人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land Using Language教案(表格式)

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人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land Using Language教案(表格式)


Teaching Content 选择性必修二 Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land-Using Language 课时:2课时 80分钟 课型:读写课
Analysis of Teaching Content 语篇内容: Seeing The True North via Rail: Toronto And Montreal是一篇记叙文,讲述了Li Daiyu和Liu Qian在多伦多短暂停留后,前往蒙特利尔的旅程。他们参观了蒙特利尔,品尝了地道的中国美食,并与Lin Fei相遇。此外,文章还提到了蒙特利尔的文化特色,如双语环境(英语和法语)、独特的魁北克文化以及丰富的餐饮选择。 语篇结构: 1. 多伦多部分:简述了他们在多伦多的短暂旅行,包括参观CN塔和对尼亚加拉大瀑布的远眺。 2. 与Lin Fei的相遇:在多伦多吃晚餐时遇见了Lin Fei,了解了多伦多的中国城以及加拿大的多元文化。 3. 蒙特利尔部分:描述了他们在蒙特利尔的活动,包括逛街、参观艺术家的工作室以及与摄影师Jean-Philippe的交谈, 蒙特利尔的双语环境、独特的文化、美食和咖啡文化 4. 旅程继续:乘火车继续向东,前往新斯科舍省的哈利法克斯,以及他们对蒙特利尔美好回忆的憧憬。 语言特色: 1.描述性语言 文章使用了丰富的描述性语言来描绘场景和情感,使读者能够清晰地想象出李黛玉和她的表妹在多伦多和蒙特利尔的经历。 对话和直接引语 文章中穿插了多处对话和直接引语,增强了故事的真实感和互动性。 3.文化元素的融入 文章巧妙地融入了加拿大的文化元素,如中国城、双语环境、魁北克文化等,使读者能够。 4.情感表达感受到不同文化的交融和特色 文章通过人物的情感表达,传递了旅行中的惊喜、好奇和留恋。 5.地理和历史知识的结合 文章结合了地理和历史知识,使读者在阅读故事的同时,也能够学习到相关的背景知识。 通过这些语言特色,文章不仅提供了一个生动的旅行故事,还丰富了读者的文化视野和知识储备。
Student Analysis What I Know: The students are not unfamiliar with the narrative style of travel writing. The students have learned about the journey of Li Daiyu and Liu Qian, who started from Vancouver on the west coast of Canada, traveled through Canada by train, and finally arrived at Toronto on the east coast. They have clarified the structure of the text, understood the basic information and travel route of the trip and sorted out the discourse markers. What I Want to Know: What is famous in Toronto and Montreal respectively What Li Daiyu and Liu Qian see and do in Toronto and Montreal Why are there so many China people in Canada Why do people speak both English and French in Montreal What I Learned: Understood the experiences and observations of Li Daiyu and Liu Qian in Toronto and Montreal; l Understood the bilingual cultural characteristics of Montreal; l Understood the multiculturalism of Canada;
Teaching Objectives 1. Language Skills Objectives: Students can comprehend and identify key information and details in a text, grasp the timeline, and use a map to organize travel experiences. Students can accumulate vocabulary and expressions related to describing geographical locations, human emotions, places, and transportation. Students can use a map to write a letter home from the protagonist's perspective, documenting the sights and experiences of the journey. 2. Cultural Knowledge Objectives: Understand the major cities of Canada and recognize its multiculturalism. 3. Emotional and Attitudinal Objectives: Cultivate an interest in and respect for different cultures, and inspire a desire for travel and a spirit of exploration.
Teaching Focus Understand and identify key information and details in the text, grasp the timeline, and use a map to organize the protagonist’s travel experiences.
Teaching Difficulties How to use the information on the map and the expressions from the text to write a letter from home in the tone of Li Daiyu, describing this trip.
Teaching Steps Teaching Design Design Intention
Review Observe these two titles below and consider the relationship between the two texts Title 1: Seeing The True North via Rail: Vancouver and The Heart of Canada Title 2: Seeing The True North via Rail: Toronto and Montreal Possible answer 1: Title 1 is about the first trip and title 2 is about the second trip. Possible answer 2 : Both of them record Lai Daiyu and Liu Qian’s trip to Canada. Guess what the destination of the second trip is. Answer: Toronto and Montreal To arouse what students acquired before.
Warming up 1.Watch the bilingual introduction videos of Toronto and Montreal. 2. Answer the following questions after watching videos. Q1: What is the largest city in Canada Answer: Toronto Q2: What is Canada’s second largest city Answer: Montreal Q3: Which city in Canada has the largest French-speaking population Answer: Montreal Q4: Can you list some examples of Toronto’s diversity Possible answer: China Town, Greektown and Little Italy. Q5: What kind of experience might Li Daiyu and Liu Qian have on the second trip Possible answer: they might experience various culture, meet some new friend and taste delicious food. Present cultural notes to help students to understand these two important cities in Canada. To arouse Ss’ interest and supplement background knowledge of these two cities.
Pre-writing Read the text quickly and circle the names of places and people. Answer: People: Li Daiyu, Liu Qian, Lin Fei, JeanPhilippe Places: Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, Lake Ontario, Niagara Falls/River, Gulf of St Lawrence, St Lawrence River, Greater Toronto Area, Old Montreal, St Paul Street, Chinatown, CN Tower Read the text carefully and finish these three tasks below. Task One: Read for main idea The text is divided into four parts. Match the main idea to the corresponding paragraphs. Paragraph 1: Li Daiyu and Liu Qian arrived in Toronto. Paragraph 2-4: The cousins’ meeting with Lin Fei. Paragraph 5-8: The cousins’ stay in Montreal. Paragraph 9: The cousins went on their trip to Halifax. Task Two Pair Activity Find out Li Daiyu and Liu Qian's itinerary with your partner, mark the places on the map. Toronto Montreal Halifax Task Three: Read for detailed information. Write down what the girls did in Toronto and Montreal respectively in the table and check your answer with your partners. Name of the CityWhat to See and Do thereTorontoCN Tower The shores of Lake Ontario. Skyscrapers of glass and steel. Old-fashioned cars A lot of Chinese people in Chinatown Met with Lin Fei in ChinatownMontrealSigns and advertisements were in French Many people spoke English with an accent People talked in French Lovely shops Visit artists Sat in a restaurant Chatted with a photographer
To understand and identify the structure, main idea, key information and details in the text.
While-writing Find out words and expression describing the place in the text and translate them into Chinese. Transportation: were on a train trip the train was speeding along the... towards... Location/Position: is on the south side of the lake is close to Describing a place: the largest and wealthiest city in Canada old-fashioned the largest Chinatown in Toronto. a city with wonderful sights and sounds has unique Quebec culture and traditions There are fantastic restaurants and clubs around Describing feelings: be astonished to see be surprised to see dreamed happily of Imagine that you are Li Daiyu. Using the map and expressions you collected, write an email to your parents telling them about your trip. (15 mins) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To accumulate related words and expressions describing location, people's feelings, places, and traffic, and use the information acquired from the text to write a letter.
Post-writing Exchange your draft with a partner and assess your parent’s draft using this checklist. Is the email well-organised and coherent Does the writer use correct punctuation Does the writer use words and expressions to describe a place Are the descriptions of people and places interesting Invite two students to present their compositions in front of the class, and the teachers will comment on them. To review classroom writing by peer evaluation and teacher evaluation.
Summary Invite Ss to summarize the features of the travel journey according to the following points. ContentSequenceLanguage
Content: Who (people), When(time), Where(places), What(activities, places), How(feelings) Sequence: Time order Language: the language is vivid, especially the description of places and people’s feelings. Eg: misty clouds, hundreds of skyscrapers of glass and steel, fantastic restaurants and clubs, beautiful cobblestone streets, old brick buildings, the red maple leaves... To help Ss master the language features of the travel journal.
Assignment Review what you have learned today, focusing on the text and expressions. Polish your travel journal and share it with your classmates next class.
Blackboard-writing Design Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land-Using Language


