Greeting. The teacher and the students will greet each other. 2.Students will watch the video and listen to the chant.Their knowledge will be recalled.They will follow the chant and try to sing it. 3.Students talk about the pictures,and fill the blanks to review the text. 4.Watch the video and review the text. *Through enjoying the song ,students’ interest in learning English will be stimulated and their knowledge learnt before will be recalled. *The song relates to the present tense and it is very beautiful,so students’ attention will be drawn quickly. * *Watch and talk about some pictures about the topic.Review simple present tense and how to describe the activities in a day.
Step2:Presentation. 1.Read the article Time for school and finish the reading tasks. T: Here I have a story for you. Guess what’s the story about. Read the story quickly,and find the answer.It’s about a girl’s day at school. Listen and choose Tor F Discuss and fill in the blanks.. 板书文章时间和各项活动的脉络。 T:S1: S2: Retell the story Listen and imitate Ss read the text . Ss try to fill in the blanks and discuss in groups Ss check the answers and give their own opinions . *学生阅读文段,了解the girl’s day at school,并能感同身受,联系到自己的day life at school。训练阅读技巧的同时,扩充语言,进行语言的输入。 小组讨论,进行基于语境的语言输出,实现语言运用。小组讨论合作,对学困生的理解起到促进作用。在实际情景中运用所学知识,激发学生学习兴趣。
Step 3: Practice And production Share my day with the students Teamwork:talk about your day in groups. Two students in a group.Talk about your day. Students give their opinions freely. Know the busy day of the teacher,and realize Time is limited,and learn to make full use of our time. Teamwork can help students improve their spirit of teamwork. *Students’ ability of applying the knowledge to the real situation will be improved.
Step4: Summary 1.Students discuss “What did you learn from the story ” 2.Discuss and share. Guide the students to learn life is busy,time is limited,and we should try to make full use of the time. Students discuss the question and with the help of their teacher,they will know that we should make full use of the time. *Students think about what they learnt from the story.The teacher will encourage them study hard and make full use of the time. *Students’ thinking ability and language application skills,will be enhanced. *Students’ will be inspired and receive emotional education.
Step 5: Homework. Make a survey of your family about what they do at a specific time. Students will make a survey of their family and fill the blanks. *Promote students’ ability of collecting information. *Improve students’ ability of using the language.
板书设计 A day of the day at school 9:00 come to school 9:30 read books 10:00 read stories and paint pictures 10:30 go out to play 11;00 go back and work again 11:30 have a music class 12:00 have lunch 15:30 go home


