人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music Listening and Speaking教学设计(表格式)

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人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music Listening and Speaking教学设计(表格式)


Unit 5 Music
Period 1 Talk about music preferences 教学设计
课题 Period 1Talk about music preferences 单元 Unit 5 学科 English 年级 Grade 1
教材 分析 本堂课选自新人教版必修二第五单元Listening and Speaking,该板块的主题是“谈论喜爱的音乐”,谈论音乐喜好是中学生常见的话题。中学生喜欢各种类型的音乐,只要音乐的内容积极向上,学生的爱好都值得尊重和赞赏。听力文本包含三个段对话,是一名记者对三个学生的采访,采访学生喜欢的音乐类型及其原因,三段对话结构大致一致,重点问句是“what kind of music do you like Why ” 。本文本涉及一个重要的听力策略—解释策略(paraphrase),解释策略有两个关键点,一是要用更简单或更清楚的说法;二是表达的意思不变。
教学目标与核心素养 知识与能力:学生能够运用多种问句谈论对于音乐、电影、节日、明星等的喜好; 过程与方法:在听力与阅读中能够识别并运用解释策略,读懂作者的意思; 情感态度与价值观:体会音乐的力量,选择积极向上的音乐内容;
重点 通过听力文本,总结询问喜好与原因的句式,并在真实语境中运用。
难点 解释策略是本部分的教学重点。它不仅是一种听力策略,在口语、阅读、写作中也常用到,是很重要的一种语言学习和交际策略。
环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 Lead –in Enjoy seven clips of video and find out what type of music they are. What type of music is it How do you feel Answers: Chinese traditional music, classical music, folk music, country music, Jazz, Hip-hop, rock’n’roll. Classical music touches my heart and is full of feeling. The rhythm of country music is slow, and it makes me feel peaceful. Hip-hop makes me want to dance. Guide students to guess the different types of music based on their different features. Activate students’ background knowledge about music.
讲授新课 Task 1 A reporter wants to know three students’ music preferences. Draw lines between the words to make complete sentences. 1 The first student likes to dance to Chinese traditional songs 2 The second student likes to listen to Classical music 3 The third student likes to. play hip-hop music Sing country music Answers: The first student likes to listen to country music. The second student likes to dance to hip-hop. The third student likes to play classical music. Task 2 Listen again and write down the expressions about ask preferences, ask reasons and reasons for liking music. Task 3 Look at the script and find the part with the same meaning. A: Country music touches my heart. B: So you like music that’s full of feeling A: When I listen to hip-pop, I just have to move! B: So it makes you want to dance. A: Classical music makes me feel like I’m sitting beside a quiet stream and enjoying nature. B: So to you, it’s peaceful and beautiful Answers: touches my heart = full of feeling have to move = want to dance beside a quiet stream and enjoy nature = peaceful and beautiful Listen to the audio and choose what the speaker means. 1. What does the woman mean A. The man might call a wrong number. B. Alexander Walker is not in now. C. Alexander Walker is busy now. 2. What does the woman mean A. She went fishing last week. B. She loves fishing very much. C. She doesn’t like fishing at all. 3. What does the man mean A. They should ask about the fee first. B. Their neighbor will help them paint the house. C. They haven’t got enough money to have the house painted. Answers 1. A There is nobody here by that name. 2. C That’s the last thing in the world that I ever want to do. 3. C We can’t afford the fee unless… Paraphrase Tips Task 4 Guessing game Read the descriptions and figure out which festival, movie or super star is talked about. It is the only one whose first day is also a solar term(节气). Not only is it a period to honor the dead, it is also time for people to go out and enjoy nature. Flying kites is an activity favored by many people during the festival. It is on the fifth day of May in the lunar calendar. It is a tradition to eating Zongzi and row Dragon boat race. It is in memory of Quyuan. In the past it was known as the Chinese Valentine’s Day. It marks the end of Spring Festival celebration. It is a tradition to visit lantern fair, guess riddles and watch dragon dance. It is a romantic movie. It is about a young man and a girl’s growth process. We have watched it together. It’s a work of Marvel(漫威). The main character is a superhero. It’s about a man who got bitten by a spider and got superpower. It’s a Japanese animated film, which is directed by Gong Qijun. It’s about a girl who went through many difficulties to save her parents. The girl’s name is Qian. He is a short distance runner. He broke the Asia sprint record in 2021Toyko Olympic. He has a muscular hip. He is an American basketball player. The spirit of the mamba inspired many people. The number of his sports shirt is 24. She is a tennis player. She was born in Wuhan and graduated from Huang Zhong university of science and technology. She is the first Asian athlete officially inducted into Hall of Fame. Answers: Qingming festival/Tomb sweeping Day, Dragon boat festival, Chinese Lantern festival《Flipped》,《Spider-Man》 ,《Spirited away》,Su Bingtian, Kobe Bryant, Li Na Task5 Interview each other about preference. Use the sentence patterns and the materials we learned to interview each other about the preferences for music types, festivals, movies, and sports star and ask for the reasons. Task 6 Speech contest Use the framework to make a speech to share your favorite music, festival, movie or sports star with us. Let students listen and make complete sentences. Students are divided into three group to listen again and write down the sentence patterns. Learn a tip—paraphrase. Practice the tip. By doing a guessing game, students can get some basic knowledge about festivals, movies and sports stars. Using the sentence patterns to interview each other about preferences. Using the framework to make a speech. To get the main idea of the conversation To learn how to ask preferences and reasons. To guide students to understand paraphrase and how to use it in listening and reading. Practice listening for deeper information. To offer students some basic information and prepare them for the speaking part. To practice the sentence patterns. To further train their spoken English.
课堂小结 Summary: 1. Enjoy different music types. 2.Listening and make complete sentences. 3.Figure out sentence patterns. 4.Paraphrase 5.Guessing game 6. Interview 7. Speech contest Homework: Write a letter to Li hua to recommend your favorite music/festivals/movies/or sports star. Students listen to the tape to get the idea, summarize useful sentence patterns and use the knowledge and skills in daily conversation. To train their listening and speaking ability .


