
  1. 二一教育资源



1. overcome ( o v r k m)
词性: 动词
中文释义: 克服,战胜
例句: She finally overcame her fear of public speaking. (她最终克服了对公开演讲的恐惧。)
同义词: conquer, defeat, surmount
反义词: succumb, yield, surrender
搭配: overcome difficulties/obstacles/challenges (克服困难/障碍/挑战)
拓展词组: be overcome with emotion (被情绪淹没)
易错点拨: 注意与overlook (忽视) 区分。
overcome: I overcame my shyness and talked to her. (我克服了我的害羞,和她说话了。)
overlook: I overlooked a few mistakes in the report. (我忽略了报告中的一些错误。)
串记例句: With determination, we can overcome any challenge. (只要有决心,我们就能克服任何挑战。)
2. annoy ( n )
词性: 动词
中文释义: 使烦恼,使生气
例句: The constant noise from the construction site annoyed the neighbours. (建筑工地持续不断的噪音惹恼了邻居们。)
同义词: irritate, bother, disturb
反义词: please, delight, soothe
搭配: be annoyed by/with something/someone (被某事/某人惹恼)
拓展词组: to one's annoyance (令人烦恼的是)
易错点拨: 注意与annoyance (烦恼) 区分。
annoy: His bad habits really annoy me. (他的坏习惯真的让我很烦恼。)
annoyance: My annoyance grew as the meeting dragged on. (随着会议的拖延,我的烦恼越来越大。)
串记例句: Try not to let little things annoy you. (尽量不要让小事惹恼你。)
3. despair (d sper)
词性: 名词/动词
中文释义: 绝望,失望
例句: He felt a sense of despair after losing his job. (失去工作后,他感到绝望。)
同义词: hopelessness, desperation
反义词: hope, optimism
搭配: in despair (绝望地)
拓展词组: a cry of despair (绝望的呼喊)
易错点拨: 注意与desperate (绝望的) 区分。
despair: She was filled with despair after the accident. (事故发生后,她充满了绝望。)
desperate: He was desperate to find a cure for his illness. (他拼命想找到治疗疾病的方法。)
串记例句: Never give up hope, even in the darkest moments of despair. (即使在最黑暗的绝望时刻,也不要放弃希望。)
4. frustrate ( fr stre t)
词性: 动词/形容词
中文释义: 使沮丧,使灰心; 令人沮丧的
例句: The heavy traffic frustrated her attempts to arrive on time. (拥堵的交通使她准时到达的尝试受挫。)
同义词: thwart, hinder, disappoint
反义词: satisfy, fulfill, please
搭配: be frustrated by/with something/someone (被某事/某人感到沮丧)
拓展词组: a frustrating experience (令人沮丧的经历)
易错点拨: 注意与frustration (沮丧) 区分。
frustrate: The language barrier frustrated our communication. (语言障碍阻碍了我们的交流。)
frustration: He expressed his frustration at the lack of progress. (他对缺乏进展表示沮丧。)
串记例句: Don't let setbacks frustrate you; learn from them and keep moving forward. (不要让挫折使你灰心;从中吸取教训,继续前进。)
5. embarrass ( m b r s)
词性: 动词
中文释义: 使尴尬,使难堪
例句: He was embarrassed by his mistake in front of the whole class. (他在全班同学面前犯了错误,感到很尴尬。)
同义词: humiliate, mortify, shame
反义词: flatter, compliment, please
搭配: be embarrassed about/by something (对某事感到尴尬)
拓展词组: an embarrassing situation (尴尬的局面)
易错点拨: 注意与embarrassment (尴尬) 区分。
embarrass: Her questions embarrassed him. (她的问题让他感到尴尬。)
embarrassment: He blushed with embarrassment. (他羞愧得脸红了。)
串记例句: Everyone makes mistakes; don't let them embarrass you. (每个人都会犯错;不要让它们让你难堪。)
6. envy ( nvi)
词性: 名词/动词
中文释义: 嫉妒,羡慕
例句: She envied her friend's success. (她羡慕她朋友的成功。)
同义词: jealousy, covetousness
反义词: admiration, contentment
搭配: envy someone for something (嫉妒某人拥有某物)
拓展词组: green with envy (非常嫉妒)
易错点拨: 注意与jealousy (嫉妒) 的细微差别:envy 强调对他人所拥有的东西的渴望,而 jealousy 更多地包含了害怕失去自己所拥有的东西的成分。
envy: I envy her talent for music. (我羡慕她的音乐天赋。)
jealousy: He felt a pang of jealousy when he saw her with another man. (当他看到她和另一个男人在一起时,他感到一阵嫉妒。)
串记例句: Envy is a negative emotion; focus on your own strengths and achievements. (嫉妒是一种负面情绪;专注于你自己的优势和成就。)
7. neglect (n ɡl kt)
词性: 名词/动词
中文释义: 忽视,疏忽
例句: The garden was overgrown due to neglect. (由于疏于管理,花园杂草丛生。)
同义词: disregard, ignore, overlook
反义词: care, attention, concern
搭配: neglect one's duties/responsibilities (忽视自己的职责/责任)
拓展词组: a neglected child (被忽视的孩子)
易错点拨: 注意与negligence (疏忽) 区分。
neglect: He neglected his health and became ill. (他忽视了自己的健康,结果病倒了。)
negligence: The accident was caused by negligence. (事故是由于疏忽造成的。)
8. oppress ( pr s)
词性: 动词
中文释义: 压迫,压制
例句: The government oppressed the people with strict laws. (政府用严厉的法律压迫人民。)
同义词: suppress, tyrannize, persecute
反义词: liberate, free, emancipate
搭配: oppress the poor/weak/minorities (压迫穷人/弱者/少数民族)
拓展词组: an oppressive regime (压迫政权)
易错点拨: 注意与suppress (镇压) 的区别: oppress 强调持续的、系统性的压迫,而 suppress 强调压制某种行为或思想。
oppress: The dictator oppressed his people for many years. (独裁者多年来一直压迫人民。)
suppress: The government tried to suppress the protests. (政府试图镇压抗议活动。)
串记例句: We must fight against oppression and injustice wherever we find it. (我们必须与压迫和不公正作斗争,无论在哪里发现它们。)
9. admire ( d ma r)
词性: 动词
中文释义: 钦佩,赞赏
例句: I admire her courage and determination. (我钦佩她的勇气和决心。)
同义词: respect, esteem, appreciate
反义词: despise, scorn, loathe
搭配: admire someone for something (因某事钦佩某人)
拓展词组: be full of admiration for someone (对某人充满钦佩)
易错点拨: 注意与like (喜欢) 的区别: admire 强调对某人品质或成就的敬佩,而 like 更多地指对某人的好感。
admire: I admire his dedication to his work. (我钦佩他对工作的奉献精神。)
like: I like spending time with her. (我喜欢和她在一起。)
串记例句: Find people you admire and learn from their example. (找到你钦佩的人,并以他们为榜样。)
10. restrain (r stre n)
词性: 动词
中文释义: 抑制,控制
例句: He had to restrain himself from laughing. (他不得不忍住不笑。)
同义词: control, curb, restrict
反义词: unleash, release, indulge
搭配: restrain one's anger/emotions (控制自己的愤怒/情绪)
拓展词组: under restraint (被控制)
易错点拨: 注意与restrict (限制) 的区别: restrain 强调控制或阻止某种行为或情感,而 restrict 强调限制范围或数量。
restrain: The police had to restrain the suspect. (警察不得不控制住嫌疑犯。)
restrict: The government restricted freedom of speech. (政府限制了言论自由。)
串记例句: Sometimes it is necessary to restrain our impulses. (有时我们需要控制我们的冲动。)
11. relieve (r li v)
词性: 动词
中文释义: 减轻,缓解
例句: The medicine relieved her pain. (药减轻了她的疼痛。)
同义词: ease, alleviate, lessen
反义词: worsen, aggravate, intensify
搭配: relieve pain/stress/anxiety (减轻疼痛/压力/焦虑)
拓展词组: a sigh of relief (如释重负的叹息)
易错点拨: 注意与release (释放) 的区别: relieve 强调减轻负担或痛苦,而 release 强调解除束缚或压力。
relieve: The news relieved her worries. (这个消息减轻了她的担忧。)
release: The prisoner was released after serving his sentence. (囚犯服刑期满后被释放。)
串记例句: Exercise can help relieve stress and improve your mood. (运动可以帮助缓解压力,改善心情。)
12. complain (k m ple n)
词性: 动词
中文释义: 抱怨,诉苦
例句: She complained about the noise from the neighbours. (她抱怨邻居的噪音。)
同义词: grumble, whine, protest
反义词: praise, compliment, approve
搭配: complain about something/someone (抱怨某事/某人)
拓展词组: a constant complainer (总是抱怨的人)
易错点拨: 注意与complaint (抱怨) 区分。
complain: He complained about the service at the restaurant. (他抱怨餐厅的服务。)
complaint: The manager listened to her complaint. (经理听取了她的抱怨。)
串记例句: Instead of complaining, try to find a solution to the problem. (与其抱怨,不如试着找到解决问题的方法。)
13. insult ( n s lt)
词性: 名词/动词
中文释义: 侮辱, оскорбление
例句: His words were a deliberate insult to her. (他的话是故意侮辱她。)
同义词: offend, abuse, affront
反义词: compliment, praise, flatter
搭配: insult someone's intelligence/dignity (侮辱某人的智力/尊严)
拓展词组: add insult to injury (雪上加霜)
易错点拨: 注意与insulting (侮辱性的) 区分。
insult: She felt insulted by his remarks. (她觉得他的话是在侮辱她。)
insulting: He made some insulting comments about her appearance. (他对她的外表发表了一些侮辱性的评论。)
串记例句: It is never right to insult someone, even if you are angry. (侮辱别人永远是不对的,即使你很生气。)
14. conscious ( kɑ n s)
词性: 形容词
中文释义: 意识到的,清醒的
例句: She was conscious of his presence in the room. (她意识到他在房间里。)
同义词: aware, awake, alert
反义词: unconscious, unaware, asleep
搭配: be conscious of something/someone (意识到某事/某人)
拓展词组: conscious effort (有意识的努力)
易错点拨: 注意与conscience (良心) 区分。
conscious: He was conscious of the danger. (他意识到危险。)
conscience: Her conscience bothered her after she told a lie. (撒谎后,她的良心受到了谴责。)
串记例句: We should be conscious of our impact on the environment. (我们应该意识到我们对环境的影响。)
15. subconscious ( s b kɑ n s)
词性: 形容词/名词
中文释义: 潜意识的;潜意识
例句: Our subconscious minds can influence our thoughts and behavior. (我们的潜意识会影响我们的思想和行为。)
同义词: unconscious
反义词: conscious
搭配: subconscious desires/fears (潜意识的欲望/恐惧)
拓展词组: tap into the subconscious (挖掘潜意识)
易错点拨: 注意与unconscious (无意识的) 的区别: subconscious 指的是潜意识,即未被意识到的心理活动;unconscious 则指没有意识,例如昏迷状态。
subconscious: His subconscious mind was still processing the traumatic experience. (他的潜意识仍在处理那段创伤经历。)
unconscious: He was knocked unconscious by the blow to his head. (他头部遭到重击后昏迷不醒。)
串记例句: Dreams can offer insights into our subconscious minds. (梦境可以提供我们潜意识的洞察力。)
16. intense ( n t ns)
词性: 形容词
中文释义: 强烈的,剧烈的
例句: She felt intense joy at the birth of her child. (孩子出生时,她感到无比的喜悦。)
同义词: strong, powerful, extreme
反义词: mild, weak, moderate
搭配: intense heat/pain/emotions (强烈的热/疼痛/情绪)
拓展词组: an intense stare (强烈的凝视)
易错点拨: 注意与intensive (密集的) 区分。
intense: The competition was intense. (竞争非常激烈。)
intensive: She took an intensive language course. (她参加了密集的语言课程。)
串记例句: His intense passion for music was evident in his performance. (他对音乐的强烈热情在他的表演中显而易见。)
17. eager ( i ɡ r)
词性: 形容词
中文释义: 渴望的,热切的
例句: The children were eager to open their presents. (孩子们迫不及待地想打开他们的礼物。)
同义词: keen, enthusiastic, avid
反义词: reluctant, hesitant, apathetic
搭配: be eager to do something (渴望做某事)
拓展词组: eager anticipation (热切的期待)
易错点拨: 注意与anxious (焦虑的) 的区别: eager 强调对某事的积极期待,而 anxious 则包含了担忧和不安的情绪。
eager: He was eager to learn more about the subject. (他渴望了解更多关于这个主题的知识。)
anxious: She was anxious about the upcoming exam. (她对即将到来的考试感到焦虑。)
串记例句: She was eager to embark on a new adventure. (她渴望开始新的冒险。)
18. optimistic ( pt m st k)
词性: 形容词
中文释义: 乐观的,积极的
例句: He was optimistic about the future. (他对未来充满乐观。)
同义词: hopeful, positive, cheerful
反义词: pessimistic, negative, gloomy
搭配: be optimistic about something (对某事感到乐观)
拓展词组: an optimistic outlook (乐观的态度)
易错点拨: 注意与optimism (乐观) 区分。
optimistic: She remained optimistic despite the challenges. (尽管面临挑战,她仍然保持乐观。)
optimism: His optimism was contagious. (他的乐观情绪很有感染力。)
串记例句: It is important to stay optimistic even when things are tough. (即使在困难的时候,保持乐观也很重要。)
19. negative ( n ɡ t v)
词性: 形容词/名词
中文释义: 否定的,消极的;负面事物
例句: He had a negative attitude towards everything. (他对一切都持消极态度。)
同义词: pessimistic, cynical, critical
反义词: positive, optimistic, constructive
搭配: negative thoughts/emotions/feedback (消极的想法/情绪/反馈)
拓展词组: a negative impact (负面影响)
易错点拨: 注意与negativity (消极) 区分。
negative: She gave a negative answer to his proposal. (她拒绝了他的提议。)
negativity: He was surrounded by negativity. (他周围都是负面情绪。)
串记例句: Try to avoid negative self-talk. (尽量避免消极的自我对话。)
20. panic ( p n k)
词性: 名词/动词
中文释义: 恐慌,惊慌
例句: Panic spread through the crowd when the fire alarm sounded. (火灾警报响起时,人群中弥漫着恐慌。)
同义词: fear, terror, alarm
反义词: calm, composure, tranquility
搭配: be in a panic (惊慌失措)
拓展词组: a panic attack (惊恐发作)
易错点拨: 注意与panic-stricken (惊慌失措的) 区分。
panic: Don't panic! We can find a solution. (不要惊慌!我们可以找到解决办法。)
panic-stricken: The passengers were panic-stricken when the plane hit turbulence. (飞机遇到气流颠簸时,乘客们惊慌失措。)
串记例句: It is important to stay calm in a crisis and avoid panicking. (在危机时刻保持冷静,避免恐慌很重要。)
21. jealous ( d l s)
词性: 形容词
中文释义: 妒忌的,猜忌的
例句: He was jealous of his brother's success. (他嫉妒他哥哥的成功。)
同义词: envious, possessive, suspicious
反义词: trusting, secure, confident
搭配: be jealous of someone/something (嫉妒某人/某物)
拓展词组: a jealous rage (嫉妒的愤怒)
易错点拨: 注意与envy (嫉妒) 的细微差别:jealousy 更多地包含了害怕失去自己所拥有的东西的成分,而 envy 强调对他人所拥有的东西的渴望。
jealous: She was jealous of her friend's new boyfriend. (她嫉妒她朋友的新男友。)
envious: I'm envious of your ability to speak multiple languages. (我羡慕你能说多种语言。)
串记例句: Jealousy can be destructive to relationships. (嫉妒会破坏人际关系。)
22. upset ( p s t)
词性: 形容词/动词/名词
中文释义: 心烦的,不安的;使心烦,使不安; 令人心烦的事
例句: She was upset by the news of her friend's illness. (她听到朋友生病的消息后感到不安。)
同义词: (adj.) disturbed, troubled, distressed; (v.) disturb, trouble, distress
反义词: (adj.) calm, happy, content; (v.) calm, soothe, please
搭配: be upset about something/someone (因某事/某人感到不安)
拓展词组: an upset stomach (胃部不适)
易错点拨: 注意upset的多样词性和含义。
upset (adj.): The children were upset when their dog ran away. (他们的狗跑丢了,孩子们很难过。)
upset (v.): Don't upset the vase! (别打翻花瓶!)
upset (n.): The team caused a major upset by defeating the champions. (这支队伍击败了冠军,造成了很大的冷门。)
串记例句: Take a deep breath and try to calm down when you feel upset. (当你感到不安时,深呼吸并试着冷静下来。)
23. sympathetic ( s mp θ t k)
词性: 形容词
中文释义: 同情的,理解的
例句: She was sympathetic to his plight. (她同情他的困境。)
同义词: compassionate, understanding, caring
反义词: unsympathetic, indifferent, cold
搭配: be sympathetic to someone/something (同情某人/某事)
拓展词组: a sympathetic ear (愿意倾听的人)
易错点拨: 注意与sympathy (同情) 区分。
sympathetic: The teacher was sympathetic to the student's problems. (老师同情学生的困难。)
sympathy: I offer my deepest sympathy for your loss. (我对你失去亲人表示最深切的同情。)
串记例句: It is important to be sympathetic to the feelings of others. (同情他人的感受很重要。)
24. concern (k n s rn)
词性: 名词/动词
中文释义: 关心,担忧;使担忧
例句: She expressed her concern about his health. (她表达了对他的健康的担忧。)
同义词: (n.) worry, anxiety, care; (v.) worry, bother, affect
反义词: (n.) indifference, apathy; (v.) ignore, disregard
搭配: be concerned about something/someone (担心某事/某人)
拓展词组: a matter of concern (令人担忧的事情)
易错点拨: 注意concern的多样词性和含义。
concern (n.): His main concern was his family's safety. (他主要关心的是家人的安全。)
concern (v.): The rising crime rate concerns everyone. (犯罪率上升让每个人都感到担忧。)
串记例句: It is natural to feel concern for loved ones. (关心爱的人是很自然的。)
25. hatred ( he tr d)
词性: 名词
中文释义: 憎恨,仇恨
例句: He was filled with hatred for his enemies. (他对他的敌人充满了仇恨。)
同义词: loathing, detestation, animosity
反义词: love, affection, fondness
搭配: hatred for someone/something (对某人/某物的憎恨)
拓展词组: a look of hatred (仇恨的眼神)
易错点拨: 注意与hate (恨) 的区别: hatred 是一种强烈而持久的情绪,而 hate 则可以是短暂的或程度较轻的。
hatred: His hatred for her consumed him. (他对她的仇恨吞噬了他。)
hate: I hate doing chores. (我讨厌做家务。)
串记例句: Hatred only breeds more hatred. (仇恨只会滋生更多的仇恨。)
26. affection ( f k n)
词性: 名词
中文释义: 喜爱,感情
例句: She showed great affection for her children. (她对孩子们表现出极大的爱意。)
同义词: love, fondness, care
反义词: hatred, dislike, aversion
搭配: have affection for someone/something (喜欢某人/某物)
拓展词组: a gesture of affection (表示爱意的举动)
易错点拨: 注意与love (爱) 的区别: affection 是一种温暖而亲切的感情,而 love 则可以更加强烈和深刻。
affection: He had a deep affection for his old dog. (他对他的老狗有着深厚的感情。)
love: She fell in love with him at first sight. (她对他一见钟情。)
串记例句: A simple hug can express a lot of affection. (一个简单的拥抱可以表达很多爱意。)
27. passion ( p n)
词性: 名词
中文释义: 激情,热情
例句: He spoke with passion about his beliefs. (他充满激情地谈论他的信仰。)
同义词: enthusiasm, fervor, zeal
反义词: apathy, indifference, boredom
搭配: have a passion for something (对某事充满热情)
拓展词组: a passionate speech (充满激情的演讲)
易错点拨: 注意与emotion (情绪) 的区别: passion 是一种强烈而持久的情绪,而 emotion 则可以是任何一种感觉或情绪。
passion: She has a passion for dancing. (她对舞蹈充满热情。)
emotion: He was overcome with emotion at the sight of his newborn daughter. (看到刚出生的女儿,他激动不已。)
串记例句: Follow your passions and live a fulfilling life. (追随你的激情,过上充实的生活。)
28. preference ( pr f r ns)
词性: 名词
中文释义: 偏爱,偏好
例句: She has a preference for classical music. (她偏爱古典音乐。)
同义词: liking, favorite, choice
反义词: dislike, aversion
搭配: have a preference for something/someone (偏爱某事/某人)
拓展词组: express one's preference (表达自己的偏好)
易错点拨: 注意与prefer (更喜欢) 区分。
preference: My preference is to stay at home tonight. (我更喜欢今晚呆在家里。)
prefer: I prefer tea to coffee. (我更喜欢茶而不是咖啡。)
串记例句: Everyone has different preferences. (每个人都有不同的偏好。)
29. stress (str s)
词性: 名词/动词
中文释义: 压力,紧张;强调,使紧张
例句: She was feeling stressed about the upcoming deadline. (她对即将到来的截止日期感到压力。)
同义词: (n.) pressure, strain, tension; (v.) emphasize, highlight
反义词: (n.) relaxation, calmness; (v.) downplay, minimize
搭配: be under stress (处于压力之下)
拓展词组: a stressful situation (紧张的局势)
易错点拨: 注意stress的多样词性和含义。
stress (n.): The stress of the job was getting to him. (工作压力让他喘不过气来。)
stress (v.): The speaker stressed the importance of education. (演讲者强调了教育的重要性。)
串记例句: There are many ways to manage stress, such as exercise and meditation. (有很多方法可以管理压力,例如运动和冥想。)
30. gratitude ( ɡr t tu d)
词性: 名词
中文释义: 感激,感恩
例句: She expressed her gratitude for their help. (她表达了对他们帮助的感激之情。)
同义词: thankfulness, appreciation
反义词: ingratitude, ungratefulness
搭配: feel/express gratitude for something/someone (对某事/某人感到/表达感激)
拓展词组: a heart full of gratitude (充满感激的心)
易错点拨: 注意与grateful (感激的) 区分。
gratitude: I have immense gratitude for my family and friends. (我对我的家人和朋友无比感激。)
grateful: I am grateful for your support. (我很感激你的支持。)
串记例句: Practicing gratitude can improve your overall well-being. (练习感恩可以改善你的整体福祉。)
一、选择填空 (选择最合适的单词填空)
The team was _____ (frustrated/frustrating) by their repeated failures.
She _____ (envied/admired) her friend's talent for painting.
He felt a sense of _____ (despair/embarrassment) after losing the competition.
The child's _____ (neglect/abuse) by his parents was heartbreaking.
The teacher was _____ (sympathetic/optimistic) to the student's concerns.
Despite the challenges, she remained _____ (negative/optimistic) about the future.
He tried to _____ (restrain/relieve) his anger, but it was difficult.
The constant noise from the construction site _____ (annoyed/concerned) the residents.
She _____ (complained/insulted) about the poor service at the restaurant.
He felt a pang of _____ (jealousy/gratitude) when he saw his ex-girlfriend with someone new.
The children were _____ (eager) awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus.
His _____ (intense) gaze made her feel uncomfortable.
She was _____ (conscious) of the stares from the other passengers.
The movie's ending was very _____ (upset).
I have a strong _____ (prefer) for coffee over tea.
He tried to _____ (overcome) his fear of heights.
The charity event aimed to _____ (relieve) the suffering of refugees.
She felt a sense of _____ (gratitude) for her family's support.
The government's policies were _____ (oppress) and unjust.
He _____ (neglect) his duties as a father.
三、完成句子 (根据汉语提示完成句子)
不要让______(消极的想法) 阻碍你前进.
The Power of Empathy
Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a fundamental human capacity that plays a crucial role in our social lives. It allows us to connect with others on a deeper level, build strong relationships, and create a more compassionate and caring society.
Studies have shown that empathy is essential for effective communication, conflict resolution, and prosocial behavior. When we empathize with others, we are better able to see things from their perspective, understand their needs, and respond in a way that is helpful and supportive.
However, empathy is not always easy. It requires us to be open to the experiences of others, even when they are different from our own. It also requires us to be willing to feel uncomfortable emotions, such as sadness, anger, or fear.
Despite these challenges, cultivating empathy is worth the effort. By developing our capacity for empathy, we can improve our relationships, contribute to a more just and equitable world, and live more fulfilling lives.
1.What is the main idea of the passage
a) Empathy is a rare and special ability.
b) Empathy is essential for human social interaction.
c) Empathy is only possible between people who are similar.
d) Empathy is the same as sympathy.
2.According to the passage, what are some benefits of empathy
a) Improved communication, conflict resolution, and prosocial behavior.
b) Increased wealth, power, and status.
c) Enhanced physical health and well-being.
d) Greater creativity and intelligence.
3.What is one challenge of empathy mentioned in the passage
a) It requires us to be open to different experiences.
b) It makes us weak and vulnerable.
c) It leads to emotional burnout.
d) It is time-consuming and impractical.
4.The word "cultivating" in the passage is closest in meaning to:
a) ignoring
b) criticizing
c) developing
d) suppressing
5.What is the author's overall attitude towards empathy
a) Indifferent
b) Skeptical
c) Positive
d) Negative
The Burden of Gratitude
While gratitude is often seen as a positive emotion, it can also be a source of stress and anxiety for some people. When we feel indebted to others, we may experience a sense of obligation to repay them, which can lead to feelings of guilt, inadequacy, or even resentment.
This burden of gratitude can be particularly heavy when the favor or gift we received is significant or when we feel unable to reciprocate in kind. It can also be amplified by cultural expectations and social norms that emphasize the importance of repaying debts and expressing gratitude.
However, it is important to remember that gratitude is not a transaction. When someone does something kind for us, they are not expecting anything in return. The true value of gratitude lies in the positive emotions it generates, such as joy, appreciation, and connection.
If you find yourself struggling with the burden of gratitude, try to focus on the positive aspects of the situation. Remind yourself that the person who helped you did so out of kindness and that you are not obligated to repay them. Allow yourself to simply feel grateful and enjoy the positive emotions that come with it.
1.What is the main idea of the passage
a) Gratitude is always a positive emotion.
b) Gratitude can be a burden for some people.
c) Gratitude is a cultural construct.
d) Gratitude is the same as indebtedness.
2.According to the passage, when might the burden of gratitude be especially heavy
a) When the favor is small and insignificant.
b) When we are able to easily reciprocate.
c) When we are indifferent to the person who helped us.
d) When the favor is significant or we feel unable to reciprocate.
3.The word "reciprocate" in the passage is closest in meaning to:
a) reject
b) return
c) forget
d) criticize
4.According to the passage, what is the true value of gratitude
a) The material benefits it brings.
b) The sense of obligation it creates.
c) The positive emotions it generates.
d) The social status it confers.
5.What advice does the author offer to those struggling with the burden of gratitude
a) Focus on repaying the debt as soon as possible.
b) Avoid expressing gratitude to avoid feeling obligated.
c) Focus on the positive aspects of the situation and allow yourself to feel grateful.
d) Cut off contact with the person who helped you.
The Complexity of Envy
Envy is a complex emotion that can be both destructive and motivating. It arises when we perceive that someone else has something we desire, whether it be material possessions, personal qualities, or achievements.
While envy can lead to negative behaviors, such as resentment, gossip, or even sabotage, it can also serve as a powerful motivator. When we envy someone's success, it can inspire us to work harder and strive for similar achievements.
The key to harnessing the positive potential of envy lies in understanding its underlying causes and transforming it into a source of inspiration rather than negativity. Instead of focusing on what we lack, we can use envy as a catalyst for self-improvement and personal growth.
By acknowledging our envy and exploring its roots, we can gain valuable insights into our own desires and aspirations. We can then use this knowledge to set goals, develop our skills, and pursue our dreams with greater clarity and determination.
1.What is the main idea of the passage
a) Envy is a purely negative emotion.
b) Envy can be both destructive and motivating.
c) Envy is the same as jealousy.
d) Envy is only experienced by insecure people.
2.According to the passage, what are some negative consequences of envy
a) Resentment, gossip, and sabotage.
b) Increased happiness, generosity, and well-being.
c) Greater creativity, productivity, and success.
d) Improved relationships and social connections.
3.The word "harnessing" in the passage is closest in meaning to:
a) ignoring
b) controlling
c) eliminating
d) amplifying
4.According to the passage, how can envy be a positive force
a) By inspiring us to work harder and strive for similar achievements.
b) By causing us to withdraw from social interaction.
c) By leading to feelings of resentment and bitterness.
d) By making us focus on our own shortcomings.
5.What advice does the author offer for dealing with envy
a) Suppress your envy and pretend it doesn't exist.
b) Focus on the negative qualities of the person you envy.
c) Use envy as a catalyst for self-improvement and personal growth.
d) Avoid contact with people who have what you desire.
frustrated: The team was frustrated by their repeated failures. (repeated failures 导致 team 感到沮丧)
admired: She admired her friend's talent for painting. (admire 强调对他人才能的欣赏)
despair: He felt a sense of despair after losing the competition. (失败后感到绝望)
neglect: The child's neglect by his parents was heartbreaking. (父母对孩子的忽视令人心碎)
sympathetic: The teacher was sympathetic to the student's concerns. (老师对学生的担忧表示理解和同情)
optimistic: Despite the challenges, she remained optimistic about the future. (尽管有挑战,她仍然对未来持乐观态度)
restrain: He tried to restrain his anger, but it was difficult. (他试图控制自己的愤怒,但这很困难)
annoyed: The constant noise from the construction site annoyed the residents. (持续的噪音让居民感到烦恼)
complained: She complained about the poor service at the restaurant. (她抱怨餐厅的服务差)
jealousy: He felt a pang of jealousy when he saw his ex-girlfriend with someone new. (看到前女友和新欢在一起,他感到一丝嫉妒)
eagerly: The children were eagerly awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus. (副词修饰动词 awaiting)
intense: His intense gaze made her feel uncomfortable. (形容词修饰名词 gaze)
conscious: She was conscious of the stares from the other passengers. (形容词作表语)
upsetting: The movie's ending was very upsetting. (形容词修饰名词 ending)
preference: I have a strong preference for coffee over tea. (名词作宾语)
overcome: He tried to overcome his fear of heights. (动词作谓语)
relieve: The charity event aimed to relieve the suffering of refugees. (动词作目的状语)
gratitude: She felt a sense of gratitude for her family's support. (名词作宾语)
oppressive: The government's policies were oppressive and unjust. (形容词作表语)
neglected: He neglected his duties as a father. (动词作谓语)
give up hope
envious and jealous
negative thoughts
答案:b) Empathy is essential for human social interaction.
解析: 文章主要探讨了同理心在人类社交生活中发挥的重要作用,强调了其对沟通、冲突解决和亲社会行为的重要性。
原文定位: Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a fundamental human capacity that plays a crucial role in our social lives.
答案:a) Improved communication, conflict resolution, and prosocial behavior.
解析: 文章提到,同理心可以帮助我们更好地理解他人,从而改善沟通,解决冲突,并促进亲社会行为。
原文定位: Studies have shown that empathy is essential for effective communication, conflict resolution, and prosocial behavior.
答案:a) It requires us to be open to different experiences.
解析: 文章指出,同理心要求我们对他人的经历保持开放态度,即使这些经历与我们自己的经历不同。
原文定位: It requires us to be open to the experiences of others, even when they are different from our own.
答案:c) developing
解析: "cultivating" 意思是培养,发展,与 developing 意思相近。
原文定位: Despite these challenges, cultivating empathy is worth the effort.
答案:c) Positive
解析: 作者在文章中强调了同理心的重要性和益处,并鼓励读者培养同理心,表明作者对同理心持积极态度。
原文定位: By developing our capacity for empathy, we can improve our relationships, contribute to a more just and equitable world, and live more fulfilling lives.
答案:b) Gratitude can be a burden for some people.
解析: 文章主要探讨了感激之情可能成为一些人的负担,并分析了这种负担产生的原因和应对方法。
原文定位: While gratitude is often seen as a positive emotion, it can also be a source of stress and anxiety for some people.
答案:d) When the favor is significant or we feel unable to reciprocate.
解析: 文章提到,当我们接受的恩惠或礼物很大,或者我们感到无法回报时,感激的负担会变得格外沉重。
原文定位: This burden of gratitude can be particularly heavy when the favor or gift we received is significant or when we feel unable to reciprocate in kind.
答案:b) return
解析: "reciprocate" 意思是回报,回馈,与 return 意思相近。
原文定位: ...when we feel unable to reciprocate in kind.
答案:c) The positive emotions it generates.
解析: 文章指出,感激的真正价值在于它产生的积极情绪,例如快乐、欣赏和联系。
原文定位: The true value of gratitude lies in the positive emotions it generates, such as joy, appreciation, and connection.
答案:c) Focus on the positive aspects of the situation and allow yourself to feel grateful.
解析: 文章建议,当我们感到感激的负担时,应该关注情境的积极方面,并允许自己感受感激之情。
原文定位: If you find yourself struggling with the burden of gratitude, try to focus on the positive aspects of the situation.
答案:b) Envy can be both destructive and motivating.
解析: 文章探讨了嫉妒的复杂性,指出它既可以是破坏性的,也可以是激励人心的。
原文定位: Envy is a complex emotion that can be both destructive and motivating.
答案:a) Resentment, gossip, and sabotage.
解析: 文章提到,嫉妒可能导致负面行为,如怨恨、八卦甚至破坏。
原文定位: While envy can lead to negative behaviors, such as resentment, gossip, or even sabotage...
答案:b) controlling
解析: "harnessing" 意思是控制、利用,与 controlling 意思相近。
原文定位: The key to harnessing the positive potential of envy lies in understanding its underlying causes...
答案:a) By inspiring us to work harder and strive for similar achievements.
解析: 文章指出,当我们嫉妒他人的成功时,它可以激励我们更加努力,争取取得类似的成就。
原文定位: When we envy someone's success, it can inspire us to work harder and strive for similar achievements.
答案:c) Use envy as a catalyst for self-improvement and personal growth.
解析: 文章建议,我们可以将嫉妒作为自我提升和个人成长的催化剂。
原文定位: Instead of focusing on what we lack, we can use envy as a catalyst for self-improvement and personal growth.


