外研版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 3 The world of Science Using language教学设计(表格式)

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外研版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 3 The world of Science Using language教学设计(表格式)


新外研版高中英语必修3 Book 3 Unit 3
课时名称 Book 3 Unit 3 Using language (Grammar +Vocabulary)
主题语境 人与社会——科技发展、人类生活的变化
语篇类型 Grammar +Vocabulary
授课时长 一个课时(40分钟)
教学内容分析及信息结构图 语法部分的语段介绍了在未来的 80年 3D 技术将给生活带来的变化,教师通过带领学生了解 3D 技术在未来将给人类生活带来的变化,在真实语境中对现在完成时的被动语态进行进一步理解和初步运用。词汇部分通过介绍不同领域的著名科学家及其成就,帮助学生了解科技领域中的相关职业。
学情分析 学生通过之前的学习,对现在完成时have/has done已经有所了解,但对现在完成时的被动语态句子结构及用法不太熟悉。在教学过程中,要先让学生在发现中学习,教师再引导学生进行总结,加深对语法结构have/has been done结构的理解。
课时教学目标 1. 能够在教师的引导下,复习并运用现在完成时的被动语态。 2. 学习并运用话题词汇介绍各个领域的科学家及其成就。 3. 听懂与日常生活中的发明有关的一般性话题内容。 4. 运用所学语言知识介绍自己对科技领域的兴趣。
教学重点、难点 1. 引导学生熟悉并运用现在完成时的被动语态。 2. 引导学生通过阅读材料和听录音了解每一项发明背后的故事,激发学生对科技小发明产生兴趣。 3. 引导学生通过文字和音频的学习,了解日常生活中的发明创造,加深对主题的理解,提高语言应用的能力。
教学策略 交际教学法、任务型教学法
教学手段 PPT; Multimedia
Teaching Procedure Note: T(老师),Ss(学生),Iw(个人活动), Pw(同桌互动), Gw(小组集体活动), Cw(班级体活动)
Teaching Steps Activity Level Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Assessment
Step 1 Iw/Cw 1. T asks Ss to read the sentences in the left column in Activity 1 and pay attention to the boldfaced words. 2. T asks the Ss to read questions 1&2 and think about the relationship between subject and verb. 3. T asks the Ss to read the sentences in two groups, and compare the differences between them. 4. T asks the Ss to rewrite the sentences in the passage using present perfect passive and experience their differences. 1. Ss review present perfect passive. 2. Ss finish Activity 1 on textbook. Find the basic structures of present perfect passive and make a conclusion according to the rule.
设计意图 开门见山引导学生本节课语法内容,训练学生自主学习能力。通过对比的学习技巧让学生充分理解现在完成时被动语态的知识点。
Step 2 Iw T gives the task in Activity 2 and offers help. 1. Ss read the paragraph and grasp the main idea. 2. Ss use the present perfect passive to rewrite the underlined parts. 3. Ss discuss the development of 3D printing in groups. Use language in the real situation.
设计意图 进一步训练学生在阅读文本中找到现在完成时被动语态的结构。并且通过训练改写句子,让学生更加深刻理解和运用现在完成时被动语态。
Step 3 Iw/Gw 1. T asks Ss to look at the pictures and get to know what happened in the lab. 2. T introduces some words related to the chemistry lab and experiment. 3. T asks Ss to do a role play and use the present perfect passive where appropriate to tell the police the damage and loss in the lab. 1. Ss look at the pictures and get to know what happened in the lab. 2. Ss get to know some words related to the chemistry lab and experiment. 3. Ss do a role play and tell the police the damage and loss in the lab with using the present perfect passive where appropriate. Use the present perfect passive in the context.
设计意图 通过实际语境训练,帮助学生理解本课语法点,有助于实际应用。
Step 4 Iw 1. T asks Ss to look at the pictures in the left column and say something about these careers. 2. T asks Ss to name the famous scientists in these field. Ss work in pairs. Talk about different careers in science and some famous scientists in this field. Practice oral English according to the theme of this unit.
设计意图 帮助学生提高自主学习能力,以便更好地掌握单词和短语。
Step 5 Iw/Gw 1. T asks the Ss to read the introductions about different scientists and complete these introductions with the words in Activity 4. 2. T asks the Ss to pay attention to the language that describes their careers. 3. T asks the Ss to pick up their favorite scientist and introduce the scientist to his partner. 4. T asks some students to make presentations and exchange their ideas. 1. Ss read the introductions about different scientists and complete them with the words in Activity 4. 2. Ss pick out their favorite scientist and introduce the scientist to their partners. 3. Some Ss make presentations and exchange their ideas. Practise the words related to the theme of this unit.
设计意图 训练学生于实际文中运用本课新词,使其印象深刻,便于记忆和准确适用单词。
Step 6 Iw/Cw T asks the Ss to think about other careers in science and discuss what interests them most. Ss think about other careers in science and exchange ideas about the career which interests them most. Use language in the real situation.
设计意图 通过设置情景,锻炼学生口语表达能力,同时也再次使学生对本课单词、词组加深印象,更流利地使用。
板书设计 Unit 3 The world of science Present perfect passive have/has done have/has been done
案例解析 语法部分内容教师通过引导学生自己去发现并总结现在完成时被动语态的使用规律。先请学生阅读第一组句子,关注粗体部分,然后回答问题1和2,帮助学生理清粗体部分和主语之间的逻辑关系。通过对比两组例句,讨论问题3 和4,教师引导学生发现两组例句的不同特点(主动语态和被动语态),然后讨论为什么课文中用被动语态来替代主动语态。教师应鼓励学生在课文或其他阅读材料中找出更多含有现在完成时被动语态的句子。词汇部分教师要引导学生复习本单元所学习的话题词汇,并学习科技领域中更多不同的职业名称。


