Unit 10 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time! 知识清单 2024-2025学年人教版英语八年级上册

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Unit 10 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time! 知识清单 2024-2025学年人教版英语八年级上册


Unit 10 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time!
Section A
核 心 词 汇 1.n.会议;集会;会面  meeting 2.n.录像带;录像 video 3.v.(=organise)组织;筹备 organize 4.n.巧克力 chocolate 5.adj.难过;失望;沮丧  upset 6.n.出租汽车;的士 taxi 7.n.劝告;建议 advice
重 点 词 块 1.去参加聚会  go to the party 2.玩得高兴 have a great time 3.让某人进 let sb.in 4.穿牛仔裤 wear jeans 5.把……拿走 take away 6.在聚会期间 during the party 7.学校大扫除   school clean-up 8.炸土豆片;炸薯条 potato chips 9.谈论 talk about 10.开班会 have a class meeting 11.给某人一些建议 give sb.some advice 12.要求某人做某事 ask sb.to do sth.
常 考 句 式 1.如果你去参加聚会,你会过得很愉快。 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time. 2.如果我们今天举办它(聚会),一半的同学将不会来。 If we have it today, half the class won’t come. 3.学生们正在讨论什么时候举行班级派对。 The students are talking about when to have a class party. 4.何时才是开派对的好时间呢 When is a good time to have the party 5.要是我们那么做,更多的人会想玩这些游戏。 If we do that, more people will want to play the games. 6.他们计划星期六下午举行。 They plan to have it on Saturday afternoon. 7.今天如果他们举行聚会的话,会发生什么 What will happen if they have the party today 8.对于下周的聚会,我们应该让人们带来食物吗 For the party next week, should we ask people to bring food
Section B
核 心 词 汇 1.v.&n.旅行;游历  travel 2.n.代理人;经纪人 agent 3.n.专家 expert 4.n.(13~19岁的)青少年 teenager 5.adj.正常的;一般的 normal 6.conj除非;如果不 unless 7.adv.无疑;肯定;当然;行 certainly 8.n.钱包 wallet 9.n.英里 mile 10.adj.发怒的;生气的 angry 11.adj.善解人意的;体谅人的 understanding 12.adj.粗心的;不小心的 careless 13.n.错误;失误  mistake 14.pron.他自己 himself 15.adj.小心的;细致的; 精心的;慎重的 careful 16.v.劝告;建议 advise 17.v.解决;解答 solve 18.n.步;步骤 step 19.v.相信;信任 trust 20.n.经验;经历 experience 21.adj.&adv.在中途;部分地做(或达到) halfway 22.adv.别的;其他的 else
重 点 词 块 1.挣很多钱 make a lot of money 2.环游世界travel around the world 3.获得教育 get an education 4.因……出名 be famous for... 5.作为……出名 be famous as... 6.谋生 make a living 7.梦想的职业 dream jobs 8.捐给慈善机构 give...to charity 9.一直 all the time 10.受伤 get injured 11.变得富有和闻名 become rich and famous 12.很难做某事 have a difficult/hard time doing sth. 13.事实上     in fact 14.午饭吃太多 eat too much lunch 15.看太多电视watch too much TV 16.起床晚了 get up late 17.锻炼不够 don’t get enough exercise 18.帮助他人 help others 19.嘲笑某人 laugh at sb. 20.把头发染成棕色 dye one’s hair brown 21.与某人度过时光 spend time with sb. 22.在课堂上 in class 23.手机 mobile phone 24.保守秘密 keep...to oneself 25.分成两半 in half
常 考 句 式 1.如果人们有烦恼,他们应当把这些烦恼留给自己。 If people have problems, they should keep them to themselves. 2.如果我们不找人聊聊,我们肯定会感觉更糟。 Unless we talk to someone, we’ll certainly feel worse. 3.最好不要逃避我们的问题。 It is best not to run away from our problems. 4.我们应该总是想办法解决它们。 We should always try to solve them. 5.因此,你只要跟人聊聊这个问题,你就已经解决了问题的一半! So you’re halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it! 6.如果青少年在外面待到太晚,他们的父母将会担心他们。 If the teenagers stay out too late, their parents will worry about them.


