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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How is the man feeling
A. Excited. B. Relaxed. C. Anxious.
2. What does the woman recommend
A. A nearer bank. B. A less expensive cafe. C. A better place for sightseeing.
3. Where are the speakers
A. In a boat. B. On a plane. C. On a mountain.
4. What should the man do first
A. Fry the vegetables.
B. Mix the flour and water.
C. Take the chicken out of the fridge.
5. What time is it now
A.20:30. B.21:00. C.21:30.
6. Where has the woman found the report
A. On the desk. B. On the floor C. On the bookshelf.
7. What will the woman do first
A. Send a report. B. Clean her room. C. Buy a new desk.
8. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Teacher and student. B. Mother and son. C. Fellow workers.
9. What industry does the woman probably work in
A. Fashion. B. Technology. C. Food service.
10. What will the man do next
A. Write an email. B. Shop for shirts. C. Go to the cafeteria.
11. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Food. B. Restaurants. C. Foreign countries.
12. What is the woman’s nationality
A. American. B. Italian. C. Chinese.
13. Why do many Westerners have health problems according to the man
A. They lack exercise.
B. They eat too much fat and sugar.
C. They eat in restaurants too often.
14. What does the man’s father do for a living
A. He is a cook. B. He is a doctor. C. He is a medical typist.
15. What does the man think of his mother’s job
A. It is boring. B. It is helpful. C. It is meaningless.
16. How often does the woman get paid
A. Once a month. B. Every three weeks. C. Every two weeks.
17. What was the most important reason for the woman choosing the job
A. To study medicine.
B. To take care of patients.
C. To balance work and family.
18. How did Yu Chen stand out from his competitors at the interview
A. He did better on the technology tests.
B. He had more work experience.
C. He had a better degree:
19. Why is Annabel working from home today
A. She is sick.
B. She has just had a baby.
C. She has to take care of her child.
20. Where does Alison work
A. From home. B. In the office. C. A mix of the two.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Win a seven-night trip to ST KITTS for two
With 18 miles of green mountains and one of the world’s only expanding rainforests, St Kitts is a Caribbean destination with a unique flavor. Its location between the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea gives its beaches distinctively different colors, from attractive golden to volcanic black. Visitors can zip line (滑索)above the rainforest for a thrilling adventure, ride the ‘Last Railway in the West Indies’, discover the UNESCO-listed Brimstone Hill Fortress and even become a Kittitian rum(朗姆酒) master. Enjoy it all from the island’s premier luxury resort, Park Hyatt St Kitts Christophe Harbor, where guests can take a dip in one of two swimming pools, relax in the stylish spa, dine in a choice of three symbolic restaurants and sip a cocktail while taking in sunset views of neighboring Nevis,
The winner and a guest will enjoy a seven-night stay in a double room at Park Hyatt St Kitts on a room-only basis. The prize includes return economy British Airways flights from Gatwick and return airport transfers in St Kitts. The tour operator Inspiring Travel offers concierge-style (礼宾)service and 24/7 support while on the go.
Answer the following question online at /uk/competitions
Competition closes on 31 March 2024. The winner must be a UK resident and aged 18 or over.
21. What can we know about the destination
A. The colour of the beaches is attractive golden.
B. Guests can experience a thrilling adventure of zipping line.
C. Park Hyatt St Kitts Christophe Harbour is far from the island.
D. Travelers can admire the most amazing sunset view there.
22. Which is not included in the prize
A. A seven-night stay in a double room at Park Hyatt St Kitts.
B. Daily meals during the stay at Park Hyatt St Kitts.
C. Concierge-style service and 24/7 support.
D. Roundtrip economy British Airways flights from Gatwick.
23. According to the passage, who has the qualification to win
A. Tom, an American interested in the natural scenery.
B. Jerry, a Chinese teenager who loves travelling.
C. Lucy, who signed up on 1 April, 2024.
D. Rebaca, a 19-year-old British girl.
A 13-year-old boy, Jonathan Werner, is breaking a new path when it comes to the Scout(童子军) slogan “Do a Good Turn Daily”. The boy in Troop 506 has got an unusual high rank for someone that age.
Like many troops, 506 sells popcorn each fall to raise money. In 2019, Jonathan watched as kids who’d made $1,800 or more in sales received a Lego set as a reward. “I really wanted that Lego set,” he says.
The next year, he earned his Legos. But Troop 506 doesn’t just give out Lego sets. Under its generous reward program, scouts receive a percentage of their sales in gift cards and cash points. Inspired, Jonathan spent the next few years developing some astonishing tricks for selling.
Popcorn too expensive A simple donation would do. No cash Credit cards were acceptable. He set up in front of local stores, working 12-hour a day. During the pandemic, he even struck a deal with a car dealer: In all his sales efforts, he’d wear a mask with the company’s logo if the owner would buy popcorn for all his employees.
Jonathan started pulling down jaw-dropping numbers. In 2021, he earned $46,193.75in sales. He might have spent much on himself, but he had other ideas. Popcorn season closes in late November, and the holidays were on his mind—particularly the stories his father, Steve Kolk, had told him about his own days in foster (寄养)care.
“They didn’t really have Christmas,” Jonathan says. With $5,000, he could bring Christmas to a lot of kids. He shifted from big seller to big spender, hand-selecting $5,000worth of gifts for dozens of kids according to their personal details. Each present must be hand-wrapped. And no kid should get just one gift. If you weren’t unwrapping at least two packages, you weren’t getting the real Christmas-morning experience that his father never had.
The next year he strengthened his efforts, achieving a higher aim in sales and spending more on gifts. “It really makes me happy,” he says, “the feeling that I’m making those kids happy on Christmas.”
24. What originally motivated Jonathan to sell more popcorn
A. Making money for Lego sets.
B. Being persuaded by scout kids.
C. Desiring a toy he dreamed about.
D. Receiving gift cards and cash points.
25. What is paragraph 4 mainly about
A. Challenges Jonathan met in sales.
B. Help that the car dealer provided.
C. Marketing strategies Jonathan used.
D. The role the reward program played.
26. Why did Jonathan turn into a big spender over Christmas
A. He hoped the kids could experience a real Christmas.
B. His father suggested he should pay it forward.
C. He had earned enough money to spend on gifts.
D. A scout should do this during popcorn closing season.
27. Which of the following can best describe Jonathan
A. Determined, caring. B. Generous, cautious.
C. Confident, economical. D. Modest, optimistic.
Anyone who has left that spark of joy when a favourite song comes on the radio at just the right moment—or wept along with a singer who is expressing heartache—will understand the emotional resonance(共鸣)of music. But now, a growing body of scientific evidence is actually demonstrating that music can be medicine, too.
In a review of 400 research papers looking into the neurochemistry of music, Daniel Levitin, a psychologist and neuroscientist in Montreal, found that playing and listening to music had clear mental and physical health benefits.
One 2007 study from a team of Spanish researchers found that listening to music before surgery had the same effect in reducing pre-operative anxiety as taking diazepam (安定)—an important finding, as anxiety before a major surgery can affect post-operative pain and recovery time. Another Spanish study, conducted in 2018, found that patients participating in a music-therapy(疗法) programme experienced significant decreases in tiredness, anxiety and breathing difficulties, as well as an increase in feelings of well-being.
The Centre for Music and Medicine in Baltimor is taking music into the “precision medicine”(精准医疗) field. The Center is the brainchild of Dr Alexander Pantelyat, who specialises in movement disorders like Parkinson’s. Applying this kind of treatment to movement disorders is relatively new; previously, it was mainly the field of cancer therapies. Pantelyat explains, “Amazingly there is an understanding in the field of music medicine that there can be tailored interventions using music that a person actually likes, that speaks to them culturally, personally or autobiographically.”
Kerry Devlin, the Centre’s senior music therapist, says there (can be folks experiencing intensive symptoms, like a decline in their ability to verbally communicate. Music, she notes, can sometimes help such patients find ways to respond again. “I’ve had the honour of making music with people and all of a sudden they’re coming up with new words. It turns into this beautiful unexpected moment. It’s a powerful thing to witness someone find themselves again for a moment, and a song is the vehicle for that shift.”
28. What can be learnt about music from paragraph 1
A. It merely brings happiness to people.
B. It can indeed serve as a form of therapy.
C. It is mainly used for entertainment purposes.
D. Its emotional resonance isn’t supported scientifically.
29. How does listening to music affect patients according to researchers
A. They can soon recover as well as before.
B. They don’t need to take medicine before an operation.
C. They feel less energetic, anxious and breathless.
D. They have their worry greatly reduced before an operation.
30. What is special about music therapy according to Pantelyat
A. It is a brand new therapy method.
B. It can be flexibly personalized.
C. It applies to movement disorders all along.
D. It plays a main role in cancer treatment.
31. What can be inferred from Kerry Devlin’s words
A. Everyone can benefit from music.
B. The music moment is powerful.
C. Music may help improve the weakened speech.
D. Songs can guarantee the speech recovery.
China is likely to become the first country to bring Martian soil back to Earth in an ambitious science and engineering attempt. The nation plans to collect Martian samples and then bring them back to Earth around 2030 via a historic mission named Tianwen 3.
If everything goes according to plan, the samples could become the first to be returned to Earth from Mars, and will help scientists look for traces of life on Mars, learn more about the planet’s geology (地质学) and inner structures, and understand its atmospheric cycles.
Yang Yuguang, a senior space industry observer and vice-chair of the International Astronautical Federation’s Space Transportation Committee, said on Friday that no one has ever attempted to bring samples back from Mars because it would be an extremely sophisticated procedure.
“First, anyone who wishes to get back Martian soil needs to, in the first place, take to the planet a craft which can lift off from the Martian surface to send samples to Martian orbit, and that means such a craft must be large enough to contain engines and propellants(推进剂).
“And landing a large craft safely on the Martian surface would be exceptionally challenging, considering the fact that landing on Mars is far more difficult than a lunar landing due to the complex atmosphere surrounding Mars,” he said.
Even if the craft could land on Mars and it could lift off, Yang said that a new challenge would follow—how to guide it to carry out an accurate meeting and docking with the orbiter (轨道飞行器) flying around the planet to wait for samples.
“In our lunar sample-return missions, the most complicated part was the in-orbit meeting and docking between the sample-carrying craft and the orbiter, and that operation at least had Earth-based telemetry (遥控技术) and other types of technical support. By comparison, there will be virtually no technical assistance in the same process taking place in Martian orbit due to the very long distance,” the expert explained.
32. What do we know about the Martian mission named Tianwen 3
A. It is the third space mission of China.
B. Its main goal is to bring Martian soil back to earth.
C. The samples can help reveal the Earth’s geology.
D. No country will bring samples back from Mars before it.
33. What does the underlined word “sophisticated” mean in paragraph 3
A. Experienced. B. Threatening. C. Astonishing. D. Complicated.
34. According to the passage, which of the following about the mission is true
A. A large craft is needed to send samples to the earth.
B. Safe landing on Mars is difficult due to lack of air.
C. The in-orbit meeting and docking is the most challenging part.
D. Technical support is available to reduce its difficulty.
35. Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A. China Plans Mission to Bring Martian Soil to Earth
B. China Brought Samples Back via a Historic Mission “Tianwen 3”
C. The Complexity of Bringing Martian Samples Back to Earth
D. The Technical Support Taking Place in Martian Orbit
How To Kick The Habit of Eating Processed Foods For Good
Basically, we all need a total sweetness reset in everything that we consume. “What I advocate is making small changes to your behaviours and reducing the amount of sugar in your diet systematically,” says Avena. “ 36 People who go cold turkey (突然戒除)may experience headaches, anxiety , sleeplessness and intense cravings”.
Follow these expert-approved tips to get you on the right track:
·DO avoid processed foods. “Avoiding processed foods greatly reduce risk for obesity and other diseases,” says Van Horn. Processed foods tend to be items that include ten or more ingredients, often with some you can’t find in your kitchen. 37
·DO read food labels. It’s important to read ingredient lists carefully and watch for different names of sugar. “There are 50-plus names for sugar,” says McBurnett. “It can get very confusing.” 38 And when you’re scanning the nutrition facts panel, a daily value (DV) of added sugar is acceptable between 5 percent and 20 percent.
· 39 Naturally occurring sugars found in milk, fruits and vegetables, are nutritious. All this isn’t to say that you will never again enjoy another slice of birthday cake or an ice-cold drink at the cinema. Your goal doesn’t have to be going completely sugar-free.
“Maybe you just want to get to a point where you feel you are at a comfortable level of consumption-as if you’re in control,” says Avena. “ 40 ”
A. DON’T avoid everything sweet.
B. DO refuse all the processed foods.
C. As a general rule, if it’s an ingredient that ends in ose, it’s sugar.
D. Some researches has linked processed foods to negative health outcomes.
E. Instead, healthy foods are usually the whole foods you can prepare at home.
F. Doing this slowly, over time, is the best approach to avoiding withdrawal symptoms.
G. But over time, consuming less added sugar is bound to actually make your life sweeter.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
Bunny Shaw collects all the old football boots her Manchester City teammates don’t want. As Jamaica’s top goal scorer, she can easily 41 any boots she wants, but she knows that many young Jamaicans don’t have money, so whenever she goes back, she 42 those top-quality secondhand boots as 43 in local female football competitions.
Born in 1997 in Spanish Town, Khadija Shaw was the youngest of 13 children. One of her older brothers used “Bunny” as her 44 . She loved watching him play football on the street. “A lot of people would gather and 45 on who was going to win,” Shaw 46 . “I thought, I wanted to be a part of that!” So she 47 them.
Her parents weren’t 48 , who valued their kids’ education very much. Her mother in particular thought football was a 49 of time. In Jamaica there were no women’s teams. “But I wanted to play football.” said Shaw, who dreamed of competing in the sport’s greatest 50 . So she’d play while her mother was out until she was 51 at age 14 for Jamaica Under 15s Team. Her father— 52 Bunny’s mother that it would be a valuable experience for their daughter.
Bunny Shaw was on her way. She made the national team in 2015. When the Jamaican national team is 53 for the 2019 Women’s World Cup after beating Panama, Shaw’s. 54 was realized. “When I 55 where I was then and where I am now, I’m proud of myself.” says Jamaica’s top goal scorer.
41. A. share B. afford C. exchange D. command
42. A. sells B. buys C. requires D. presents
43. A. medals B. prizes C. punishments D. challenges
44. A. nickname B. title C. honor D. gift
45. A. decided B. called C. bet D. insisted
46. A. recalls B. confirms C. admits D. declares
47. A. rejected B. praised C. joined D. admired
48. A. disappointed B. annoyed C. concerned D. delighted
49. A. waste B. matter C. lack D. sign
50. A. ceremony B. tournament C. gym D. practice
51. A. removed B. adopted C. selected D. appreciated
52. A. convinced B. ordered C. inquired D. forced
53. A. trapped B. qualified C. prepared D. trained
54. A. belief B. game C. success D. dream
55. A. look up to B. look forward to C. look back on D. look out for
African History
Africans are the most diverse people in the world. Perhaps this has a connection with the fact that they are the earliest humans, 56. it has been proven that humans adapt 57. the different environments they find themselves in over time as they migrate.
Before the arrival of the Europeans, Africans had already travelled to other parts of the world in 58.
(variety) “human migration” waves, and many findings give us an insight into the way of life of much earlier societies.
Ancient Africans were pioneers of early civilization, 59. can be proved with the evidence that early African s societies excelled in 1 fields such as s engineering, mathematics, writing even navigation.
Some great African civilizations such as the Great Benin Empire, Ancient Egypt, had a highly 60.
(organize) society, which was developed, 61. (stand) out in trade and grew stronger in culture.
Sadly, Africa’s 62. (contribute),which parallel global developments, are often undercredited.
The abundance of the rich natural resources of Africa soon led to avarice (贪婪) on the part of the Europeans, 63. (result) in a mad scramble for Africa’s resources, including her people. Between 11 and 15 million Africans 64. (ship) overseas and sold into slavery. Over the years, the wars have become into a more complex and complicated problem.
Today, most of the conflicts have ceased. The continent is gradually taking 65. (it) place in the committee of nations.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Karie double-checked the words on her spelling test. If she got 100 percent today, she’d win her class’s First-quarter Spelling Challenge and a brand new dictionary that came with videos and other cool stuff.
Two more words to go. O-u-i-c-k-l-y, H-o-n-e-s-t-y. Wait! She’d spelled honesty, not honestly! She erased the t-y and wrote l-y before handing in her paper. “I’ll correct these while you’re at the break,” Ms Smith said.
After the break, Karie hurried into the classroom. She sat restlessly in her seat, tapping her pencil.
Ms Smith walked to the front of the roomm and cleared her throat. “Congratulations, Karie! You did it!” she announced. The whole class erupted! Ms. Smith presented Karie with her prize. Karie smiled broadly as she read the note on the dictionary:
To Kaire, for her perfect first-quarter score in spelling.
“Everything OK ” Mom asked as Karie burst through the front door after school. “Everything’s PERFECT!” Karie shouted, showing Mom her spelling test and prize. Mom hugged her. “Put the test on the fridge so Dad can see it when he gets home.” Karie took another look at the test paper before putting it on the fridge. Her hands stopped in the mid air. The last word was wrongly spelt as H-O-N-E-S-L-Y with a “t” missing. She squeezed the test paper into her backpack.
“Karie, what’s the matter ” asked Mom. “I don’t feel so good,” Karie said. “Probably too much excitement.” Mom rubbed her back. “How about some tea ” Karie swallowed. “How do you know A “ ” is exactly what I needed.”
Karie dragged herself to her bed after some tea. How could she tell the whole class she didn’t deserve the prize
Karie opened her backpack and pulled out the test paper. Ms Smith n was S unlocking the classroom door when Karie got to school the next morning.
1-5.CBACA 6-10.BACBA 11-15.ACBAB 16-20.CCACB
41-45 BDBAC 46-50 ACDAB 51-55 CABDC 56.and 57.to 58.various/varied 59.which
60 organized 61.stood 62 contributions 63.resulting 64.were shipped 65.its
Use the Internet Wisely
Nowadays, some of our schoolmates have fallen into the trap of overusing the internet. They spend countless hours on social media, gaming, or watching videos, and even rely on the internet to do daily homework, posing potential risks to their health and study. This worrying trend needs our attention
In my view, while the internet is a valuable resource for learning and entertainment, it should be used wisely Overuse can lead to isolation and academic decline due to addiction and distractions. To tackle this issue, I suggest setting a time limit on internet usage and engaging in more face-to-face interactions.
By doing so, we can enjoy the benefits of the internet without letting it control our lives. Let’s be smart users of the internet.
Karie opened her backpack and pulled out the test paper. “If I put the missing “t” back in, no one would ever know,” Karie thought to herself. She was about to pick up her pencil when Dad came in. “Where’s your spelling test paper, sweetheart ” Dad asked, gazing at her eagerly. Karie gulped before trying to answer. “I...,” she handed the test paper unwillingly to her dad. When Dad was admiring the perfect 100 on the paper, he spotted “honesly”. Dad frowned, “Probably you don’t deserve the prize.” “Honesty is not only about telling the truth, it is also about living truthfully,” Dad continued. “This means being true to our values and principles, even when no one is watching,” Karie soon understood what she should do.
Ms. Smith was unlocking the classroom door when Karie got to school the next morning. “You’re an early bird,” Ms Smith smiled at her. Hands slightly trembling, Karie gave Ms. Smith her test paper as well as the dictionary. Karie confessed her spelling mistake in the test, a pink flush spreading over her cheeks. “I see.” Ms Smith pushed open the door. “Come in and sit down, Karie.” For a moment, Ms. Smith stood quietly, reading the note on the dictionary. Then she picked up a pen, crossed out the word “perfect” and wrote “honest” before handing the prize back to Karie. Karie’s jaw dropped “I get to keep this Honestly ” “For honesly, no.” Ms Smith smiled. “But for honesty, yes.”


