
  1. 二一教育资源



Sir(爵士)Keir Starmer has given his first speech as the new UK prime minister (PM 首相). He said his government would rebuild hope and opportunity in the UK "brick-by-brick"(一步一个脚印)and would show people that "politics can be a force for good." "Our country has voted 1.______ (decisive) for change and a return of politics to public service," he said.
This morning former prime minster Rishi Sunak gave his final speech outside 10 Downing Street before 2._____ (hand) over to Sir Keir.
Sir Keir Starmer 3._____ (begin) his speech by thanking former prime minister Rishi Sunak, saying that his 4.______ (achieve) in becoming the 5._____ (one) British-Asian PM of this country should not be "underestimated by anyone", and recognised the "dedication and hard work" he brought to the job.
He also spoke about 6._____he sees as a gap in trust between people and politicians, leading to "weariness (疲倦) in the heart of a nation". He added that "this lack of trust can only 7._____ (heal) by actions not words".
"We can make a start today with a simple acknowledgement that public service is a privilege and your government should treat every single person in the country 8.____ respect."
Mr Starmer also spoke about improving schools and building 9._____ (afford) homes - things that "working class families like mine can build their lives around".
He ended by saying that his government would fight until voters "believe again", adding that change would take time, 10._____ that the "work is urgent and we begin it today".
1.decisively2.handing3.began4.achievement5.first6.what7.be healed8.with9.affordable10.but
China’s new large amphibious aircraft – the biggest in the world – has gone into batch production and final assembly, state news agency Xinhua reported.The plane, known 1 the AG600, is designed for maritime patrols and search and rescue operations. From the southern island province of Hainan, it could reach any location in the South China Sea within four hours 2 it could be used for cargo or passenger transport between islands, according to state media.Its 3 (develop), the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), told Xinhua on Tuesday that the front assembly for the first batch-produced AG600 4 (deliver) on June 30.It said the delivery of the plane’s front section – which took three months 5 (make) – marked the start of batch production of the aircraft.Final assembly of the amphibious plane will 6 (do) in the southern city of Zhuhai, in Guangdong province, by AVIC subsidiary AVIC General Huanan Aircraft Industry Co, Xinhua reported.The AG600 was developed to meet 7 (grow) demand for an emergency rescue aircraft 8 could be used in maritime searches. Work started on the plane in 2014, with maiden flights 9 (conduct) over land in 2017 and at sea in 2020, according to state media reports. Airworthiness tests began this year. China is trying to develop 10 (many) home-grown aircraft – like the AG600, the Y-20 large transport plane and the C919 single-aisle passenger jet – under a government plan to upgrade production equipment across industries through 2027.
1. as 2. and 3. developer 4. was delivered 5. to make 6. be
7. growing 8. that/ which 9. conducted 10. more
Astray was subsequently disqualified from the 1. (compete), with the director of Creative Resource Collective, Lily Fierman, 2. (explain) in a statement to CNN that “each category has distinct criteria that entrants’ images must meet… we don’t want to prevent other artists 3. their shot at winning in the AI category.”
Fierman said there’s “no hard feelings,” and that their team plans 4. (work) with Astray to publish a conversation around the state of AI-generated images, using his entry as 5. “jumping-off point.”
“We hope this will raise awareness (and send a message of hope) to other photographers who are worried about AI,” she added. Creative Resource Collective did not comment on 6. their AI and non-AI photography categories are judged and vetted.
As for the flamingo, Astray emphasized it was a serendipitous moment, not 7. that he sought out. “I was not actively looking for a picture 8. would work for this stunt,” he explained to CNN. “Rather, the idea had been roaming in some remote corner of my mind, more subconsciously than consciously I think, and when I 9. (see) this picture, it surfaced. It is simply the perfect shot for this because the scene is so 10. (real) and for such a simple, natural reason: a flamingo scratching its belly.”
competition2.explaining3.from4.to work5.a


