
  1. 二一教育资源



话题一:校园欺凌 (School Bullying)
1.体裁: 书信 (Letter)
2.情景: 你是李华,最近在学校目睹或经历了校园欺凌事件,深感困扰。请给你的笔友Tom写一封信,描述事件经过,表达你的感受,并寻求建议。
3.参考词汇: bully 欺凌者;victim 受害者;bystander 旁观者;physical/verbal abuse 肢体/言语攻击;seek help 寻求帮助
话题二:文化旅游 (Cultural Tourism)
1.体裁: 日记 (Diary)
2.情景: 你和家人/朋友利用假期参观了一个历史文化名城/景点 (例如西安/兵马俑,敦煌/莫高窟等),感受了中国传统文化的魅力。请用英语写一篇日记,记录你的旅行经历和感受。
3.参考词汇: historical and cultural city 历史文化名城;attractions 景点;cultural relics 文物;traditional culture 传统文化;be amazed by 被…惊叹
话题三:大学生就业 (College Graduate Employment)
1.体裁: 演讲稿 (Speech)
2.情景: 你是李华,即将大学毕业,面临着就业的选择。请以“My Career Plan”为题,用英语写一篇演讲稿,谈谈你对未来职业的规划,以及你为此所做的准备。
3.参考词汇: career plan 职业规划;job market 就业市场;career fair 招聘会; internship 实习;enhance 提升;skills 技能
话题四:人工智能 (AI)
1.体裁: 议论文 (Argumentative Essay)
2.情景: 随着科技的发展,人工智能 (AI) 越来越普及,它给人们的生活带来了便利,但也引发了一些担忧。请以“The Impact of AI on Our Lives”为题,写一篇英语短文,谈谈你对人工智能的看法。
3.参考词汇: artificial intelligence 人工智能;impact 影响;benefits 好处;concerns 担忧;ethical issues 伦理问题
话题五:新能源汽车 (New Energy Vehicles)
1.体裁: 说明文 (Expository Writing)
2.情景: 为了保护环境,越来越多人选择购买新能源汽车。请以“New Energy Vehicles: The Future of Transportation”为题,用英语写一篇短文,介绍新能源汽车的特点和优势,以及它对环境的积极影响。
3.参考词汇: new energy vehicles 新能源汽车;environmentally friendly 环保的;reduce emissions 减少排放;sustainable development 可持续发展;fuel efficiency 燃油效率
话题六:直播带货 (Livestream E-commerce)
1.体裁: 故事 (Story)
2.情景: 你或你认识的人通过直播带货取得了成功,收获了财富和快乐。请用英语写一篇短文,讲述这个故事,并谈谈你对直播带货这种新型商业模式的看法。
3.参考词汇: livestream e-commerce 直播带货;influencer 网红;online platform 在线平台;promote 推广;consumer 消费者; interaction 互动
话题七:低碳产业 (Low-carbon Industries)
1.体裁: 倡议书 (Proposal)
2.情景: 为了应对气候变化,发展低碳产业刻不容缓。请以“Developing Low-carbon Industries”为题,用英语写一篇倡议书,呼吁人们关注和支持低碳产业的发展。
3.参考词汇: low-carbon industries 低碳产业;climate change 气候变化;reduce carbon footprint 减少碳足迹;renewable energy 可再生能源;energy efficiency 能效
话题八:产业升级 (Industrial Upgrading)
1.体裁: 新闻报道 (News Report)
2.情景: 你所在城市/地区近年来积极推进产业升级,取得了显著成效。请以“Industrial Upgrading Boosts Local Economy”为题,用英语写一篇新闻报道,介绍当地产业升级的举措和成果。
3.参考词汇: industrial upgrading 产业升级;boost 促进;local economy 当地经济;innovation 创新;high-tech industries 高科技产业
话题九:民生保障 (Livelihood Security)
1.体裁: 调查报告 (Survey Report)
2.情景: 你和你的同学就“民生保障”这一主题进行了一次调查,了解人们对医疗、教育、住房等方面的需求和建议。请用英语写一篇调查报告,陈述调查结果和你的建议。
3.参考词汇: livelihood security 民生保障;survey 调查;medical care 医疗;education 教育;housing 住房;social security 社会保障
话题一:校园欺凌 (School Bullying)
bully (n.) 欺凌者
victim (n.) 受害者
bystander (n.) 旁观者
physical/verbal abuse (n.) 肢体/言语攻击
name-calling (n.) 辱骂
push around (v.) 推搡
steal (v.) 偷窃
impact (n.) 影响
deal with (v.) 处理
seek help (v.) 寻求帮助
I witnessed a student being bullied… (我目睹了一个学生被欺负…)
Bullying is a serious problem and can have a lasting impact on victims. (欺凌是一个严重的问题,会对受害者造成持久的影响。)
It’s not right, and we need to do something to stop it. (这是不对的,我们需要做些什么来阻止它。)
Do you have any advice on how to deal with bullies (你对如何应对欺凌者有什么建议吗?)
话题二:文化旅游 (Cultural Tourism)
historical and cultural city (n.) 历史文化名城
attractions (n.) 景点
cultural relics (n.) 文物
traditional culture (n.) 传统文化
magnificent (adj.) 宏伟的
breathtaking views (n.) 壮丽的景色
fascinating stories (n.) 引人入胜的故事
be amazed by (v.) 被...惊叹
feel a connection to (v.) 感受到与...的联系
...is one of the wonders of the world. (...是世界奇迹之一。)
I was amazed by its magnificent size and the breathtaking views. (我被它宏伟的规模和壮丽的景色所震撼。)
We learned about the history and construction of... (我们了解了...的历史和建造过程。)
I felt a strong connection to Chinese history and culture. (我感受到了与中国历史和文化的紧密联系。)
话题三:大学生就业 (College Graduate Employment)
career plan (n.) 职业规划
job market (n.) 就业市场
career fair (n.) 招聘会
internship (n.) 实习
enhance (v.) 提升
skills (n.) 技能
passionate about (adj.) 对...充满热情
pursue a career (v.) 从事职业
competitive (adj.) 有竞争力的
valuable asset (n.) 宝贵资产
make a positive impact (v.) 产生积极影响
I plan to pursue a career in... (我计划从事...方面的工作。)
I’m passionate about... and I want to be a part of the solution to... (我对...充满热情,我想成为解决...问题的一份子。)
I’m confident that my skills and experience will make me a valuable asset. (我相信我的技能和经验会使我成为宝贵的资产。)
I’m eager to learn and grow, and I’m committed to making a positive impact. (我渴望学习和成长,并致力于产生积极的影响。)
话题四:人工智能 (AI)
artificial intelligence (n.) 人工智能
impact (n.) 影响
benefits (n.) 好处
concerns (n.) 担忧
ethical issues (n.) 伦理问题
job displacement (n.) 失业
automation (n.) 自动化
privacy (n.) 隐私
security (n.) 安全
responsible development (n.) 负责任的发展
harness the power (v.) 利用力量
AI has become increasingly prevalent in our lives, bringing both benefits and concerns. (人工智能在我们生活中越来越普遍,带来了好处和担忧。)
… has made our lives more convenient and efficient. (… 使我们的生活更便捷高效。)
… raises ethical issues such as job displacement and privacy concerns. (… 引发了诸如失业和隐私担忧等伦理问题。)
We must address its potential risks and ensure its responsible development. (我们必须解决其潜在风险并确保其负责任地发展。)
话题五:新能源汽车 (New Energy Vehicles)
new energy vehicles (n.) 新能源汽车
environmentally friendly (adj.) 环保的
reduce emissions (v.) 减少排放
sustainable development (n.) 可持续发展
fuel efficiency (n.) 燃油效率
alternative energy sources (n.) 替代能源
electric vehicles (n.) 电动汽车
gasoline-powered cars (n.) 汽油动力汽车
incentives (n.) 激励措施
… are emerging as the future of transportation. (… 正在成为未来交通工具。)
… significantly reduces harmful emissions, contributing to a healthier environment. (… 大大减少了有害排放,为更健康的环
… offer numerous advantages such as quiet operation and lower operating costs. (… 具有许多优点,例如安静的运行和更低的
… are becoming increasingly accessible and affordable. (… 变得越来越容易获得且价格合理。)
话题六:直播带货 (Livestream E-commerce)
livestream e-commerce (n.) 直播带货
influencer (n.) 网红
online platform (n.) 在线平台
promote (v.) 推广
consumer (n.) 消费者
interaction (n.) 互动
engaging personality (n.) 迷人的个性
loyal following (n.) 忠实粉丝
exclusive discounts (n.) 独家折扣
authenticity (n.) 真实性
passion (n.) 热情
... decided to give livestream e-commerce a try. (... 决定尝试直播带货。)
She quickly gained a loyal following through her livestreams. (她通过直播迅速积累了一批忠实粉丝。)
... showcased her products, interacted with viewers, and offered exclusive discounts. (... 展示了她的产品,与观众互动,并提供独家折扣。)
Her authenticity and passion resonated with customers. (她的真实性和热情引起了顾客的共鸣。)
话题七:低碳产业 (Low-carbon Industries)
low-carbon industries (n.) 低碳产业
climate change (n.) 气候变化
reduce carbon footprint (v.) 减少碳足迹
renewable energy (n.) 可再生能源
energy efficiency (n.) 能源效率
sustainable practices (n.) 可持续实践
clean technologies (n.) 清洁技术
green innovation (n.) 绿色创新
carbon pricing mechanisms (n.) 碳定价机制
… it is imperative that we transition towards a low-carbon economy. (… 我们必须向低碳经济转型。)
Developing low-carbon industries is crucial in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. (发展低碳产业对于减少温室气体排放至关重要。)
We call upon individuals, businesses, and governments to support the growth of… (我们呼吁个人、企业和政府支持…的发展。)
By working together, we can foster a thriving low-carbon economy… (通过共同努力,我们可以培育一个繁荣的低碳经济…)
话题八:产业升级 (Industrial Upgrading)
industrial upgrading (n.) 产业升级
boost (v.) 促进
local economy (n.) 当地经济
innovation (n.) 创新
high-tech industries (n.) 高科技产业
automation (n.) 自动化
digitalization (n.) 数字化
productivity (n.) 生产力
competitiveness (n.) 竞争力
emerging industries (n.) 新兴产业
revitalize (v.) 振兴
sustainable development (n.) 可持续发展
… has witnessed a remarkable transformation thanks to industrial upgrading initiatives. (… 由于产业升级举措,… 发生了显着变化。)
By focusing on innovation and high-tech industries, the local government has… (通过关注创新和高科技产业,当地政府…)
Traditional manufacturing industries have embraced automation and digitalization… (传统制造业已经接受了自动化和数字化…)
This industrial upgrading has not only revitalized the local economy but also… (这次产业升级不仅振兴了当地经济,还…)
话题九:民生保障 (Livelihood Security)
livelihood security (n.) 民生保障
survey (n.) 调查
medical care (n.) 医疗保健
education (n.) 教育
housing (n.) 住房
social security (n.) 社会保障
affordable (adj.) 可负担的
accessible (adj.) 可获得的
financial aid (n.) 经济援助
promote (v.) 促进
ensure (v.) 确保
Our class conducted a survey to understand public opinion on livelihood security. (我们班进行了一项调查,以了解公众对民生保障的看法。)
The survey focused on key areas such as medical care, education, and housing. (调查重点关注医疗保健、教育和住房等关键领域。)
The results revealed that ... is a top priority for residents. (结果显示,... 是居民最关心的问题。)
Respondents suggested that the government should... (受访者建议政府应该...)
话题一:校园欺凌 (School Bullying) - 书信
Dear Tom,
I'm writing to you today because something upsetting happened at school. I witnessed a student being bullied by a group of older kids. They were calling him names, pushing him around, and even taking his things. I felt terrible for him, but I was too scared to do anything.
I know bullying is a serious problem, and it can have a lasting impact on victims. It's not right, and we need to do something to stop it. I'm not sure what to do, though. I'm afraid of getting involved and making things worse.
Do you have any advice on how to deal with bullies Have you ever seen bullying at your school I really need your help.
Yours truly,
Li Hua
(1)开头: 开门见山,说明写信的目的,引出话题“校园欺凌”。
(2)主体段1: 描述目睹的欺凌事件,表达自己的感受 (难过、害怕)。
(3)主体段2: 阐述对欺凌问题的看法,强调其严重性,并表达想要阻止欺凌的愿望。
(4)结尾: 寻求笔友的建议和帮助,呼应开头。
使用了多种表达欺凌行为的词汇,如calling names, pushing around, taking things.
使用了It's not right, and we need to do something to stop it. 这样的句子,表达了对欺凌行为的谴责和想要改变现状的愿望。
话题二:文化旅游 (Cultural Tourism) - 日记
May 15th, 2024
Today was an unforgettable day! My family and I visited the Great Wall, one of the wonders of the world. As we climbed the steep steps, I was amazed by its magnificent size and the breathtaking views. I could imagine the soldiers guarding the wall centuries ago.
We also learned about the history and construction of the Great Wall. It was built over many dynasties to protect China from invaders. The guide told us fascinating stories about the emperors, battles, and legends associated with the wall.
Walking along the ancient stones, I felt a strong connection to Chinese history and culture. It was a truly inspiring experience.
今天是难忘的一天!我和家人参观了长城,它是世界奇迹之一。当我们爬上陡峭的台阶时,我被它宏伟的规模和壮丽的景色所震撼。我能想象 centuries ago 士兵们守卫长城的场景。
我们还了解了长城的历史和建造过程。它是在许多朝代建造的,目的是保护中国免受侵略者的侵害。导游给我们讲述了与长城相关的皇帝、战争和传说的 fascinating stories。
走在古老的石头上,我感受到了与中国历史和文化的紧密联系。这是一次 truly inspiring 的经历。
(1)开头: 点明时间,并用感叹句表达激动的心情,引出话题“参观长城”。
(2)主体段1: 描述长城的宏伟和壮观,以及自己身临其境的感受。
(3)主体段2: 介绍长城的历史和建造目的,并提及导游讲述的故事。
(4)结尾: 总结此次参观的感受,强调它是一次令人难忘且具有启发意义的经历。
使用了多个形容词,如 magnificent, breathtaking, fascinating, inspiring,生动地描绘了长城的特点和自己的感受。
使用了丰富的词汇和句型,如 one of the wonders of the world, be amazed by, feel a connection to,使文章表达更加流畅自然。
话题三:大学生就业 (College Graduate Employment) - 演讲稿
Good morning everyone,
Today, I want to share my career plan with you. As a graduating senior, I've been thinking a lot about my future. I've always been passionate about environmental protection, so I plan to pursue a career in the field of renewable energy.
I believe that renewable energy is the future, and I want to be a part of the solution to climate change. I've already taken several courses on renewable energy technologies, and I'm currently doing an internship at a solar energy company.
I know the job market is competitive, but I'm confident that my skills and experience will make me a valuable asset to any company. I'm eager to learn and grow, and I'm committed to making a positive impact on the world.
Thank you.
(1)开头: 礼貌地问候听众,并点明演讲主题“我的职业规划”。
(2)主体段1: 介绍自己对环境保护的热情,并说明自己计划从事可再生能源领域的工作。
(3)主体段2: 阐述自己对可再生能源的看法,以及为此做出的努力 (学习相关课程、实习)。
主体段3: 表达自己对未来就业的信心,以及想要为世界做出贡献的决心。
(4)结尾: 礼貌地感谢听众。
使用了多种表达职业规划的词汇,如 career plan, pursue a career, internship.
使用了多种表达个人能力和品质的词汇,如 skills, experience, valuable asset, eager to learn, committed.
话题四:人工智能 (AI) - 议论文
The Impact of AI on Our Lives
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent in our lives, bringing both benefits and concerns. AI-powered technologies, such as smartphones and smart homes, have made our lives more convenient and efficient. AI also plays a crucial role in various industries, from healthcare to transportation, improving diagnosis, automating tasks, and enhancing productivity.
However, the rise of AI also raises ethical issues. Job displacement due to automation is a major concern, as AI could potentially replace human workers in many sectors. Additionally, the potential misuse of AI for surveillance and manipulation poses a threat to privacy and security.
Therefore, while embracing the benefits of AI, we must address its potential risks and ensure its responsible development and application. By establishing ethical guidelines and promoting transparency, we can harness the power of AI for the betterment of society.
人工智能 (AI) 在我们生活中越来越普遍,带来了好处和担忧。人工智能技术,如智能手机和智能家居,使我们的生活更加便捷高效。人工智能还在各行各业发挥着至关重要的作用,从医疗保健到交通运输,它改善了诊断,实现了任务自动化,并提高了生产力。
(1)开头: 点明主题“人工智能对我们生活的影响”,并概括说明人工智能带来的好处和担忧。
(2)主体段1: 具体阐述人工智能带来的好处,例如使生活更便捷高效,在各行各业发挥重要作用。
(3)主体段2: 分析人工智能带来的潜在风险,例如失业问题、隐私和安全威胁。
(4)结尾: 总结观点,强调在享受人工智能好处的同时,也要负责任地发展和应用人工智能,使其造福社会。
使用了多种高级词汇和句型,如 prevalent, crucial role, ethical issues, job displacement, ensure, harness the power.
话题五:新能源汽车 (New Energy Vehicles) - 说明文
New Energy Vehicles: The Future of Transportation
With growing environmental concerns, new energy vehicles (NEVs) are emerging as the future of transportation. Unlike traditional gasoline-powered cars, NEVs utilize alternative energy sources such as electricity, hydrogen, or biofuels. This significantly reduces harmful emissions, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier environment.
NEVs offer numerous advantages. Electric vehicles (EVs) are known for their quiet operation and smooth acceleration. Additionally, they require less maintenance and have lower operating costs compared to gasoline cars. Furthermore, governments often provide incentives, such as tax breaks and subsidies, to encourage NEV adoption.
As technology advances and infrastructure improves, NEVs are becoming increasingly accessible and affordable. Their environmental benefits, coupled with their economic and performance advantages, make them a compelling choice for a sustainable future of transportation.
随着人们对环境问题的日益关注,新能源汽车 (NEVs) 正在成为未来交通工具。与传统的汽油动力汽车不同,新能源汽车利用电力、氢气或生物燃料等替代能源。这大大减少了有害排放,有助于改善空气质量和环境健康。
新能源汽车具有许多优点。电动汽车 (EVs) 以其安静的运行和平稳的加速而闻名。此外,与汽油车相比,它们需要的维护更少,运营成本更低。此外,政府通常会提供激励措施,例如税收减免和补贴,以鼓励采用新能源汽车。
(1)开头: 点明主题“新能源汽车是交通的未来”,并说明其兴起的原因 (环境问题)。
(2)主体段1: 介绍新能源汽车的特点,例如利用替代能源、减少有害排放、改善环境。
(3)主体段2: 阐述新能源汽车的优势,例如安静、平稳、维护成本低、运营成本低、政府激励措施。
主体段3: 展望新能源汽车的未来,认为其会越来越容易获得且价格合理,成为可持续交通的选择。
(4)结尾: 总结全文,再次强调新能源汽车是交通的未来。
使用了多种专业词汇,如 new energy vehicles, alternative energy sources, electric vehicles, emissions, incentives.
话题六:直播带货 (Livestream E-commerce) - 故事
My aunt, who used to own a small clothing store, was struggling to keep up with the changing market. Seeing the rise of livestream e-commerce, she decided to give it a try. With her engaging personality and knowledge of fashion, she quickly gained a loyal following.
Through her livestreams, she showcased her clothing, interacted with viewers, and offered exclusive discounts. Her authenticity and passion resonated with customers, leading to a significant increase in sales. Not only did she save her business, but she also expanded her reach and found a new passion in livestreaming.
My aunt's story demonstrates the power of livestream e-commerce as a platform for entrepreneurs to connect with customers and build successful businesses.
(1)开头: 介绍故事的主人公 (阿姨) 和她的困境 (服装店经营困难)。
(2)主体段1: 讲述阿姨尝试直播电商并取得成功的过程,包括吸引粉丝、展示商品、与观众互动、提供折扣。
(3)主体段2: 说明阿姨通过直播电商获得的成果,例如销量增长、挽救生意、扩大影响力、找到新的激情。
(4)结尾: 总结全文,点明直播电商作为一个平台的力量,可以帮助企业家成功。
使用了多种与直播电商相关的词汇,如 livestream e-commerce, influencer, online platform, promote, consumer, interaction.
话题七:低碳产业 (Low-carbon Industries) - 倡议书
Developing Low-carbon Industries
As the threat of climate change looms large, it is imperative that we transition towards a low-carbon economy. Developing low-carbon industries is crucial in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring a sustainable future for our planet.
We call upon individuals, businesses, and governments to support the growth of industries that prioritize renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and sustainable practices. Investing in clean technologies, promoting green innovation, and implementing carbon pricing mechanisms are essential steps in this direction.
By working together, we can foster a thriving low-carbon economy that creates jobs, drives economic growth, and protects our environment for generations to come.
(1)开头: 点明倡议主题“发展低碳产业”,并说明其重要性和紧迫性。
(2)主体段1: 呼吁个人、企业和政府支持低碳产业的发展,并提出具体措施,如投资清洁技术、促进绿色创新、实施碳定价机制。
(3)主体段2: 展望发展低碳产业带来的好处,例如创造就业、推动经济增长、保护环境。
(4)结尾: 再次强调共同努力的重要性,呼吁大家一起发展低碳产业。
使用了多种与低碳产业相关的词汇,如 low-carbon industries, climate change, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable practices.
话题八:产业升级 (Industrial Upgrading) - 新闻报道
Industrial Upgrading Boosts Local Economy
Our city has witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent years, thanks to its successful industrial upgrading initiatives. By focusing on innovation and high-tech industries, the local government has attracted investments, created jobs, and boosted economic growth.
Traditional manufacturing industries have embraced automation and digitalization, leading to increased productivity and competitiveness. Moreover, the city has become a hub for emerging industries such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and new energy vehicles.
This industrial upgrading has not only revitalized the local economy but also improved the quality of life for residents. With a thriving job market and a focus on sustainable development, our city is poised for a bright future.
近年来,由于成功的产业升级举措,我们的城市经历了 remarkable transformation。通过关注创新和高科技产业,当地政府吸引了投资,创造了就业机会,并推动了经济增长。
这次产业升级不仅 revitalized 了当地经济,也提高了居民的生活质量。随着蓬勃发展的就业市场和对可持续发展的关注,我们的城市正处于一个光明的未来。
(1)开头: 点明新闻主题“产业升级推动当地经济发展”,并介绍当地产业升级取得的成果。
(2)主体段1: 说明当地政府在产业升级方面的举措,例如关注创新和高科技产业,吸引投资,创造就业,推动经济增长。
(3)主体段2: 介绍传统制造业和新兴产业的发展情况,说明产业升级带来的积极影响。
(4)结尾: 总结全文,再次强调产业升级对当地经济和居民生活带来的好处,并展望城市的美好未来。
使用了多种与产业升级相关的词汇,如 industrial upgrading, innovation, high-tech industries, automation, digitalization, emerging industries.
话题九:民生保障 (Livelihood Security) - 调查报告
Survey on Livelihood Security
Our class recently conducted a survey to understand public opinion on livelihood security. The survey focused on key areas such as medical care, education, and housing. The results revealed that affordable and accessible healthcare is a top priority for residents. Concerns were also raised about the rising cost of education and the lack of affordable housing options.
Respondents suggested that the government should increase investment in public healthcare, provide financial aid for education, and promote the development of affordable housing projects.
This survey highlights the importance of livelihood security and the need for effective policies to address the concerns of the public. By prioritizing these issues, we can ensure a better quality of life for all citizens.
(1)开头: 说明调查目的和主题 (了解公众对民生保障的看法),并介绍调查内容 (医疗保健、教育、住房)。
(2)主体段1: 陈述调查结果,包括居民最关心的问题 (可负担且易获得的医疗保健) 和担忧 (教育成本上升、缺乏经济适用房)。
(3)主体段2: 介绍受访者提出的建议,例如增加对公共医疗保健的投资、为教育提供经济援助、促进经济适用房项目的开发。
(4)结尾: 总结全文,强调民生保障的重要性,以及制定有效政策来解决公众关切的必要性,以提高所有公民的生活质量。
使用了多种与民生保障相关的词汇,如 livelihood security, medical care, education, housing, social security, affordable, accessible.


