
  1. 二一教育资源



1. journey (n.) / d rni/ 旅程,旅行
例句: We had a long train journey to the coast. (我们坐火车到海岸进行了一次长途旅行。)
同义词: trip, voyage, travel
反义词: stay, residence
搭配: go on/make/take a journey, journey to...
拓展词组: a long/short journey, journey time (旅行时间)
辨析: journey 通常指较长的旅行,而 trip 指较短的旅行。 voyage 通常指海上航行。
串记: The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. (千里之行,始于足下。)
2. accommodation (n.) / k m de n/ 住宿
例句: The hotel offers comfortable accommodation and excellent service. (这家酒店提供舒适的住宿和优质的服务。)
同义词: lodging, housing, dwelling
搭配: book/find/reserve accommodation, accommodation for...
拓展词组: tourist accommodation (旅游住宿), luxury accommodation (豪华住宿)
易错点: accommodation 是不可数名词。
例句: We need accommodation for six people. (我们需要六人住宿。)
3. attraction (n.) / tr k n/ 景点,吸引力
例句: The city has many tourist attractions, including museums and historical sites. (这座城市有许多旅游景点,包括博物馆和历史遗迹。)
同义词: sight, landmark, point of interest
搭配: tourist attraction, be attracted to...
拓展词组: a major/popular attraction (主要/热门景点)
例句: The Eiffel Tower is a major tourist attraction in Paris. (埃菲尔铁塔是巴黎的主要旅游景点。)
4. scenic (adj.) / si n k/ 风景优美的
例句: We drove along a scenic route through the mountains. (我们沿着一条风景优美的路线开车穿过山区。)
同义词: picturesque, beautiful, stunning
反义词: ugly, unattractive
搭配: scenic beauty, scenic route/view
串记: The scenic view took our breath away. (美丽的景色让我们叹为观止。)
5. explore (v.) / k spl r/ 探索,探险
例句: We spent the day exploring the old city. (我们花了一天时间探索这座古城。)
同义词: discover, investigate, examine
搭配: explore a place/area, explore the possibilities
拓展词组: explorer (探险家), exploration (探索)
例句: The explorers discovered a hidden temple deep in the jungle. (探险家们在丛林深处发现了一座隐藏的寺庙。)
6. hike (v./n.) /ha k/ 徒步旅行
例句: We went hiking in the mountains last weekend. (上周末我们去山上徒步旅行了。)
同义词: trek, walk, ramble
搭配: go hiking, a hiking trail
拓展词组: hiker (徒步旅行者), hiking boots (登山靴)
例句: The hikers followed the trail to the top of the mountain. (徒步旅行者沿着小路到达山顶。)
7. navigate (v.) / n v ɡe t/ 导航,航行
例句: We used a map and compass to navigate through the forest. (我们使用地图和指南针在森林中导航。)
同义词: steer, guide, pilot
搭配: navigate a ship/plane/car, navigate by/with...
拓展词组: navigator (导航员), navigation system (导航系统)
易错点: 注意 navigate 与 navigate through 的区别。前者表示 “导航”,后者表示“顺利通过”。
例句: We navigated the ship through the storm. (我们驾驶着船只顺利通过了风暴。)
8. itinerary (n.) /a t n r ri/ 行程
例句: We planned a detailed itinerary for our trip to Europe. (我们为欧洲之行制定了详细的行程。)
同义词: schedule, plan, route
搭配: travel itinerary, follow an itinerary
拓展词组: a busy/tight itinerary (繁忙/紧凑的行程)
例句: We had a busy itinerary, but we managed to see everything we wanted. (我们的行程很紧凑,但我们还是设法看到了我们想看的一切。)
9. passport (n.) / pɑ sp rt/ 护照
例句: Don't forget to bring your passport when you travel abroad. (出国旅行时别忘了带上护照。)
同义词: travel document
搭配: apply for/get/renew a passport, have a valid passport
拓展词组: passport control (护照检查), passport photo (护照照片)
例句: We had to show our passports at passport control. (我们必须在护照检查处出示护照。)
10. visa (n.) / vi z / 签证
例句: I need a visa to visit China. (我需要签证才能去中国。)
同义词: entry permit
搭配: apply for/get a visa, visa requirements
拓展词组: tourist visa (旅游签证), work visa (工作签证)
例句: I applied for a tourist visa at the Chinese embassy. (我在中国大使馆申请了旅游签证。)
11. booking/reservation (n.) / b k / / rez r ve n/ 预订
例句: I made a hotel reservation for three nights. (我预订了三晚的酒店。)
同义词: appointment
搭配: make/cancel a booking/reservation, have a booking/reservation
拓展词组: flight booking (航班预订), table reservation (餐桌预订)
辨析: booking 和 reservation 意思相同,可以互换使用。
例句: We have a reservation at a restaurant for tonight. (我们今晚在一家餐馆预订了餐位。)
12. brochure (n.) / br r/ 手册,小册子
例句: The travel agent gave me a brochure about holidays in Spain. (旅行社给了我一本关于西班牙度假的宣传册。)
同义词: pamphlet, leaflet
搭配: travel brochure, information brochure
例句: The brochure contained information about the hotel and the local area. (小册子包含了关于酒店和当地地区的信息。)
13. currency (n.) / k r nsi/ 货币
例句: The local currency is the euro. (当地的货币是欧元。)
同义词: money, cash
搭配: exchange currency, foreign currency
拓展词组: currency exchange rate (货币汇率)
例句: I exchanged my dollars for euros at the airport. (我在机场把美元兑换成欧元。)
14. culture (n.) / k lt r/ 文化
例句: We were interested in learning about the local culture. (我们对了解当地文化很感兴趣。)
同义词: civilization, customs, traditions
搭配: different cultures, experience a culture
拓展词组: cultural exchange (文化交流), cultural diversity (文化多样性)
例句: We enjoyed the cultural diversity of the city. (我们喜欢这座城市的文化多样性。)
15. guide (n.) /ɡa d/ 指南,导游
例句: We hired a local guide to show us around the city. (我们雇了一个当地导游带我们参观这座城市。)
同义词: leader, conductor
搭配: tour guide, travel guide, guidebook
拓展词组: guided tour (导游带领的旅行)
例句: We went on a guided tour of the museum. (我们参加了博物馆的导游团。)
16. landmark (n.) / l ndmɑ rk/ 地标,里程碑
例句: The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris. (埃菲尔铁塔是巴黎著名的地标。)
同义词: monument, point of reference
搭配: historical landmark, local landmark
例句: The castle is a prominent landmark on the hill. (这座城堡是山上醒目的地标。)
17. museum (n.) /mju zi m/ 博物馆
例句: We spent the afternoon visiting the museum. (我们下午参观了博物馆。)
同义词: gallery
搭配: art museum, history museum, visit a museum
例句: The museum has a collection of ancient artifacts. (博物馆收藏了古代文物。)
18. national park (n.) 国家公园
例句: We went camping in a national park. (我们去国家公园露营了。)
同义词: nature reserve
搭配: visit/explore a national park
例句: The national park is home to many wild animals. (国家公园是许多野生动物的家园。)
19. ruins (n.) / ru nz/ 废墟
例句: We visited the ancient ruins of the Roman city. (我们参观了这座罗马古城的遗址。)
同义词: remains, wreckage
搭配: ancient ruins, explore the ruins
例句: The ruins were once a magnificent palace. (这些废墟曾经是一座宏伟的宫殿。)
20. theme park (n.) 主题公园
例句: We took the children to a theme park for the day. (我们带孩子们去主题公园玩了一天。)
同义词: amusement park
搭配: visit/go to a theme park
例句: The theme park has rides and attractions for all ages. (主题公园有适合所有年龄段的游乐设施和景点。)
21. historic(al) (adj.) /h st r k( l)/ 有历史意义的
例句: We visited the historical city of Rome. (我们参观了历史名城罗马。)
同义词: ancient, old, past
搭配: historical site/event/figure
辨析: historic 指对历史有重要影响的,而 historical 则指与历史相关的。
例句: The signing of the declaration was a historic event. (宣言的签署是一个历史性事件。)
22. exotic (adj.) / ɡ z t k/ 异国情调的
例句: We tasted exotic fruits on our trip to Thailand. (我们在泰国之旅中品尝了异国水果。)
同义词: foreign, unusual, strange
反义词: familiar, ordinary
搭配: exotic food/culture/destination
例句: The island is a popular destination for those seeking an exotic getaway. (这个岛屿是那些寻求异国情调度假的人们的热门目的地。)
23. relaxing (adj.) /r l ks / 放松的
例句: We had a relaxing holiday by the beach. (我们在海滩上度过了一个放松的假期。)
同义词: restful, calming, peaceful
反义词: stressful, tiring
搭配: relaxing atmosphere/activity/holiday
例句: Listening to music is a relaxing activity. (听音乐是一种放松的活动。)
24. overseas (adv.) / v si z/ 在海外,到海外
例句: We travelled overseas for the first time last year. (我们去年第一次出国旅行。)
同义词: abroad
搭配: travel/go overseas
辨析: overseas 和 abroad 意思相同,可以互换使用。
例句: She studied abroad for a year. (她在国外学习了一年。)
25. travel (v./n.) / tr vl/ 旅行
例句: We love to travel to different countries. (我们喜欢去不同的国家旅行。)
同义词: journey, trip, voyage
搭配: travel to/around/through..., travel by/on...
拓展词组: travel agent (旅行社), travel insurance (旅行保险)
辨析: travel 是一个通用词,可以指任何形式的旅行,而 journey 通常指较长的旅行。
例句: We booked our travel arrangements online. (我们在网上预订了旅行安排。)
26. tour (v./n.) /t (r)/ 游览,参观
例句: We took a tour of the city on a hop-on hop-off bus. (我们乘坐随上随下巴士游览了这座城市。)
同义词: visit, explore
搭配: go on a tour, guided tour
拓展词组: walking tour (徒步旅行), sightseeing tour (观光旅游)
例句: The tour guide showed us the main sights of the city. (导游带我们参观了这座城市的主要景点。)
27. trek (v./n.) /trek/ 徒步旅行
例句: We trekked through the jungle for several days. (我们在丛林中徒步旅行了几天。)
同义词: hike, walk
搭配: go trekking, trekking expedition
拓展词组: trekker (徒步旅行者)
例句: The trekkers reached the summit of the mountain after a challenging climb. (徒步旅行者经过艰难的攀登,到达了山顶。)
28. visit (v./n.) / v z t/ 参观,访问
例句: We visited our friends in London. (我们去伦敦拜访了朋友。)
同义词: tour, see
搭配: visit a place/person, pay a visit to...
拓展词组: visitor (访客), visitor center (游客中心)
例句: The visitors were impressed by the beauty of the palace. (游客们对宫殿的美丽印象深刻。)
29. heritage site (n.) 遗址
例句: The ancient city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (这座古城是联合国教科文组织世界遗产。)
同义词: historical site, archaeological site
搭配: cultural heritage site, natural heritage site
例句: The heritage site is an important part of our history and culture. (遗址是我们历史和文化的重要组成部分。)
30. adventure (n.) / d vent r/ 冒险
例句: We had many adventures on our trip to Africa. (我们在非洲之旅中经历了许多冒险。)
同义词: experience, exploit
搭配: go on an adventure, have an adventure
拓展词组: adventure travel (冒险旅游), adventure story (冒险故事)
例句: The adventure travel company offers trips to remote destinations. (这家冒险旅游公司提供前往偏远地区的旅行。)
31. camp (v./n.) /k mp/ 露营
例句: We camped by the lake for a week. (我们在湖边露营了一周。)
同义词: pitch a tent, stay in a tent
搭配: go camping, camping trip
拓展词组: campsite (露营地), camper (露营者)
例句: The campsite had facilities for cooking and washing. (露营地有做饭和洗漱的设施。)
32. coast (n.) /k st/ 海岸
例句: We walked along the coast, enjoying the fresh air and the sound of the waves. (我们沿着海岸散步,享受着新鲜的空气和海浪的声音。)
同义词: seashore, shoreline
搭配: Pacific coast, east/west coast
拓展词组: coastal town (沿海城镇), coastal road (沿海公路)
例句: We stayed in a charming coastal town. (我们住在一个迷人的沿海小镇。)
33. countryside (n.) / k ntr sa d/ 乡村
例句: We escaped the city and spent the weekend in the countryside. (我们逃离了城市,在乡下度过了周末。)
同义词: rural area
反义词: city, urban area
搭配: go to/live in the countryside
例句: We enjoyed the peace and quiet of the countryside. (我们享受着乡村的宁静与安详。)
34. guidebook (n.) / ɡa db k/ 指南,旅游指南
例句: I bought a guidebook to help me plan my trip. (我买了一本指南来帮助我计划旅行。)
同义词: travel guide
搭配: use/read a guidebook
例句: The guidebook recommended some good restaurants and hotels. (指南推荐了一些不错的餐馆和酒店。)
35. map (n.) /m p/ 地图
例句: We used a map to find our way around the city. (我们用地图找到了在城市里游览的方式。)
搭配: read/follow a map, map of...
拓展词组: road map (公路地图), world map (世界地图)
例句: The map showed the location of all the major tourist attractions. (地图显示了所有主要旅游景点的所在地。)
36. photographer (n.) /f t ɡr f r/ 摄影师
例句: The photographer took some beautiful pictures of the sunset. (摄影师拍了一些美丽的日落照片。)
搭配: professional photographer, wildlife photographer
拓展词组: photography (摄影)
例句: Photography is a popular hobby. (摄影是一项受欢迎的爱好。)
37. phrasebook (n.) / fre zb k/ 短语手册
例句: I used a phrasebook to help me communicate with the locals. (我用了一本短语手册来帮助我与当地人交流。)
搭配: English phrasebook, travel phrasebook
例句: The phrasebook contained useful phrases for everyday situations. (短语手册包含了日常生活中常用的短语。)
38. postcard (n.) / p stkɑ d/ 明信片
例句: I sent a postcard to my family from Paris. (我从巴黎给家人寄了一张明信片。)
搭配: send/write a postcard
例句: The postcard had a picture of the Eiffel Tower on it. (明信片上有一张埃菲尔铁塔的照片。)
39. souvenir (n.) / su v n (r)/ 纪念品
例句: We bought some souvenirs to remind us of our trip. (我们买了一些纪念品来纪念我们的旅行。)
搭配: buy/collect souvenirs
例句: The market stalls were selling a variety of souvenirs. (市场摊位上出售各种纪念品。)
40. amusement park (n.) 游乐园
例句: We spent the day at the amusement park, riding the roller coasters and playing games. (我们整天都在游乐园里玩,坐过山车,玩游戏。)
同义词: theme park
搭配: go to/visit an amusement park
例句: The amusement park was crowded with families enjoying the rides. (游乐园里挤满了享受游乐设施的家庭。)
一、语法填空 (共 10 小题)
The travel agency offers a wide variety of vacation packages to suit every ______ (need) and budget.
We were amazed by the ______ (scene) beauty of the mountains.
The museum has an extensive ______ (collect) of ancient artifacts.
She booked her flight and hotel ______ (accommodate) online.
The ______ (explore) discovered a new species of plant in the rainforest.
He ______ (navigate) the ship skilfully through the narrow channel.
Please refer to the ______ (inform) brochure for details about the tour.
The ancient ruins are a ______ (history) landmark.
The children were excited to visit the ______ (amuse) park.
She ______ (pack) her suitcase carefully, making sure she had everything she needed for the trip.
二、单句改错 (共 5 小题)
We visited many historical sites during our journey in Europe.
The food at the restaurant was very exotic.
I felt relaxing after a long day at work.
She sent me a postcard of her travels overseas.
The tour guide explained the history of the ancient ruin.
三、翻译句子 (共 5 小题)
他们计划去山上徒步旅行。(plan to)
Zibo, an industrial city in Shandong province, has surprisingly become a tourist hotspot in China thanks to its unique barbecue culture. Unlike the typical Chinese style of grilling skewers over charcoal, Zibo barbecue features small, thin-cut pieces of meat cooked on a griddle at the table. Diners then wrap the meat in thin pancakes with spring onions, garlic, and dipping sauces, creating a flavorful and interactive dining experience.
Several factors contributed to the sudden popularity of Zibo barbecue. Firstly, the city actively promoted its barbecue culture through social media and food festivals, attracting food bloggers and influencers. Images and videos showcasing the unique charm of Zibo barbecue went viral on social media, sparking widespread interest and curiosity. Secondly, Zibo barbecue is renowned for its affordability and high quality. The local government has implemented measures to ensure food safety and fair pricing, gaining the trust of pared to other regions, Zibo barbecue offers reasonable prices, allowing visitors to enjoy delicious food without breaking the bank. Thirdly, the welcoming and friendly atmosphere of the city has left a lasting impression on visitors. Locals are known for their hospitality and genuineness, making tourists feel right at home.
The influx of tourists has brought significant economic benefits to Zibo. Local businesses, especially restaurants and hotels, have seen a surge in revenue. The city's transportation infrastructure has also been improved to accommodate the increased number of visitors. Furthermore, Zibo's newfound fame has created numerous job opportunities in the tourism and hospitality sectors, contributing to the diversification of the local economy.
However, the rapid growth of tourism has also presented challenges. Zibo needs to ensure sustainable development to avoid overcrowding and environmental damage. To address the traffic congestion and environmental pollution brought by peak tourism seasons, the local government needs to implement measures such as promoting green transportation and strengthening environmental protection.
1.What distinguishes Zibo barbecue from the typical Chinese style
(A) The use of charcoal for grilling.
(B) The way the meat is cut and cooked.
(C) The variety of spices used in the marinade.
(D) The tradition of serving it with rice.
2.Which factor is NOT mentioned as a contributor to the popularity of Zibo barbecue
(A) Effective marketing strategies.
(B) Affordable prices and good quality.
(C) The historical significance of the city.
(D) The friendly atmosphere.
3.How has the increase in tourism benefited Zibo economically
(A) It has led to a decline in local businesses.
(B) It has damaged the environment.
(C) It has created job opportunities and boosted revenue.
(D) It has caused a decrease in tourism-related infrastructure.
4.What is a challenge Zibo faces due to the surge in tourism
(A) Maintaining the affordability of the barbecue.
(B) Attracting food bloggers and influencers.
(C) Ensuring sustainable development.
(D) Implementing food safety measures.
5.What is the main purpose of the passage
(A) To explain the cooking methods of Zibo barbecue.
(B) To analyze the reasons behind the popularity of Zibo barbecue.
(C) To compare Zibo barbecue with other barbecue styles in China.
(D) To persuade readers to visit Zibo and try the barbecue.
In recent years, social media has played a significant role in shaping travel trends. Picturesque locations and unique experiences shared online have become "internet-famous," attracting swarms of tourists eager to capture their own Instagram-worthy moments. While this phenomenon has brought economic benefits to some destinations, it has also raised concerns about overtourism and its impact on local communities and the environment.
One of the main issues with internet-famous tourist spots is overcrowding. The sudden surge in visitor numbers can strain local infrastructure and resources, leading to long queues, traffic congestion, and pressure on natural attractions. For instance, Maya Bay in Thailand, made famous by the film "The Beach," was closed indefinitely due to environmental damage caused by excessive tourism. The delicate ecosystem of the bay was unable to withstand the impact of thousands of daily visitors.
Another concern is the authenticity of the travel experience. Many internet-famous destinations become heavily commercialized, with businesses catering to the demands of tourists seeking the perfect photo opportunity. This can lead to a loss of local culture and a sense of place, as traditions are adapted or even fabricated to appeal to visitor expectations. Additionally, the focus on social media can distract tourists from truly appreciating the destination and its unique offerings. Instead of immersing themselves in the local culture and environment, tourists may be more concerned with capturing the perfect selfie or getting the most likes on their posts.
To address these challenges, some destinations have implemented measures such as limiting visitor numbers, imposing entrance fees, and promoting responsible tourism practices. By controlling the flow of tourists and encouraging sustainable behavior, destinations aim to mitigate the negative impacts of overtourism. Additionally, social media platforms have started to play a role in raising awareness about overtourism and encouraging travelers to explore lesser-known destinations. This helps to distribute tourist traffic more evenly and reduce the burden on popular sites.
1.What is a major impact of social media on travel
(A) It has made travel more affordable.
(B) It has reduced the number of people travelling.
(C) It has shifted focus towards popular online destinations.
(D) It has eliminated the need for travel agencies.
2.What happened to Maya Bay in Thailand
(A) It became more popular after being featured in a movie.
(B) It was closed to protect its environment from overtourism.
(C) It was developed into a luxury resort for wealthy tourists.
(D) It was chosen as the location for a new social media platform.
3.How can the focus on social media negatively affect the travel experience
(A) It can encourage tourists to spend more money.
(B) It can lead to a loss of interest in cultural experiences.
(C) It can discourage tourists from exploring new destinations.
(D) It can make it difficult for tourists to find information online.
4.What are some ways to address the challenges of overtourism
(A) Building more hotels and restaurants to accommodate tourists.
(B) Encouraging tourists to share more photos on social media.
(C) Implementing restrictions and promoting responsible tourism.
(D) Offering discounts to attract more visitors to less popular sites.
5.What is the main concern highlighted in the passage
(A) The decline in the use of traditional travel guides.
(B) The negative impacts of internet fame on tourist destinations.
(C) The lack of diversity in online travel recommendations.
(D) The increasing cost of travel due to social media influence.
Tourism is a major contributor to the global economy, generating billions of dollars in revenue and creating millions of jobs worldwide. It plays a crucial role in the development of many countries, especially those with rich cultural heritage and natural resources. From bustling city centers to remote natural landscapes, tourism provides opportunities for economic growth, infrastructure development, and cultural exchange.
One of the primary economic benefits of tourism is job creation. The tourism industry encompasses a wide range of sectors, including accommodation, transportation, food and beverage, entertainment, and retail. These sectors provide employment opportunities for people with various skills and backgrounds, from highly trained professionals to entry-level workers. The growth of tourism can lead to a significant increase in job opportunities, reducing unemployment rates and boosting local economies.
Tourism also contributes to infrastructure development. To accommodate the needs of tourists, countries invest in transportation networks, airports, hotels, and other facilities. This not only benefits the tourism industry but also enhances the overall quality of life for local residents. Improved transportation networks facilitate easier movement of people and goods, while upgraded facilities such as museums and parks provide recreational opportunities for both tourists and locals.
Furthermore, tourism can promote cultural exchange and understanding between people from different countries. By experiencing different cultures and ways of life, tourists gain a broader perspective and appreciation for diversity. This fosters tolerance and respect between cultures, contributing to global harmony and cooperation. Additionally, tourism can help preserve cultural heritage by generating revenue for the maintenance and restoration of historical sites and traditions.
However, it is crucial to manage tourism responsibly to ensure sustainable development. Overtourism can have negative impacts on the environment, local communities, and cultural heritage. Excessive tourism can lead to environmental degradation, such as pollution, deforestation, and depletion of natural resources. It can also strain local resources and infrastructure, causing overcrowding and increased cost of living for residents. Therefore, it is essential to balance the economic benefits of tourism with the need to protect natural and cultural resources. This requires implementing sustainable tourism practices, such as promoting eco-friendly accommodations, encouraging responsible visitor behavior, and limiting visitor numbers at fragile sites.
1.How does tourism impact the economies of countries with rich cultural heritage and natural resources
(A) It creates a burden on their resources and infrastructure.
(B) It reduces the need for job creation in other sectors.
(C) It provides opportunities for economic growth and development.
(D) It leads to the neglect of cultural heritage preservation.
2.What is a benefit of tourism for local communities
(A) Increased competition for jobs from foreign workers.
(B) Reduced access to natural resources due to tourism development.
(C) Creation of employment opportunities in various sectors.
(D) Higher cost of living due to increased demand for goods and services.
3.How does tourism contribute to infrastructure development
(A) By focusing solely on building luxury hotels and resorts.
(B) By investing in transportation networks and public facilities.
(C) By neglecting the needs of local residents in favor of tourists.
(D) By discouraging investment in other sectors of the economy.
4.What is a positive outcome of cultural exchange through tourism
(A) Increased cultural homogenization and loss of diversity.
(B) Greater understanding and appreciation for different cultures.
(C) Reduced interest in preserving cultural heritage sites.
(D) Increased tension and conflict between different cultures.
5.What is the key message conveyed in the passage
(A) Tourism is a harmful industry that should be avoided.
(B) Tourism brings economic benefits but needs responsible management for sustainability.
(C) Economic growth should be prioritized over environmental protection in tourism development.
(D) Cultural exchange through tourism is unnecessary and can have negative consequences.
needs: vacation packages 针对不同人的需求,因此用复数形式 needs。
scenic: 修饰 beauty,表示“风景优美的”。
collection: extensive collection of... 是固定搭配,表示“大量的...收藏”。
accommodation: book accommodation 是固定搭配,表示“预订住宿”。
explorer: 指进行探索的人,因此用名词 explorer。
navigated: 指过去的动作,因此用动词过去式 navigated。
information: information brochure 是固定搭配,表示“信息手册”。
historic: 修饰 landmark,表示“有历史意义的”。
amusement: amusement park 是固定搭配,表示“游乐园”。
packed: 指过去的动作,因此用动词过去式 packed。
journey → trip: journey 通常指较长的旅行,而 trip 指较短的旅行,此处指在欧洲的旅行应该时间不长,因此用 trip 更合适。
very → quite/rather: exotic 通常不与 very 搭配,可以用 quite 或 rather 修饰。
relaxing → relaxed: relaxing 是形容词,修饰事物;relaxed 也是形容词,修饰人,表示“放松的”,因此此处应用 relaxed。
of → from: postcard from... 是固定搭配,表示“来自...的明信片”。
ruin → ruins: ruin 是不可数名词,表示“废墟”时,需要加 s 变为复数形式 ruins。
We had an enjoyable holiday by the beach: enjoyable 修饰 holiday,表示“愉快的假期”。
The city has many worthwhile attractions to visit: worthwhile 修饰 attractions,表示“值得参观的景点”。
They plan to go hiking in the mountains: plan to do sth. 表示“计划做某事”。
I need a visa to visit that country: require sth. to do sth. 表示“做某事需要某物”。
She has collected many souvenirs from all over the world: from 表示来源,all over the world 表示“来自世界各地”。
篇章一:The Unexpected Rise of Zibo Barbecue
答案: (B) The way the meat is cut and cooked.
解析: 文中第二段第一句提到“Zibo barbecue, unlike the typical Chinese style of grilling skewers over charcoal, features small, thin-cut pieces of meat cooked on a griddle at the table.” 这说明淄博烧烤与其他烧烤在肉的切法和烹饪方式上有所不同。
答案: (C) The historical significance of the city.
解析: 文中列举了淄博烧烤爆红的三大原因:政府的积极推广、经济实惠和高质量、以及城市热情好客的氛围。文中并未提及该城市的历史意义。
答案: (C) It has created job opportunities and boosted revenue.
解析: 文中第四段第二句提到 “Local businesses, especially restaurants and hotels, have seen a surge in revenue. The city's transportation infrastructure has also been improved to accommodate the increased number of visitors. Furthermore, Zibo's newfound fame has created numerous job opportunities in the tourism and hospitality sectors, contributing to the diversification of the local economy.” 这说明旅游业的增长为淄博创造了就业机会并增加了收入。
答案: (C) Ensuring sustainable development.
解析: 文中第五段第一句提到“However, the rapid growth of tourism has also presented challenges. Zibo needs to ensure sustainable development to avoid overcrowding and environmental damage.” 这表明淄博面临的挑战是如何确保旅游业的可持续发展。
答案: (B) To analyze the reasons behind the popularity of Zibo barbecue.
解析: 文章主要分析了淄博烧烤爆红的原因,并探讨了旅游业发展带来的经济效益和挑战。
篇章二: The Allure and Challenges of Internet-Famous Tourist Spots
答案: (C) It has shifted focus towards popular online destinations.
解析: 文章第一段第二句提到“Picturesque locations and unique experiences shared online have become "internet-famous," attracting swarms of tourists eager to capture their own Instagram-worthy moments.” 这说明社交媒体将人们的旅行关注点转移到了网上热门的旅游景点。
答案: (B) It was closed to protect its environment from overtourism.
解析: 文章第二段第三句提到 “Maya Bay in Thailand, made famous by the film "The Beach," was closed indefinitely due to environmental damage caused by excessive tourism.” 这说明为了保护环境免受过度旅游的影响,泰国玛雅湾被关闭。
答案: (B) It can lead to a loss of interest in cultural experiences.
解析: 文章第三段最后一句提到 “Instead of immersing themselves in the local culture and environment, tourists may be more concerned with capturing the perfect selfie or getting the most likes on their posts.” 这说明对社交媒体的关注会使游客忽略对当地文化和环境的体验。
答案: (C) Implementing restrictions and promoting responsible tourism.
解析: 文章第四段第一句提到 “To address these challenges, some destinations have implemented measures such as limiting visitor numbers, imposing entrance fees, and promoting responsible tourism practices.” 这说明一些旅游景点通过限制游客数量和提倡负责任的旅游来应对过度旅游的挑战。
答案: (B) The negative impacts of internet fame on tourist destinations.
解析: 文章主要讨论了网络热门旅游景点对当地社区和环境带来的负面影响,例如过度拥挤、商业化和对真实旅行体验的破坏。
篇章三: The Economic Powerhouse of Tourism: Balancing Growth and Sustainability
答案: (C) It provides opportunities for economic growth and development.
解析: 文章第一段最后一句提到 “From bustling city centers to remote natural landscapes, tourism provides opportunities for economic growth, infrastructure development, and cultural exchange.” 这说明旅游业为拥有丰富文化遗产和自然资源的国家提供了经济增长和发展的机会。
答案: (C) Creation of employment opportunities in various sectors.
解析: 文章第二段最后一句提到“The growth of tourism can lead to a significant increase in job opportunities, reducing unemployment rates and boosting local economies.” 这说明旅游业的发展为当地社区创造了各种就业机会。
答案: (B) By investing in transportation networks and public facilities.
解析: 文章第三段第二句提到 “To accommodate the needs of tourists, countries invest in transportation networks, airports, hotels, and other facilities. ” 这说明旅游业促进了交通网络和公共设施等基础设施的建设。
答案: (B) Greater understanding and appreciation for different cultures.
解析: 文章第四段第二句提到 “By experiencing different cultures and ways of life, tourists gain a broader perspective and appreciation for diversity.” 这说明通过旅游进行文化交流可以增进对不同文化的理解和欣赏。
答案: (B) Tourism brings economic benefits but needs responsible management for sustainability.
解析: 文章强调了旅游业带来的经济效益,同时也指出过度旅游对环境和当地社区的负面影响,因此需要负责任地管理旅游业,以确保其可持续发展。


